964 resultados para laser techniques


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To correlate the Raman frequencies of the amide I and III bands to beta-turn structures, three peptides shown to contain beta-turn structure by x-ray diffraction and NMR were examined. The compounds examined were tertiary (formula: see text). The amide I band of these compounds is seen at 1,668, 1,665, and 1,677 cm-1, and the amide III band appears at 1,267, 1,265, and 1,286 cm-1, respectively. Thus, it is concluded that the amide I band for type III beta-turn structure appears in the range between 1,665 and 1,677 cm-1 and the amide III band between 1,265 and 1,286 cm-1.


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Studies of valence bands and core levels of solids by photoelectron spectroscopy are described at length. Satellite phenomena in the core level spectra have been discussed in some detail and it has been pointed out that the intensity of satellites appearing next to metal and ligand core levels critically depends on the metal-ligand overlap. Use of photoelectron spectroscopy in investigating metal-insulator transitions and spin-state transitions in solids is examined. It is shown that relative intensities of metal Auger lines in transition metal oxides and other systems provide valuable information on the valence bands. Occurrence of interatomic Auger transitions in competition with intraatomic transitions is discussed. Applications of electron energy loss spectroscopy and other techniques of electron spectroscopy in the study of gas-solid interactions are briefly presented.


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The surface properties of solid state pharmaceutics are of critical importance. Processing modifies the surfaces and effects surface roughness, which influences the performance of the final dosage form in many different levels. Surface roughness has an effect on, e.g., the properties of powders, tablet compression and tablet coating. The overall goal of this research was to understand the surface structures of pharmaceutical surfaces. In this context the specific purpose was to compare four different analysing techniques (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, laser profilometry and atomic force microscopy) in various pharmaceutical applications where the surfaces have quite different roughness scale. This was done by comparing the image and roughness analysing techniques using powder compacts, coated tablets and crystal surfaces as model surfaces. It was found that optical microscopy was still a very efficient technique, as it yielded information that SEM and AFM imaging are not able to provide. Roughness measurements complemented the image data and gave quantitative information about height differences. AFM roughness data represents the roughness of only a small part of the surface and therefore needs other methods like laser profilometer are needed to provide a larger scale description of the surface. The new developed roughness analysing method visualised surface roughness by giving detailed roughness maps, which showed local variations in surface roughness values. The method was able to provide a picture of the surface heterogeneity and the scale of the roughness. In the coating study, the laser profilometer results showed that the increase in surface roughness was largest during the first 30 minutes of coating when the surface was not yet fully covered with coating. The SEM images and the dispersive X-ray analysis results showed that the surface was fully covered with coating within 15 to 30 minutes. The combination of the different measurement techniques made it possible to follow the change of surface roughness and development of polymer coating. The optical imaging techniques gave a good overview of processes affecting the whole crystal surface, but they lacked the resolution to see small nanometer scale processes. AFM was used to visualize the nanoscale effects of cleaving and reveal the full surface heterogeneity, which underlies the optical imaging. Ethanol washing changed small (nanoscale) structure to some extent, but the effect of ethanol washing on the larger scale was small. Water washing caused total reformation of the surface structure at all levels.


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The present challenge in drug discovery is to synthesize new compounds efficiently in minimal time. The trend is towards carefully designed and well-characterized compound libraries because fast and effective synthesis methods easily produce thousands of new compounds. The need for rapid and reliable analysis methods is increased at the same time. Quality assessment, including the identification and purity tests, is highly important since false (negative or positive) results, for instance in tests of biological activity or determination of early-ADME parameters in vitro (the pharmacokinetic study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), must be avoided. This thesis summarizes the principles of classical planar chromatographic separation combined with ultraviolet (UV) and mass spectrometric (MS) detection, and introduces powerful, rapid, easy, low-cost, and alternative tools and techniques for qualitative and quantitative analysis of small drug or drug-like molecules. High performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) was introduced and evaluated for fast semi-quantitative assessment of the purity of synthesis target compounds. HPTLC methods were compared with the liquid chromatography (LC) methods. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) and atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS (AP MALDI MS) were used to identify and confirm the product zones on the plate. AP MALDI MS was rapid, and easy to carry out directly on the plate without scraping. The PLC method was used to isolate target compounds from crude synthesized products and purify them for bioactivity and preliminary ADME tests. Ultra-thin-layer chromatography (UTLC) with AP MALDI MS and desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI MS) was introduced and studied for the first time. Because of the thinner adsorbent layer, the monolithic UTLC plate provided 10 100 times better sensitivity in MALDI analysis than did HPTLC plates. The limits of detection (LODs) down to low picomole range were demonstrated for UTLC AP MALDI and UTLC DESI MS. In a comparison of AP and vacuum MALDI MS detection for UTLC plates, desorption from the irregular surface of the plates with the combination of an external AP MALDI ion source and an ion trap instrument provided clearly less variation in mass accuracy than the vacuum MALDI time-of-flight (TOF) instrument. The performance of the two-dimensional (2D) UTLC separation with AP MALDI MS method was studied for the first time. The influence of the urine matrix on the separation and the repeatability was evaluated with benzodiazepines as model substances in human urine. The applicability of 2D UTLC AP MALDI MS was demonstrated in the detection of metabolites in an authentic urine sample.


