952 resultados para laser lap welding


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In this research work, the results of an investigation dealing with welding of sheet metals with diverse air gap using FastROOT modified short arc welding method and short circuit MAG welding processes have been presented. Welding runs were made under different conditions and, during each run, the different process parameters were continuously monitored. It was found that maximum welding speed and less HAZ are reached under specific welding conditions with FastROOT method with the emphasis on arc stability. Welding results show that modified short arc exhibits a higher electrode melting coefficient and with virtually spatter free droplet transition. By adjusting the short circuit duration the penetration can be controlled with only a small change in electrode deposition. Furthermore, by mixing pulsed MIG welding with modified arc welding the working envelope of the process is greatly extended allowing thicker material sections to be welded with improved weld bead aesthetics. FastROOT is a modified short arc welding process using mechanized or automated welding process based on dip transfer welding, characterized by controlled material deposition during the short circuit of the wire electrode to the workpiece.


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A new procedure to find the limiting range of the photomultiplier linear response of a low-cost, digital oscilloscope-based time-resolved laser-induced luminescence spectrometer (TRLS), is presented. A systematic investigation on the instrument response function with different signal input terminations, and the relationship between the luminescence intensity reaching the photomultiplier and the measured decay time are described. These investigations establish that setting the maximum intensity of the luminescence signal below 0.3V guarantees, for signal input terminations equal or higher than 99.7 ohm, a linear photomultiplier response.


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Previous results concerning radiative emission under laser irradiation of silicon nanopowder are reinterpreted in terms of thermal emission. A model is developed that considers the particles in the powder as independent, so under vacuum the only dissipation mechanism is thermal radiation. The supralinear dependence observed between the intensity of the emitted radiation and laser power is predicted by the model, as is the exponential quenching when the gas pressure around the sample increases. The analysis allows us to determine the sample temperature. The local heating of the sample has been assessed independently by the position of the transverse optical Raman mode. Finally, it is suggested that the photoluminescence observed in porous silicon and similar materials could, in some cases, be blackbody radiation


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Aim of this thesis was to design and manufacture a microdistillation column. The literature review part of this thesis covers stainless steels, material processing and basics about engineering design and distillation. The main focus, however, is on the experimental part. Experimental part is divided into five distinct sections: First part is where the device is introduced and separated into three parts. Secondly the device is designed part by part. It consists mostly of detail problem solving, since the first drawings had already been drawn and the critical dimensions decided. Third part is the manufacture, which was not fully completed since the final assembly was left out of this thesis. Fourth part is the test welding for the device, and its analysis. Finally some ideas for further studies are presented. The main goal of this thesis was accomplished. The device only lacks some final assembly but otherwise it is complete. One thing that became clear during the process was how difficult it is to produce small and precise steel parts with conventional manufacturing methods. Internal stresses within steel plates and thermal distortions can easily ruin small steel structures. Designing appropriate welding jigs is an important task for even simple devices. Laser material processing is a promising tool for this kind of steel processing because of the flexibility, good cutting quality and also precise and low heat input when welding. Next step in this project is the final assembly and the actual distillation tests. The tests will be carried out at Helsinki University of Technology.


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Työn teoriaosassa käsitellään ruostumattomia teräksiä ja terästen metallurgiaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä yleisesti, sekä terästen hitsattavuutta. Hitsauksesta teoriassa käydään läpi laser- ja kaasukaarihitsausta ja hitsin metallurgiaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kokeellisessa osassa paneudutaan kahdeksan eri ruostumattoman teräksen hitsien metallurgiaan ja metallurgiassa tapahtuviin muutoksiin hitsausparametrien mukaan. Koemateriaaleina on neljä austeniittista ruostumatonta terästä, 201, 301LN, 316L ja 254 SMO, kaksi austeniittis-ferriittistä ruostumatonta terästä, 2101 LDX ja 2205, sekä kaksi ferriittistä ruostumatonta terästä, 430 ja 1.4003. Hitsien mikrorakenteen tutkimisessa käytettiin sekä valomikroskooppia sekä joissain tapauksissa pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppia. Lisäksi työn kokeellisessa osassa paneuduttiin hitsien metallografisiin syövytystekniikoihin. Kokeiden perusteella voidaan sanoa, että hitsin metallurgia riippuu hitsauksen aikaisesta lämpösyklistä ja hitsausparametreilla voidaan vaikuttaa tämän lämpösyklin muotoon. Austeniittis-ferriittisillä teräksillä hitsauksen aikaisesta lämpösyklistä riippuu pitkälti hitsin austeniitti-ferriitti-suhde. Ferriittisillä teräksillä lämpösyklin muoto vaikuttaa hitsiin muodostuvan martensiitin kovuuteen ja määrään sekä rakenteen hienojakoisuuteen. Austeniittisilla teräksillä lämpösyklinmuodon vaikutus riippuu pitkälti teräksen seostusasteesta ja seosaineista. Austeniittisilla teräksillä kokeissa havaittuja muutoksia, parametrien muutosten mukaan oli muun muassa suotautumisen voimakkuuden


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The productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding work are critical for metal industry today. Welding processes must get more effective and this can be done by mechanization and automation. Those systems are always expensive and they have to pay the investment back. In this case it is really important to optimize the needed intelligence and this way needed automation level, so that a company will get the best profit. This intelligence and automation level was earlier classified in several different ways which are not useful for optimizing the process of automation or mechanization of welding. In this study the intelligence of a welding system is defined in a new way to enable the welding system to produce a weld good enough. In this study a new way is developed to classify and select the internal intelligence level of a welding system needed to produce the weld efficiently. This classification contains the possible need of human work and its effect to the weld and its quality but does not exclude any different welding processes or methods. In this study a totally new way is developed to calculate the best optimization for the needed intelligence level in welding. The target of this optimization is the best possible productivity and quality and still an economically optimized solution for several different cases. This new optimizing method is based on grounds of product type, economical productivity, the batch size of products, quality and criteria of usage. Intelligence classification and optimization were never earlier made by grounds of a made product. Now it is possible to find the best type of welding system needed to welddifferent types of products. This calculation process is a universal way for optimizing needed automation or mechanization level when improving productivity of welding. This study helps the industry to improve productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding workshops.


