942 resultados para frictional damping
In nickel-based superalloys, substitutional solute species have a strong impact on in service mechanical properties as well as on oxidation and corrosion resistances. In alloy 718, recent studies carried out by tensile tests highlighted the fact that refractory solute species are able to interact strongly with mobile dislocations during plastic deformation, generating dynamic strain ageing, and, in wide ranges of tests temperatures and strain rates, Portevin-Le Chatelier effect. The precise nature of the substitutional element responsible for such a dynamic interaction is still subject to debate. We addressed this question by means of mechanical spectroscopy studies of alloy 718 and various related alloys corresponding to monitored changes in the chemical composition. Only a single internal friction relaxation peak has been observed for all the studied alloys. By analyzing the damping behavior of these alloys at different imposed solicitation frequencies by sweeping a large temperatures range, the activation energies of the relaxation process and the type of mechanism involved have been determined. The process is a "Zener relaxation" in the alloys, i.e. a substitutional atoms dipole reorientation under applied stress. The results tend to prove that Niobium is not involved in the relaxation process whereas Molybdenum content seems to play an important role in the relaxation intensity.
Intriguing phenomena and novel physics predicted for two-dimensional (2D) systems formed by electrons in Dirac or Rashba states motivate an active search for new materials or combinations of the already revealed ones. Being very promising ingredients in themselves, interplaying Dirac and Rashba systems can provide a base for next generation of spintronics devices, to a considerable extent, by mixing their striking properties or by improving technically significant characteristics of each other. Here, we demonstrate that in BiTeI@PbSb2Te4 composed of a BiTeI trilayer on top of the topological insulator (TI) PbSb2Te4 weakly- and strongly-coupled Dirac-Rashba hybrid systems are realized. The coupling strength depends on both interface hexagonal stacking and trilayer-stacking order. The weakly-coupled system can serve as a prototype to examine, e.g., plasmonic excitations, frictional drag, spin-polarized transport, and charge-spin separation effect in multilayer helical metals. In the strongly-coupled regime, within similar to 100 meV energy interval of the bulk TI projected bandgap a helical state substituting for the TI surface state appears. This new state is characterized by a larger momentum, similar velocity, and strong localization within BiTeI. We anticipate that our findings pave the way for designing a new type of spintronics devices based on Rashba-Dirac coupled systems.
O presente trabalho aborda o problema de identificação de danos em uma estrutura a partir de sua resposta impulsiva. No modelo adotado, a integridade estrutural é continuamente descrita por um parâmetro de coesão. Sendo assim, o Modelo de Elementos Finitos (MEF) é utilizado para discretizar tanto o campo de deslocamentos, quanto o campo de coesão. O problema de identificação de danos é, então, definido como um problema de otimização, cujo objetivo é minimizar, em relação a um vetor de parâmetros nodais de coesão, um funcional definido a partir da diferença entre a resposta impulsiva experimental e a correspondente resposta prevista por um MEF da estrutura. A identificação de danos estruturais baseadas no domínio do tempo apresenta como vantagens a aplicabilidade em sistemas lineares e/ou com elevados níveis de amortecimento, além de apresentar uma elevada sensibilidade à presença de pequenos danos. Estudos numéricos foram realizados considerando-se um modelo de viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada. Para a determinação do posicionamento ótimo do sensor de deslocamento e do número de pontos da resposta impulsiva, a serem utilizados no processo de identificação de danos, foi considerado o Projeto Ótimo de Experimentos. A posição do sensor e o número de pontos foram determinados segundo o critério D-ótimo. Outros critérios complementares foram também analisados. Uma análise da sensibilidade foi realizada com o intuito de identificar as regiões da estrutura onde a resposta é mais sensível à presença de um dano em um estágio inicial. Para a resolução do problema inverso de identificação de danos foram considerados os métodos de otimização Evolução Diferencial e Levenberg-Marquardt. Simulações numéricas, considerando-se dados corrompidos com ruído aditivo, foram realizadas com o intuito de avaliar a potencialidade da metodologia de identificação de danos, assim como a influência da posição do sensor e do número de dados considerados no processo de identificação. Com os resultados obtidos, percebe-se que o Projeto Ótimo de Experimentos é de fundamental importância para a identificação de danos.
