884 resultados para immigration detention


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Este trabajo presenta un diagnóstico llevado a cabo en un aula de segundo de Educación Primaria con alto índice de inmigración, que se conocía con anterioridad por unas prácticas del Grado de Educación Primaria llevadas a cabo en esa escuela. A partir de los resultados de este diagnóstico se ha creado una colección de cuentos de las culturas existentes en el aula seleccionada. Además, en el cuento se integra como innovación el uso de la Realidad Aumentada y se pretende, también, fomentar entre el alumnado el gusto de la lectura desde el punto de vista intercultural, aspecto cada vez más visible en los centros de enseñanza actuales.


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We assayed allelic variation at 19 nuclear-encoded microsatellites among 1622 Gulf red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) sampled from the 1995 and 1997 cohorts at each of three offshore localities in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gulf). Localities represented western, central, and eastern subregions within the northern Gulf. Number of alleles per microsatellite per sample ranged from four to 23, and gene diversity ranged from 0.170 to 0.917. Tests of conformity to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations and of genotypic equilibrium between pairs of micro-satellites were generally nonsignificant following Bonferroni correction. Significant genic or genotypic heterogeneity (or both) among samples was detected at four microsatellites and over all microsatellites. Levels of divergence among samples were low (FST ≤0.001). Pairwise exact tests revealed that six of seven “significant” comparisons involved temporal rather than spatial heterogeneity. Contemporaneous or variance effective size (NeV) was estimated from the temporal variance in allele frequencies by using a maximum-likelihood method. Estimates of NeV ranged between 1098 and >75,000 and differed significantly among localities; the NeV estimate for the sample from the northcentral Gulf was >60 times as large as the estimates for the other two localities. The differences in variance effective size could ref lect differences in number of individuals successfully reproducing, differences in patterns and intensity of immigration, or both, and are consistent with the hypothesis, supported by life-history data, that different “demographic stocks” of red snapper are found in the northern Gulf. Estimates of NeV for red snapper in the northern Gulf were at least three orders of magnitude lower than current estimates of census size (N). The ratio of effective to census size (Ne/N) is far below that expected in an ideal population and may reflect high variance in individual reproductive success, high temporal and spatial variance in productivity among subregions or a combination of the two.


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A presente tese tem por objetivo central investigar a legitimidade da adoção do monitoramento eletrônico como sanção autônoma no sistema de justiça penal brasileiro. Para tanto, parte-se da perspectiva do controle social formal no contexto das sociedades tecnológicas e de riscos, no qual a prisão e o monitoramento estão inseridos, e traça-se um paralelo entre as sanções penais adotadas ao longo do desenvolvimento do Direito Penal e a evolução da sociedade. Enfocando o instituto do monitoramento eletrônico de presos, a tese aborda seu conceito, origens, espécies, evolução tecnológica, finalidades, modelos e aspectos constitucionais, tanto no Brasil, como em outros países. A partir de uma análise crítica de seu tratamento normativo, a nível federal e estadual, formulam-se proposições com o objetivo de preservar os direitos individuais dos monitorados, garantindo-se a idoneidade do sistema de monitoramento eletrônico como espécie de sanção penal, em harmonia com as finalidades preventiva e retributiva da pena, mas sem se descurar da sua potencialidade como instrumento de redução da superpopulação carcerária brasileira.


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O universo que envolve os adolescentes em conflito com a lei tem sido bastante explorado nas mais diversas áreas das ciências humanas: procura-se descobrir as causas do aprisionamento dos adolescentes, da criminalidade, da criminalização ou o perfil da população que povoa as instituições destinadas à execução das medidas socioeducativas. Com esta tese, procurou-se estabelecer um diálogo com estes trabalhos, por meio da sistematização dos mundos (cf. Boltanski e Thévenot, 1991) observados em duas unidades do Departamento Geral de Ações Socioeducativas (Degase) responsáveis pela aplicação das medidas de internação e semiliberdade às meninas acusadas de infringirem leis: o Centro de Recursos Integrados de Atendimento ao Adolescente (CRIAAD) de Ricardo de Albuquerque e o Educandário Santos Dumont, ambos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Intentou-se conhecer como agentes, técnicos e adolescentes organizam e justificam suas experiências, como hierarquizam as coisas e as pessoas e como qualificam os seres humanos e não humanos. A pesquisa empírica realizada para esta tese nos leva a perceber que há uma pluralidade de situações, de formas de ajustamento e investimento pelas quais passam as adolescentes, constatando que algumas delas são contraditórias e questionam constantemente as personalidades, potencialidades e tendências a elas atribuídas. Verifica-se que as adolescentes estão sob contínua provação atendendo aos mais diversos critérios de legitimidade, mantidos seja pelos técnicos seja pelos agentes seja pelas próprias adolescentes durante o tempo que duram suas medidas socioeducativas.


