992 resultados para luto primordial


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Le cannabis produit de nombreux effets psychologiques et physiologiques sur le corps humain. Les molécules contenues dans cette plante, désignées comme « phytocannabinoïdes », activent un système endogène qu’on appelle le système endocannabinoïde (eCB). Les effets de la consommation de cannabis sur la vision ont déjà été décrits sans cependant de formulation sur les mécanismes sous-jacents. Ces résultats comportementaux suggèrent, malgré tout, la présence de ce système eCB dans le système visuel, et particulièrement dans la rétine. Cette thèse vise donc à caractériser l’expression, la localisation et le rôle du système eCB dans la rétine du singe vervet, une espèce animale ayant un système visuel semblable à celui de l’humain. Nous avons mis au point un protocole expérimental d’immunohistochimie décrit dans l’article apparaissant dans l’Annexe I que nous avons utilisé pour répondre à notre objectif principal. Dans une première série de quatre articles, nous avons ainsi caractérisé l’expression et la localisation de deux récepteurs eCBs reconnus, les récepteurs cannabinoïdes de type 1 (CB1R) et de type 2 (CB2R), et d’un 3e présumé récepteur aux cannabinoïdes, le récepteur GPR55. Dans l’article 1, nous avons démontré que CB1R et une enzyme clé de ce système, la fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), sont exprimés dans les parties centrale et périphérique de la rétine, et abondamment présents dans la fovéa, une région où l’acuité visuelle est maximale. Dans l’article 2, nous avons localisé le CB2R dans des cellules gliales de la rétine : les cellules de Müller et nous avons proposé un modèle sur l’action de cette protéine dans la fonction rétinienne faisant appel à une cascade chimique impliquant les canaux potassiques. Dans l’article 3, nous avons observé le GPR55 exclusivement dans les bâtonnets qui sont responsables de la vision scotopique et nous avons soumis un deuxième modèle de fonctionnement de ce récepteur par le biais d'une modulation des canaux calciques et sodiques des bâtonnets. Vu que ces 3 récepteurs se retrouvent dans des cellules distinctes, nous avons suggéré leur rôle primordial dans l’analyse de l’information visuelle au niveau rétinien. Dans l’article 4, nous avons effectué une analyse comparative de l’expression du système eCB dans la rétine de souris, de toupayes (petits mammifères insectivores qui sont sont considérés comme l’étape intermédiaire entre les rongeurs et les primates) et de deux espèces de singe (le vervet et le rhésus). Ces résultats nous ont menés à présenter une hypothèse évolutionniste quant à l’apparition et à la fonction précise de ces récepteurs. Dans les articles subséquents, nous avons confirmé notre hypothèse sur le rôle spécifique de ces trois récepteurs par l’utilisation de l’électrorétinographie (ERG) après injection intravitréenne d’agonistes et d’antagonistes de ces récepteurs. Nous avons conclu sur leur influence indéniable dans le processus visuel rétinien chez le primate. Dans l’article 5, nous avons établi le protocole d’enregistrement ERG normalisé sur le singe vervet, et nous avons produit un atlas d’ondes ERG spécifique à cette espèce, selon les règles de l’International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV). Les patrons électrorétinographiques se sont avérés semblables à ceux de l’humain et ont confirmé la similarité entre ces deux espèces. Dans l’article 6, nous avons démontré que le blocage de CB1R ou CB2R entraine une modification de l’électrorétinogramme, tant au niveau photopique que scotopique, ce qui supporte l’implication de ces récepteurs dans la modulation des ondes de l’ERG. Finalement, dans l’article 7, nous avons confirmé le modèle neurochimique proposé dans l’article 3 pour expliquer le rôle fonctionnel de GPR55, en montrant que l’activation ou le blocage de ce récepteur, respectivement par un agoniste (lysophosphatidylglucoside, LPG) ou un antagoniste (CID16020046), entraine soit une augmentation ou une baisse significative de l’ERG scotopique seulement. Ces données, prises ensemble, démontrent que les récepteurs CB1R, CB2R et GPR55 sont exprimés dans des types cellulaires bien distincts de la rétine du singe et ont chacun un rôle spécifique. L’importance de notre travail se manifeste aussi par des applications cliniques en permettant le développement de cibles pharmacologiques potentielles dans le traitement des maladies de la rétine.


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Projet de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et des Sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option stage en intervention.