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This thesis explores the feasibility of donor-receiver concept for joint replacement where cartilage-bone tissues can be taken from either human or other mammals and prepared scientifically for repairing focal joint defects in knees, hips and shoulders. The manufactured construct is immunologically inert and is capable of acting as a scaffold for engineering new cartilage-bone laminates when placed in the joint. Innovative manufacturing procedures and assessment techniques were developed for appraising this tissue-based scaffold. This research has demonstrated that tissue replacement technology can be applied in situations where blood vessels are absent such as in articular cartilage.


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Upon laser pulse excitation (Aex = 532 nm) into the lowest-lying '(n,a*) band system, pivalothiophenones in benzene solutions give rise to short-lived triplets (Ama: = 325-335 nm, em: = (1 1-15) X lo3 M-' cm-I) with quantitative intersystem crossing efficiencies. The triplet yields decrease slightly (by 10-30%) upon changing A, to 308 nm (Le., upon excitation into S2). Kinetic data are presented for intrinsic triplet lifetimes, self-quenching, and quenching by oxygen, di-tert-butylnitroxy radical, and various reagents capable of interacting with the triplets via energy, electron, or hydrogen-atom transfer and by biradical formation (possibly leading to cycloaddition). The mechanisms of the quenching processes are discussed. Relative to rigid aromatic thiones, namely, xanthione and thiocoumarin, the interaction of pivalothiophenone triplets with most of the quenchers are kinetically inefficient. This is interpreted primarily as a manifestation of the steric crowding at positions a to the thiocarbonyl group.


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Laser surface cladding was carried out on a creep-resistant MRI 153M magnesium alloy with a mixture of Al and Al2O3 powders using a pulsed Nd:YAG laser at scan speeds of 21, 42, 63 and 84 mm/s. The Al2O3 particles partially or completely melted during laser irradiation and re-solidified with irregular shapes in the size range of 5–60 µm along with a few islands as large as 500 µm, within the grain-refined Mg-rich dendritic matrix. More than an order of magnitude improvement in wear resistance after cladding was attributed to the presence of ultra-hard Al2O3 particles, increased solid solubility of Al and other alloying elements, and a very fine dendritic microstructure as a result of rapid solidification in the cladded layer. However, corrosion resistance of the laser cladded alloy was reduced by almost an order of magnitude compared to that of the as-cast alloy mainly due to the presence of cracks and pores in the cladded layer.


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In this article, several basic swarming laws for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are developed for both two-dimensional (2D) plane and three-dimensional (3D) space. Effects of these basic laws on the group behaviour of swarms of UAVs are studied. It is shown that when cohesion rule is applied an equilibrium condition is reached in which all the UAVs settle at the same altitude on a circle of constant radius. It is also proved analytically that this equilibrium condition is stable for all values of velocity and acceleration. A decentralised autonomous decision-making approach that achieves collision avoidance without any central authority is also proposed in this article. Algorithms are developed with the help of these swarming laws for two types of collision avoidance, Group-wise and Individual, in 2D plane and 3D space. Effect of various parameters are studied on both types of collision avoidance schemes through extensive simulations.


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Lateral or transaxial truncation of cone-beam data can occur either due to the field of view limitation of the scanning apparatus or iregion-of-interest tomography. In this paper, we Suggest two new methods to handle lateral truncation in helical scan CT. It is seen that reconstruction with laterally truncated projection data, assuming it to be complete, gives severe artifacts which even penetrates into the field of view. A row-by-row data completion approach using linear prediction is introduced for helical scan truncated data. An extension of this technique known as windowed linear prediction approach is introduced. Efficacy of the two techniques are shown using simulation with standard phantoms. A quantitative image quality measure of the resulting reconstructed images are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods against an extension of a standard existing technique.


