956 resultados para industrial design and design
In recent times, increasing attention has been paid to the use of renewable resources particularly of plant origin keeping in view the ecological concerns, renewability and many governments passing laws for the use of such materials. On the other hand, despite abundant availability of lignocellulosic materials in Brazil, very few attempts have been made about their utilization, probably due to lack of sufficient structure/property data. Systematic studies to know their properties and morphology may bridge this gap while leading to value addition to these natural materials. Chemical composition, X-ray powder diffraction, and morphological studies and thermal behavior aspects in respect of banana, sugarcane bagasse sponge gourd fibers of Brazilian origin are presented. Chemical compositions of the three fibers are found to be different than those reported earlier. X-ray diffraction patterns of these three fibers exhibit mainly cellulose type I structure with the crystallinity indices of 39%, 48% and 50% respectively for these fibers. Morphological studies of the fibers revealed different sizes and arrangement of cells. Thermal stability of all the fibers is found to be around 200 degrees C. Decomposition of both cellulose and hemicelluloses in the fibers takes place at 300 degrees C and above, while the degradation of fibers takes place above 400 degrees C. These data may help finding new uses for these fibers. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article discusses the convenience of adopting industrial policy in Brazil. We argue that the success of East Asian countries, usually explained by industrial policy, is mainly result of horizontal policies. We also show that there are not theoretical or empirical foundations in most of the arguments used to justify industrial policy and that industrial policy must be motivated by market failures. We briefly discuss what market failures theoretically justify industrial policy, what the empirical relevance of these failures and what the most adequate instruments to be used in case of public intervention. From this perspective, we analyze the Brazilian industrial policy, such as described in Brasil (2003). Finally, we conclude that horizontal policies, besides to be less subject to the influence of self-interested groups, have more potential to foster Brazilian growth.
This paper aims to assess the performance of credit and fiscal mechanisms in attracting industrial investment to the state of Ceará during 1985-2002, a period characterized by the political and administrative continuity which begun with the implementation of the so-called "Plan of Changes", during the term in office of former state governor Tasso Jereissati. In order to accomplish that, a survey was conducted of the state's credit, fiscal and infrastructure incentive mechanisms, industrial policy and the period's political context, as well as data from the Department of Industry and Commerce and on the economic performance of the state of Ceará. Over 700 industrial businesses were found to have been attracted into the state by means of the Industrial Investment Attraction Program, which amounted to a process of industry expansion while the country as a whole was going through a period of deindustrialization. The analysis points out that, if on one hand, the industrialization model then adopted was able to generate economic growth, on the other hand, it increased income concentration and could not drive industry into the less developed areas across the state's interior, as expected by Ceará's state government officials.
A década de 90 representou significativas mudanças no panorama político econômico brasileiro, especificamente no projeto de desenvolvimento regional denominado Zona Franca de Manaus. Esse projeto foi concebido, primordialmente para integrar essa imensa região Amazônica ao restante do Brasil, em termos de complexa ordem geopolítica dominante nos anos 60. A análise que objetiva essa dissertação trata da evolução do emprego industrial no Pólo Industrial de Manaus na década de 90, com a conotação de expectativas, resultados e possibilidades. A implementação do projeto Zona Franca de Manaus, no que concerne seu Pólo Industrial permitiu que contingentes de mão-de-obra abundante na capital do Estado do Amazonas, tivesse a oportunidade de inserir-se no mercado de trabalho do processo de industrialização moderna. Todavia, essa mão-de-obra abundante não estava preparada para o que as indústrias demandavam, sendo necessários intensivos programas de adequação profissional para que possibilitasse o aproveitamento em processos produtivos de linhas de montagem. o Pólo Industrial de Manaus, apesar de todas as mudanças havidas na economia brasileira no período analisado, obteve significativos alcance de competências na capacitação desse contingente de trabalhadores que foram absorvidos, quando o paradigma da intensividade do fator trabalho imperava no Pólo. Entretanto, o processo de mudança que a globalização econômica e industrial provocou no sistema de produção global, trouxe para o modelo industrial da Zona Franca de Manaus acelerada mudança desse paradigma, resultando variações na demanda por mão-de-obra e acarretando significativo desemprego estrutural. É desse contexto de mudanças que trata o estudo apresentado, analisando a evolução das variáveis que influenciaram no nível de emprego industrial e no mercado de trabalho, as expectativas de novos perfis e as demandas específicas que o novo paradigma de capital intensivo, adotado pelas empresas de classe mundial desse Pólo exigem.