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The study is entitled “HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN KERALA”. The concept “Human Resource Development” is of high value in business and industry and has been used and applied since years. In industry and business the 'human' element is considred as a resource and hence its development and protection is very essential and inevitable. Of all the factors of production, human resource is the only factor having rational faculty and therefore, it must be handled with utmost care. Right recruitment, right training and right induction followed by faultless monitoring and welfare measures are but decisive factors in business and industry. Altogether there is a constant attention up on human factor there. But this is not a practice at all in education. So far there has not been any such measure of care and close watch and performance analysis of human resource on education front. This may be the main reason for lack of accountability in the sphere of education. The present study reveals the importance of introducing HRD practices in higher educational institutions in Kerala. In order to promise human capital formation through education, it is basic requirement. The higher educational institutions must follow the method of industry and commerce because education can be treated as an industry in service sector. There also we can follow the methods of right recruitment, right training and promotion, delegation, performance analysis and accountability checking of human resource. HRD is a powerful idea of transformation of human being into highly productive and contributing factor The HRD of students is the sum total of HRD of teachers. Reminding the primordial usage 'Yatha Raja Thadha Praja’ the quality of faculty resembles in students. The quality of administrative staff in colleges also affects the quality of higher education. Hence, it is high time to introduce the managerial method of HRD with all its paraphernalia in higher educational institutions so as to assure proper human capital formation in higher education in India.


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The study is entitled “HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN KERALA”. The concept “Human Resource Development” is of high value in business and industry and has been used and applied since years. In industry and business the ‘human’ element is considred as a resource and hence its development and protection is very essential and inevitable. Of all the factors of production, human resource is the only factor having rational faculty and therefore, it must be handled with utmost care. Right recruitment, right training and right induction followed by faultless monitoring and welfare measures are but decisive factors in business and industiy. Altogether there is a constant attention up on human factor there. But this is not a practice at all in education. So far there has not been any such measure of care and close watch and performance analysis of human resource on education front. This may be the main reason for lack of accountability in the sphere of education. The present study reveals the importance of introducing HRD practices in higher educational institutions in Kerala. In order to promise human capital formation through education, it is basic requirement. The higher educational institutions must follow the method of industry and commerce because education can be treated as an industry in service sector. There also we can follow the methods of right recruitment, right training and promotion, delegation, performance analysis and accountability checking of human resource. HRD is a powerful idea of transformation of human being into highly productive and contributing factor The HRD of students is the sum total of HRD of teachers. Reminding the primordial usage ‘Yatha Raja Thadha Praja’ the quality of faculty resembles in students. The quality of administrative staff in colleges also affects the quality of higher education. Hence, it is high time to introduce the managerial method of HRD with all its paraphernalia in higher educational institutions so as to assure proper human capital formation in higher education in India.


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From the point of view of rational exploitation and proper management of the fishery resources as well as for the development of intensive aquaculture of fishes through selective breeding, brood stock development, domestication and genetic improvement, a sound knowledge of reproductive biology and physiology of the candidate species is of great importance. In recent times, a wealth of information on maturity, spawning habits, spawning periodicity, spawning season, size at maturity and fecundity of commercially important fishes has been generated. Gametogenesis involves the transformation of Primordial germ cells in the gonads into specialised cells or gametes, namely ova in the female and sperms in male, through a series of complex morphological and cytological events. The formation of male gamete is known as spermatogenesis. In the female, the primary growth phase involving the formation of primary oocyte from oogonia is known as oogenesis, which would be followed by the secondary growth phase, in which considerable increase in the size of the oocyte occurs, due mainly to accumulation of yolk. This process is known as vitellogenesis, which would be followed by final maturation and ovulation of the ova. In the present work, basic aspects of maturation and spawning, salient features of gametogenesis and associated biochemical changes occurring during these processes in an important cultivable fish, Sillago sihama belonging to the family Sillaginidae have been investigated.


