934 resultados para evening courses


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We compared diurnal patterns of vaginal temperature in lactating cows under grazing conditions to evaluate genotype effects on body temperature regulation. Genotypes evaluated were Holstein, Jersey, Jersey x Holstein and Swedish Red x Holstein. The comparison of Holstein and Jersey versus Jersey x Holstein provided a test of whether heterosis effects body temperature regulation. Cows were fitted with intravaginal temperature recording devices that measured vaginal temperature every 15 min for 7 days. Vaginal temperature was affected by time of day (P < 0.0001) and genotype x time (P < 0.0001) regardless of whether days in milk and milk yield were used as covariates. Additional analyses indicated that the Swedish Red x Holstein had a different pattern of vaginal temperatures than the other three genotypes (Swedish Red x Holstein vs others x time; P < 0.0001) and that Holstein and Jersey had a different pattern than Jersey x Holstein [(Holstein + Jersey vs Jersey x Holstein) x time, P < 0.0001]. However, Holstein had a similar pattern to Jersey [(Holstein vs Jersey) x time, P > 0.10]. These genotype x time interactions reflect two effects. First, Swedish Red x Holstein had higher vaginal temperatures than the other genotypes in the late morning and afternoon but not after the evening milking. Secondly, Jersey x Holstein had lower vaginal temperatures than other genotypes in the late morning and afternoon and again in the late night and early morning. Results point out that there are effects of specific genotypes and evidence for heterosis on regulation of body temperature of lactating cows maintained under grazing conditions and suggest that genetic improvement for thermotolerance through breed choice or genetic selection is possible.


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Background. Conceptions of learning have been investigated for students in higher. education in different countries. Some studies found that students' conceptions change and develop over time while others have found no changes. Investigating conceptions of learning for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students is a relatively new area of research. Aims. This study set out to investigate conceptions of learning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students during the first two years of their undergraduate degree courses in three Australian universities. Conceptions for each year were compared. Knowing, more about learning as conceived by this cultural group may facilitate more productive higher educational experiences. Sample. The sample comprised 17 students studying various degrees; Il were male and 6 were female. Ages ranged from 18 to 48 years; mean age was 26 years. Method. This was a phenomenographic, longitudinal study. Individual semistructured interviews were conducted each year to ascertain students' conceptions of learning. Conceptions for second year were derived independently of those From first year. A comparative analysis then took place to determine ally changes. Results. These students held conceptions of learning that were similar to those of other university students; however there were some intrinsic differences. On a group level, conceptions changed somewhat over the two years as did core conceptions reported by some individual students. Some students also exhibited a greater awareness of learning during their second year that resulted in three dimensions of changed awareness. Conclusions. We believe the changed conceptions and awareness resulted from learning at university where there is some need to understand and explain phenomena in relation to theory. This brought about new understandings which allowed students to see their own learning in a relational sense.


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In pulmonary hypertension, changes in pulmonary vascular structure and function contribute to the elevation in pulmonary artery pressure. The time-courses for changes in function, unlike structure, are not well characterised. Medial hypertrophy and neomuscularisation and reactivity to vasoactive agents were examined in parallel in main and intralobar pulmonary arteries and salt-perfused lungs from rats exposed to hypoxia (10% O-2) for 1 and 4 weeks (early and established pulmonary hypertension, respectively). After 1 week of hypoxia, in isolated main and intralobar arteries, contractions to 5-hydroxytryptamine and U46619 (thromboxane-mimetic) were increased whereas contractions to angiotensins I and II and relaxations to acetylcholine were reduced. These alterations varied quantitatively between main and intralobar arteries and, in many instances, regressed between 1 and 4 weeks. The alterations in reactivity did not necessarily link chronologically with alterations in structure. In perfused lungs, constrictor responses to acute alveolar hypoxia were unchanged after 1 week but were increased after 4 weeks, in conjunction with the neomuscularisation of distal alveolar arteries. The data suggest that in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, the contribution of altered pulmonary vascular reactivity to the increase in pulmonary artery pressure may be particularly important in the early stages of the disease.


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We hypothesize that S. mutans colonization occurs more frequently in pre-term children due to their relative immaturity. In this study of 172 predentate, six-month-old infants, we found that 50% of pre-term and 60% of full-term children harbored S. mutans. The colonization was confirmed by repeat sampling. Although there were minor differences, factors associated with S. mutans infection in pre-term and full-term infants were generally similar. In both groups, increased frequency of sugar was ranked the most important factor (p < 0.001), followed by breast-feeding (p < 0.001), and habits which allowed saliva transfer from mother to infant (p < 0.01). By contrast, non-colonization of S. mutans was associated with multiple courses of antibiotics (p < 0.001). Compared with pre-term children, there were higher percentages of full-term who had night feedings and consumed sugar during sleep times. Mothers with infected infants had S. mutans levels > 5 x 10(5) CFU/mL saliva (p < 0.001), poorer oral hygiene,, more periodontal disease, and lower socio-economic status (P < 0.02) and snacked frequently (p < 0.001), compared with mothers with non-infected infants.