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The spectroscopic behavior of thioxanthone and benzil (diphenylethanedione or dibenzoyl) in the ionic liquid [bmim.PF6] has been investigated employing the laser flash photolysis technique. Triplet-triplet absorption spectra for these carbonyl compounds in [bmim.PF6] are similar to those observed in organic solvents. The triplet lifetime for thioxanthone in desogygenated samples is very long (71 μs), whereas in oxygen-saturated solution is 500 ns, which indicates the low oxygen solubility in this solvent. For benzil, lifetimes of 10 μs in [bmim.PF6] and 3.8 μs in acetonitrile were obtained. The decay for triplet thioxanthone and benzil follows a clear first order kinetics in [bmim.PF6], from which one can conclude that triplet-triplet annihilation is not an important decay process in this solvent.


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty HT Laser Oy:n Vieremän tehtaan hitsaustoiminnan käynnistämisen yhteydessä. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli hitsaustoiminnan käynnistämisen kustannusten minimointi ja hitsattavien tuotteiden myynti- ja valmistusprosessin luominen. Työn teoriaosassa on esitelty hitsauslaitteistolle asetettavia vaatimuksia, hitsauskustannuksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä, tuotantojärjestelmiä, tuotannon ohjausmenetelmiä, laadunhallintaa, henkilöstöasioita, osavalmistusta, hitsauksen hinnoittelua ja tilauskäsittelyä. Ensisijaisesti työssä on tavoiteltu sujuvan ja tuloksellisen tilaus/tarjouskäsittelyprosessin luomista. Tämä on nähty edellytyksenä ongelmattomalle tuotannolle ja hyvälle toimitusvarmuudelle. Työssä on luotu malli tarjousvaiheessa läpikäytävälle esikatselmukselle, jota on esitelty kahden case -esimerkin avulla. Case -esimerkeissä on käsitelty myös tuotteiden valmistukseen ja hinnoitteluun liittyviä asioita ja ongelmia sekä näiden ratkaisuja.


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Neste trabalho descreve-se a tecnologia envolvida na fabricação de um detector piroelétrico para aplicações na determinação da energia de feixe de lasers pulsados ou CW (onda contínua) modulados, utilizando-se do polímero Polifluoreto de Vinilideno PVDF. Os dados experimentais revelam que o detector tem resposta linear com a energia aplicada para o intervalo compreendido entre 0,4 a 6,8 mili-Joule/pulse para pulsos com largura temporal de 8,3 milissegundos.


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Foram realizados estudos para avaliar a microestrutura, a dureza e a resistência à corrosão do titânio comercialmente puro-Ti c.p. soldado por laser e utilizado na confecção de prótese sobre implantes. Verificou-se que na soldagem a laser a microestrutura apresentou três regiões distintas: o cordão de solda, a zona afetada pelo calor - ZAC e o metal base. O Ti c.p. possui microestrutura granular, a microestrutura do cordão de solda é mais refinada e de maior dureza do que o metal base. A ZAC obtida por este processo de soldagem foi relativamente pequena quando comparada com o processo de soldagem por brasagem. Os ensaios eletroquímicos mostraram que a região da solda apresentou menor resistência à corrosão em meio de NaCl 0,15 molL-1 à temperatura ambiente.


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Investigou-se o comportamento de juntas soldadas de uma liga a base de ouro utilizada na confecção de próteses odontológicas sobre implantes antes e após ser submetida ao processo de soldagem a laser. Constatou-se que houve uma mudança estrutural na região da solda e esta apresentou uma microestrutura dendrítica refinada e o metal base uma microestrutura granular bifásica com maior dureza e presença de precipitados de Au. Os ensaios eletroquímicos, em meio aerado de NaCl 0,15 molL-1 à temperatura ambiente, que simula as condições do ambiente oral, demonstraram que a junta soldada apresentou melhor desempenho frente à corrosão quando comparada ao metal base; provavelmente devida a estrutura metalúrgica desta região.


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Welding is one of the most important process of modern industry. Welding technology is used in the manufacture and repair a wide variety of products from different metals and alloys. In this thesis the different aspects of arc welding were discussed, such as stability and control of welding arc, power supplies for arc welding (especially the welding inverters because it is the most modern welding power source). All parameters of power source have influence on the arc parameters and its by-turn influence on quality. The ways of control for arc welding inverter power sources have been considered. Calculations and modeling in Matlab/Simulink were done for PI control method. All parameters of power source have influence on the arc parameters and its by-turn influence on quality.


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Due to font problem on the tilte field the titlte of the thesis is corrected here. The title of the thesis is: Superconducting properties and their enhancement in ReBa2Cu3O7-delta (RE = Y and Gd) films prepared by pulsed laser deposition