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By the end of the first day of embryonic development, zebrafish primordial germ cells (PGCs) arrive at the site where the gonad develops. In our study we investigated the mechanisms controlling the precision of primordial germ cell arrival at their target. We found that in contrast with our expectations which were based on findings in Drosophila and mouse, the endoderm does not constitute a preferred migration substrate for the PGCs. Rather, endoderm derivatives are important for later stages of organogenesis keeping the PGC clusters separated. It would be interesting to investigate the precise mechanism by which endoderm controls germ cell position in the gonad. In their migration towards the gonad, zebrafish germ cells follow the gradient of chemokine SDF-1a, which they detect using the receptor CXCR4b that is expressed on their membrane. Here we show that the C-terminal region of CXCR4b is responsible for down-regulation of receptor activity as well as for receptor internalization. We demonstrate that receptor molecules unable to internalize are less potent in guiding germ cells to the site where the gonad develops, thereby implicating chemokine receptor internalization in facilitating precision of migration during chemotaxis in vivo. We demonstrate that while CXCR4b activity positively regulates the duration of the active migration phases, the down-regulation of CXCR4b signalling by internalization limits the duration of this phase. This way, receptor signalling contributes to the persistence of germ cell migration, whereas receptor down-regulation enables the cells to stop and correct their migration path close to the target where germ cells encounter the highest chemokine signal. Chemokine receptors are involved in directing cell migration in different processes such as lymphocyte trafficking, cancer and in the development of the vascular system. The C-terminal domain of many chemokine receptors was shown to be essential for controlling receptor signalling and internalization. It would therefore be important to determine whether the role for receptor internalization in vivo as described here (allowing periodical corrections to the migration route) and the mechanisms involved (reducing the level of signalling) apply for those other events, too.


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In zebrafish, germ cells are responsible for transmitting the genetic information from one generation to the next. During the first cleavages of zebrafish embryonic development, a specialized part of the cytoplasm known as germ plasm, is responsible of committing four blastomeres to become the progenitors of all germ cells in the forming embryo. Much is known about how the germ plasm is spatially distributed in early stages of primordial germ cell development, a process described to be dependant on microtubules and actin. However, little is known about how the material is inherited after it reorganizes into a perinuclear location, or how is the symmetrical distribution regulated in order to ensure proper inheritance of the material by both daughter cells. It is also not clear whether there is a controlled mechanism that regulates the number of granules inherited by the daughter cells, or whether it is a random process. We describe the distribution of germ plasm material from 4hpf to 24hpf in zebrafish primordial germ cells using Vasa protein as marker. Vasa positive material appears to be conglomerate into 3 to 4 big spherical structures at 4hpf. While development progresses, these big structures become smaller perinuclear granules that reach a total number of approximately 30 at 24hpf. We investigated how this transformation occurs and how the minus-end microtubule dependent motor protein Dynein plays a role in this process. Additionally, we describe specific colocalization of microtubules and perinuclear granules during interphase and more interestingly, during all different stages of cell division. We show that distribution of granules follow what seems to be a regulated distribution: during cells division, daughter cells inherit an equal number of granules. We propose that due to the permanent colocalization of microtubular structures with germinal granules during interphase and cell division, a coordinated mechanism between these structures may ensure proper distribution of the material among daughter cells. Furthermore, we show that exposure to the microtubule-depolymerizing drug nocodazole leads to disassembly of the germ cell nuclear lamin matrix, chromatin condensation, and fusion of granules to a big conglomerate, revealing dependence of granular distribution on microtubules and proper nuclear structure.


