624 resultados para flexion


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In this work it is assessed the performance of Portland cement-based mortar to the grouting of type II ceramic plates with the addition of unusable tire rubber powder. It is presented a bibliographical review about the subject in which is done the theoretical and methodological foundation of the whole investigative process. The analyzed universe comprises a sample of mortar to the grouting of conventional ceramic plates type II (reference sample) and five more samples to the grouting of ceramic plates type II, which were made up of the addition of unusable tire rubber powder in the respective proportion (in mass) of 4%, 8%, 12%, 16% and 20%. These mortar samples were subject to the trials of determination of the consistency index (Brazilian Standard NBR 13276:2005), water retention ( Brazilian Standard NBR 14992 Attachment B:2003), permeability in 240 minutes (Brazilian Standard NBR 14992 Attachment G:2003), absorption of water by immersion (Brazilian Standard NBR 9781:2013), resistance to compression (Brazilian Standard NBR14992 Attachment D: 2003), resistance to traction in the flexion (Brazilian Standard NBR 13279:2005), resistance of traction adherence (Brazilian Standard NBR 14081 part 4:2012) and hardened mass density (Brazilian Standard NBR 13280: 2005). It has been found out from the analyzes of the results in the trial the following situation: the reference mortar used met the established requirements in the norms of specifications corresponding to only six from the eight parameters assessed in the research; the mortar with addition of 4,0% of tire rubber powder met the established requirements corresponding to only the resistance to compression and the resistance of adherence to traction. Thus, the other kinds of mortar with addition of 8,0 %, 12,0 %, 16,0 % and 20,0 % of tire rubber powder met the requirements of specifications corresponding to only the resistance to compression and the resistance of adherence to traction. This result concludes that the adding of tire rubber powder does not grant improvement to the mortar of type II grouting to the laying of ceramic plates.


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In this work it is assessed the performance of Portland cement-based mortar to the grouting of type II ceramic plates with the addition of unusable tire rubber powder. It is presented a bibliographical review about the subject in which is done the theoretical and methodological foundation of the whole investigative process. The analyzed universe comprises a sample of mortar to the grouting of conventional ceramic plates type II (reference sample) and five more samples to the grouting of ceramic plates type II, which were made up of the addition of unusable tire rubber powder in the respective proportion (in mass) of 4%, 8%, 12%, 16% and 20%. These mortar samples were subject to the trials of determination of the consistency index (Brazilian Standard NBR 13276:2005), water retention ( Brazilian Standard NBR 14992 Attachment B:2003), permeability in 240 minutes (Brazilian Standard NBR 14992 Attachment G:2003), absorption of water by immersion (Brazilian Standard NBR 9781:2013), resistance to compression (Brazilian Standard NBR14992 Attachment D: 2003), resistance to traction in the flexion (Brazilian Standard NBR 13279:2005), resistance of traction adherence (Brazilian Standard NBR 14081 part 4:2012) and hardened mass density (Brazilian Standard NBR 13280: 2005). It has been found out from the analyzes of the results in the trial the following situation: the reference mortar used met the established requirements in the norms of specifications corresponding to only six from the eight parameters assessed in the research; the mortar with addition of 4,0% of tire rubber powder met the established requirements corresponding to only the resistance to compression and the resistance of adherence to traction. Thus, the other kinds of mortar with addition of 8,0 %, 12,0 %, 16,0 % and 20,0 % of tire rubber powder met the requirements of specifications corresponding to only the resistance to compression and the resistance of adherence to traction. This result concludes that the adding of tire rubber powder does not grant improvement to the mortar of type II grouting to the laying of ceramic plates.


