812 resultados para fat-soluble vitamins
Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical techniques were employed to study in detail the formation and so far unreported spectroscopic properties of soluble electroactive molecular chains with nonbridged metal-metal backbones, namely, [{Ru-0(CO)(PrCN)(bpy)}(m)](n) (m = 0, -1) and [{Ru-0(CO)(bpy)Cl}(m)](n) (m = -1, -2; bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine). The precursors cis-(Cl)-[Ru-II(CO)(MeCN)(bpy)Cl-2] (in PrCN) and mer-[Ru-II(CO)(bpy)Cl-3](-) (in tetrahydrofuran (THF) and PrCN) undergo one-electron reductions to reactive radicals [Ru-II(CO)(MeCN)(bpy(center dot-))Cl-2](-) and [Ru-II(CO)(bpy(center dot-))Cl-3](2-), respectively. Both [bpy(center dot-)]-containing species readily electropolymerize on concomitant dissociation of two chloride ligands and consumption of a second electron. Along this path, mer-to-fac isomerization of the bpy-reduced trichlorido complex (supported by density functional theory calculations) and a concentration-dependent oligomerization process contribute to the complex reactivity pattern. In situ spectroelectrochemistry (IR, UV/vis a has revealed that the charged polymer [{Ru-0(CO)(bpy)Cl}(-)](n) is stable in THF, but in PrCN it converts readily to [Ru-0(CO)(PrCN)(bpy)](n). An excess of chloride ions retards this substitution at low temperatures. Both polymetallic chains are completely soluble in the electrolyte solution and can be reduced reversibly to the corresponding [bpy(center dot-)]-containing species.
DiGrignard reagents of the form XMg(CH2)(n)MgX, where X = Br or I and n = 6, 8, 10 or 12, were allowed to react with PhSnCl3 to produce highly cross-linked Ph-Sn polymeric networks. The Sn-H moiety was incorporated into these insoluble network polymers by treatment with Br-2 and NaBH4. Excellent accessibility of the Sn-H was displayed by these solvent penetrable but insoluble networks, giving them higher Sn-H loadings than all previously reported supported reagents. These reagents were totally regenerable in NaBH4 for radical assisted organic synthesis and no detectable leaching of the Sn into solution was observed during these reactions.
The results of an experimental study into the oxidative degradation of proxies for atmospheric aerosol are presented. We demonstrate that the laser Raman tweezers method can be used successfully to obtain uptake coeffcients for gaseous oxidants on individual aqueous and organic droplets, whilst the size and composition of the droplets is simultaneously followed. A laser tweezers system was used to trap individual droplets containing an unsaturated organic compound in either an aqueous or organic ( alkane) solvent. The droplet was exposed to gas- phase ozone and the reaction kinetics and products followed using Raman spectroscopy. The reactions of three different organic compounds with ozone were studied: fumarate anions, benzoate anions and alpha pinene. The fumarate and benzoate anions in aqueous solution were used to represent components of humic- like substances, HULIS; a alpha- pinene in an alkane solvent was studied as a proxy for biogenic aerosol. The kinetic analysis shows that for these systems the diffusive transport and mass accommodation of ozone is relatively fast, and that liquid- phase di. ffusion and reaction are the rate determining steps. Uptake coe. ffcients, g, were found to be ( 1.1 +/- 0.7) x 10(-5), ( 1.5 +/- 0.7) x 10 (-5) and ( 3.0 - 7.5) x 10 (-3) for the reactions of ozone with the fumarate, benzoate and a- pinene containing droplets, respectively. Liquid- phase bimolecular rate coe. cients for reactions of dissolved ozone molecules with fumarate, benzoate and a- pinene were also obtained: k(fumarate) = ( 2.7 +/- 2) x 10 (5), k(benzoate) = ( 3.5 +/- 3) x 10 (5) and k(alpha-pinene) = ( 1-3) x 10(7) dm(3) mol (-1) s (- 1). The droplet size was found to remain stable over the course of the oxidation process for the HULIS- proxies and for the oxidation of a- pinene in pentadecane. The study of the alpha- pinene/ ozone system is the first using organic seed particles to show that the hygroscopicity of the particle does not increase dramatically over the course of the oxidation. No products were detected by Raman spectroscopy for the reaction of benzoate ions with ozone. One product peak, consistent with aqueous carbonate anions, was observed when following the oxidation of fumarate ions by ozone. Product peaks observed in the reaction of ozone with alpha- pinene suggest the formation of new species containing carbonyl groups.
