912 resultados para helical angles


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In this paper we present experimental results comparing on-line drawings for control population (left and right hand) as well as Alzheimer disease patients. The drawings have been acquired by means of a digitizing tablet, which acquires time information angles and pressures. Experimental measures based on pressure and in-air movements appear to be significantly different for both groups, even when control population performs the tasks with the non-dominant hand.


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Tutkielman aihealue kuuluu liikeidean kehittämisen kenttään. Tutkielmassa on teoreettinen ja empiirinen osa. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen alussa käsitellään tietoyhteiskuntaa eri näkökulmista käsin. Lisäksi on käsitelty videoneuvotteluna toteutettua opetusta ja videoneuvottelutekniikkaa sekä pohdittu etäopetuskäsitteen suhdetta videoneuvotteluvälitteiseen opetukseen. Koska tutkielmassa on innovatiivinen ote, on lähdeaineiston avulla käsitelty myös innovaatioita. Liikeidean kehittämisen tueksi on selvennetty toiminta-ajatuksen ja liikeidean käsitteitä. Empiirinen osa rakentuu kyselytutkimuksen tulosten esittelyn sekä liikeidean kehittämisen ympärille. Empiirisen osan päätavoite on kehittää liikeideaa yritykselle, joka välittäisi erityisasiantuntijatason opetusta videoneuvottelujärjestelmien kautta. Liikeidean kehittämisen tueksi ja sen testaamiseksi on suoritettu sähköpostin avulla kyselytutkimus valitussa asiakaskohderyhmässä. Kyselytutkimuksen perusteella videoneuvottelujärjestelmien kautta välitettävälle erityisasiantuntemukselle on kysyntää. Videoneuvotteluna toteutettavaan opetukseen on mahdollista rakentaa moniulotteisesti asiakkaiden arvostamaa lisäarvoa. Liikeidean toteutuksen onnistumisen kannalta kriittisen tärkeitä tekijöitä ovat oikean asiakaskohderyhmän valitseminen, koulutussuunnittelu sekä markkinoinnin onnistuminen Erittäin kriittinen tekijä on erityisasiantuntijoiden "sisäänosto".


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The lldPRD operon of Escherichia coli, involved in L-lactate metabolism, is induced by growth in this compound. We experimentally identified that this system is transcribed from a single promoter with an initiation site located 110 nucleotides upstream of the ATG start codon. On the basis of computational data, it had been proposed that LldR and its homologue PdhR act as regulators of the lldPRD operon. Nevertheless, no experimental data on the function of these regulators have been reported so far. Here we show that induction of an lldP-lacZ fusion by L-lactate is lost in an lldR mutant, indicating the role of LldR in this induction. Expression analysis of this construct in a pdhR mutant ruled out the participation of PdhR in the control of lldPRD. Gel shift experiments showed that LldR binds to two operator sites, O1 (positions 105 to 89) and O2 (positions 22 to 38), with O1 being filled at a lower concentration of LldR. L-Lactate induced a conformational change in LldR that did not modify its DNA binding activity. Mutations in O1 and O2 enhanced the basal transcriptional level. However, only mutations in O1 abolished induction by L-lactate. Mutants with a change in helical phasing between O1 and O2 behaved like O2 mutants. These results were consistent with the hypothesis that LldR has a dual role, acting as a repressor or an activator of lldPRD. We propose that in the absence of L-lactate, LldR binds to both O1 and O2, probably leading to DNA looping and the repression of transcription. Binding of L-lactate to LldR promotes a conformational change that may disrupt the DNA loop, allowing the formation of the transcription open complex.