The objectives of this paper are twofold. First, it intends to provide theoretical elements to analyze the relation between real exchange rates and economic development. Our main hypothesis is very much in line with the Dutch disease literature, and states that competitive currencies contribute to the existence and maintenance of the anufacturing sector in the economy. This, in turn, brings about higher growth rates in the long run, given the existence of increasing returns in the industrial sector, and its importance in generating echnological change and increasing productivity in the overall economy. The second objective of this paper is empirical. It intends to analyze examples of successful exchange rate policies, such as Chile and Indonesia in the eighties, as a benchmark for comparison with countries where currency overvaluation has taken place, such as Brazil. In the latter case, the local currency is being inflated by large capital inflows, due to high domestic interest rates and to a boom in demand and prices of commodities in the international markets. It will be argued that the industrial sector bears most of the burden when the currency appreciates, and that Brazil risks at deindustrialization if there are no changes in the exchange rate regime
O trabalho destina-se a caracterizar e a delinear o conteúdo expresso no texto das Leis Orgânicas dos Ensinos Industrial, Comercial e Agricola, respectivamente, Decreto-lei n9 4.073 de 30 de janeiro de 1942, Decreto-lei n9 6.141 de 28 de dezembro de 1943 e Decreto-lei n9 9.613 de 20 de agosto de 1946 e a sua vinculação com o contexto politico-socio-econômico-administrativo-educacional. O estudo e esquematizado em quatro capitulos. Os dois pr1me1ros capitulos seguem a linha de investigaçao historica, sendo focalizadas as evoluções do ensino profi~ sional brasileiro e dos variados aspectos do contexto para posicionar o texto das Leis Orgânicas dos Ensinos Industrial, Comercial e Agricola. Os dois últimos capitulas tem como escopo aflorar a ideologia do texto dessas leis orgânicas, sendo que o terceiro capitulo apresenta a anilise de discurso do texto em evid~ncia, enquanto que o quarto capitulo analisa e interpreta as premissas ideologicas entre o texto das leis organicas e o contexto. Os quatro capItulas visam aos fatos e as ideias formuladas e sedimenta das pelo contexto, através do texto das Leis Orgânicas dos Ensinos Industrial, Comercial e Agricola. A pesquisa evidencia que o texto das Leis Orginicas dos Ensinos Industrial, Comercial e Agricola empreende perfeitamente as funções ideologicas elaboradas pelo gover no para atender i realidade do Estado Novo atraves da sedi mentação da ordem vigente e dos mecanismos de conservaçao e de reprodução sociais, apesar de ser constatada eial alienação is necessidades da efetivação do a parprocesso de industrialização no Pais e da construção de um modelo de sistema educacional adequado ao sistema geral de produçao e de acordo com o progresso social exigido pelo contex to.
This discussion paper is a contribution of the Brazilian Government to the 2006 Annual Conference of the OECD High-level Conference on "Better Financing for Entrepreneurship and SMEs" to be held in Brasilia, Brazil on 27-30 March 2006. It has been prepared by The Center for Studies in Private Equity and Venture Capital of EAESP-Fundação Getúlio Vargas under the auspices of ABDI – Agência Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento Industrial – an agency of the Ministry of Industrial Development and Foreign Trade, in cooperation with ABVCAP – The Brazilian Association of Private Equity and Venture Capital
Este trabalho avalia as previsões de três métodos não lineares — Markov Switching Autoregressive Model, Logistic Smooth Transition Autoregressive Model e Autometrics com Dummy Saturation — para a produção industrial mensal brasileira e testa se elas são mais precisas que aquelas de preditores naive, como o modelo autorregressivo de ordem p e o mecanismo de double differencing. Os resultados mostram que a saturação com dummies de degrau e o Logistic Smooth Transition Autoregressive Model podem ser superiores ao mecanismo de double differencing, mas o modelo linear autoregressivo é mais preciso que todos os outros métodos analisados.
