874 resultados para departments
The Lower Mekong Basin has extensive wetlands and these are being threatened by numerous problems. Most of these problems are interdependent and interact with one another. The lack of an appropriate definition of wetlands applicable to the region, pervasive inefficiencies and chronic lack of funds among riparian governments, and the poor appreciation of the true economic importance of wetlands and its resources are among the most prominent. The current definition, based on the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971), is too broad when compared to the understanding of wetlands as being swamps, marshes and the like, and was developed specifically for wetlands with international importance as waterfowl habitats. Furthermore, wetlands are composed of different types of resources, which require different modes of management. Often, institutional competition, overlapping mandates and sometimes jealousies occur between government departments when they try to assert their authority on a particular wetland resource and use, and put forward their development plans without considering how these may conflict with other wetlands uses. Finally, effective wetland management requires reliable statistics or information on rate of harvest of natural resources such as fish and others, fishing/harvesting methods over time in order to determine the level of exploitation, and the status of the natural resources. This information is needed to identify opportunities for expansion, to establish historical trends, and to determine when management interventions are necessary to protect the resources from being overused by other developments. In order to address these issues, ICLARM - The World Fish Center has launched a project, the aim of objectives of which are described in this paper.
The U.S. Fish Commission was initiated in 1871 with Spencer Fullerton Baird as the first U.S. Fish Commissioner as an independent entity. In 1903 it became a part of the new U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor and was renamed the Bureau of Fisheries, a name it retained when the Departments of Commerce and Labor were separated in 1912. The Bureau remained in the Commerce Department until 1941 when it was merged with the Biological Survey and placed in the Department of Interior as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It was a scientific agency with well conceived programs of action, and it provided knowledge, advice, and example to state governments and individuals with fisheries interests and needs. Its efforts were supported by timely international agreements which constituted the precedent for Federal interest in fishery matters. The Fisheries Service earned stature as an advisor through heavy emphasis on basic biological research. The lack of such knowledge was marked and universal in the 1870’s, but toward the end of that decade, strong steps had been taken to address those needs under Baird’s leadership. USFC research activities were conducted cooperatively with other prominent scientists in the United States and abroad. Biological stations were established, and the world’s first and most productive deepsea research vessel, the Albatross, was constructed, and its 40-year career gave a strong stimulus to the science of oceanography. Together, the agency’s scientists and facilities made important additions to the sum of human knowledge, derived principles of conservation which were the vital bases for effective regulatory legislation, conducted extensive fish cultural work, collected and disseminated fisheries statistics, and began important research in methods of fish harvesting, preservation, transportation, and marketing.
John Nathan Cobb (1868–1930) became the founding Director of the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, in 1919 without the benefit of a college education. An inquisitive and ambitious man, he began his career in the newspaper business and was introduced to commercial fisheries when he joined the U.S. Fish Commission (USFC) in 1895 as a clerk, and he was soon promoted to a “Field Agent” in the Division of Statistics, Washington, D.C. During the next 17 years, Cobb surveyed commercial fisheries from Maine to Florida, Hawaii, the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska for the USFC and its successor, the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. In 1913, he became editor of the prominent west coast trade magazine, Pacific Fisherman, of Seattle, Wash., where he became known as a leading expert on the fisheries of the Pacific Northwest. He soon joined the campaign, led by his employer, to establish the nation’s first fisheries school at the University of Washington. After a brief interlude (1917–1918) with the Alaska Packers Association in San Francisco, Calif., he was chosen as the School’s founding director in 1919. Reflecting his experience and mindset, as well as the University’s apparent initial desire, Cobb established the College of Fisheries primarily as a training ground for those interested in applied aspects of the commercial fishing industry. Cobb attracted sufficient students, was a vigorous spokesman for the College, and had ambitions plans for expansion of the school’s faculty and facilities. He became aware that the College was not held in high esteem by his faculty colleagues or by the University administration because of the school’s failure to emphasize scholastic achievement, and he attempted to correct this deficiency. Cobb became ill with heart problems in 1929 and died on 13 January 1930. The University soon thereafter dissolved the College and dismissed all but one of its faculty. A Department of Fisheries, in the College of Science, was then established in 1930 and was led by William Francis Thompson (1888–1965), who emphasized basic science and fishery biology. The latter format continues to the present in the Department’s successor, The School of Aquatic Fisheries and Science.
