961 resultados para horse Longíssimus Dorsi
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de dois métodos de abate (MA) e do sexo sobre a qualidade de carne de capivaras. Os métodos de abate avaliados foram o humanitário (MH) e por tiro (MT), sendo utilizados 2 lotes de 10 animais, um deles contendo 5 machos e 5 fêmeas e outro com 8 machos e 2 fêmeas, nos quais foram avaliados os valores de pH na 1ª, 3ª, 5ª, 7ª, 9ª, 11ª e 24ª horas após o abate e a perda de peso por cozimento (PPC), a cor e a força de cisalhamento (FC), em porções do músculo longissimus dorsi, retiradas entre a 10ª e 12ª vértebras. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as médias de pH não foram influenciadas pelo MA e pelo sexo. Os valores médios foram: 6,24; 6,05; 6,01; 6,01; 6,03; 6,04 e 5,96 às 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 e 24 horas, respectivamente. Em relação à cor, o MT apresentou valor de L* (32,40) superior (P<0,05) ao MH (29,59), não sendo observado o efeito de sexo sobre esse parâmetro. Nos demais parâmetros de cor e na PPC não foram observadas diferenças entre os lotes. A FC foi influenciada pelo MA, sendo observado maiores valores (P<0,05) para MT do que para MH com médias de 5,04 e 3,97kgf, respectivamente.
Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito dos fatores sexo e faixas de peso ao abate (30-40, 40-50, 50-60kg) sobre o declínio de pH, pH final, cor, capacidade de retenção de água (CRA), perda de peso por cozimento (PPC) e força de cisalhamento (FC) da carne de capivara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). As amostras do músculo longissimus dorsi (LD) foram obtidas de 28 capivaras (16 machos e 12 fêmeas), provenientes de um zoocriadouro. Não houve influência dos fatores sexo e faixas de peso ao abate sobre o pH as 2h (6,29), 5h (6,29), 8h (6,25) e 24h (6,01) post mortem; na cor (Sistema CIE LAB) para luminosidade (34,28), teor de vermelho (10,74) e teor de amarelo (1,74); CRA (0,47), PPC (32,27%) e FC (5,20kgf/g). Comparando com espécies domésticas, a carne de capivara apresentou pH final elevado; índice de luminosidade baixo e teor de vermelho elevado, assemelhando-se à carnes de bovinos e ovinos (carnes vermelhas); CRA e PPC dentro dos limites considerados normais; e, textura (FC) considerada macia.
Foi realizado um estudo para verificar os efeitos do sexo e do tempo de maturação sobre a qualidade da carne de alguns cortes de ovinos. Foram utilizados os músculos Longissimus dorsi e Semimembranosus de cinco machos inteiros, cinco machos castrados e cinco fêmeas, com peso aproximado de 35kg. As variáveis pH, índice de fragmentação miofibrilar, perdas na cocção, força de cisalhamento, gordura intramuscular, cor e maciez sensorial foram determinadas após 1, 3, 7 e 14 dias de maturação da carne em refrigeração a 2ºC. A carne dos machos castrados e a das fêmeas apresentaram menor força de cisalhamento e maior maciez sensorial do que as de macho inteiro. Na carne de animais castrados foi observado um maior nível de gordura e menores perdas na cocção que na dos animais inteiros. O tempo de maturação da carne não afetou significativamente (p>0,05) a força de cisalhamento e maciez sensorial, indicando que a comercialização da carne destes animais, principalmente a dos machos castrados, poderá ser realizada com um dia (24 horas) de acondicionamento sob refrigeração a 2ºC.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a evolução do pH post mortem, cor, perda de peso por cozimento e força de cisalhamento dos músculos Longissimus dorsi (LD) e Semimembranosus (SM) de 49 cordeiros provenientes de cruzamentos entre as raças Bergamácia com Santa Inês (BgxSI) e Ile de France com Santa Inês (IFxSI), machos inteiros e fêmeas, distribuídos nos grupos pesos ao abate de 15, 25, 35 e 45kg. Os grupos genéticos apresentaram diferenças (P<0,05) sobre o pH dos músculos LD e SM, sendo que BgxSI apresentou média de pH mais elevada, do que IFxSI. O fator sexo não afetou a cor, entretanto o grupo genético influenciou (P<0,001) o valor L* e o valor a*; o valor L* de 35,25 e 32,89, para IFxSI e BgxSI, respectivamente; e o valor a* de 16,09 e 14,64, para BgxSI e IFxSI, respectivamente. A perda de peso por cozimento não foi influenciada pelos fatores grupos genéticos, sexos e grupos de peso. A maciez no músculo SM não foi afetada pelos fatores estudados. Entretanto no LD, os grupos de peso afetaram a maciez (P<0,05). Os grupos de 15 e 25kg apresentaram força de cisalhamento mais elevada (13,57 e 10,98kgf, respectivamente), do que os cordeiros de 35 e 45kg (8,56 e 7,97kgf, respectivamente).