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Due to the helical structure of DNA the process of DNA replication is topologically complex. Freshly replicated DNA molecules are catenated with each other and are frequently knotted. For proper functioning of DNA it is necessary to remove all of these entanglements. This is done by DNA topoisomerases that pass DNA segments through each other. However, it has been a riddle how DNA topoisomerases select the sites of their action. In highly crowded DNA in living cells random passages between contacting segments would only increase the extent of entanglement. Using molecular dynamics simulations we observed that in actively supercoiled DNA molecules the entanglements resulting from DNA knotting or catenation spontaneously approach sites of nicks and gaps in the DNA. Type I topoisomerases, that preferentially act at sites of nick and gaps, are thus naturally provided with DNA-DNA juxtapositions where a passage results in an error-free DNA unknotting or DNA decatenation.


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Teacher's multicultural work The purpose of the present study is to explore teachers’ conceptions of their work as teachers of multicultural students. Teachers’ experiences of multicultural work and conceptions derived from them are part of the teacher’s multicultural competence which is seen as a key component of the teacher’s multicultural teachership. The teacher’s multicultural competence consists of the teacher’s cultural knowledge, pedagogical skills and experiences and attitudes related to multiculturalism. The teacher’s multicultural competence constitutes the basis on which the teacher implements multicultural education. The foundation for the teacher’s work is laid by laws and decrees, curricula, regulations issued by authorities in charge of the education of immigrant students, resources available and other demands and expectations set by the ambient society. The study was conducted in the city of Turku, Finland. The sample consisted of class teachers who taught both immigrant and majority students. Main objects of study in the theoretical part are the multicultural and pluralistic school and the multicultural teachership. The basic assumption is that the multicultural and pluralistic school forms the frame of activity in which the teacher implements multicultural teaching. The research strategy is based on methodological triangulation. The quantitative part of the study was carried out using a questionnaire typical of survey methods. The questionnaire was returned by 71 teachers. The qualitative part was conducted using theme-based interviews typical of phenomenological philosophical research. Of the total of teachers who returned the questionnaire, twelve (12) teachers were selected for interviews. According to the results, the participating teachers enjoyed their work regardless of the ample extra work caused by the students with immigrant backgrounds. The teachers experienced their work as teachers of multicultural student groups as strenuous, yet challenging. Students with immigrant backgrounds had caused many changes in the teacher’s work. The teachers regarded their multicultural skills as inadequate in relation to the demands of the work. They had not received education related to teaching students with immigrant backgrounds, but they were ready for in-service education. The teachers’ previous attitudes concerning immigrant students had been enforced. Teaching experiences strengthened the earlier, both positive and negative, attitudes. The central problems related to multiculturalism in the teacher’s work were caused by the deficient Finnish skills of the students with immigrant background. This was apparent in both teaching and learning as well as in contacts with parents. The teachers reported on relatively few inclusions of multicultural angles in their teaching. However, they believed that they could aid students with different cultural backgrounds in their integration process. At the same time they felt that their own chances to enhance the students’ cultural identities were slim. On the basis of the interviews conducted in connection with the teacher’s multicultural competence, the teachers were divided into three groups: assimilative, indeterminate and integrating multicultural teachers. The present study provides a strong indication that teachers tend to interpret multiculturalism in narrow terms. School activities, such as Finnish as a second language, first language and religious instruction, which were targeted exclusively at immigrant students were in most cases considered adequate. A holistic, cross-disciplinary, all-inclusive multicultural education that would permeate all school activities remains largely unimplemented.


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NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is currently a routinely performed procedure for the management of early non small cell lung cancer. The oncological results of VATS in terms of local recurrence and overall survival are equivalent or superior to those of conventional thoracotomy with lower morbidity and hospital stay. In the field of pulmonary metastasectomy, current guidelines support a thoracotomy approach in order to properly palpate the lung and detect nodules too small to be identified on standard radiological examinations (typically less than 5mm in diameter). However, the oncological and clinical significance of these millimetric nodules is not known. This has led some thoracic surgeons to rethink the approach of solitary pulmonary metastasectomy: because of improvements in thin slice helical CT-scans, some support a VATS approach for solitary pulmonary nodules without formal bimanual palpation and suggest this allows equivalent oncological results and decreased surgical morbidity.