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Autistische Phänomene haben seit ihrer Entdeckung (Kanner 1943, Asperger 1944) Wissenschaftler verschiedener Disziplinen immer wieder beschäftigt: Psychiater, Neurowissenschaftler, kognitive Psychologen, Säuglingsforscher, Evolutionspsychologen und Psychoanalytiker haben sich sowohl mit der Beschreibung des Krankheitsbildes wie auch mit den psychischen Prozessen, die bei autistischen Phänomenen vorhanden sind, befasst. Wenn man von einem globalen interdisziplinären Ergebnis der Autismus-Forschung sprechen wollte, könnte man behaupten, dass diese sich als eine Möglichkeit anbot, ein umfassenderes Verständnis für psychische Vorgänge im Allgemeinen zu entwickeln. Die Psychoanalyse als eine „Wissenschaft der Subjektivität“ (Meissner 1983) hat eine lange Tradition in der Entwicklung von Theorie- und Behandlungsansätzen entwickelt. Die kognitiv-psychologischen Untersuchungen haben sich ebenfalls ausführlich mit autistischen Phänomenen befasst. Diese Arbeit stellt einen Versuch dar, eine Fragestellung zu entwickeln, die das psychoanalytische Verständnis autistischer Phänomene mit Auffassungen kognitions-psychologischer Autoren zu verbinden und zu vergleichen sucht. Aus der Sichtweise der Psychoanalyse ist das ein Versuch, die interne bzw. narrative Kohärenz (Leuzinger-Bohleber 1995) psychoanalytischen Verständnisses durch die externe Kohärenz des interdisziplinären Dialoges mit einer anderen Wissenschaft her zu stellen. Zugrunde liegt der Versuch einer Vernetzung verschiedener Erkenntnisse im Sinne verschiedener Modelle, die sich gegenseitig bereichern können. Dem Begriff der Theory of Mind, deren Beeinträchtigung von Kognitionswissenschaftlern (Baron-Cohen 1993, 1995; Baron-Cohen et.al. 1985; Hobson 1993, 2007; Frith 1989, 2003) in der Autismusforschung als grundlegendes Merkmal betrachtet wird, werde ich die psychodynamische Betrachtung (Tustin 1972, 1995; 1981, 1989; 1991; Meltzer 1975; Bion 1962, 1992) gegenüber stellen, die eher von einer Dysfunktion projektiv-identifikatorischer Prozesse (-PI) ausgeht, die sich in einem scheinbaren Mangel an diesen Prozessen äußert. Den von Baron-Cohen entwickelten Parametern, die eine phänomenologische Betrachtung autistischer Phänomene ermöglichen, werde ich die intrapsychische und objektbezogene psychoanalytische Betrachtungsweise gegenüberstellen, die postuliert, dass die Projektive Identifizierung als psychisches Phänomen, das der unbewussten averbalen Kommunikation zugrunde liegt, in autistischen Manifestationen beeinträchtig zu sein scheint. Da die Fähigkeit, psychische Phänomene in sich selbst und in anderen wahrzunehmen, der Psyche immanenteste Eigenschaft und gerade in autistischen Phänomenen beeinträchtigt ist, kann die psychoanalytische Konzeptbildung, die sich mit der Struktur des Psychischen und deren prozesshaftem Charakter befasst, den verschiedenen Disziplinen und auch der Autismus Forschung wichtige Anregungen geben. Anhand einer Einzelfalldarstellung, aus der sich psychodynamische Hypothesen entwickelten, die zu einem psychoanalytischen Verständnis führten, versuche ich, eine gewisse Korrespondenz mit Hypothesen aus der „embodied“ kognitiven Psychologie, wie z.B. die Rolle der Projektiven Identifizierung in der Bildung einer „Theory of Mind“ und ihre Beeinträchtigung (-PI) bei autistischen Phänomenen (Mindblindness, Baron-Cohen) herzustellen.