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Cafarella has written what amounts to a wake-up call for many journalism educators. Her paper will have varying degrees of relevance for different educators and different institutions. In some instances, she may well be reflecting the viewpoints of particular educators in particular situations but these same educators, because of institutional pressures and the very pressures of time and limited resources that Cafarella discusses in a suburban newspaper setting, are unable to implement their heart’s desire. For example, they may want to do all the things Cafarella cited, but to meet the academic requirements of their institution as opposed to the training needs of their students they must achieve a balance between the practical and the theoretical, between their own teaching and research performance, and they must be able to cope with the marking load they generate by creating endless practical assignments. Shorthand bobs up in Cafarella’s paper as a hurdle the graduate cadet must clear before being elevated to the status of graded journalist after the one-year cadetship, and I am reminded that arguments about the inclusion of shorthand in tertiary journalism courses has been debated at national and institutional levels for the past quarter of a century. In fact, shorthand is a kind of shorthand for this practice versus theory debate.


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The reasons for the intra- and interindividual variability in the clearance of valproic acid (VPA) have not been completely characterized. The aim of this study was to examine day-night changes in the clearance of 3-oxo-valproate (3-oxo-VPA), 4-hydroxy-valproate (4-OH-VPA), and valproic acid glucuronides under steady state. Six diurnally active healthy male volunteers ingested 200 mg sodium valproate 12 hourly, at 0800 and 2000, for 28 days. On the last study day, two sequential 12-h urine samples were collected commencing at 2000 the evening before. Plasma samples were obtained at the end of each collection. Following alkaline hydrolysis, urine was analyzed for concentrations of VPA, 3-oxo-VPA, and 4-OH-VPA. A separate aliquot was assayed for creatinine (CR). The plasma concentrations of VPA, 3-oxo-VPA, 2-en-VPA, and CR were determined. The analysis of VPA and its metabolites was performed by CC-MS. There was an increase in plasma 3-oxo-VPA concentration at 0800, sampling as compared to 2000 sampling (p < .05). The urinary excretion of 3-oxo-VPA and VPA glucuronides were decreased between 2000 and 0800, compared to between 0800, and 2000, by 30% and 50% respectively (p < .05). These results indicate a nocturnal decrease in renal clearance of 3-oxo-VPA rather than a decrease in the beta -oxidation of VPA at night. These differences were not explained by differences between the sampling periods in CR excretion. These results indicate the importance of collecting samples of 24-h duration when studying metabolic profiles of VPA.


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The Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia (BCA) was formed in response to a shortage of statisticians seeking careers in the medical and health professions. The Collaboration has been successful in developing postgraduate courses (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters) offered by a consortium of seven Australian Universities. These courses are available through a distance learning medium. The BCA was successful in securing funding from the Federal government to launch these courses, which commenced in March 2001. Two traineeships by the NSW Department of Health have also been awarded and a third is currently advertised. There has been close collaboration with governments, the pharmaceutical industry and research organisations to ensure that course content reflects practical problems and addresses industry needs. A second objective of the BCA is to provide ongoing workshops for practising biostatisticians to enhance professional development. These workshops serve to ring together biostatisticians from both within Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, providing a forum for discussion of current statistical thinking. (author abstract)


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A methodology and framework for discipline-specific curriculum development in a local context is described. These activities, as part of the Thailand-Australia Science and Engineering Assistance Project, were in response to a needs analysis for curriculum assistance to a number of publicly-funded Thai universities in the engineering priority area of Materials Processing and Manufacturing. The paper outlines a strategy for the delivery of a centralised curriculum development workshop for academic staff follow-up visits and local curriculum activities with participating universities, and the presentation of technical short courses as guidance for such activity in other settings and/or discipline areas. This paper is part of a process of documentation so that others can apply the developed methodology and framework for curriculum development. While the paper is a report on curriculum activities in a particular setting, it is written in a manner that allows application of the methodology to other settings. The reader is advised that each curriculum activity needs to adopt a methodology and strategy to fit the particular circumstances being considered To assist in applying this approach elsewhere, a description of the various steps in the curriculum process, and typical responses to some of the more global issues, have been presented. Full details are available in the various TASEAP reports prepared by the authors. Specific detail has been omitted where this detail does not provide any information for generalized consumption.


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This paper examines the psychometric quality of the Early/Late Preferences Scale (PS) relative to that of the Composite Morningness Scale (CS). Questionnaires were completed by 670 undergraduate students aged 16-37 years (mean 22.5), of whom 64% were female. Both scales displayed satisfactory inter-item correlations and similar total mean scores to those reported previously, although the CS had higher variability. Principal axis factor analysis produced single-factor solutions for both scales, although loadings for Items 7 and 9 on the PS were low. Internal consistencies for both scales were good (PS=0.86, CS=0.90) with only a small improvement achieved by deleting Items 7 and 9 from the PS. Test-retest reliability over 11 weeks was good for both scales (PS=0.92, CS=0.89). Differences between morning, evening and intermediate groups in self-rated alertness at different times of day, and significant correlations with other indices of morning-evening orientation, provided evidence of validity for both scales. These results indicate that PS is psychometrically comparable with CS. In view of its simpler format and lower cultural specificity, PS may be considered a preferable measure for most applications.