A complexidade na implantação de processos seguros para o manejo dos resíduos biológicos em diversas classes de riscos, conforme a Resolução RDC no. 306/2004 ANVISA, é um desafio para administrações públicas e Unidades de Serviços de Saúde (USS) do país. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o atual manejo destes resíduos, em particular os da classe de risco A4. A pesquisa tem caráter exploratório e qualitativo consistindo de revisão bibliográfica do estado da arte sobre o tema e de levantamento de dados. A coleta das informações foi realizada em Unidades de Serviços de Saúde (USS); órgãos ambientais; nas visitas técnicas em empresas tratadoras de resíduos; em gerenciadores de aterros sanitários; e através de entrevistas com especialistas no assunto. A título de exemplo, dois casos sobre o manejo dos resíduos biológicos foram estudados: no Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e em Orlando (Flórida - USA). A relevância da pesquisa está na constatação das mudanças em andamento no setor de saneamento no país, como o passo importante que esta sendo dado com a aprovação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). Para se atingir melhores indicadores de saúde e meio ambiente, torna-se imprescindível o gerenciamento integrado dos resíduos com a incorporação de métodos, técnicas e abordagens atuais. Quanto aos resíduos biológicos, existe aqui uma tendência em se adotar o modelo americano, mais rígido, que considera vários resíduos, comuns para nós, como sendo infectantes, e não separa estes resíduos biológicos em classes, colocando-os todos no mesmo grau de risco. Para a realidade brasileira tal rigidez de conceitos aumenta o risco no manejo para todos os envolvidos na cadeia e o custo da operação como um todo, tornando-a impraticável na maior parte do país. No Brasil a gestão inadequada dos resíduos em muitas USS e a grande quantidade de lixões existentes, com a presença de catadores de materiais recicláveis, são processos inseguros e para melhorar este quadro, é fundamental a implementação da PNRS. Nossa legislação se mostra eficiente, mas necessitamos de maior monitoramento e avaliação, e uma consequente ação educativa. Em complemento deve haver maior determinação de responsabilidades, aplicação de punições e empreender reformas substanciais nas áreas de educação e saúde pública. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua com a construção de um modelo de manejo adequado dos resíduos biológicos, sobretudo os de classe A4, de forma mais sustentável e segura. Para estudos futuros, indica-se uma avaliação estratégica sobre a sustentabilidade técnica e econômica do modelo de gerenciamento destes resíduos a ser realizada em contexto mais amplo. Para tal, recomenda-se a extensão da pesquisa a outros estados da federação, assim como o acompanhamento das tendências mundiais para classificação dos riscos dos Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde e de sua destinação mais adequada, principalmente em países com realidades semelhantes à nossa.
Atualmente o Brasil conta com um volume imenso de dados sobre o território nacional. Entretanto, grande parte dos dados existentes encontra-se dispersa, fragmentada, sem compatibilização cartográfica e, em alguns casos, duplicada em vários locais. O grande desafio é compartilhar dados geograficamente dispersos e comunicar conceitos importantes entre departamentos dentro da organização ou entre organizações diferentes usando, para isso, tecnologias de informação. Assim, esse trabalho tem como objetivo geral contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma infra-estrutura para informação geográfica, que possa ser amplamente disseminada via Internet através de Web Services e que atenda os requisitos de interoperabilidade, de modo que diversos usuários possam usufruir dos dados disponíveis, integrando-os quando necessários. Este trabalho incidirá inicialmente nas necessidades de informação geográfica para o Zoneamento Ecológico e Econômico do Brasil. Entretanto, como se trata de um sistema de infra-estrutura de dados espaciais poderá, então, agregar dados para qualquer trabalho que envolva a informação espacial.