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Livestock production contributes substantially to the livelihoods of poor rural farmers in Pakistan; strengthening pastoral communities plays an imperative role in the country’s thrive for poverty alleviation. Intestinal helminths constitute a major threat for pastoral livestock keepers in the whole country because chronic infestation leads to distinct losses in livestock productivity, particularly the growth of young animals. Synthetic anthelmintics have long been considered the only effective way of controlling this problem but high prices, side effects and chemical residues/toxicity problems, or development of resistance, lead to their very limited use in many pastoral systems. Additionally, poor pastoralists in remote areas of Pakistan hardly have access to appropriate anthelmintic drugs, which are also relatively expensive due to the long routes of transportation. The search for new and more sustainable ways of supporting livestock keepers in remote areas has given rise to studies of ethno-botanicals or traditional plant-based remedies to be used in livestock health care. Plant-based remedies are cheap or free of cost, environmentally safe and generally create no problem of drug resistance; they thus might substitute allopathic drugs. Furthermore, these remedies are easily available in remote areas and simple to prepare and/or administer. Cholistan desert is a quite poor region of Pakistan and the majority of its inhabitants are practicing a nomadic life. The region’s total livestock population (1.29 million heads) is almost twice that of the human population. Livestock husbandry is the primordial occupation of the communities and traditionally wealth assessment was based on the number of animals, especially goats and sheep, owned by an individual. Fortunately, about 60% of this desert region is richly endowed with highly adapted grasses, shrubs and trees. This natural flora has a rich heritage of scientifically unexplored botanical pharmacopoeia. Against this background, the present research project that was conducted under the umbrella of the International Center for Development and Decent Work at Kassel University, focused on a development aspect: in the Cholistan desert region it was firstly examined how pastoralists manage their livestock, which major health problems they face for the different animal species, and which of the naturally occurring plants they use for the treatment of animal diseases (Chapter 2). For this purpose, a baseline survey was carried out across five locations in Cholistan, using a structured questionnaire to collect data from 100 livestock farmers (LF) and 20 local healers (LH). Most of LF and LH were illiterate (66%; 70%). On average, LH had larger herds (109 animals) than LF (85 animals) and were more experienced in livestock husbandry and management. On average LF spent about 163 Euro per year on the treatment of their livestock, with a huge variability in expenditures. Eighty-six traditional remedies based on 64 plants belonging to 43 families were used. Capparaceae was the botanical family with the largest number of species used (4), followed by Chenopodiaceae, Poaceae, Solanaceae and Zygophyllaceae (3). The plants Capparis decidua (n=55 mentions), Salsola foetida (n=52), Suaeda fruticosa (n=46), Haloxylon salicornicum (n=42) and Haloxylon recurvum (n=39) were said to be most effective against the infestations with gastrointestinal parasites. Aerial parts (43%), leaves (26%), fruits (9%), seeds and seed oils (9%) were the plant parts frequently used for preparation of remedies, while flowers, roots, bulbs and pods were less frequently used (<5%). Common preparations were decoction, jaggery and ball drench; oral drug administration was very common. There was some variation in the doses used for different animal species depending on age, size and physical condition of the animal and severity of the disease. In a second step the regionally most prevalent gastrointestinal parasites of sheep and goats were determined (Chapter 3) in 500 animals per species randomly chosen from pastoral herds across the previously studied five localities. Standard parasitological techniques were applied to identify the parasites in faecal samples manually collected at the rectum. Overall helminth prevalence was 78.1% across the 1000 animals; pure nematode infestations were most prevalent (37.5%), followed by pure trematode (7.9%), pure cestode (2.6%) and pure protozoa infestations (0.8%). Mixed infestations with nematodes and trematodes occurred in 6.4% of all animals, mixed nematode-cestode infestations in 3.8%, and all three groups were found in 19.1% of the sheep and goats. In goats more males (81.1%) than females (77.0%) were infested, the opposite was found in sheep (73.6% males, 79.5% females). Parasites were especially prevalent in suckling goats (85.2%) and sheep (88.5%) and to a lesser extent in young (goats 80.6%, sheep 79.3%) and adult animals (goats 72.8%, sheep 73.8%). Haemonchus contortus, Trichuris ovis and Paramphistomum cervi were the most prevalent helminths. In a third step the in vitro anthelmintic activity of C. decidua, S. foetida, S. fruticosa, H. salicornicum and H. recurvum (Chapter 2) was investigated against adult worms of H. contortus, T. ovis and P. cervi (Chapter 3) via adult motility assay (Chapter 4). Various concentrations ranging from 7.8 to 500 mg dry matter/ml of three types of extracts of each plant, i.e. aqueous, methanol, and aqueous-methanol (30:70), were used at different time intervals to access their anthelmintic activity. Levamisol (0.55 mg/ml) and oxyclozanide (30 mg/ml) served as positive and phosphate-buffered saline as negative control. All extracts exhibited minimum and maximum activity at 2 h and 12 h after parasite exposure; the 500 mg/ml extract concentrations were most effective. Plant species (P<0.05), extract type (P<0.01), parasite species (P<0.01), extract concentration (P<0.01), time of exposure (P<0.01) and their interactions (P<0.01) had significant effects on the number of immobile/dead helminths. From the comparison of LC50 values it appeared that the aqueous extract of C. decidua was more potent against H. contortus and T. ovis, while the aqueous extract of S. foetida was effective against P. cervi. The methanol extracts of H. recurvum were most potent against all three types of parasites, and its aqueous-methanol extract was also very effective against T. ovis and P. cervi. Based on these result it is concluded that the aqueous extract of C. decidua, as well as the methanol and aqueous-methanol extract of H. recurvum have the potential to be developed into plant-based drugs for treatment against H. contortus, T. ovis and P. cervi infestations. Further studies are now needed to investigate the in vivo anthelmintic activity of these plants and plant extracts, respectively, in order to develop effective, cheap and locally available anthelmintics for pastoralists in Cholistan and neighboring desert regions. This will allow developing tangible recommendations for plant-based anthelminthic treatment of sheep and goat herds, and by this enable pastoralists to maintain healthy and productive flocks at low costs and probably even manufacture herbal drugs for marketing on a regional scale.