A new class of water-soluble, amphiphilic star block copolymers with a large number of arms was prepared by sequential atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of n-butyl methacrylate (BMA) and poly( ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (PEGMA). As the macroinitiator for the ATRP, a 2-bromoisobutyric acid functionalized fourth-generation hyperbranched polyester (Boltorn H40) was used, which allowed the preparation of star polymers that contained on average 20 diblock copolymer arms. The synthetic concept was validated by AFM experiments, which allowed direct visualization of single molecules of the multiarm star block copolymers. DSC and SAXS experiments on bulk samples suggested a microphase-separated structure, in agreement with the core-shell architecture of the polymers. SAXS experiments on aqueous solutions indicated that the star block copolymers can be regarded as unimolecular micelles composed of a PBMA core and a diffuse PPEGMA corona. The ability of the polymers to encapsulate and release hydrophobic guests was evaluated using H-1 NMR spectroscopy. In dilute aqueous solution, these polymers act as unimolecular containers that can be loaded with up to 27 wt % hydrophobic guest molecules.
A water-soluble, hydrophilic tripeptide GYE, having sequence identity with the N-terminal segment of amyloid peptides A,beta(9-11), upon self-association exhibits amyloid-like fibrils and significant neurotoxicity towards the Neuro2A cell line. However, the tripeptides GFE and GWE, in which the centrally located tyrosine residue has been replaced by phenylalanine or tryptophan, fail to show amyloidogenic behavior and exhibit little or no neurotoxicity.
A water-soluble tripeptide Val-Ile-Ala (VIA) 1, bearing sequence identity with the C-terminal portion of the Alzheimer A beta-peptide (A beta(40-42)), self-assembles, in crystalline form, to produce an intermolecularly hydrogen bonded supramolecular beta-sheet structure which self-associates to form straight, unbranched nanofibrils exhibiting amyloid-like behavior; in contrast, the synthetic tripeptide Ala-Val-Ile (AVI) 2 self-assembles to produce a beta-sheet structure that forms branched nanofibrils which do not show any characteristic features of amyloid-like fibrils.
Aromatic poly(ether-ketone)s having pendant carboxyl groups have been obtained by direct, one-pot, Friedel-Crafts copolycondensation of 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone with a mixture of terephthaloyl chloride (TC) and trimellitic anhydride acid chloride (TAAC), over a wide range of TAAC/TC molar ratios, in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. The syntheses were performed as precipitation-polycondensations, and the polymers were obtained in particulate form. Besides globular particles of polymer, small quantities of elongated, needlelike particles were observed when the mole ratio TAAC/TC was less than 1. Use of X-ray microdiffraction with synchrotron radiation has revealed that the needlelike material consists of a cyclic compound containing 10 phenylene units, i.e., the crystals are of a [2 + 2] macrocyclic dimer. The polymers obtained are soluble in strong acids and in mixtures of methanesulfonic acid or trifluoroacetic acid with chlorinated hydrocarbons. The molecular structures of the polymers were confirmed by H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Reaction of TAAC with 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone produced mainly meta-orientation of the resulting ketone linkages. The size of the polymer particles, their molecular weights, and the melting behavior of the products obtained depend on the TAAC/TC ratio used. Ortho-keto acid residues, formed during reaction of anhydride groups of TAAC with 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone, exhibit ring-chain tautomerism. A carboxyl-containing aromatic polyketone derived from p-terphenyl, and thus having with no ether linkages in the main chain, was prepared by analogous chemistry, and functional derivatives of carboxy-substituted polyketones were also obtained and characterized.
