593 resultados para ethos


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Este artigo pretende reconstruir alguns dos motivos práticos e teóricos da dialética hegeliana. Uma introdução geral deve servir ao propósito de delinear os contornos gerais do ponto de vista da dialética especulativa, o que será tentado a partir da apropriação crítica feita por Hegel do conceito kantiano de juízo reflexionante (1). A partir disso, pretendo apresentar a versão hegeliana do projeto da “filosofia da unificação” enquanto crítica da moral kantiana (2). Em seguida, o objetivo é mostrar como Hegel antecipa, nos escritos de juventude, uma compreensão da constituição orgânica e intersubjetiva da comunidade (3). Em terceiro lugar, indicaremos como Hegel vincula a elaboração de sua noção de dialética nas linhas gerais de um diagnóstico das dificuldades de integração social na modernidade política, a serem neutralizadas pelo pensamento de uma articulação imanente entre universal e particular (4). Finalmente, pretendo concluir com uma discussão de elementos da filosofia da religião no jovem Hegel como preâmbulo da crítica à filosofia da reflexão e do nascedouro do ponto de vista dialético-especulativo (5). ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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El presente trabajo de titulación aborda la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) un tema que toma mucha importancia en la actualidad ya que su objetivo fundamental es que las empresas encaminen sus esfuerzos en mantener un desarrollo sostenible con todas sus partes interesadas tanto en el ámbito económico, social y ambiental. Para empezar este trabajo se realiza una recopilación de bases teóricas sobre RSE con el objetivo de tener un amplio conocimiento sobre el tema de investigación. También se estudió la guía de Implementación de RSE elaborada por la Asociación de Empresarios Cristianos (ADEC) con la finalidad de entender la aplicación de los indicadores ADEC Ethos 2009 que ayudarán a determinar el nivel de RSE actual de las empresas del Sector Industrial de Fabricación de Metales Comunes (C24) en la ciudad de Cuenca. Se realizó un análisis más preciso a la empresa Metal Print con el propósito de conocer la situación actual del negocio y las prácticas que esta realiza con respecto a la RSE, la información obtenida será de gran importancia y se utilizarán los indicadores ADEC Ethos 2009 para poder interpretar los resultados obtenidos en la empresa. Para finalizar se elabora un plan que contiene varias estrategias enfocadas en contribuir al desarrollo de acciones de RSE que involucran precisamente a la empresa Metal Print, sus empleados, la comunidad y al medioambiente.


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The focus of Aristotelian ethics is not to understand the essence of virtue, but rather the formation of underlying principles which define each individual’s ethics (êthos) that promotes happiness (eudaimonía) as their ultimate end. In this article I will emphasize the relationship between eudaimonía and ethos. This is relevant because êthos may be interpreted as source (pegé) from decisions as character or imprint, (charaktér) thanks to actions performed in order to reach eudaimonía.


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The Representations in Learning Science (RiLS) project developed a representation construction approach to teaching and learning in science, which has successfully demonstrated enhanced student learning through sustained engagement with ideas, and enhancement of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and understandings of how knowledge in science is developed and communicated. The current Constructing Representations in Science Pedagogy (CRISP) project aims at wider scale implementation of the representation construction approach. This paper explores a range of issues that confronted four Year 8 teachers in implementing this research-developed approach, such as: preparedness of the teacher in terms of epistemological positioning and positioning as a learner, significant support for planning and modelling by the university expert, and a team ethos where teachers share ideas and plan jointly. The Year 8 teachers implemented a representation construction approach to the teaching of the topic of astronomy. The Interconnected Model of Teacher Growth (IMTG) (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002) was used to analyse the teachers’ experience in planning and delivering the teaching sequence. This model was found to be flexible in identifying the experiences of teachers in different situations and useful in identifying issues for implementation of a research developed pedagogy.