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El documentos pretende ser un elemento de reflexión, análisis e interpretación de la formación, así como un marco de referencia inspirado en la sociedad, en la educación y en el modelo profesional. El proyecto tiene como objetivo primordial que el Centro de Profesores y Recursos se dote de los elementos necesarios que permitan la participación del profesorado en las actividades y gestión de las mismas. Las fuentes de las cuales se ha sustentado la elaboración del proyecto son: 1. Un marco normativo. 2. Aspectos teóricos que sirven para proporcionar pautas de análisis para situar las tendencias que sirven para el estudio de la realidad y 3. La experiencia acumulada a lo largo de los años de funcionamiento de la institución.


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Este estudio es una actuación del Proyecto Dromèsquere Euroskòla del programa Comenius


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Ofrecer algunos de los riesgos que subyacen en la práctica educativa, algunos de los retos que plantea y la franja de aventura que se abre en las previsiones y en los proyectos de futuro. Lo único que pretende es poner algun interrogante y que la pregunta quede abierta. Situación social de la función docente y aspectos básicos de la misma. Influencia de los procesos sociales sobre la educación. Se hace una reflexión sobre cuál es la misión del docente y factores y fuentes de tensión que repercuten en ella, cómo se autopercibe hoy en día la profesión docente y qué perspectivas existen acerca de la evolución de la enseñanza. Se citan teorías de otros autores y datos resultantes de investigaciones realizadas en la Universidad de Oviedo y en otros países. Bibliografía. Sólo cuando se haya definido claramente cuál es la función del docente podremos saber cuáles son sus necesidades formativas. La misión primordial del docente es facilitar y promover el aprendizaje, pero esta misión está determinada en gran manera por los fines generales de la educación dentro de una sociedad determinada. Actualmente los profesionales de la enseñanza se encuentran en una posición de contraposición con la sociedad, atacándose mutuamente. Los docentes se encuentran sobrecargados de funciones ya que todos los males presentes y futuros se achacan a las enseñanzas que se imparten y al modo de transmitirlas. Hay una serie de condicionamientos socioculturales que han afectado a la educación como son: la rápida implantación de tecnologías fuertemente vinculadas al lenguaje, la influencia de los relatos legitimadores y la práctica sindical y sus logros. Se critica el uso de 'categorías económicas' como 'categorías' resolutorias del acto educativo. Ha llegado el momento de que la sociedad y las administraciones en general, presten a los docentes una atención que está sobre las consideraciones remunerativas, las participaciones, los planes curriculares y la organización de los centros. De lo contrario, la sociedad y la Administración, se encontrarán con un cuadro de profesionales roto, destruido, irrecuperable para llevar a cabo sus verdaderas funciones.


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Analizar la explosión docente y discente, provocada por las necesidades educativas de una población en pleno crecimiento y con acelerado desarrollo y por las ansias culturales que la época presente suscita. La situación de la enseñanza en Avilés a lo largo del siglo XX. Se analiza la situación a principios de siglo, el número de escuelas en Avilés en 1910 y la Enseñanza General Básica en el curso 76-77. Monografías, libros de Historia Local y de Pedagogía, estudios socio-económicos. La ley Moyano, aprobada el 9 de septiembre de 1857, se ocupó de estructurar la enseñanza en cada municipio, fijando el número de distritos y clases que correspondían teniendo en cuenta la población y su estructura de poblamiento. Como consecuencia de esta Ley y de las propuestas posteriores de las inspecciones de Primera Enseñanza, el Partido Judicial de Avilés quedaba repartido en 55 escuelas, número 81 veces menor que las unidades que tiene Avilés solamente en 1976. En el curso 1976-77, Avilés cuenta con 22 colegios, 10 centros incompletos, 421 unidades, 455 profesores y 14046 alumnos matriculados, a lo que hay que sumar 35 unidades de Preescolar con 1283 alumnos y 35 profesores, 27 unidades de Educación Especial con 230 alumnos y 27 profesores, 5 unidades de Educación Permanente con 150 alumnos y 5 profesores, 3 institutos de Bachillerato, una escuela de FP, un colegio técnico y una escuela de Artes y Oficios. La enseñanza en Avilés puede considerarse que está atendida en la EGB en forma satisfactoria y que aún se seguirán construyendo nuevos colegios en sustitución de los viejos, así como institutos de Bachillerato, centros profesionales y politécnicos. Todo esto, junto con la Casa de Cultura, Biblioteca Pública Municipal y otras bibliotecas de entidades, favorecerán y estimularán el afán de aprender. Se puede señalar a Avilés como uno de los municipios donde la inteligencia tiene el máximo aprecio y su cultura un interés primordial, tanto para las autoridades como para los vecinos.