Estudo descritivo retrospectivo realizado no Instituto Nacional do Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva, INCA/HCI-Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, (INCA- HCI-RJ), avaliou infecções por Corynebacterium sp. com ênfase nos pacientes pediátricos em tratamento nos setores onco-hematológico pediátrico e seus acessos venosos. Os resultados permitiram a elaboração de dois artigos. No Artigo 1 - Foram analisadas as bacteremias causadas por espécies de corinebactérias não produtoras de toxina diftérica, observadas em dois períodos, com intervalo de sete anos (2003/2004 e 2012/2013), totalizando 62 pacientes. No Artigo 2 - Foi realizada investigação clínica e epidemiológica de 24 casos de infecção por Corynebacterium sp. em amostras de sangue de cateter e/ou periférica, em menores de 18 anos em tratamento onco-hematopediátrico, em dois períodos, com intervalo de oito anos (2003/2004 e 2013/2014). Nos dois artigos foram avaliados aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos, tratamentos realizados, conduta em cada paciente e avaliação da susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos das cepas isoladas. Os tumores sólidos tiveram maior prevalência em ambas análises. No primeiro artigo, as infecções por corinebactérias tiveram relação com os pacientes usuários de cateter venoso central. Após estes primeiros resultados, foi desenhado um segundo estudo retrospectivo com abordagem em pacientes pediátricos em tratamento. Cerca de 83,3% destes pacientes eram portadores de cateter venoso central de longa permanência (CVCLP). A análise microbiológica permitiu a observação da incidência de novas espécies de corinebactérias, algumas multirresistentes, além da evolução dos padrões de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos, com aumento da resistência a alguns dos agentes utilizados na rotina de tratamento para infecções por este grupo. Em ambos estudos C. amycolatum foi a espécie predominante. Apesar de terem sido identificadas cepas multirresistentes, todas as cepas isoladas apresentaram susceptibilidade a vancomicina (artigos 1 e 2). O uso de vancomicina permitiu preservação dos dispositivos venosos com estabilização do quadro clínico, na maioria dos casos. Na avaliação retrospectiva do segundo estudo proposto 40% dos CVCLP foram preservados, a análise comparativa dos períodos estudados revelou uma evolução na preservação de dispositivos venosos mediante o tratamento antimicrobiano orientado nos casos de infecção por Corynebacterium. A integração da equipe multidisciplinar, desde a identificação dos casos clínicos, manuseio das amostras, identificação laboratorial e os resultados, bem como na proposta de tratamento promoveu uma melhoria significativa na assistência aos pacientes e contribuiu para o sucesso terapêutico observado neste trabalho. O reconhecimento das corinebactérias como importantes agentes associados a infecções em pacientes oncológicos pediátricos pelos profissionais de saúde contribuiu para a elaboração de estratégias específicas e, conseqüentemente, para melhorias nas condutas e protocolos, bem como na terapêutica aplicada às infecções por estes agentes.
Concerns about perceived loss of indigenous materials emerged from multiple stakeholders during consultations to plan and design the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems for the Borotse hub in Zambia’s Western Province. To come to grips with and address the concerns, the AAS Borotse hub program of work included an assessment of agrobiodiversity to inform community-level and program initiatives and actions. The agrobiodiversity assessment comprised three components: key informant and expert surveys complemented by review of grey and published literature, focus group discussions in the communities, and individual household surveys. This working paper reports the findings from assessments of agrobiodiversity resources in the Borotse hub by key informants and local experts working in government ministries, departments and agencies, and non-governmental organizations operating in the communities. This working paper covers the following topics: agriculture in the Borotse flood plain; major agricultural land types in the Borotse flood plain; soils and their uses; production systems; crops, including the seed sector and ex-situ resources; indigenous materials collected from the wild, including non-perennial and perennial plants, aquatic plants, and forest biodiversity; fish resources, including both capture fisheries and aquaculture; livestock resources; dietary diversity; and indigenous and local knowledge on management systems.
This paper deals with the importance of fisheries administration in effective planning and successful execution of fisheries development programmes. The great diversity in the organisation of fisheries departments in the states of India is described.