Samples of Norway spruce wood were impregnated with a water-soluble melamine formaldehyde resin by using short-term vacuum treatment and long-term immersion, respectively. By means of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and UV microspectrophotometry, it was shown that only diffusion during long-term immersion leads to sufficient penetration of melamine resin into the wood structure, the flow of liquids in Norway spruce wood during vacuum treatment being greatly hindered by aspirated pits. After an immersion in aqueous melamine resin solution for 3 days, the resin had penetrated to a depth > 4 mm, which, after polymerization of the resin, resulted in an improvement of hardness comparable to the hardwood beech. A finite element model describing the effect of increasing depth of modification on hardness demonstrated that under the test conditions chosen for this study, a minimum impregnation depth of 2 mm is necessary to achieve an optimum increase in hardness. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Chemical compositions and physical properties of mixed-sex Thai indigenous (Gallus domesticus) and broiler (commercial breed, CP707) chicken biceps femoris and pectoralis muscles were determined. Indigenous chicken muscles contained higher protein contents but lower fat and ash contents compared to broiler muscles (P < 0.001). The amino acid profile of the indigenous chicken muscles was similar to that of the broiler muscles except they were slightly richer in glutamic acid (P < 0.05). The indigenous chicken muscles contained more saturated and less polyunsaturated fatty acids than the broiler muscles. There were no differences in the monounsaturated fatty acid contents between the breeds. The total collagen contents of indigenous pectoralis and biceps femoris muscles were 5.09 and 12.85 mg/g, respectively, which were higher than those found in broiler pectoralis (3.86 mg/g) and biceps femoris muscles (8.70 mg/g) (P < 0.001). Soluble collagen contents were lower for indigenous pectoralis and biceps femoris muscles, 22.16 vs. 31.38% and 26.06 vs. 33.87%, respectively. The CIE system values of lightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*) of indigenous chicken muscles were higher than those of broiler muscles. The shear values of indigenous chicken muscles either raw or cooked were higher than those of broiler muscles (P < 0.05). After cooking, the shear values decreased for broiler biceps femoris and pectoralis muscles (P < 0.05), whereas no change was observed for indigenous chicken biceps femoris muscle (P > 0.05). Shear values increased for indigenous chicken pectoralis muscle (P < 0.05).
Halloumi cheese was produced from 11 bovine milks with fat contents of 1.61-4.04%, giving a range of 32-53% fat in dry matter (FDM) in the cheeses. Starter culture and/or microparticulated whey protein (Simplesse((R)) 100(E)) was also added to selected batches of milk. Hardness decreased with increasing FDM, with increase in moisture and with lower pH. On sensory evaluation, there was an increase in preference score with FDM (R-2 = 0.8). Inclusion of microparticulated whey protein may have had a fat mimetic effect, as preference scores otherwise decreased with increasing protein levels (R-2 = 0.75).
It has been repeatedly demonstrated that ACTH administration lowers plasma lipid concentrations in man. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis, based on observations of decreased apolipoprotein B (ApoB) synthesis and secretion in vitro, that ACTH administration inhibits the postprandial output of ApoB in man. Therefore, we studied the response to a fat-rich meal supplemented with Vitamin A in eight healthy volunteers, who underwent this test without premedication, after 4 days administration of ACTH, and after 4 days administration of a glucocorticoid (betamethasone). As expected, fasting plasma levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL)-cholesterot (-25%) and ApoB (-17%) decreased after ACTH, but not after betamethasone administration. Also, the elevation of plasma ApoB-48 in response to fat intake (to twice the basal levels) was markedly reduced after ACTH administration. However, the postprandial rise in plasma triglycerides and retinyl palmitate was unimpaired, suggesting that ACTH administration induced the secretion of fewer but larger chylomicrons. The effect of betamethasone on the postprandial response was similar but less pronounced. This study confirms earlier reports on the lipid-lowering effects of ACTH and supports our theory, based on in vitro studies, that the lipid-lowering effects of ACTH administration in man involves an inhibition of ApoB production. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Prolonged and exaggerated postprandial plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations are considered as an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. Western populations eat many meals at regular intervals, and can be in a postprandial state for at least 17h of a 24h period. After consuming 2 meals an early plasma TAG peak has been observed after the second meal, the origin of which is unclear. Aim of the study: To test the hypothesis that the early TAG peak observed following sequential meals was of intestinal origin and represented fat derived from the previous meal. Methods: Postprandial plasma lipaemic responses of 17 healthy postmenopausal women were studied by giving a test breakfast followed by a lunch. Watermiscible retinyl palmitate (RP) was added to the breakfast, but not the lunch test meal. Plasma TAG, retinyl esters (RE) and apo B-48 were determined for a 10h period following breakfast. Results: In response to the test meals, RE, apo B-48 and TAG showed multiple peaks. Despite omission of RP from the lunch, RE showed an early peak response after ingestion of lunch in 15 of 17 subjects. The peak response after lunch of all three markers appeared significantly earlier compared with their respective peak responses after the breakfast (P < 0.0001). The area of RE response after lunch was significantly correlated with the RE lipaemic response to the breakfast (r = 0.67; P < 0.004) and to the fasting TAG concentration (r = 0.48; P < 0.05). Conclusions: Since the lunch did not contain RP, the distinctive second influx of RE after lunch was believed to have originated from the breakfast. This, together with the fact that all three markers showed an earlier response to the lunch than the breakfast, supports the view that ingestion of a second meal provokes entry of fat from the previous meal, from an as yet unidentified site (gut, enterocytes, lymph). The results indicate that the degree of TAG "storage" from previous meals might be a function of TAG tolerance and provide a possible site of regulation of the entry of fat into the systemic circulation.