A análise de fundações sob solicitações dinâmicas é algo sempre presente em projetos na área industrial. É um campo pouco explorado na área de engenharia geotécnica, onde existem relativamente poucas informações no Brasil, de maneira geral. O método mais comum de realizar essas análises é a simplificação de modelos estruturais a partir do uso de molas. Sabe-se que esses coeficientes de reação têm uma variação relativamente grande e que esse enfoque de projeto pode, em alguns casos, mostrar-se contra a segurança ou levar a superdimensionamentos desnecessários. Verifica-se, então, a necessidade de uma avaliação mais criteriosa, utilizando a interação solo x estrutura, onde as molas comumente utilizadas nas análises vibratórias convencionais são substituídas pela rigidez real do solo quando concebido como um meio contínuo, através de sua discretização pelo método dos elementos finitos. A presente dissertação analisa o problema através do módulo de dinâmica do programa Plaxis 2D. Neste tipo de análise, além da modelagem do solo como um meio contínuo, torna-se possível introduzir condições de contorno específicas ao problema em estudo, múltiplas camadas de solo, sejam horizontais ou inclinadas, além da introdução de amortecedores capazes de evitar a reflexão espúria das ondas incidentes nos limites da malha de elementos finitos e assim modelar mais adequadamente a perda de energia por radiação. A presente dissertação compara medições experimentais e soluções eficientes de métodos vibratórios clássicos com a resposta obtida pelo MEF, mostrando resultados bastante satisfatórios tanto pelos métodos clássicos quanto pelo MEF.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o comportamento dinâmico de pisos mistos (aço-concreto) sob a ação de cargas provenientes das atividades humanas rítmicas, especificamente a prática de ginástica aeróbica, sob o ponto de vista do conforto humano. Tal avaliação torna-se necessária por crescentes problemas estruturais associados às vibrações excessivas, decorrentes da concepção de sistemas estruturais com baixos níveis de amortecimento e com frequências naturais cada vez mais baixas e bastante próximas das faixas de frequência das excitações associadas às atividades humanas rítmicas. O modelo estrutural investigado baseiase em um piso misto (aço-concreto) submetido a aulas de ginástica aeróbica. A modelagem numérica do piso misto investigado foi realizada com base no emprego do programa ANSYS e foram utilizadas técnicas de discretização por meio do método dos elementos finitos (MEF). As cargas aplicadas sobre o piso, oriundas das atividades aeróbicas, são simuladas através de dois modelos de carregamentos dinâmicos distintos. Uma extensa análise paramétrica foi desenvolvida sobre o modelo estrutural investigado e a resposta dinâmica do sistema foi obtida, em termos dos deslocamentos e das acelerações, e comparada com os limites recomendados por normas e critérios de projeto. A resposta dinâmica do piso estudado viola os critérios de projeto relativos ao conforto humano e indica níveis de vibrações excessivas nos casos de carregamento dinâmicos analisados nesta dissertação.
Apresenta-se uma abordagemnumérica para ummodelo que descreve a formação de padrões por sputtering iônico na superfície de ummaterial. Esse processo é responsável pela formação de padrões inesperadamente organizados, como ondulações, nanopontos e filas hexagonais de nanoburacos. Uma análise numérica de padrões preexistentes é proposta para investigar a dinâmica na superfície, baseada em ummodelo resumido em uma equação anisotrópica amortecida de Kuramoto-Sivashinsky, em uma superfície bidimensional com condições de contorno periódicas. Apesar de determinística, seu caráter altamente não-linear fornece uma rica gama de resultados, sendo possível descrever acuradamente diferentes padrões. Umesquema semi implícito de diferenças finitas com fatoração no tempo é aplicado na discretização da equação governante. Simulações foram realizadas com coeficientes realísticos relacionados aos parâmetros físicos (anisotropias, orientação do feixe, difusão). A estabilidade do esquema numérico foi analisada por testes de passo de tempo e espaçamento de malha, enquanto a verificação do mesmo foi realizada pelo Método das Soluções Manufaturadas. Ondulações e padrões hexagonais foram obtidos a partir de condições iniciais monomodais para determinados valores do coeficiente de amortecimento, enquanto caos espaço-temporal apareceu para valores inferiores. Os efeitos anisotrópicos na formação de padrões foramestudados, variando o ângulo de incidência.
