757 resultados para fotografias
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo foi conduzido no Município de Jaboticabal, SP, com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução temporal e o número de fragmentos florestais no período de 29 anos, utilizando-se técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e fotointerpretação. Para a elaboração dos mapas foram utilizadas Cartas do IBGE de 1971 e fotografias áreas de 2000. Os resultados apontaram diminuição das áreas de floresta. em 1971, o município apresentava 3,63% da área total com fragmentos florestais, e em 2000 observou-se, apenas, 1,55% dessa área. Tal fato ocorreu tendo em vista o avanço de práticas agrícolas com predominância da cultura de cana-de-açúcar. A porcentagem de fragmentos florestais em 1971, com áreas menores que 10 ha, era de 46,72%, já em 2000 esse número passou para 78,51%, concluindo-se um processo de fragmentação acentuado (31,79%) no período analisado. Os fragmentos florestais com maior extensão em 1971 se apresentaram extremamente fragmentados em 2000. Aproximadamente 60% dos fragmentos, nas duas épocas, apresentavam forma alongada, indicando alta relação perímetro/área.
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the Brazilian public archives,it is not unusual to find photographs recording the daily school educational institutions since at least the early twentieth century. The historian often has conceptual difficulties in dealing with the photographic documentation as a research source. The current workproposes to present the debate over the use of photographyas a privileged source for research on Education History. Photography can be an instrument of knowledge and information for observers awayfrom the place and time in which the images originated. Its contents have been tentativelyused in researchfor the Historyof Education. The methodologyof this studywill approach the ideas proposed byBoris Kossoyand Susan Sontag on photographyas a record of realityand its use in historical research. As interlocutors with the ideas of these three authors will be presented photographs of reports from the Regional O ffice of Education in the 1930s,preserved in the Public Archives of São Paulo. It is the purpose of this study to help researchers in History of Education in methodological reflection on the use of photographs as documentarysource of research.
The hippotherapy is a therapeutic and educational method that uses the horse within an interdisciplinary approach in the areas of health, education and riding, seeking the biopsychosocial development of people with disabilities and/or special needs. The method generates the practitioner positive effects, such as physical, social and psychological benefits. The goal of this study was to investigate alterations with a practitioner with visual impairment during their participation in a hippotherapy program. The study is characterized by a qualitative and descriptive research, in the form of case study. Data were collected through interviews with the mother of the practitioner and filming, photographs and systematic observation of the sessions. Improvements were found in the behavior of practicing at home, and there was progress in motor performance, and self-confidence generated by the domain horse. It is concluded that the hippotherapy program generated physical, psychological and social benefits to the practitioner.
O artista norte-americado Robert Mapplethorpe se notabilizou pela plasticidade de seus portraits em preto e branco, mas também pelo escândalo de suas composições, nas quais corpos nus, sobretudo masculinos podiam ser vistos em atos homoeróticos e sadomasoquistas. Considerada como uma arte erótica por uns e como pornografia por outros, o fotógrafo acendeu o antigo debate pornografia versus erotismo. Considerando que tanto uns quanto outros termos, só adquirem seu sentido estético, social e político se pensados contextual e historicamente. Tomamos as fotografias de flores deste autor, para levar a cabo este debate, dialogando, para tanto, com as contribuições de Michel Foucault pelas leituras da sexualidade enquanto dispositivo. Valemo-nos, ainda dos conceitos de ars erotica e scientia sexualis tratado pelo mesmo autor, para estruturar nossas hipóteses, nas quais as flores do fotógrafo são deslocadas do terreno relativamente seguro do erotismo para serem lidas como armas de um terrorismo textual (e visual), aquele que Barthes viu como capaz de 'interveir socialmente, não fraças à sua popularidade ou seu sucesso, mas graças à 'violência que permite que o texto exceda as leis que a uma sociedade, uma ideologia, ou uma filosofia tomam para construir sua própria 'inteligibilidade histórica'''.
The starting point of this paper is a brief report of a specific research about a Brazilian institution called Grupo Escolar. Its main intention, however, lies in the discussion on some methodological procedures and some distinct scientific practices in Human Sciences. Authors make some remarks on the possibilities of alternative research protocols, its boundaries and potentialities, specially focusing the study of school archives and the use of Oral History approach. The discussion about Oral History brings to the scene two others important themes – childhood and elderliness.
From the assumption that digital photography not only opened new photographic practices, but also formulated new forms of image appropriations, including how photos are linked to our collective memory, this paper aims to study the Tumblrs pages that use historic photographs in its compositions. From the notion that the archives are an opening to the public space and a place of symbolic assignment, we will discuss the notion that the function of these photographs suffers a displacement that gives priority to the file itself as an object of interest over the event alluded. In other words, it is the file that becomes the object of the representation of a place of memory.
This paper presents an evaluation of the geomorphological implications of urban runoff on the evolution of linear erosion processes in peri-urban areas. The Tucunzinho watershed (São Pedro/SP) case was chosen because it presents linear erosive forms in which the dynamic is associated with urban expansion into fragile areas and implantation of inadequate dissipation devices. The method proposed by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) was adopted to obtain the Curve Number (CN) and runoff hydrographs of different sectors of the basin. The coverage classification (use and occupancy) was based on analysis of aerial photographs of two periods (1962 and 2006, updated in the field in 2011). The IPHS1 model was used for the simulation and analysis of the hydrological behavior for both the pre-urban occupation and the current occupation. The hydrogeomorphological analysis helped understand the influence of the urban run-off on the erosion dynamics, clearly showing the ineffectiveness of dissipation energy devices in the area, which has a natural susceptibility to erosion due to litho-soil characteristics.
Given that the choices involved in the selection of compositional techniques in photography are mediated by values, this article aims to analyze the compositional techniques of photographs published by photojournalistic online albums during the protests of June 2013 in Brazil. These albums feature professional and amateur photographs considered "the best" of this event and, interestingly, the chosen photographs have several composition techniques in common. We will examine these images from the perspective of significant effects that these techniques engender with the objective of examining the meanings that were attributed to that event in those albums.
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)