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An??lisis de las ideas educativas y pedag??gicas de Ram??n P??rez de Ayala desde una doble vertiente: en su aspecto cr??tico, dirigido tanto a la actitud tradicional del espa??ol ante los grandes problemas colectivos cuanto al papel ralentizador desempe??ado por las instituciones educativas oficiales; y en su aspecto propiamente ideol??gico, lo sustancial del pensamiento ayalino en cuanto a soluciones y estrategias educativas. Reflexiones sobre materia de Teor??a de la Educaci??n en la obra de Ram??n P??rez de Ayala. Se analizan los maestros de Ram??n P??rez de Ayala, el aspecto cr??tico de su obra, su ideario en lo referente a la teor??a de la cultura y la civilizaci??n, su pensamiento sobre la misi??n y los fines de la Educaci??n, y sus aportaciones en el terreno de la Pedagog??a liberal. La obra de Ram??n P??rez de Ayala. Entre los hombres que dejaron una bien marcada influencia educativa en Ayala podemos citar: don Juan Muniz y don Juan Julio Cejador en su infancia y adolescencia, los krausistas de la Universidad de Oviedo, Clar??n y el Marqu??s de Valero de Urr??a en su juventud, y Benito P??rez Gald??s en sus comienzos literarios. En su aspecto cr??tico, parte de la convicci??n de que el problema primordial del pa??s no es pol??tico, sino educativo. Predica el culto a lo natural; complementariamente, fustiga la pereza de entendimiento y el odio al intelectual t??pico del pa??s, la falta de civismo del pueblo espa??ol y los pseudointelectuales vacuos, la precaria y en ocasiones descabellada Educaci??n Sexual y el donjuanismo, la inepcia de la Universidad y los establecimientos docentes p??blicos y la negrura y sectarismo de la ense??anza religiosa. Para Ayala existen tres tipos de civilizaci??n: el salvajismo, la barbarie y la cultura. Para ??l, la Educaci??n desempe??a el papel crucial de servir de correa de transmisi??n de los diferentes modos culturales.


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Ofrecer un conjunto de ideas y reflexiones a partir de las cuales los padres y profesores puedan orientar la educación de niños sordos en los primeros años. Aportar una serie de directrices metodológicas a la tarea urgente de la educación temprana del niño sordo con el fin de remediar su lamentable situación actual. Sugerencias metodológicas para enseñar al niño sordo. Se analiza el proceso y las capacidades necesarias para que un niño adquiera su lengua materna, las diferencias en el aprendizaje de ésta entre niños normales y niños sordos, cómo aplicar la Teoría del refuerzo en este campo y, por último, se dan una serie de sugerencias para la educación precoz del niño sordo. Bibliografía sobre lenguaje, metodología de la lectura y escritura, Teoría del refuerzo educativo y Psicología infantil. La adquisición del lenguaje es un proceso de aprendizaje en el que no interviene necesariamente la enseñanza. El niño aprende su lengua materna efectuando 'cambios' para que su comportamiento expresivo se haga cada vez más coherente con el de su entorno, hasta lograr codificar sus mensajes según los requisitos estructurales de la comunidad. Para gran número de autores estos 'cambios' están regulados por un sistema de condicionamiento operante mediante el cual, aquellos que han producido éxito se refuerzan, se fijan y tienden a reproducirse, mientras que aquellos generados en un ambiente neutro tienden a disminuir y acaban por desaparecer. Inicialmente la comunicación niño-madre es semejante en el niño sordo y el normal. Partiendo de este planteamiento, el papel de la madre en los primeros meses es primordial. Ella debe reforzar todas las conductas comunicativas elaboradas por su hijo sordo tal como si fuera normal, pero utilizando como refuerzos elementos visuales, táctiles, cinestésicos, situacionales, etc., además de los auditivos. Todos los autores están de acuerdo en considerar como objetivos fundamentales para la educación precoz del deficiente auditivo tres aspectos: el diagnóstico precoz de la sordera y una educación auditiva inmediata, seguida de una reeducación intensiva del lenguaje; mantener al niño en el medio familiar hasta la edad de 3-4 años siempre que esté atendido en condiciones adecuadas; el contacto con oyentes. Se proponen una serie de sugerencias metodológicas.