The behaviour of a bowed string depends, among other things, on the frequency, impedance and internal damping of torsional waves on the string. Very little published information is available about these quantities, especially the torsional damping. Measurements of all relevant torsional properties have been made on cello strings of three different constructions. These show that the torsional modes are harmonically spaced to reasonable accuracy, and that the Q factors are approximately equal for all modes of a given string. These torsional Q factors are roughly an order of magnitude smaller than those of the transverse modes of the same string. The torsional wave speed varies somewhat with the tension in the string, decreasing with higher tension. The damping factors are not significantly influenced by tension. These results have been expressed in terms of a novel "reflection function" [1] suitable for direct incorporation into simulations of the bowing process.
This paper presents a numerical method for the simulation of flow in turbomachinery blade rows using a solution-adaptive mesh methodology. The fully three-dimensional, compressible, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with k-ε turbulence modeling (and low Reynolds number damping terms) are solved on an unstructured mesh formed from tetrahedral finite volumes. At stages in the solution, mesh refinement is carried out based on flagging cell faces with either a fractional variation of a chosen variable (like Mach number) greater than a given threshold or with a mean value of the chosen variable within a given range. Several solutions are presented, including that for the highly three-dimensional flow associated with the corner stall and secondary flow in a transonic compressor cascade, to demonstrate the potential of the new method.
Abrasive wear is likely to occur whenever a hard asperity or a trapped hard particle is dragged across a softer surface, and it has been estimated that this form of wear contributes to as many as half of the wear problems that are met in industry. Such damaging hard particles may be external contaminants, products of corrosion or even the debris from previous wear events. During the life of a component, damage caused by individual asperity or particle interactions builds up and, at each stage of its life, the worn surface is the result of many such superimposed wear events. The practical, quantitative prediction of wear rates depends on having both a satisfactory understanding of individual interactions and a suitable procedure for combining these when subsequent contacts are made on a surface whose topography and material properties may have been much changed Irom their initial states. The paper includes some details of an analytical model for the interaction of a representative asperity and the worn surface which can both predict the frictional force and the balance between ploughing, when material is displaced but not lost from the surface, and micromachining or cutting, when actual detachment occurs. Experiments tö !rvvéSuQ8Î8 the validity of the model have been carried out on a novel wear rig which provides very precise control over the position of the asperity and the counterface. This facility, together with that of on-board profilometry, means that it is possible to carry out wear experiments on areas of the surface whose previous deformation history is well known; in this way it is possible to follow the development of a worn surface in a controlled manner as the damage from individual wear events accumulates. Experimental data on the development of such a surface, produced by repeated parallel abrasion, are compared with the predictions of the model. © 1992 IOP Publishing Ltd.
The potential use of YBa2j as an active component in a magnetic bearing is being investigated. Although the load bearing capacity is high and increases with the square of the magnetic field trapped, the stiffness is low. Both the stiffness and the lévitation height are a function of the loading history of the bearing. At Cambridge we have been investigating the effects of dynamic loading such as single large excursions from steady state loads and cyclically applied loads such as vibrations. Since a superconducting bearing has little inherent damping cyclic loads applied at or near its natural frequency can have catastrophic effects. The information being gathered at Cambridge will be used to enable these effects to be mitigated in the bearing design process. © 1997 IEEE.