Controlled human intervention trials are required to confirm the hypothesis that dietary fat quality may influence insulin action. The aim was to develop a food-exchange model, suitable for use in free-living volunteers, to investigate the effects of four experimental diets distinct in fat quantity and quality: high SFA (HSFA); high MUFA (HMUFA) and two low-fat (LF) diets, one supplemented with 1.24g EPA and DHA/d (LFn-3). A theoretical food-exchange model was developed. The average quantity of exchangeable fat was calculated as the sum of fat provided by added fats (spreads and oils), milk, cheese, biscuits, cakes, buns and pastries using data from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey of UK adults. Most of the exchangeable fat was replaced by specifically designed study foods. Also critical to the model was the use of carbohydrate exchanges to ensure the diets were isoenergetic. Volunteers from eight centres across Europe completed the dietary intervention. Results indicated that compositional targets were largely achieved with significant differences in fat quantity between the high-fat diets (39.9 (SEM 0.6) and 38.9 (SEM 0.51) percentage energy (%E) from fat for the HSFA and HMUFA diets respectively) and the low-fat diets (29.6 (SEM 0.6) and 29.1 (SEM 0.5) %E from fat for the LF and LFn-3 diets respectively) and fat quality (17.5 (SEM 0.3) and 10.4 (SEM 0.2) %E front SFA and 12.7 (SEM 0.3) and 18.7 (SEM 0.4) %E MUFA for the HSFA and HMUFA diets respectively). In conclusion, a robust, flexible food-exchange model was developed and implemented successfully in the LIPGENE dietary intervention trial.
Background and aims: When a high fat oral load is followed several hours later by further ingestion of nutrients, there is an early postprandial peak in plasma triacylglycerol (TG). The aim of this study was to investigate the location and release of lipid from within the gastrointestinal tract. Methods: Ten healthy patients undergoing oesopho-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) were recruited. At t=0, all patients consumed a 50 g fat emulsion and at t=5 hours they consumed either water or a 38 g glucose solution. OGD was performed at t=6 hours and jejunal biopsy samples were evaluated for fat storage. A subgroup of five subjects then underwent a parallel metabolic study in which postprandial lipid and hormone measurements were taken during an identical two meal protocol. Results: Following oral fat at t=0, samples from patients that had subsequently ingested glucose exhibited significantly less staining for lipid within the mucosa and submucosa of the jejunum than was evident in patients that had consumed only water (p=0.028). There was also less lipid storage within the cytoplasm of enterocytes (p=0.005) following oral glucose. During the metabolic study, oral glucose consumed five hours after oral fat resulted in a postprandial peak in plasma TG, chylomicron-TG, and apolipoprotein B48 concentration compared with oral water. Conclusion: After a fat load, fat is retained within the jejunal tissue and released into plasma following glucose ingestion, resulting in a peak in chylomicron-TG which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.
Background and aims: Epidemiological evidence indicates that cereal dietary fibre (DF) may have several cardiovascular health benefits. The underlying mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. Here, the potential nutritional effects of physico-chemical. properties modifications of durum wheat dietary fibre (DWF) induced by enzyme treatment have been investigated. Methods and results: The conversion of the highly polymerised insoluble dietary fibre into soluble feruloyl oligosaccharides of DWF was achieved by a tailored enzymatic treatment. The in vitro fermentation and release of ferulic acid by intestinal microbiota from DWF before and after the enzymatic treatment were assessed using a gut model validated to mimic the human colonic microbial environment. Results demonstrated that, compared to DWF, the enzyme-treated DWF (ETD-WF) stimulated the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Concurrently, the release of free ferulic acid by ET-DWF was almost three times higher respect to the control. No effect on the formation of short chain fatty acids was observed. Conclusions: The conversion of insoluble dietary fibre from cereals into soluble dietary fibre generated a gut microbial fermentation that supported bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The concurrent increase in free ferulic acid from the enzyme-treated DWF might result in a higher plasma ferulic acid concentration which could be one of the reasons for the health benefits reported for dietary fibre in cardiovascular diseases. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.