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Background Most of the proteins in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) are oligomeric complexes consisting of two or more subunits that associate by rotational or helical symmetries. Despite the myriad of superimposition tools in the literature, we could not find any able to account for rotational symmetry and display the graphical results in the web browser. Results BioSuper is a free web server that superimposes and calculates the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of protein complexes displaying rotational symmetry. To the best of our knowledge, BioSuper is the first tool of its kind that provides immediate interactive visualization of the graphical results in the browser, biomolecule generator capabilities, different levels of atom selection, sequence-dependent and structure-based superimposition types, and is the only web tool that takes into account the equivalence of atoms in side chains displaying symmetry ambiguity. BioSuper uses ICM program functionality as a core for the superimpositions and displays the results as text, HTML tables and 3D interactive molecular objects that can be visualized in the browser or in Android and iOS platforms with a free plugin. Conclusions BioSuper is a fast and functional tool that allows for pairwise superimposition of proteins and assemblies displaying rotational symmetry. The web server was created after our own frustration when attempting to superimpose flexible oligomers. We strongly believe that its user-friendly and functional design will be of great interest for structural and computational biologists who need to superimpose oligomeric proteins (or any protein). BioSuper web server is freely available to all users at http://ablab.ucsd.edu/BioSuper webcite.


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Organizations gain resources, skills and technologies to find out the ultimate mix of capabilities to be a winner in the competitive market. These are all important factors that need to be taken into account in organizations operating in today's business environment. So far, there are no significant studies on the organizational capabilities in the field of PSM. The literature review shows that the PSM capabilities need to be studied more comprehensively. This study attempts to reveal and fill this gap by providing the PSM capability matrix that identifies the key PSM capabilities approached from two angles: there are three primary PSM capabilities and nine subcapabilities and, moreover, the individual and organizational PSM capabilities are identified and evaluated. The former refers to the PSM capability matrix of this study which is based on the strategic and operative PSM capabilities that complement the economic ones, while the latter relates to the evaluation of the PSM capabilities, such as the buyer profiles of individual PSM capabilities and the PSMcapability map of the organizational ones. This is a constructive case study. The aim is to define what the purchasing and supply management capabilities are and how they can be evaluated. This study presents a PSM capability matrix to identify and evaluate the capabilities to define capability gaps by comparing the ideal level of PSM capabilities to the realized ones. The research questions are investigated with two case organizations. This study argues that PSM capabilities can be classified into three primary categories with nine sub-categories and, thus, a PSM capability matrix with four evaluation categories can be formed. The buyer profiles are moreover identified to reveal the PSM capability gap. The resource-based view (RBV) and dynamic capabilities view (DCV) are used to define the individual and organizational capabilities. The PSM literature is also used to define the capabilities. The key findings of this study are i) the PSM capability matrix to identify the PSM capabilities, ii) the evaluation of the capabilities to define PSM capability gaps and iii) the presentation of the buyer profiles to identify the individual PSM capabilities and to define the organizational PSM capabilities. Dynamic capabilities are also related to the PSM capability gap. If a gap is identified, the organization can renew their PSM capabilities and, thus, create mutual learning and increase their organizational capabilities. And only then, there is potential for dynamic capabilities. Based on this, the purchasing strategy, purchasing policy and procedures should be identified and implemented dynamically.


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The effects of footwear and inclination on running biomechanics over short intervals are well documented. Although recognized that exercise duration can impact running biomechanics, it remains unclear how biomechanics change over time when running in minimalist shoes and on slopes. Our aims were to describe these biomechanical changes during a 50-minute run and compare them to those observed in standard shoes. Thirteen trained recreational male runners ran 50 minutes at 65% of their maximal aerobic velocity on a treadmill, once in minimalist shoes and once in standard shoes, 1 week apart in a random order. The 50-minute trial was divided into 5-minute segments of running at 0%, +5%, and -5% of treadmill incline sequentially. Data were collected using photocells, high-speed video cameras, and plantar-pressure insoles. At 0% incline, runners exhibited reduced leg stiffness and plantar flexion angles at foot strike and lower plantar pressure at the forefoot and toes in minimalist shoes from minute 34 of the protocol onward. However, only reduced plantar pressure at the toes was observed in standard shoes. Overall, similar biomechanical changes with increased exercise time were observed on the uphill and downhill inclines. The results might be due to the unfamiliarity of subjects to running in minimalist shoes.