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The ceramics industry generates waste at various stages of that process, defective products, waste from burning solid fuels, among others. This waste is dumped in landfills, garbage dumps or directly on roads, which has a negative environmental impact. This paper presents a study to incorporate the waste of algaroba wood and chamote (scrap pieces of ceramic already sintered), in to the ceramic material for making sealing blocks. The methodological procedures consist in the characterization of chemical and mineralogical residues, raw materials, and physical-mechanical of the formulations of mixes with clay, silt and waste. By pressing test pieces were produced using a pressure of 200 kgf/cm², varying compositions in the range of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% by weight of residue. The sintering was performed in a muffle furnace, with the temperature levels of 850 ° C, 900 ° C, 950 ° C, 1000 ° C and 1050 ° C. The evaluated physical and mechanical properties were: Water Absorption, Linear Shrinkage Burning, Apparent Porosity, Apparent Density and Mechanical Resistance to Flexion. Analysis was carried out by Scanning Electron Microscopy on fracture surfaces of the specimens. Evaluation of linear shrinkage property drying and firing , water absorption and mechanical resistance to compression of the sealing blocks 5% wood ash residue, sintered at 900 °C hold temperature in the laboratory the products manufactured on an industrial scale. The main results, it was found on the viability of using the residues of algaroba wood and to confer refractory properties of the ceramic product. The main results, it was concluded feasibility of using the ash residues algaroba wood to impart refractory properties to the ceramic product and the residue of chamote, being derived from the own ceramic product not interfere with the properties, when used in a percentage of up to 5%.Since the residue of chamote being derived from the ceramic product itself had no effect on the properties. Studies in the laboratory have shown that the incorporation of up to 5% of these residues may be adopted as an alternative technology to reduce the environmental impact caused by the industrial sector, without compromising the final properties of the material, since the results on an industrial scale showed absorption values 11.66 and 11.74 of water and waste products respectively, within the parameters of NBR - 15,270, since the mechanical strength was 1.25 MPa and 0.94 MPa respectively for products with and without residue, lower than the minimum required by the technical standard that is 1.5 MPa.


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The ceramics industry generates waste at various stages of that process, defective products, waste from burning solid fuels, among others. This waste is dumped in landfills, garbage dumps or directly on roads, which has a negative environmental impact. This paper presents a study to incorporate the waste of algaroba wood and chamote (scrap pieces of ceramic already sintered), in to the ceramic material for making sealing blocks. The methodological procedures consist in the characterization of chemical and mineralogical residues, raw materials, and physical-mechanical of the formulations of mixes with clay, silt and waste. By pressing test pieces were produced using a pressure of 200 kgf/cm², varying compositions in the range of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% by weight of residue. The sintering was performed in a muffle furnace, with the temperature levels of 850 ° C, 900 ° C, 950 ° C, 1000 ° C and 1050 ° C. The evaluated physical and mechanical properties were: Water Absorption, Linear Shrinkage Burning, Apparent Porosity, Apparent Density and Mechanical Resistance to Flexion. Analysis was carried out by Scanning Electron Microscopy on fracture surfaces of the specimens. Evaluation of linear shrinkage property drying and firing , water absorption and mechanical resistance to compression of the sealing blocks 5% wood ash residue, sintered at 900 °C hold temperature in the laboratory the products manufactured on an industrial scale. The main results, it was found on the viability of using the residues of algaroba wood and to confer refractory properties of the ceramic product. The main results, it was concluded feasibility of using the ash residues algaroba wood to impart refractory properties to the ceramic product and the residue of chamote, being derived from the own ceramic product not interfere with the properties, when used in a percentage of up to 5%.Since the residue of chamote being derived from the ceramic product itself had no effect on the properties. Studies in the laboratory have shown that the incorporation of up to 5% of these residues may be adopted as an alternative technology to reduce the environmental impact caused by the industrial sector, without compromising the final properties of the material, since the results on an industrial scale showed absorption values 11.66 and 11.74 of water and waste products respectively, within the parameters of NBR - 15,270, since the mechanical strength was 1.25 MPa and 0.94 MPa respectively for products with and without residue, lower than the minimum required by the technical standard that is 1.5 MPa.