Foi avaliado o efeito do tipo de músculo e da maturação sobre algumas propriedades funcionais e sensoriais da carne caprina. Utilizaram-se os músculos longissimus dorsi, semimembranosus e biceps femoris de cabras com aproximadamente 20 meses de idade. A carne, sem maturar e maturada por sete dias, foi avaliada para perdas por cocção (PPC) e força de cisalhamento (FC), por métodos instrumentais, e para dureza sensorial (DS) e suculência sensorial (SS), por provadores treinados. As PPC não sofreram efeito significativo (p > 0,05) do tipo de músculo e da maturação da carne. A carne sem maturar do músculo semimembranosus apresentou maior FC que aquelas dos músculos longissimus dorsi e biceps femoris. Em relação ao tipo de músculo, após a maturação, as carnes dos músculos semimembranosus e biceps femoris se apresentaram mais macias que a do longissimus dorsi. Quanto ao efeito da maturação, a FC da carne do músculo semimembranosus diminuiu significativamente. A FC apresentou correlação positiva com DS e correlação negativa com SS. Dureza e suculência avaliadas de forma sensorial apresentaram correlação negativa. A maturação por 7 dias diminuiu a dureza, mas não afetou as PPC da carne dos músculos semimembranosus e bíceps femoris.
A necessidade para uma maior produção de carne magra em suínos tem acarretado modificações nas características bioquímicas do músculo conduzindo ao desenvolvimento das anomalias nas suas cores, as denominadas carnes PSE e DFD. Estas carnes por apresentarem alterações de suas propriedades funcionais, resultam em grandes perdas econômicas. Nesse experimento, foram utilizadas 946 amostras de Longissimus dorsi m., lombos de suínos da linhagem Dalland, machos castrados e fêmeas, com 100 dias de idade, em um Frigorífico localizado na Região Sul do País. Os lombos foram classificados com base no valor de L*24 h e pH24 h. Foi constatada uma incidência de 22,8% de carnes PSE, 1,0% de DFD e 76,2% de normal. Esses valores relativamente altos de carnes PSE mostram a necessidade de se realizar controles no seu manejo pré e pós-abate para a manutenção da qualidade da carne e evitar o excessivo prejuízo econômico dos frigoríficos decorrentes dessas anormalidades.