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Spermiogenesis and the ultrastructural characters of the spermatozoon of Echinobothrium euterpes are described by means of transmission electron microscopy, including cytochemical analysis for glycogen. Materials were obtained from a common guitarfish Rhinobatos rhinobatos caught in the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia). Spermiogenesis in E. euterpes is characterized by the orthogonal development of two unequal flagella followed by the flagellar rotation and the proximodistal fusion of these flagella with the median cytoplasmic process. The most interesting pattern characterizing the diphyllidean cestodes is the presence of a triangular body constituted by fines and dense granules without visible striation and assimilated at the striated rootlets. This pattern, only related in the Diphyllidea cestodes may be a synapomorphy of this order. Spermiogenesis is also characterized by the presence of a very short flagellum (around 1 μm long), observed in all the stages of spermiogenesis. This type of flagellum has never been commented in the diphyllidean cestodes and should be considered as an evolved character in this group. In the latest stage of spermiogenesis, this short axoneme probably degenerates. Thus, the mature spermatozoon of E. euterpes possesses only one axoneme of 9 + '1' trepaxonematan pattern. It also exhibits a single helical electron-dense crested body, a spiraled nucleus, few parallel cortical microtubules, and α-glycogen granules. Similitudes and differences between spermatozoa of diphyllideans are discussed.


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En el marc de la visió del fenomen lingüístic com a complex més que no pas com a «objecte», l"aproximació sociolingüística se centra en la llengua i els seus contextos eco-socio-cognitius. Així, la perspectiva sociolingüística es constitueix ineluctablement de forma inter- i transdisciplinària, i se situa clarament en una cruïlla de camins i perspectives que ha d"interrelacionar. No obstant, avui dia la sociolingüística és encara una àrea fragmentada i amb moltes línies d"estudi poc integrades i comunicades, i per tant el seu repte actual i de cara al futur immediat és construir un marc teòric integrador propi en el qual puguin convergir els diferents angles i plans d"estudi. En aquesta recerca d"elements generals unificadors sobresurt una noció que podria actuar si més no d"element cohesionador, i és la que es refereix al fenomen de la sociosignificació extragramàtica relacionat amb la diversitat de «com diem les coses» els humans. Així en societats amb presència de llengües distintes, dir alguna cosa fent-ne servir una o altra pot ser considerat com a significatiu per als interlocutors, tal com pot succeir en el cas de la concurrència de distintes varietats geodialectals o sociodialectals, que poden ser valorades de diferent manera pels parlants. Així mateix, més en el pla interpersonal, la selecció de formes lingüístiques i paralingüístiques adequades és crucial si, per exemple, volem indicar enuig o bé alegria i actitud festiva. Aquesta perspectiva se situa més a prop del «gir cognitivista» en les ciències socioculturals, ja que postula la centralitat del cervell-ment en el control de la conducta humana i, per tant, del comportament lingüístic.