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L’épaule est l’articulation la plus mobile et la plus instable du corps humain dû à la faible quantité de contraintes osseuses et au rôle des tissus mous qui lui confèrent au moins une dizaine de degrés de liberté. La mobilité de l’épaule est un facteur de performance dans plusieurs sports. Mais son instabilité engendre des troubles musculo-squelettiques, dont les déchirures de la coiffe des rotateurs sont fréquentes et les plus handicapantes. L’évaluation de l’amplitude articulaire est un indice commun de la fonction de l’épaule, toutefois elle est souvent limitée à quelques mesures planaires pour lesquelles les degrés de liberté varient indépendamment les uns des autres. Ces valeurs utilisées dans les modèles de simulation musculo-squelettiques peuvent amener à des solutions non physiologiques. L’objectif de cette thèse était de développer des outils pour la caractérisation de la mobilité articulaire tri-dimensionnelle de l’épaule, en passant par i) fournir une méthode et son approche expérimentale pour évaluer l’amplitude articulaire tridimensionnelle de l’épaule incluant des interactions entre les degrés de liberté ; ii) proposer une représentation permettant d’interpréter les données tri-dimensionnelles obtenues; iii) présenter des amplitudes articulaires normalisées, iv) implémenter une amplitude articulaire tridimensionnelle au sein d’un modèle de simulation numérique afin de générer des mouvements sportifs optimaux plus réalistes; v) prédire des amplitudes articulaires sécuritaires et vi) des exercices de rééducation sécuritaires pour des patients ayant subi une réparation de la coiffe des rotateurs. i) Seize sujets ont été réalisé séries de mouvements d’amplitudes maximales actifs avec des combinaisons entre les différents degrés de liberté de l’épaule. Un système d’analyse du mouvement couplé à un modèle cinématique du membre supérieur a été utilisé pour estimer les cinématiques articulaires tridimensionnelles. ii) L’ensemble des orientations définies par une séquence de trois angles a été inclus dans un polyèdre non convexe représentant l’espace de mobilité articulaire prenant en compte les interactions entre les degrés de liberté. La combinaison des séries d’élévation et de rotation est recommandée pour évaluer l’amplitude articulaire complète de l’épaule. iii) Un espace de mobilité normalisé a également été défini en englobant les positions atteintes par au moins 50% des sujets et de volume moyen. iv) Cet espace moyen, définissant la mobilité physiologiques, a été utilisé au sein d’un modèle de simulation cinématique utilisé pour optimiser la technique d’un élément acrobatique de lâcher de barres réalisée par des gymnastes. Avec l’utilisation régulière de limites articulaires planaires pour contraindre la mobilité de l’épaule, seulement 17% des solutions optimales sont physiologiques. En plus, d’assurer le réalisme des solutions, notre contrainte articulaire tridimensionnelle n’a pas affecté le coût de calculs de l’optimisation. v) et vi) Les seize participants ont également réalisé des séries d’amplitudes articulaires passives et des exercices de rééducation passifs. La contrainte dans l’ensemble des muscles de la coiffe des rotateurs au cours de ces mouvements a été estimée à l’aide d’un modèle musculo-squelettique reproduisant différents types et tailles de déchirures. Des seuils de contrainte sécuritaires ont été utilisés pour distinguer les amplitudes de mouvements risquées ou non pour l’intégrité de la réparation chirurgicale. Une taille de déchirure plus grande ainsi que les déchirures affectant plusieurs muscles ont contribué à réduire l’espace de mobilité articulaire sécuritaire. Principalement les élévations gléno-humérales inférieures à 38° et supérieures à 65°, ou réalisées avec le bras maintenu en rotation interne engendrent des contraintes excessives pour la plupart des types et des tailles de blessure lors de mouvements d’abduction, de scaption ou de flexion. Cette thèse a développé une représentation innovante de la mobilité de l’épaule, qui tient compte des interactions entre les degrés de liberté. Grâce à cette représentation, l’évaluation clinique pourra être plus exhaustive et donc élargir les possibilités de diagnostiquer les troubles de l’épaule. La simulation de mouvement peut maintenant être plus réaliste. Finalement, nous avons montré l’importance de personnaliser la rééducation des patients en termes d’amplitude articulaire, puisque des exercices passifs de rééducation précoces peuvent contribuer à une re-déchirure à cause d’une contrainte trop importante qu’ils imposent aux tendons.


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Travail créatif / Creative Work


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Éditoral / Editorial


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Essai / Essay


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Travail créatif / Creative Work


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Éditoral / Editorial


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Essai / Essay


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Compte-rendu / Review


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There has been a significant increase in the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and the costs associated with these are predicted to increase as the popularity of computer use increases at home, school and work. Risk factors have been identified in the adult population but little is known about the risk factors for children and youth. Research has demonstrated that they are not immune to this risk and that they are self reporting the same pain as adults. The purpose of the study was to examine children’s postures while working at computer workstations under two conditions. One was at an ergonomically adjusted children’s workstation while the second was at an average adult workstation. A Polhemus Fastrak™ system was used to record the children’s postures and joint and segment angles were quantified. Results of the study showed that children reported more discomfort and effort at the adult workstation. Segment and joint angles showed significant differences through the upper limb at the adult workstation. Of significance was the strategy of shoulder abduction and flexion that the children used in order to place their hand on the mouse. Ulnar deviation was also greater at the adult workstation as was neck extension. All of these factors have been identified in the literature as increasing the risk for injury. A comparison of the children’s posture while playing at the children’s workstation verses the adult workstation, showed that the postural angles assumed by the children at an adult workstation exceeded the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) recommendations. Further investigation is needed to increase our knowledge of MSD in children as their potential for long term damage has yet to be determined.