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This book is a comprehensive history of the Good Shepherd Order in the Pacific region, and the author is able to draw on substantial archival collections. Catherine Kovesi and the Sisters of the Good Shepherd are to be congratulated for the high standard of the book, its careful research and writing, and for its design and illustrations. The book is especially important as there are few substantial published histories that explore the ethos and work of Catholic women’s orders in Australia.


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This research explores some of the factors that influence the relations about empathy and /or rejection that children establish towards some animal species. The role that school has within the social context in these dynamics was considered. Attitudes of young children (aged 7 to 9) from Mexico and England towards specific animal species, examining attitudinal differences not only between cultures, and educational systems, but between species have been compared. Ecological dilemmas involving animals are used as a method to analyse children’s constructions of the environment in the field of moral development and conservation. Children expressed more negative attitudes towards spiders and snakes, than towards monkeys and birds. Although these attitudes in themselves are not surprising, the material in this study provides new information on how young children construct their moral ideas on conservation matters through the used of ecological dilemmas. Children’s reactions vary according to culture, experience, affiliation for a particular animal and school ethos.


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With death a frequent event in intensive care units how, people die and the impact on family and staffs is becoming increasingly recognised as an issue requiring significant attention. Caring for a dying patient in these environments challenges the dominant ethos of seeking to cure critically ill patients. Family members require particular care as they keep vigil with their loved one and this forms a major area of work and concern for nurses. Mortality rates are higher in intensive care units than in most other settings and this impacts on staff. This paper builds on a qualitative exploratory study utilising focus groups that was undertaken to describe how nurses support family members during and after a death in the intensive care unit. This study identified issues that challenged the nurses' ability to maintain professionalism and the ways in which nurses ensured self-care. They highlighted organisational constraints, support for families and for their nursing colleagues as important issues for discussion.


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BACKGROUND: Mental health service development internationally is increasingly informed by the collaborative ethos of recovery. Service user evaluation of experiences within music therapy programs allows new phenomena about participation in services to be revealed that might otherwise remain unnoticed. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to demonstrate how asking service users about their experience of music therapy can generate useful information, and to reflect upon the feedback elicited from such processes in order to gain a deeper understanding of how music therapy is received among service users in mental health. METHODS: Six mental health service users described their experiences of music therapy in one or two individual interviews. Transcripts of interviews were analyzed using the procedures and techniques of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. RESULTS: Interviews with mental health service users provided rich, in-depth accounts reflecting the complex nature of music therapy participation. Super-ordinate themes refer to the context in which music therapy was offered, the rich sound world of music in music therapy, the humanity of music therapy, and the strengths enhancing opportunities experienced by service users. CONCLUSIONS: Participants indicated that they each experienced music therapy in unique ways. Opinions about the value of music therapy were revealed through an interview process in which the researcher holds an open attitude, welcoming all narrative contributions respectfully. These findings can remind practitioners of the importance of closely tuning into the perspectives and understandings of those who have valuable expertise to share about their experience of music therapy services in mental health.


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Ce mémoire porte sur les transformations du concept de prudence, de l’Antiquité grecque au XVIIe siècle. Il souligne notamment le lien qui unit les manières d’être et l’art, tant chez les Grecs qu’au début de la modernité. La phronèsis se définissait tout d’abord en relation aux autres manières de faire, dont la technè fait partie. Si Platon et Aristote les distinguent, les auteurs de la modernité assimileront ces deux manières de faire. De plus, on peut voir dans la forme du langage employé pour écrire sur la prudence un reflet de la vertu antique. Il s’agit de donner, tant par le style que par le propos, un exemple de prudence. Cette vertu, qui est d’ailleurs la première des vertus cardinales, est donc fondamentale pour comprendre le rapport entre l’éthique et l’art, de l’Antiquité au début de la modernité. Elle annonce aussi les débuts de l’esthétique moderne, en ce qu’elle donne des règles à suivre pour arriver à ses fins, qu’il s’agisse de n’importe quelle manière de faire.