This work assesses the forecasts of three nonlinear methods | Markov Switching Autoregressive Model, Logistic Smooth Transition Auto-regressive Model, and Auto-metrics with Dummy Saturation | for the Brazilian monthly industrial production and tests if they are more accurate than those of naive predictors such as the autoregressive model of order p and the double di erencing device. The results show that the step dummy saturation and the logistic smooth transition autoregressive can be superior to the double di erencing device, but the linear autoregressive model is more accurate than all the other methods analyzed.
No scholar or researcher is able to provide robust evidence that counters the scant reflection on metatheory – mostly ontology and epistemology – underlying management studies in general, and industrial marketing and purchasing research in particular. This paper is a contribution to the indispensable discussion of metatheoretical alternatives in research, and most importantly, the strengths and shortcomings thereof, and respective implications on research questions, objectives, and findings.
The central objective of this thesis is studying the changes in the industrial sector of Campina Grande-PB, in the years 1990, about the size of that space and urban sector. The hypothesis that guides this work is that there was a reconfiguration and industrial space in recent years, the result of the restructuring of productive capital and, secondarily, public policies - economic, urban etc. - implemented in the municipality in the years 1990. This reconfiguration industrial meant thepredominance of certain productive segments of the industry and the shift towards urban-industrial areas (industrial districts). This work is guided in these two axes to explain the changes in the industrial campinense and its consequent impact on the urban development of Campina Grande. It is understood by reconfiguration industrial changes in industrial structure, namely the preponderance of one or more productive segments on the other, changing the scenario of production, employment and the number of establishments. In this study, are considered as institutional structures of support and assistance to industry, the various institutions that directly and indirectly, contribute to the development of productive activity. These structures are the first to undergo institutional changes, physical and policies because of intrinsic connection with the industry. The institutional structures contribute to the development of industrial activity and urban development. In Campina Grande, these institutions are important for facilitating the development of certain segments. In this work, sought to identify the current configuration industrial campinense, explaining how the restructuring of production transformed the industry, modifying the urban space in Campina Grande - PB, to direct itself to specific urban areas, from the early 1990
The main purpose of this work is to develop an environment that allows HYSYS R chemical process simulator communication with sensors and actuators from a Foundation Fieldbus industrial network. The environment is considered a hybrid resource since it has a real portion (industrial network) and a simulated one (process) with all measurement and control signals also real. It is possible to reproduce different industrial process dynamics without being required any physical network modification, enabling simulation of some situations that exist in a real industrial environment. This feature testifies the environment flexibility. In this work, a distillation column is simulated through HYSYS R with all its variables measured and controlled by Foundation Fieldbus devices
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This research aims to understand the relationship between media, capitalism and ownership of free time for leisure practices in industrial societies and postindustrial. Searching is thus a conceptual framework that takes into account the kind of ideology that naturalizes the relationship of leisure with the foundations of contemporary media, and the media only with leisure, forgetting their insertion in the labor and industrial relations in society. We intend to demonstrate that every mode of production, in the capitalist system, entails a mode of reproduction. Methodologically, this is a first approximation, from theoretical concerns already performed, constituting a theoretical research, bibliographic and descriptive character. The results of the text drives us to the conclusion that the work and leisure spheres tend to be less and less differentiated, since both remain as activities of product management with the same intellective protocols, based on information and communication technology, and that accordingly, the media favors an expansion of productive activity even during leisure time
The use of post-consumer materials is directly related to reducing the cost of production and extraction of natural resources. Non-recyclable materials are randomly disposed in the environment. Brazil is one of the largest consumers of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles. The purpose of this paper is to describe the opportunities and challenges of the logistics model for post-consumer PET bottle recycling in Brazil, while providing knowledge of its practices along the recycling chain. The results describe the need to educate those directly and indirectly involved in the process: to reduce consumption in order to reduce the amount of waste generated: to structure the post-consumer reverse chain and engage industrial sectors and government, through public policies, to support cleaner technologies along the PET bottle production chain. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.