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The present work was undertaken to investigate, in young healthy volunteers, the relationships between the forward propagation times of arterial pressure waves and the timing of reflected waves observable on the aortic pulse, in the course of rapid changes in body position. 20 young healthy subjects, 10 men, and 10 women, were examined on a tilt table at two different tilt angles, -10° (Head-down) and + 45° (Head-up). In each position, carotid-femoral (Tcf) and carotid-tibial forward propagation times (Tct) were measured with the Complior device. In each position also, the central aortic pressure pulse was recorded with radial tonometry, using the SphygmoCor device and a generalized transfer function, so as to evaluate the timing of reflected waves reaching the aorta in systole (onset of systolic reflected wave, sT1r) and diastole (mean transit time of diastolic reflected wave, dMTT). The position shift from Head-up to Head-down caused a massive increase in both Tct (women from 130 ± 10 to 185 ± 18 msec P < 0.001, men from 136 ± 9 to 204 ± 18 msec P < 0.001) and dMTT (women from 364 ± 35 to 499 ± 33 msec P < 0.001, men from 406 ± 22 to 553 ± 21 msec P < 0.001). Mixed model regression showed that the changes in Tct and dMTT observed between Head-up and Head-down were tightly coupled (regression coefficient 2.1, 95% confidence interval 1.9-2.3, P < 0.001). These results strongly suggest that the diastolic waves observed on central aortic pulses reconstructed from radial tonometric correspond at least in part to reflections generated in the lower limbs.


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Spermiogenesis and the ultrastructural characters of the spermatozoon of Echinobothrium euterpes are described by means of transmission electron microscopy, including cytochemical analysis for glycogen. Materials were obtained from a common guitarfish Rhinobatos rhinobatos caught in the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia). Spermiogenesis in E. euterpes is characterized by the orthogonal development of two unequal flagella followed by the flagellar rotation and the proximodistal fusion of these flagella with the median cytoplasmic process. The most interesting pattern characterizing the diphyllidean cestodes is the presence of a triangular body constituted by fines and dense granules without visible striation and assimilated at the striated rootlets. This pattern, only related in the Diphyllidea cestodes may be a synapomorphy of this order. Spermiogenesis is also characterized by the presence of a very short flagellum (around 1 μm long), observed in all the stages of spermiogenesis. This type of flagellum has never been commented in the diphyllidean cestodes and should be considered as an evolved character in this group. In the latest stage of spermiogenesis, this short axoneme probably degenerates. Thus, the mature spermatozoon of E. euterpes possesses only one axoneme of 9 + '1' trepaxonematan pattern. It also exhibits a single helical electron-dense crested body, a spiraled nucleus, few parallel cortical microtubules, and α-glycogen granules. Similitudes and differences between spermatozoa of diphyllideans are discussed.


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The visual angle that is projected by an object (e.g. a ball) on the retina depends on the object's size and distance. Without further information, however, the visual angle is ambiguous with respect to size and distance, because equal visual angles can be obtained from a big ball at a longer distance and a smaller one at a correspondingly shorter distance. Failure to recover the true 3D structure of the object (e.g. a ball's physical size) causing the ambiguous retinal image can lead to a timing error when catching the ball. Two opposing views are currently prevailing on how people resolve this ambiguity when estimating time to contact. One explanation challenges any inference about what causes the retinal image (i.e. the necessity to recover this 3D structure), and instead favors a direct analysis of optic flow. In contrast, the second view suggests that action timing could be rather based on obtaining an estimate of the 3D structure of the scene. With the latter, systematic errors will be predicted if our inference of the 3D structure fails to reveal the underlying cause of the retinal image. Here we show that hand closure in catching virtual balls is triggered by visual angle, using an assumption of a constant ball size. As a consequence of this assumption, hand closure starts when the ball is at similar distance across trials. From that distance on, the remaining arrival time, therefore, depends on ball's speed. In order to time the catch successfully, closing time was coupled with ball's speed during the motor phase. This strategy led to an increased precision in catching but at the cost of committing systematic errors.


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This article analyses the cómic book Maus, by Art Spiegelman (1986-1991), from two angles: as a work of art dealing with the Holocaust, and as a cómic that subverts the fictional tradition of the genre, opening itself up to history and the narration of reality. Maus, the first cómic book to treat the topic of the Holocaust in depth, was written by a second-generation witness. It is a story of both physical survival and enduring trauma in the family. At the same time, an analysis of the stratevival and enduring trauma in the family. At the same time, an analysis of the strateof the traditional cómic reveals how Spiegelman has used the genre to recount, instead of fiction and for the first time, a historically authentic biographical tale