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"Para describir la vida política de las democracias antiguas nos vemos forzados a servirnos de términos que utilizamos para las democracias modernas. Pero hay que tener cuidado de no engañarse. Pues las mismas palabras contemplan a menudo las realidades más diversas" (Reverdin, 1945: 201). Esta afirmación nos autoriza a preguntarnos si hay o no una conexión entre los demagogou atenienses y lo que nosotros entendemos por "demagogos". El lexema ingresó a los idiomas modernos por una traducción al francés de una traducción latina de la Política de Aristóteles en el siglo XIV d.C. (Robert, 1954: s.v.), donde ya era patente el carácter peyorativo del lexema. Durante los últimos cincuenta años, los especialistas han analizado las ocurrencias del campo léxico de la demagogia desde una perspectiva histórico- sociológica y en ese sentido coinciden en que estos vocablos en su origen eran "neutros" (Connor, 1992; Lane, 2012). Ostwald, por su parte, opina que la connotación peyorativa del término probablemente se deba a Aristóteles, específicamente a un pasaje de la Política (4.4.1292a4-38) (1986: 201). Sin embargo, contamos con testimonios del lexema de fines del siglo V a.C. y principios del IV a.C. donde es posible entender cierta connotación negativa. Dentro del conjunto de testimonios se encuentra el Contra Alcibíades del Pseudo Andócides. El presente trabajo, complementario de análisis anteriores en el corpus del siglo V a.C., tiene como objetivo analizar el mencionado lexema en su cotexto a la luz de una perspectiva que concibe las palabras como piezas lingüísticas susceptibles de variación semántica incluso en un mismo estadio sincrónico, aplicando conceptos de las teorías de la Nueva Retórica y del Análisis del Discurso


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"Para describir la vida política de las democracias antiguas nos vemos forzados a servirnos de términos que utilizamos para las democracias modernas. Pero hay que tener cuidado de no engañarse. Pues las mismas palabras contemplan a menudo las realidades más diversas" (Reverdin, 1945: 201). Esta afirmación nos autoriza a preguntarnos si hay o no una conexión entre los demagogou atenienses y lo que nosotros entendemos por "demagogos". El lexema ingresó a los idiomas modernos por una traducción al francés de una traducción latina de la Política de Aristóteles en el siglo XIV d.C. (Robert, 1954: s.v.), donde ya era patente el carácter peyorativo del lexema. Durante los últimos cincuenta años, los especialistas han analizado las ocurrencias del campo léxico de la demagogia desde una perspectiva histórico- sociológica y en ese sentido coinciden en que estos vocablos en su origen eran "neutros" (Connor, 1992; Lane, 2012). Ostwald, por su parte, opina que la connotación peyorativa del término probablemente se deba a Aristóteles, específicamente a un pasaje de la Política (4.4.1292a4-38) (1986: 201). Sin embargo, contamos con testimonios del lexema de fines del siglo V a.C. y principios del IV a.C. donde es posible entender cierta connotación negativa. Dentro del conjunto de testimonios se encuentra el Contra Alcibíades del Pseudo Andócides. El presente trabajo, complementario de análisis anteriores en el corpus del siglo V a.C., tiene como objetivo analizar el mencionado lexema en su cotexto a la luz de una perspectiva que concibe las palabras como piezas lingüísticas susceptibles de variación semántica incluso en un mismo estadio sincrónico, aplicando conceptos de las teorías de la Nueva Retórica y del Análisis del Discurso


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Studies are starting to explore the role of HRM in fostering organizational innovation but empirical evidence remains contradictory and theory fragmented. This is partly because extant literature by and large adopts a unitary level of analysis, rather than reflecting on the multi-level demands that innovation presents. Building on an emergent literature focused on HRM’s role in shaping innovation, we shed light on the question of whether, and how, HRM might influence employees’ innovative behaviours in the direction of strategically important goals. Drawing upon institutional theory, our contributions are three-fold: to bring out the effect of two discrete HRM configurations- one underpinned by a control and the other by an entrepreneurial ethos, on attitudes and behaviours at the individual level; to reflect the way in which employee innovative behaviours arising from these HRM configurations coalesce to shape higher-level phenomena, such as organizational-level innovation; and to bring out two distinct patterns of bottom-up emergence, one driven primarily by composition and the other by both composition and compilation.