Seventy-eight kids of both sexes and five genotypes were used: Alpine, ½ Boer + ½ Alpine (½ BA), ¾ Boer + ¼ Alpine, ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Alpine and "tricross" (½ Anglo-nubian + ¼ Boer + ¼ Alpine) with initial average weight of 14.1 ± 2.5. The objective was to evaluate the effect of genotype, finishing system, and sex on the physiochemical characteristics of goat meat. Finishing systems were: ST1 - kid + dam in pasture and ST2 - weaned kid and feedlot. Kids in ST1 were kept in an area with Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania, and after grazing, water and mineral salt/mix were fed ad libitum to the animals. The animals in ST2 were confined in collective pens distributed according to genotypes and received diet with 16% CP and 73% TDN. The values of pH, a* (red content), Cooking Loss (CL), and Ether Extract (EE) percentage were influenced by genotype. Values for red content (a*) and L* (brightness), CL and percentages of moisture, protein, EE, and ash were influenced by the finishing system. Longissimus dorsi muscle from animals ½ BA exhibited better physiochemical characteristics. For greater tenderness and higher percentages of fat, consumers should choose female kid goat meat.
Thirty-two intact male goats from four genetic groups (eight pure-bred Boers, eight ¾ Boer + ¼ SPRD crossbreeds, eight ½ Boer + ½ SPRD crossbreeds, and eight ½ Anglo Nubian + ½ SPRD crossbreeds) were evaluated for meat quality. The goats were reared in confinement and slaughtered at the average live weight of 29 kg. Temperature and pH decrease in the longissimus dorsi muscle was determined for 24 hours, and analyses of colour, cooking loss, water-holding capacity, and sensory attributes were also performed. Genotype significantly (P < 0.05) influenced the confinement period; ½ Boer + ½ SPRD crossbreeds required the most time in confinement to reach the target weight, while the pure-bred Boers required the least time. Genotype also significantly influenced (P < 0.05) the weight loss due to cooking, shearing force, colour (intensity of yellowness and luminescence), and the sensory attributes of flavour, odour, and raw colour of the meat. The crossing of exotic Boer and Anglo Nubian breeds with the native SPRD resulted in a goat meat of high quality.
The Brock centre was later renamed Alphie's Trough after Alfred, the horse given to General Brock by Sir James Craig.
The purpose ofthis study was to explore the process oftherapeutic riding as an experiential and holistic approach to learning and recovery for people with disabilities as perceived by the providers oftherapeutic riding. To enhance the connection between theory and practice and to suggest future research, the researcher endeavoured to develop a theory that contributed to the knowledge base oftherapeutic riding, animal-assisted therapy and education, experiential education, and experiential therapy in addition to contributing to connections among them. This topic was investigated because ofthe lack ofresearch about the process of therapeutic riding, particularly from learning and a recovery perspective. Few studies have addressed how therapeutic riding outcomes are achieved or how the therapeutic riding process actually works. This study was identified as grounded theory using qualitative data through interviews and narrative reflections with therapeutic riding providers, a researcher's journal, field notes, and written documents. Grounded theory analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. This consisted ofdoing open, axial, and selective coding. This study provided detailed descriptions ofthe research approach, researcher's involvement, participant and site selection, data collection and analysis, methodological assumptions and limitations, credibility established, and ethical considerations. The findings ofthe data analysis revealed the theme ofrelationships as central to the learning and recovery process oftherapeutic riding for people with disabilities. The significance ofthe team relationships, the horse and rider relationship, and the providers and rider relationship was found. The essential components ofthe learning and recovery process were presented in a diagram in the selective coding phase. Goals oftherapeutic riding included psycho-education; behavioural and social; physical; and equestrian. Parts ofthe process ofhow outcomes were achieved included motivation; "opens new doors;" risk; task analysis; control; communication; and environmental factors. Outcomes of therapeutic riding included independence and mobility; confidence; and transfer abilities or skills. The implications ofthese findings for theory, practice, and further research were also. explored.