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We analyzed published and archived records for the past 250 years to assess changes in distribution and abundance of Steller sea lions, Eumetopias jubatus, along the Asian coast from the Bering Strait to the Korean Peninsula. We found that the northern extent of Steller sea lion distribution has not changed but that the southern limit has moved north by some 500–900 km (~300–500 n.mi.) over the past 50 years. Additionally, the number of animals and their distribution has changed on the Commander Islands, Kuril Islands, and Kamchatka Peninsula. We found no changes in the number of rookeries in the northern Sea of Okhotsk, but a new rookery was established at Tuleny Island on the eastern coast of Sakhalin Island. We estimate that the total abundance of Steller sea lions along the Asian coast in the late 19th century was about 115,000 animals; during the 1960’s, the total estimate was about 27,000 (including pups), most of which were in the Kuril Islands. The fewest number of Steller sea lions occurred in the northwestern Pacific in the late 1980’s–early 1990’s when only about 13,000 individuals (including pups) were estimated in the entire region. During the 1990’s, and especially in early 2000, an increasing trend in abundance occurred in most areas. Present estimated abundance of Steller sea lions in Asia is about 16,000 individuals (including about 5,000 pups), about half of which occur in the Kuril Islands. Changes in abundance occurred during all time periods but varied by site and period. Specifically, over the past 150 years Steller sea lion abundance at most sites has changed. There were no rookeries on the Commander Islands between 1850 and 1960 and abundance was low, but by 1977, abundance increased to 4,800 individuals and a rookery was established in the mid 1980’s; abundance there has declined since the early 1980’s and in 2004 only 895 individuals (including 221 pups) were counted during the breeding season. Between 1940 and 2004, abundance along the eastern coast of Kamchatka declined from ~7,000 to ~600 individuals, an overall reduction of 90%. Steller sea lion abundance on the Kuril Islands declined by >90% from the 1800’s to 2005; the most severe decline there occurred during 1969–1981. Steller sea lion numbers in the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk declined during 1930–2002 from 7,200 to 3,100 individuals. Numbers at Tuleny Island have increased since establishment of a rookery there during 1983–2005 and by immigration from other sites.


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Ao trazer registros de como a cultura árabe ou o imigrante árabe foi representado pela literatura brasileira desde os escritos coloniais, pretendemos refletir sobre a ficção brasileira contemporânea, que, diferentemente dos períodos anteriores, lança um olhar profundo sobre a imigração árabe para o Brasil, o que possibilita uma releitura do processo de inserção do imigrante na sociedade brasileira, principalmente para os descendentes de primeira e segunda geração. O corpus escolhido é composto por duas narrativas: o romance Dois irmãos (2000), de Milton Assi Hatoum, escritor manaura, nascido em 1950, filho de imigrantes árabes sírio-libaneses; e a narrativa O enigma de Qaf (2004), de Alberto Mussa, carioca, nascido em 1961, neto de imigrantes árabes. Nossa pesquisa busca demonstrar que as obras ficcionais de escritores descendentes de imigrantes permitem uma reflexão densa sobre os conflitos da condição migrante, porém numa perspectiva diferente da visão estereotipada ou mesmo de uma tematização preconceituosa. Entendemos ser a literatura um espaço privilegiado para trazer à tona outras visões sobre a cultura árabe, deixando de lado, consequentemente, a única história já delineada pelo colonizador europeu, aquela contida nos livros didáticos, divulgada nos grandes meios de comunicação de massa e na história universal, segundo a qual os árabes são terroristas, fundamentalistas, desumanos, opressores da mulher, o turco da prestação, o vendedor ambulante. Trata-se, assim, de adotar um viés pós-colonial, segundo os estudos de Eloína Patri dos Santos (2005), na medida em que, sob tal viés, o colonizado pode relatar a sua experiência, de acordo com a sua própria versão, com a sua voz. A análise é elaborada por meio de três eixos: o ethos identitário, o pathos do exílio e o logos da memória. Com a abordagem desses eixos, buscamos enfatizar a construção, nos dois romances, de um espaço de enriquecimento cultural por meio de personagens despidos de exageros folclóricos, de uma ambientação sem exotismos, da tematização de ritos árabes sem estereótipos, e, principalmente, do maior legado da cultura árabe para a humanidade: a língua árabe. Buscamos, dessa forma, contribuir para uma maior compreensão da ficção brasileira contemporânea, além de colaborar com as pesquisas que tratam das representações e figurações do árabe produzidas no Brasil


