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In 2008, the Oceanography Center at the University of Cyprus acquired two underwater gliders in the framework of a nationally-managed infrastructure upgrade program. The gliders were purchased from the Seaglider Fabrication Center at the University of Washington. Both gliders are rated to 1000 m and carry a typical sensor payload: non-pumped conductivity-temperature-depth sensors (CTD), a dissolved oxygen sensor, an optical triplet to measure optical backscatter at 400 nm, 700 nm, and chlorophyll-a fluorescence. Since March of 2009, the gliders have been used in a long-term observing program of the Cypriot EEZ, and by September 2015, have covered more than 15300 km over ground and 3500 dive cycles in 940 glider days. Butterfly patterns have been flown in two configurations, either on the western or eastern side of the EEZ south of Cyprus. The glider endurance lines criss-cross the region in order to more accurately locate and investigate the mesoscale structures south of Cyprus, and in particular the Cyprus eddy which is often the dominant feature. Based on the near real time observations, the glider mission was sometimes altered in order to more fully sample the Cyprus eddy, or to locate its center or extent. A summary of the raw and processed data collected, and the quality control procedures are presented, in order for future users to take advantage of this unique data set.
The paper gives a detailed study of the iron-manganese ores found in the lakes of Western Finland.
Until the eighties the main source of deep water masses in the Ionian Basin was the southern Adriatic Sea. During the nineties a dramatic climatic change took place in the eastern Mediterranean (Eastern Mediterranean Transient); deep water was formed of water originating from the Aegean Sea since then. This change in the deep water had extensive consequences for the whole circulation of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Expeditions carried out in this region during the last years indicate now that the process of deep water formation might reverse again. The process of this re-reversing deep water formation is a long-term one. Therefore, the characteristics of the today's deep water masses in the Ionian Basin, to which extent these characteristics differ from the deep water masses before the EMT and in which state the re-reversed Eastern Mediterranean deep water circulation is now, must be investigated continuously. The Adriatic deep water finds its way to the Ionian Basin on several routes with different entrainments rates. The entrainment rates might be a deciding factor for the Deep Ionian Waters and the resulting density might influence the role of the Aegean Deep Water for the Ionian Deep Waters as well. Therefore, it is crucial to identify and quantify the routes and entrainment rates of the Adriatic Deep Water. The cruise carried out is a continuation of the work carried out during the cruises POS298, M71/3, MSM13/2, MSM15/4 and M84/3. The objective is to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of dispersion and mixing of the Ionian Deep Water. During the cruise CTD stations were carried out and samples for nutrient, oxygen and oxygen isotopes were taken. Continously measurements were made with the vessel mounted ADCP and thermosalinograph. Additionally, on the cruise students were trained on the use of oceanographic equipment.
The main objectives of the cruise MSM21/1b were to characterize the spatio-temporal variability of the Denmark Strait overflow and to identify processes responsible for the exchange of the overflow plume with ambient water downstream of Denmark Strait. A multi-platform approach was taken to achieve the goals, based on moorings, an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), as well as lowered and vessel-mounted observations. From these platforms, measurements of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, current velocity, dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, and bottom pressure were obtained.
The capacity of the East Asian seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla ("Ogonori") for production of prostaglandin E2 from arachidonic acid occasionally causes food poisoning after ingestion. During the last two decades the alga has been introduced to Europe and North America. Non-native populations have been shown to be generally less palatable to marine herbivores than native populations. We hypothesized that the difference in palatability among populations could be due to differences in the algal content of prostaglandins. We therefore compared the capacity for wound-activated production of prostaglandins and other eicosatetraenoid oxylipins among five native populations in East Asia and seven non-native populations in Europe and NW Mexico, using a targeted metabolomics approach. In two independent experiments non-native populations exhibited a significant tendency to produce more eicosatetraenoids than native populations after acclimation to identical conditions and subsequent artificial wounding. Fourteen out of 15 eicosatetraenoids that were detected in experiment I and all 19 eicosatetraenoids that were detected in experiment II reached higher mean concentrations in non-native than in native specimens. The datasets generated in both experiments are contained in http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.855008. Wounding of non-native specimens resulted on average in 390 % more 15-keto-PGE2, in 90 % more PGE2, in 37 % more PGA2 and in 96 % more 7,8-di-hydroxy eicosatetraenoic acid than wounding of native specimens. The dataset underlying this statement is contained in http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.854847. Not only PGE2, but also PGA2 and dihydroxylated eicosatetraenoic acid are known to deter various biological enemies of G. vermiculophylla that cause tissue or cell wounding, and in the present study the latter two compounds also repelled the mesograzer Littorina brevicula. The dataset underlying this statement is contained in http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.854922. Non-native populations of G. vermiculophylla are thus more defended against herbivory than native populations. This increased capacity for activated chemical defense may have contributed to their invasion success and at the same time it poses an elevated risk for human food safety.