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Ce mémoire porte sur les transformations du concept de prudence, de l’Antiquité grecque au XVIIe siècle. Il souligne notamment le lien qui unit les manières d’être et l’art, tant chez les Grecs qu’au début de la modernité. La phronèsis se définissait tout d’abord en relation aux autres manières de faire, dont la technè fait partie. Si Platon et Aristote les distinguent, les auteurs de la modernité assimileront ces deux manières de faire. De plus, on peut voir dans la forme du langage employé pour écrire sur la prudence un reflet de la vertu antique. Il s’agit de donner, tant par le style que par le propos, un exemple de prudence. Cette vertu, qui est d’ailleurs la première des vertus cardinales, est donc fondamentale pour comprendre le rapport entre l’éthique et l’art, de l’Antiquité au début de la modernité. Elle annonce aussi les débuts de l’esthétique moderne, en ce qu’elle donne des règles à suivre pour arriver à ses fins, qu’il s’agisse de n’importe quelle manière de faire.


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Since the late 1990s, the Indian community in Australia has grown faster than any other immigrant community. The Indian Diaspora has made substantial contributions to the multi-ethnic and multi-religious diversity within Australia. The growth of Hinduism and Sikhism through gurus, temples, yoga and rituals of many kind has brought new colours, images, customs and practices to the profile of Australian religion, and the Australian landscape more widely. At the same time, Hinduism and Sikhism have themselves been transformed as Hindus and Sikhs from different parts of India as well as Fiji, Malaysia and other parts of the world have come together to establish a pan-Indian ethos. Hindus and Sikhs here have also interacted with other sectors of the Australian population and with religions from the Western world. This is the theme of this book.The Indian Diaspora covers the theory of diaspora, the historical development of the Indian communities in Australia since the late 19th century to the present times, current practices and statistical profiles of Hindus and Sikhs in Australia, and interactions between Hindus and Sikhs with the wider Australian community. There are case-studies of the Indian students and women in the Australian community, of Indian communities in Melbourne and South Australia, and of temple building and the Sikh gurdwara. The book has been edited by and contains contributions from Purushottama Bilimoria, an internationally-known scholar of philosophy and religion, Jayant Bhalchandra Bapat, one of Australia’s most senior Hindu priests and a scholar of Hinduism, and Philip Hughes, a leading analyst of the religious profiles of the Australian people. It also contains contributions from several other prominent scholars. Included are special essays on the importance of diaspora by the late Ninian Smart and on the 19th century Afghan cameleers and Indian hawkers.


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The Representations in Learning Science (RiLS) project developed arepresentation construction approach to teaching and learning in science, which has successfully demonstrated enhanced student learning through sustained engagement with ideas, and enhancement of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and understandings of how knowledge in science is developed and communicated. The current Constructing Representations in Science Pedagogy (CRISP) project aims at widerscale implementation of the representation construction approach. This paper explores a range of issues that confronted four Year-8 teachers in implementing this research-developed approach, such as: preparedness of the teacher in terms of epistemological positioning and positioning as a learner, significant support for planning and modelling by the university expert, and a team ethos where teachers share ideas and plan jointly. The Year-8 teachers implemented a representation construction approach to the teaching of the topic of astronomy. The Interconnected Model of Teacher Growth (IMTG) (Clarke and Hollingworth, Teach. Educ., 18 (2001) 947) was used to analyse the teachers’ experience in planning and delivering the teaching sequence. This model was found to be flexible in identifying the experiences of teachers in different situations and useful in identifying issues for implementation of a research-developed pedagogy.