Floral nectar is thought to be the primary carbohydrate source for most dipteran species. However, it has been shown that black flies (Burgin & Hunter 1997 a,b,c), mosquitoes (Foster 1995; Burkett et al. 1999; Russell & Hunter 2002), deer flies (Magnarelli & Burger 1984; Janzen & Hunter 1998; Ossowski & Hunter 2000), horse flies (Schutz & Gaugler 1989; Hunter & Ossowski 1999) and sand flies (MacVicker et al. 1990; Wallbanks et al. 1990; Cameron et al. 1992, 1995; Schlein & Jacobson 1994, 1999; Hamilton & EI Naiem 2000) feed on homopteran honeydew as well as floral nectar. Prior to 1997 floral nectar was thought to be the main source of carbohydrates for black flies. However, Burgin & Hunter (1 997a) demonstrated that up to 35% of black flies had recently consumed meals of homo pte ran honeydew. This information has necessitated a re-assessment of many life history aspects of black flies. Attempts are being made to examine the effects of nectar versus honeydew on black fly fecundity and parasite transmission (Hazzard 2003). Recently, Stanfield and Hunter (unpublished data) have shown that in female black flies, honeydew sugars produce flights of longer distance and duration than do nectar sugars. This thesis examines two aspects of black fly biology as it relates to sugar meal consumption. First, the effects of honeydew and nectar on black fly longevity are examined. Second, the proximate causation behind longer flight performances in honeydew-fed flies will be examined. The comparison between these two sources is important because nectar is composed of mainly simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides) whereas honeydew is composed of both simple and complex sugars (including trisaccharides and tetrasaccharides ).
The Welland Power and Supply Canal Company Limited, established in 1893 and incorporated in 1894 with a capital stock of $500,000. The aim of the company was to harness the natural water supply of the Niagara and Welland Rivers. In 1898 the Canadian Electrical News published a report by Henry Symons, QC outlining the main project of the company. This project involves the construction of a canal from the Welland River to the brow of the mountain at Thorold, a distance of 8 miles; the construction at Thorold of a power house, and from Thorold to Lake Ontario, a raceway by which to carry water into the lake. The estimate for the machinery to generate 100,000 horse power is £125,000; for transmission line to Toronto at a voltage of 10,000….The total estimate therefore amounts to £2,452,162, or roughly speaking, $12,000,000. Source: Canadian Electrical News, August 1898, p. 172. In 1899 the company officers petitioned the federal government desiring a name change to the Niagara-Welland Power Company Limited. Officers of the company were Harry Symons, President; Charles A. Hesson, Vice-President; and M.R. O’Loughlin, James B. Sheehan, James S. Haydon, Frederick K. Foster, directors; John S. Campbell, secretary-treasurer. The company’s head offices were located in St. Catharines, with a New York (City) office on Broad Street. In 1905 and 1909 the company petitioned the federal government for additional time to construct its works, which was granted. The company had until May 16, 1915 to complete construction. John S. Campbell (1860-1950) was a graduate of the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall. During his university years John began his military career first in "K" Company, Queens Own rifles and then later as Commanding Officer of the 19th Lincoln Regiment, from 1906 to 1910. Upon his return to St. Catharines John Campbell served as secretary in the St. Catharines Garrison Club, a social club for military men begun in 1899. After being called to the Bar, he became a partner in the firm of Campbell and McCarron and was appointed to the bench in 1916, serving until retirement in 1934. Judge Campbell served as an alderman for several terms and was the mayor of St. Catharines in 1908 and 1909. He also served as the first chairman of the St. Catharines Public Utilities in 1914. John S. Campbell was married to Elizabeth Oille, daughter of Jerome B. and Charlotte (St. John) Oille. The family home "Cruachan" was located at 32 Church St.