The CoastColour project Round Robin (CCRR) project (http://www.coastcolour.org) funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) was designed to bring together a variety of reference datasets and to use these to test algorithms and assess their accuracy for retrieving water quality parameters. This information was then developed to help end-users of remote sensing products to select the most accurate algorithms for their coastal region. To facilitate this, an inter-comparison of the performance of algorithms for the retrieval of in-water properties over coastal waters was carried out. The comparison used three types of datasets on which ocean colour algorithms were tested. The description and comparison of the three datasets are the focus of this paper, and include the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) Level 2 match-ups, in situ reflectance measurements and data generated by a radiative transfer model (HydroLight). The datasets mainly consisted of 6,484 marine reflectance associated with various geometrical (sensor viewing and solar angles) and sky conditions and water constituents: Total Suspended Matter (TSM) and Chlorophyll-a (CHL) concentrations, and the absorption of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM). Inherent optical properties were also provided in the simulated datasets (5,000 simulations) and from 3,054 match-up locations. The distributions of reflectance at selected MERIS bands and band ratios, CHL and TSM as a function of reflectance, from the three datasets are compared. Match-up and in situ sites where deviations occur are identified. The distribution of the three reflectance datasets are also compared to the simulated and in situ reflectances used previously by the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG, 2006) for algorithm testing, showing a clear extension of the CCRR data which covers more turbid waters.
The presence of a complex bedform arrangement on the sea-floor of the continental shelf in the western Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, indicates a multi-temporal record of flow related to the activity of one or more ice streams in the past. Mapping and division of the bedforms into distinct landform assemblages reveals their time-transgressive history, which implies that bedforms can neither be considered part of a single down-flow continuum nor a direct proxy for palaeo-ice velocity, as suggested previously. A main control on the bedform imprint is the geology of the shelf, which is divided broadly between rough bedrock on the inner shelf, and smooth, dipping sedimentary strata on the mid-to-outer shelf. Inner shelf bedform variability is well preserved, revealing information about local, complex basal-ice conditions, meltwater flow, and ice dynamics over time. These details, which are not apparent at the scale of regional morphological studies, indicate that past ice streams flowed across the entire shelf, at times, and often had onset zones that lay within the interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet today. In contrast, highly elongated subglacial bedforms on sedimentary strata of the middle to outer shelf represent a timeslice snapshot of the last activity of ice-stream flow, and may be a truer representation of fast palaeo-ice flow in these locations. A revised model for ice streams on the shelf captures complicated multi-temporal bedform patterns associated with an Antarctic palaeo-ice stream for the first time, and confirms a strong substrate control on this ice stream system that drained the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary.
Oxygen variance and meridional oxygen supply in the Tropical North East Atlantic oxygen minimum zone
The distribution of the mean oceanic oxygen concentration results from a balance between ventilation and consumption. In the eastern tropical Pacific and Atlantic, this balance creates extended oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) at intermediate depth. Here, we analyze hydrographic and velocity data from shipboard and moored observations, which were taken along the 23°W meridian cutting through the Tropical North East Atlantic (TNEA) OMZ, to study the distribution and generation of oxygen variability. By applying the extended Osborn-Cox model, the respective role of mesoscale stirring and diapycnal mixing in producing enhanced oxygen variability, found at the southern and upper boundary of the OMZ, is quantified. From the well-ventilated equatorial region toward the OMZ core a northward eddy-driven oxygen flux is observed whose divergence corresponds to an oxygen supply of about 2.4 µmol kg-1 year-1 at the OMZ core depth. Above the OMZ core, mesoscale eddies act to redistribute low- and high-oxygen waters associated with westward and eastward currents, respectively. Here, absolute values of the local oxygen supply >10 mmol kg-1 year-1 are found, likely balanced by mean zonal advection. Combining our results with recent studies, a refined oxygen budget for the TNEA OMZ is derived. Eddy-driven meridional oxygen supply contributes more than 50 % of the supply required to balance the estimated oxygen consumption. The oxygen tendency in the OMZ, as given by the multidecadal oxygen decline, is maximum slightly above the OMZ core and represents a substantial imbalance of the oxygen budget reaching about 20 % of the magnitude of the eddy-driven oxygen supply.