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Abstract The spawning activities of cod were described in the Arkona Sea from 2009 to 2012 and were compared with estimates of the period 1992 – 1999. Cod spawned mainly from beginning of June till the middle of July every year. In the same period spawning was observed in the Bornholm Sea. The spawning activities in July were limited by water temperature above the critical limits. Spawning activities in spring which were observed in the 90 ties were of lower importance between 2009 and 2012. Higher proportions of spent cod were observed in the Arkona Sea in August and autumn between 2009 and 2012 compared to the earlier period, indicating immigration of cod from the Bornholm Sea after spawning. The study showed that higher proportion of cod with developing sex products were observed in the Arkona Sea between 2009 and 2012 compared to the 90 ties. Kurzfassung Die Laichaktivitäten der Dorsche in der Arkonasee werden für den Zeitraum 2009 – 2012 dargestellt und im Vergleich mit dem Zeitraum 1992 – 1999 diskutiert. Die Hauptlaichaktivitäten haben im Untersuchungszeitraum von Anfang Juni bis Mitte Juli stattgefunden und lagen damit in ihrem jahreszeitlichen Verlauf innerhalb der Zeitperiode der Laichaktivitäten in der angrenzenden Bornholmsee. In der Arkonasee wurden jeweils im Juli diese Ereignisse durch ansteigende Wassertemperaturenbegrenzt. Die, noch in den 90-er Jahren beobachteten, Laichaktivitäten im Frühjahr haben aktuell an Bedeutung verloren. Im Spätsommer und Herbst war ein, im Vergleich zu den 90-er Jahren, höherer Anteil an abgelaichten Tieren in der Arkonasee zu beobachten, der als Indiz für eine Zuwanderung von abgelaichten Dorschen aus der Bornholmsee gewertet wird. Insgesamt hat der Anteil an Tieren mit sich entwickelnden Geschlechtsprodukten (aktive Laicher) im Untersuchungszeitraum, im Vergleich zu den 90-er Jahren, zugenommen.


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O respectivo trabalho tem como objetivo destacar o desenvolvimento das políticas imigratórias e a sua repercussão no cotidiano do imigrante, entre os anos de 1930 e 1945. Nesse período, salientamos as políticas de Estado e suas respectivas mudanças, alinhadas ao contexto histórico, no tocante a seleção dos imigrantes desejáveis e indesejáveis. A evolução do aparelhamento estatal, com a criação e adaptação de instituições repressivas, jurídicas e burocráticas, é ponto fundamental para compreender a relação do Estado com o imigrante. Além disso, vale destacar que a imagem do estrangeiro como um problema de segurança nacional era constantemente reforçada pela retórica oficial do Estado. Assim, a própria sofisticação das estruturas organizacionais confluíam para certo afastamento das instituições do poder central, resultando em maior autonomia nas decisões e conseqüente descenso no rigor do julgamento sobre os imigrantes. Dessa forma, se faz necessária uma análise crítica sobre o contexto histórico, captando o sistema estatal como algo heterogêneo, a fim de compreender as nuanças nas políticas e ações do Estado, bem como o papel do imigrante nesse processo.


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A migração laboral de bolivianos para São Paulo é um processo intrinsecamente relacionado aos planos de ajuste estrutural ocorridos na Bolívia e no Brasil na segunda metade dos anos 1980 e no início da década de 1990, respectivamente. Para a Bolívia, o Decreto 21.060 implicou a privatização de mineradoras e conseqüentes demissões em massa, além de uma abertura econômica que favoreceu migrações internas para as regiões cocaleiras e para as periferias das grandes cidades. Posteriormente, esses migrantes e seus familiares se destinaram a países limítrofes como Argentina e Brasil. Destaca-se nesse contexto a localidade de El Alto, origem de grande parte dos imigrantes que se destinaram a São Paulo. Do lado brasileiro, houve também uma abertura econômica que foi prejudicial a amplos setores da indústria, como a cadeia têxtil-vestuário. Para reduzir os custos de produção e aumentar sua competitividade em relação às mercadorias asiáticas, a indústria de vestuário se reestruturou defensivamente e subcontratou grande parte de sua produção material às oficinas informais que empregam imigrantes bolivianos geralmente jovens, indocumentados e com baixa qualificação profissional. Nessa pesquisa, relacionamos esse fluxo populacional às transformações estruturais ocorridas nos dois países, destacando as mudanças nas relações de trabalho decorrentes do processo de reestruturação produtiva. Também abordamos as redes de solidariedade desses imigrantes e os meios pelos quais estes vêm revertendo uma inserção na sociedade de destino em que predominam condições precárias de trabalho e habitação, além de uma instabilidade permanente decorrente da irregularidade documental que atinge grande parte desses trabalhadores.