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The widespread and increasing resistance of internal parasites to anthelmintic control is a serious problem for the Australian sheep and wool industry. As part of control programmes, laboratories use the Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT) to determine resistance to anthelmintics. It is important to have confidence in the measure of resistance, not only for the producer planning a drenching programme but also for companies investigating the efficacy of their products. The determination of resistance and corresponding confidence limits as given in anthelmintic efficacy guidelines of the Standing Committee on Agriculture (SCA) is based on a number of assumptions. This study evaluated the appropriateness of these assumptions for typical data and compared the effectiveness of the standard FECRT procedure with the effectiveness of alternative procedures. Several sets of historical experimental data from sheep and goats were analysed to determine that a negative binomial distribution was a more appropriate distribution to describe pre-treatment helminth egg counts in faeces than a normal distribution. Simulated egg counts for control animals were generated stochastically from negative binomial distributions and those for treated animals from negative binomial and binomial distributions. Three methods for determining resistance when percent reduction is based on arithmetic means were applied. The first was that advocated in the SCA guidelines, the second similar to the first but basing the variance estimates on negative binomial distributions, and the third using Wadley’s method with the distribution of the response variate assumed negative binomial and a logit link transformation. These were also compared with a fourth method recommended by the International Co-operation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products (VICH) programme, in which percent reduction is based on the geometric means. A wide selection of parameters was investigated and for each set 1000 simulations run. Percent reduction and confidence limits were then calculated for the methods, together with the number of times in each set of 1000 simulations the theoretical percent reduction fell within the estimated confidence limits and the number of times resistance would have been said to occur. These simulations provide the basis for setting conditions under which the methods could be recommended. The authors show that given the distribution of helminth egg counts found in Queensland flocks, the method based on arithmetic not geometric means should be used and suggest that resistance be redefined as occurring when the upper level of percent reduction is less than 95%. At least ten animals per group are required in most circumstances, though even 20 may be insufficient where effectiveness of the product is close to the cut off point for defining resistance.


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The theory of transient mode locking for an active modulator in an intracavity frequency-doubled laser is presented. The theory is applied to mode-locked and intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser and the mode-locked pulse width is plotted as a function of number of round trips inside the cavity. It is found that the pulse compression is faster and the system takes a very short time to approach the steady state in the presence of a second harmonic generating crystal inside the laser cavity. The effect of modulation depth and the second harmonic conversion efficiency on the temporal behavior of the pulse width is discussed. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper we study two problems in feedback stabilization. The first is the simultaneous stabilization problem, which can be stated as follows. Given plantsG_{0}, G_{1},..., G_{l}, does there exist a single compensatorCthat stabilizes all of them? The second is that of stabilization by a stable compensator, or more generally, a "least unstable" compensator. Given a plantG, we would like to know whether or not there exists a stable compensatorCthat stabilizesG; if not, what is the smallest number of right half-place poles (counted according to their McMillan degree) that any stabilizing compensator must have? We show that the two problems are equivalent in the following sense. The problem of simultaneously stabilizingl + 1plants can be reduced to the problem of simultaneously stabilizinglplants using a stable compensator, which in turn can be stated as the following purely algebraic problem. Given2lmatricesA_{1}, ..., A_{l}, B_{1}, ..., B_{l}, whereA_{i}, B_{i}are right-coprime for alli, does there exist a matrixMsuch thatA_{i} + MB_{i}, is unimodular for alli?Conversely, the problem of simultaneously stabilizinglplants using a stable compensator can be formulated as one of simultaneously stabilizingl + 1plants. The problem of determining whether or not there exists anMsuch thatA + BMis unimodular, given a right-coprime pair (A, B), turns out to be a special case of a question concerning a matrix division algorithm in a proper Euclidean domain. We give an answer to this question, and we believe this result might be of some independent interest. We show that, given twon times mplantsG_{0} and G_{1}we can generically stabilize them simultaneously provided eithernormis greater than one. In contrast, simultaneous stabilizability, of two single-input-single-output plants, g0and g1, is not generic.


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In this paper we develop compilation techniques for the realization of applications described in a High Level Language (HLL) onto a Runtime Reconfigurable Architecture. The compiler determines Hyper Operations (HyperOps) that are subgraphs of a data flow graph (of an application) and comprise elementary operations that have strong producer-consumer relationship. These HyperOps are hosted on computation structures that are provisioned on demand at runtime. We also report compiler optimizations that collectively reduce the overheads of data-driven computations in runtime reconfigurable architectures. On an average, HyperOps offer a 44% reduction in total execution time and a 18% reduction in management overheads as compared to using basic blocks as coarse grained operations. We show that HyperOps formed using our compiler are suitable to support data flow software pipelining.


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Polarization properties of Gaussian laser beams are analyzed in a manner consistent with the Maxwell equations, and expressions are developed for all components of the electric and magnetic field vectors in the beam. It is shown that the transverse nature of the free electromagnetic field demands a nonzero transverse cross-polarization component in addition to the well-known component of the field vectors along the beam axis. The strength of these components in relation to the strength of the principal polarization component is established. It is further shown that the integrated strengths of these components over a transverse plane are invariants of the propagation process. It is suggested that cross- polarization measurement using a null detector can serve as a new method for accurate determination of the center of Gaussian laser beams.


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The effect of deposition of Al +Al2O3 on MRI 153 M Mg alloy processed using a pulsed Nd:YAG laser is presented in this study. A composite coating with metallurgical joint to the substrate was formed. The microstructure and phase constituents were characterized and correlated with the thermal predictions. The laser scan speed had an effect on the average melt depth and the amount of retained and/or reconstituted alumina in the final coating. The coating consisted of alumina particles and highly refined dendrites formed due to the extremely high cooling rates (of the order of 10(8) K/s). The microhardness of the coating was higher and several fold improvement of wear resistance compared to the substrate was observed for the coatings. These microstructural features and physical properties were correlated with the effects predicted by a thermal model.