Marine yeasts play an important role in biodegradation and nutrient cycling and are often associated with marine flora and fauna. They show maximum growth at pH levels lower than present-day seawater pH. Thus, contrary to many other marine organisms, they may actually profit from ocean acidification. Hence, we conducted a microcosm study, incubating natural seawater from the North Sea at present-day pH (8.10) and two near-future pH levels (7.81 and 7.67). Yeasts were isolated from the initial seawater sample and after 2 and 4 weeks of incubation. Isolates were classified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and representative isolates were identified by partial sequencing of the large subunit rRNA gene. From the initial seawater sample, we predominantly isolated a yeast-like filamentous fungus related to Aureobasidium pullulans, Cryptococcus sp., Candida sake, and various cold-adapted yeasts. After incubation, we found more different yeast species at near-future pH levels than at present-day pH. Yeasts reacting to low pH were related to Leucosporidium scottii, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Cryptococcus sp., and Debaryomyces hansenii. Our results suggest that these yeasts will benefit from seawater pH reductions and give a first indication that the importance of yeasts will increase in a more acidic ocean.
A study of the distribution, dispersal and composition of surficial sediments in the Strait of Georgia, B.C., has resulted in the understanding of basic sedimentologic conditions within this area. The Strait of Georgia is: a long, narrow, semi-enclosed basin with a restricted circulation and a single, main, sediment source. The Fraser. River supplies practically all the sediment now being deposited in the Strait of Georgia, the bulk of it during the spring and summer freshet. This river is building a delta into the Strait from the east side near the south end. Ridges of Pleistocene deposits within the Strait and Pleistocene material around the margins, like bedrock exposures, provide local sources of sediment of only minor importance. Rivers and streams other than the Fraser contribute insignificant quantities of sediment to the Strait. Sandy sediments are concentrated in the vicinity of the delta, and in the area to the south and southeast. Mean grain size decreases from the delta toward the northwest along the axis of the Strait, and basinwards from the margins. Silts and clays are deposited in deep water west and north of the delta front, and in deep basins northwest of the delta. Poorly sorted sediments containing a gravel component are located near tidal passes, on the Vancouver Island shelf area, on ridge tops within the Strait, and with sandy sediments at the southeastern end of the study area. The Pleistocene ridges are areas of non-deposition, having at most a thin veneer of modern mud on their crests and upper flanks. The southeastern end of the study area contains a thick wedge of shandy sediment which appears to be part of an earlier delta of the Fraser River. Evidence suggests that it is now a site of active submarine erosion. Sediments throughout the Strait are compositionally extremely similar, with-Pleistocene deposits of the Fraser River drainage basin providing the principal, heterogeneous source. Gravels and coarse sands are composed primarily of lithic fragments, dominantly of dioritic to granodloritlc composition. Sand fractions exhibit increasing simplicity of mineralogy with decreasing grain-size. Quartz, felspar, amphibole and fine-grained lithic fragments are the dominant constituents of the finer sand grades. Coarse and medium silt fractions have compositions similar to the fine sands. Fine silts show an increase in abundance of phyllosilicate material, a feature even more evident in the clay-size fractions on Montmorillonite, illite, chlorite, quartz and feldspar are the main minerals in the coarse clay fraction, with minor mixed-layer clays and kaolinite. The fine clay fraction is dominated by montmorillonite, with lesser amounts of illite and chlorite. The sediments have high base-exchange capacities, related to a considerable content of montmorillonite. Magnesium is present in exchange positions in greater quantity in Georgia Strait sediments than in sediments from the Fraser River, indicating a preferential uptake of this element in the marine environment. Manganese nodules collected from two localities in the Strait imply slow sediment accumulation rates at these sites. Sedimentation rates on and close to the delta, and in the deep basins to the northwest, are high.
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. Data sets in this collection provide methodological and environmental context to all samples collected during the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013).