Transcript (spelling and grammar retained): Chippawa [Chippewa] 28th August 1860 My Dear Sir I duly received your very kind letter of the 24th [June] asking me to communicate such facts of general interest connected with my career during the War with the United States. I have no objection to afford you such information as came under my own observation; nevertheless I do so, with the understanding, I have no desire to be my own trumpeter. With respect to your circular wherein you state you have been for several years collecting materials for a History of the late War between the United States & Great Britain, for which you are now gathering further materials to add to your collection, concerning the Second War for Independence. I am rather at a loss to know, what is meant by the second war; If you allude to the petty Rebellion, it could not be called a War, Those that caused the outbreak were very soon put down, by the Loyal people of the Province without the aid of Regular Troops being satisfied with the Independence they enjoyed. With respect to the several questions names in your circular: To the 1st I would say, this locality is made memorable by the battle of Chippawa [Chippewa] which took place about a mile above the village on the ground I pointed out to you, when I had the pleasure of seeing you a few days ago, with Mr Porter of the Niagara Falls, of which I believe you took sketches at the time. 2nd I have no historical documents of any value; so many years having gone past, the most of my old papers have either been lost or destroyed, I however came across two letters, one dated Queenston 9th July 1812 from Lt. Col. Nicholl Quarter Master General of Militia, the other from Lt. Col Myers Deputy Quarter Master General of the Regular Army date Fort George 23rd same month, directed to me in the hand writing of each of those officers as Deputy Quarter Master General of Militia, which letters I shall be obliged you would return at as early a day possible, as I wish to place them with tome others in the case, I have had made to hold the cocked hat & feather I wore during that eventful period, which I am sorry I did not exhibit when you was at my house; with reference to it I now enclose a letter from Lt. Col. Clark, residing at Port Dalhousie he was Captain & Adjutant of Militia in the War of 1812__ I send the letter in proof of the cock’d hat it is a lengthy one, but you may find time to turn over it, as I shall also place it in the hat case__ 3rd Where are [but] [for] traditionary [sic] witnesses residing in this vicinity – Col Clark above named Mr Merritt of St. Catharines, & Mr Kerby of Brantford are the only ones I now recollect, who could offord [sic] you any statistical information. 4th I have no pictorial sketches of any Military Movements or fortifications. As regards my own career, which you appear [ ? ] of knowing__ I was first a Lieutenant in a volunteer flank company stationed on the river side opposite [Navy] Island not far from the battle ground of Chippawa [Chippewa], I got promotion as Lieutenant of Cavalry before I got my Cavalry dress completed in three days more, I was called by General Brock to Fort George, was appointed Deputy Quarter Master General of Militia with the rank of Captain s the accompanying letters will show. I was at the battle of Stony Creek, several skirmishes at the Cross Roads, when the American army [ ? ] Fort George, at the taking of Col. Boerstler at the Beaver Dam, & had the honor of receiving Colonel Chapens sword at the surrender, who commanded a company of volunteer Horse Men was at the taking of 15 regulars & two officers at Fort Schlosser—was with Col. Bishop at the taking of Black Rock, near him when he fell, three men of the 8th Reg. more killed in the Boat I was in – I was at Chippawa battle, and the last, not the least in Lundy’s lane battle, which the Americans call the battle of Bridge [Waters]. I had forgot; there was another small affair at Corks Mill where I was. I could write a little history of events, but have not the time to do so. If what I have stated will be of any service for the purpose you require I shall feel happy. The history of the late War was published at Toronto in the Anglo American Magazine. Did you ever see it, I have the Books, there were however several errors which came under my notice, which I could have corrected. If my time would permit I could give you a more detailed statement of events. I trust however you may succeed with your publication , and I shall be most happy to hear from you at all times—I related many little occurances verbally to you when here, which I thought not necessary to repeat again as you would have a perfect recollection of them. Be pleased to return the letters for the purpose I require them. I am My Dear Sir Your respectful friend James Cummings
A photograph of a male in uniform standing in front of a horse. In background are tents and trees.
Bound with: The manual and platoon exercises, &c., &c. (51 p.) and: General orders and observations on the movement and field exercise of infantry (16 p.) Inscribed on front paste-down: L. Colonel Brock. Also inscribed: Maj. Genl T.A. Smith late of the 1st. Rifle Regt. Bookplate of Robert B. Taylor, Norfolk. On front flyleaf: lengthy, two-page transcription in ink, headed /Copy/Circular/ dated "Horse Guards, 25th May '07" and signed: "Harry Calvert Adjt. General.