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Invasive species generate significant environmental and economic costs, with maintenance management constituting a major expenditure. Such costs are generated by invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois spp.) that further threaten already stressed coral reefs in the western Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. This brief review documents rapid range expansion and potential impacts of lionfish. In addition, preliminary experimental data from targeted removals contribute to debates about maintenance management. Removals at sites off Little Cayman Island shifted the size frequency distribution of remaining lionfish toward smaller individuals whose stomachs contained less prey and fewer fish. Fewer lionfish and decreased predation on threatened grouper, herbivores and other economically and ecologically important fishes represent key steps toward protecting reefs. However, complete evaluation of success requires long-term data detailing immigration and recruitment by lionfish, compensatory growth and reproduction of lionfish, reduced direct effects on prey assemblages, and reduced indirect effects mediated by competition for food. Preventing introductions is the best way to avoid impacts from invasive species and early detection linked to rapid response ranks second. Nevertheless, results from this case study suggest that targeted removals represent a viable option for shifting direct impacts of invasive lionfish away from highly vulnerable components of ecosystems.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a movimentação de imigrantes no Porto do Rio de Janeiro e na Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores entre os anos de 1883 e 1907, procurando relacioná-la com as políticas públicas de incentivo ao fluxo migratório e as mudanças na dinâmica organizacional da referida hospedaria. A ideia é demonstrar através dos relatórios do Ministério da Agricultura, Comércio e Obras Públicas e, posteriormente da Indústria, Viação e Obras Públicas que as oscilações no número de entrada de imigrantes no território brasileiro acompanharam as políticas imigratórias favoráveis ou desfavoráveis a vinda de trabalhadores estrangeiros. Assim, pretende-se demonstrar que a Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores foi uma construção integrada à estrutura dos movimentos imigratórios e que, portanto, sua manutenção esteve sujeita a agenda política do governo imperial e republicano. Nesse sentido, em 1891, após a adoção do sistema federalista, transferiu-se para os estados a responsabilidade pelos serviços referentes à imigração e à colonização, o que reduziu gradativamente o fluxo de imigrantes na Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores, fazendo com que a instituição perdesse a importância que tinha na década anterior. Somente em 1907, diante da dificuldade dos estados em promover a imigração, o poder central retomou as políticas imigratórias e a Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores tornou a florescer.


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Commercial harvest of red sea urchins began in Washington state in 1971. Harvests peaked in the late 1980s and have since declined substantially in Washington and other areas of the U.S. west coast. We studied effects of experimental harvest on red sea urchins in San Juan Channel (SJC), a marine reserve in northern Washing-ton. We recorded changes in density and size distribution of sea urchin populations resulting from three levels of experimental harvest: 1) annual size-selective harvest (simulating cur-rent commercial urchin harvest regulations), 2) monthly complete (non–size selective) harvest, and 3) no harvest (control) sites. We also examined re-colonization rates of harvested sites. The red sea urchin population in SJC is composed of an accumulation of large, old individuals. Juvenile urchins represent less than 1% of the population. Lower and upper size limits for commercial harvest protect 5% and 45% of the population, respectively. Complete harvest reduced sea urchin densities by 95%. Annual size-selective harvest significantly decreased sea urchin densities by 67% in the first year and by 47% in the second year. Two years of size-selective harvest significantly altered the size distribution of urchins, decreasing the density of legal-size urchins. Recolonization of harvested sites varied seasonally and occurred primarily through immigration of adults. Selective harvest sites were recolonized to 51% and 38% of original densities, respectively, six months after the first and second annual harvests. Yields declined substantially in the second year of size-selective harvest because of the fishing down of the population and because of low recolonization rates of harvested sites. We recommend that managers consider the potential efficacy of marine harvest refuges and reevaluate the existing upper and lower size limits for commercial harvest to improve long-term management of the sea urchin fishery in Washington.