Oscillation processes have been revealed in the course of reversible polarization study in ferroelectric liquid crystals. The oscillation frequency of polarization vector has been found to be from 1 to 30 kHz. The oscillation parameters were studied as functions of temperature. Temperature dependences of the oscillation amplitude and damping decrement have been measured.
Experiments have been performed in a blowdown supersonic wind tunnel to investigate the effect of arrays of sub-boundary layer vortex generators placed upstream of a normal shock/ boundary layer interaction. The investigation makes use of a recovery shock wave and the naturally grown turbulent boundary layer on the wind tunnel floor. Experiments were performed at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 1.3 and a freestream Reynolds number of 28 × 106. Two types of vortex generators were investigated - wedge-shaped and arrays of counter-rotating vanes. It was found that at Mach 1.5 the vane-type VGs eliminated and the wedge-type VGs greatly reduced the separation bubble under the shock. When placed in the supersonic part of the flow both VGs caused a wave pattern consisting of a shock, re-expansion and shock. The re-expansion and double shocks are undesirable features since they equate to increased total pressure losses and hence increased -wave drag. Furthermore there are indications that the vortex intensity is reduced by the normal shock/ boundary layer interaction. When the shock was located directly over the VGs there was no re-expansion present, but the 'damping' effect of the shock on the vortex persisted. It appears that the vortices produced by the wedge-shaped VGs lift off the surface more rapidly. Similar results were observed at Mach 1.3, where the flow was unseparated.
Modern high performance motorcycles often employ a steering damper producing a moment that opposes the angular velocity of the steering assembly relative to the main frame. When modeling the motorcycle in a conventional manner, the steering damper is included as an integral part of the machine. The reduction in the wobble-mode frequency is caused by the effective increase in the steering system's moment of inertia. The compensators show the potential to significantly improve the damping of both wobble and weave modes simultaneously. The dynamic characteristics of high-performance motorcycles can be improved by replacing the conventional steering damper with a passive mechanical steering compensator. The design methodology adopted uses Nyquist frequency response ideas, root-locus analysis and loop-shaping design to obtain a preliminary choice of parameters.
The present study aims to provide insight into the parameters affecting practical laminar-flow-control suction power requirements for a commercial laminar-flying-wing transport aircraft. It is shown that there is a minimum power requirement independent of the suction system design, associated with the stagnation pressure loss in the boundary layer. This requirement increases with aerofoil section thickness, but depends only weakly on Mach number and (for a thick, lightly loaded laminar flying wing) lift coefficient. Deviation from the optimal suction distribution, due to a practical chamber-based architecture, is found to have very little effect on the overall suction coefficient; hence, to a good approximation, the power penalty is given by the product of the optimal suction flow rate coefficient and the average skin pressure drop. In the spanwise direction, through suitable choice of chamber depth, the pressure drop due to frictional and inertial effects may be rendered negligible. Finally, if there are fewer pumps than chambers, the average pressure drop from the aerofoil surface to the pump collector ducts, rather than to the chambers, determines the power penalty. For the representative laminar-flying-wing aircraft parameters considered here, the minimum power associated with boundary-layer losses alone contributes some 80-90% of the total power requirement. © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
The Chinese Tam-Tam exhibits non-linear behavior in its vibro-acoustic response. The frequency content of the response during free, unforced vibration smoothly changes, with energy being progressively smeared out over a greater bandwidth with time. This is used as a motivating case for the general study of the phenomenon of energy cascading through weak nonlinearity. Numerical models based upon the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam system of non-linearly coupled oscillators, modified with the addition of damping, have been developed. These were used to study the response of ensembles of systems with randomized natural frequencies. Results from simulations will be presented here. For un-damped systems, individual ensemble members exhibit cyclical energy exchange between linear modes, but the ensemble average displays a steady state. For the ensemble response of damped systems, lightly damped modes can exhibit an effective damping which is higher than predicated by linear theory. The presence of a non-linearity provides a path for energy flow to other modes, increasing the apparent damping spectrum at some frequencies and reducing it at others. The target of this work is a model revealing the governing parameters of a generic system of this type and leading to predictions of the ensemble response.