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Industry professionals of the near future will be supported by an IT infrastructure that enables them to complete a task by drawing on resources and people with expertise anywhere in the world, and access to knowledge through specific training programs that address the task requirements. The increasing uptake of new technologies enables information to reach a diverse population and to provide flexible learning environments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This paper examines one of the key areas where the World Wide Web will impact on the water and wastewater industries, namely technology transfer and training. The authors will present their experiences of developing online training courses for wastewater industry professionals over the last two years. The perspective is that of two people working at the coalface.


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This paper describes the inception, planning and first delivery of a security course as part of a postgraduate ecommerce program. The course is reviewed in terms of existing literature on security courses, the common body of knowledge established for security professionals and the job market into which students will graduate. The course described in this paper is a core subject for the e-commerce program. This program was established in 1999 and the first batch of students graduated in 2001. The program is offered at both postgraduate and undergraduate level. The work described here relates to the postgraduate offering. Students on this program are graduates of diverse disciplines and do not have a common e-commerce or business background.


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Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA) may complicate the advanced lung disease that is associated with cystic fibrosis, resulting in severe joint pain and early-morning stiffness. Symptoms are usually controlled with the administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, and, on occasions, oral corticosteroids. I This report describes a case of refractory HPOA with complete remission following the administration of IV pamidronate, which is a potent inhibitor of osteoclastic bone resorption. Symptom relief resulted for up to 3 months, but repeated courses of pamidronate have been required to maintain symptom control.


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Workflow technology provides a suitable platform to define and manage the coordination of business process activities. We introduce a flexible e-learning environment – called Flex-eL – that has been built upon workflow technology. The workflow functionality of Flex-eL manages the coordination of learning and assessment activities of the course process between students and teaching staff. It provides a unique environment for teachers to design and develop process-centric courses and to monitor student progress. It allows students to learn at their own pace while observing the learning guidelines and checkpoints modeled into the course process by teaching staff. We also report on the successful deployment of the concept and system for university courses and our experiences from the implementation.


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Local scale windfield and air mass characteristics during the onset of two foehn wind events in an alpine hydro-catchment are presented. Grounding of the topographically modified foehn was found to be dependent on daytime surface heating and topographic channelling of flow. The foehn front was observed to advance down-valley until the valley widened significantly. The foehn wind appeared to decouple from the surface downstream of the accelerated flow associated with the valley constriction. and to be lifted above local thermally generated circulations including a lake breeze. Towards evening. the foehn front retreated up valley in response to reduced surface heating and the intrusion into the study area of a deep and cool air mass associated with a regional scale mountain-plain circulation. Differences in the local windfield observed during both case study events reflect the importance of different thermal and dynamic forcings on airflow in complex terrain. These are the result of variation in surface energy exchanges, channelling and blocking of airflow. Observations presented here have both theoretical and applied implications with regard to forecasting foehn onset, wind hazard management, recreational activities and air quality management in alpine settings.


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Observational data collected in the Lake Tekapo hydro catchment of the Southern Alps in New Zealand are used to analyse the wind and temperature fields in the alpine lake basin during summertime fair weather conditions. Measurements from surface stations, pilot balloon and tethersonde soundings, Doppler sodar and an instrumented light aircraft provide evidence of multi-scale interacting wind systems, ranging from microscale slope winds to mesoscale coast-to-basin flows. Thermal forcing of the winds occurred due to differential heating as a consequence of orography and heterogeneous surface features, which is quantified by heat budget and pressure field analysis. The daytime vertical temperature structure was characterised by distinct layering. Features of particular interest are the formation of thermal internal boundary layers due to the lake-land discontinuity and the development of elevated mixed layers. The latter were generated by advective heating from the basin and valley sidewalls by slope winds and by a superimposed valley wind blowing from the basin over Lake Tekapo and up the tributary Godley Valley. Daytime heating in the basin and its tributary valleys caused the development of a strong horizontal temperature gradient between the basin atmosphere and that over the surrounding landscape, and hence the development of a mesoscale heat low over the basin. After noon, air from outside the basin started flowing over mountain saddles into the basin causing cooling in the lowest layers, whereas at ridge top height the horizontal air temperature gradient between inside and outside the basin continued to increase. In the early evening, a more massive intrusion of cold air caused rapid cooling and a transition to a rather uniform slightly stable stratification up to about 2000 m agl. The onset time of this rapid cooling varied about 1-2 h between observation sites and was probably triggered by the decay of up-slope winds inside the basin, which previously countered the intrusion of air over the surrounding ridges. The intrusion of air from outside the basin continued until about mid-night, when a northerly mountain wind from the Godley Valley became dominant. The results illustrate the extreme complexity that can be caused by the operation of thermal forcing processes at a wide range of spatial scales.