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Preliminary investigations to study the lunar, diurnal and tidal periodicity in abundance and migrations of prawns were made in the Bairavapalam distributary of the Goutami branch of the Godavari estuary during the period of November 1961 to July 1962. The study was based on observation of the catches of a stake net (bag net) operated near the mouth of the estuary. Records of the catches were maintained tidewise daily. Comparative estimates of abundance were made on the basis of catch per hour's operation. It was generally observed that the catches were higher during the darker half of the month than in the brighter fortnight. The landings during low tides were generally higher than those during high tides and usually heavier catches were made during nocturnal low tides than during the day low tides. A continuous inward and outward (immigration and emigration) movement of prawns of all size groups was observed in the estuary from November to July. In general, more penaeid prawns were found to be immigrating at dawn than at dusk. Similarly, the number of emigrants was also found to be generally higher during the new moon period than during the full moon. Metapenaeus monoceros showed an almost distinct nocturnal periodicity in migration, while no such periodicity was observed, distinctly, in other species. In the case of Penaeus indicus the movement of migrants was prolonged. In M. brevicornis the migrants were scarce till March and thereafter increased numerically. The migrant forms of Metapenaeus dobsoni continued to be abundant till May with peak periods in January and February. The migratory pattern of Metapenaeus affinis was similar to that of Metapenaeus brevicornis, though the migrants of the former species appeared a month earlier than the latter. Intensive studies over extended areas for longer periods are required to understand clearly the migratory pattern of the various species. The phenomenon of immigration of prawns can be clearly understood only by vital staining or tagging studies. Perhaps the emigrants might be returning with the succeeding changing life. To verify this, laboratory experiments, by vital stains, were conducted. The marked specimens, if released during the low tides on a large scale, may be recaptured during the subsequent high tides and the duration also may be calculated. At least some percentage of the emigrants remains in the sea for maturity and breeding.


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An understanding of how pathogens colonize their hosts is crucial for the rational design of vaccines or therapy. While the molecular factors facilitating the invasion and systemic infection by pathogens are a central focus of research in microbiology, the population biological aspects of colonization are still poorly understood. Here, we investigated the early colonization dynamics of Salmonella enterica subspecies 1 serovar Typhimurium (S. Tm) in the streptomycin mouse model for diarrhea. We focused on the first step on the way to systemic infection - the colonization of the cecal lymph node (cLN) from the gut - and studied roles of inflammation, dendritic cells and innate immune effectors in the colonization process. To this end, we inoculated mice with mixtures of seven wild type isogenic tagged strains (WITS) of S. Tm. The experimental data were analyzed with a newly developed mathematical model describing the stochastic immigration, replication and clearance of bacteria in the cLN. We estimated that in the beginning of infection only 300 bacterial cells arrive in the cLN per day. We further found that inflammation decreases the net replication rate in the cLN by 23%. In ccr7-/- mice, in which dendritic cell movement is impaired, the bacterial migration rate was reduced 10-fold. In contrast, cybb-/- mice that cannot generate toxic reactive oxygen species displayed a 4-fold higher migration rate from gut to cLN than wild type mice. Thus, combining infections with mixed inocula of barcoded strains and mathematical analysis represents a powerful method for disentangling immigration into the cLN from replication in this compartment. The estimated parameters provide an important baseline to assess and predict the efficacy of interventions. © 2013 Kaiser et al.


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Hunhe, Taizihe rivers originating from the east mountain areas of Liaoning Province are the biggest tributaries of the left bank of Liaohe River. From the initial stage of New China to the early 1990s, the frequency of flood damage had decreased, but recently the disasters have upgraded and changed from trunk stream to tributary basins. In July 1995, Dongzhouhe, a tributary of Hunhe River, suffered from a heaviest flood since establishing the document of floods in Hunhe basin. Meanwhile, a peak discharge, almost beyond double defending ability, occurred at Dadongshanpu Station of Beishahe River, a tributary of Taizihe River. Besides the continued heavy rainstorm, no controllable water conservancy projects and ecological damages caused by quickly decreasing forest cover and water and soil loss are the two main causes of flood damage. In addition, the low flood protection standard is also one of causes. According to the above analyses, some strategies of synthetic controlling for flood damages were put forward: 1) Establishing the system of ecological engineering to defend floods and reduce disasters; 2)Setting up storage and detention areas; 3) Establishing flood controlling information system; 4) Improving the accuracy of media short period and short period rainstorm forecast and flood forecast; 5) Insurance of flood protection.