Throughout the year the Fisheries Departments of Tanzania and Uganda continued to forward to EAFFRO data on the commercial fisheries of the lake. Regular records of commercial fishing activity In Kenya waters have not been received, appropriate information has been made available on request from the Chief Fisheries Officer. None of the research staff at EAFFRO have been assigned to a detail ed survey of the statistica1 data available, although severa1 research officers have taken the opportunity of analysing the data appropriate to their own research programmes. As recorded in the last Annual Report, an important feature of the UNDP Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project will be to undertake the relevant statistical surveys essential to the proper.
Throughout the year the Fisheries Departments of Tanzania and Uganda continued to forward to EAFFRO data on the commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria, particularly statistics of fishing-effort and fish-landings. The Kenya Fisheries Department was re-established at Kisumu towards the end of 1964 and has expanded its activities during 1965; whilst regular records of commercial fishing activity have not been despatched to Jinja, appropriate information has been made available on request from the Chief Fisheries Officer. None of the existing research officers at EAFFRO have been assigned to a detailed survey of the statistical data available, although several officers have taken the opportunity of analysing the data regarding the species considered under their own research programmes. As recorded in the last Annual Report, one important function of the UNDP Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project will be to undertake the relevant statistical surveys essential to the proper management of the commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria. The level of the lake remained abnormally high but fluctuated somewhat during the year, reaching a maximum in May, but falling to a minimum in October before beginning to rise again with the rains at the end of the twelve-month period. The maximum figure for the year recorded at Jinja: 12.92 ft. above datum did not reach the peak recorded in 1964: 13.33 ft. above datum, which was the maximum reading taken since records were begun in 1899. Scientific work carried out by the organization during the year 1965 included work on the following: Commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria Nile Perch investigations Fisheries surveys in Kenya and Tanzania Studies on anadromous fishes Studies on mormyrid fishes Studies on Tilapia species Studies on Alestes Studies on Haplochromis species
The workshop titled, ICSF-BOBLME India (East Coast) Workshop on Implementing the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) was organized by ICSFin collaboration with BOBLME project.The workshop was the third in a series of consultations held in 2015 across the globe to promote the ownership of the SSF Guidelines among different stakeholders. In the run –up to the workshop, ICSF, with support from BOBLME conducted six consultation meetings with fishworkers and fishworker organizations along the east coast of India in January and February 2015. One hundred participants from India’s eastern coastal states of West Bengal, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, including women fishworkers, representatives of fishworker organizations, representatives from Department of Fisheries and other concerned departments at state and central level, Multilateral agencies, Inter-governmental organizations, Research Institutions met at Chennai, 6-7 March, 2015. The workshop was structured to facilitate active interaction and discussion among participants, taking into account linguistic diversity and the contextual differences of the marine and inland sectors. This publication—the proceedings of the Chennai workshop—will be useful for fishworker organizations, researchers, policymakers, members of civil society and anyone interested in fisheries and livelihoods.
The Internet of Things (IOT) concept and enabling technologies such as RFID offer the prospect of linking the real world of physical objects with the virtual world of information technology to improve visibility and traceability information within supply chains and across the entire lifecycles of products, as well as enabling more intuitive interactions and greater automation possibilities. There is a huge potential for savings through process optimization and profit generation within the IOT, but the sharing of financial benefits across companies remains an unsolved issue. Existing approaches towards sharing of costs and benefits have failed to scale so far. The integration of payment solutions into the IOT architecture could solve this problem. We have reviewed different possible levels of integration. Multiple payment solutions have been researched. Finally we have developed a model that meets the requirements of the IOT in relation to openness and scalability. It supports both hardware-centric and software-centric approaches to integration of payment solutions with the IOT. Different requirements concerning payment solutions within the IOT have been defined and considered in the proposed model. Possible solution providers include telcos, e-payment service providers and new players such as banks and standardization bodies. The proposed model of integrating the Internet of Things with payment solutions will lower the barrier to invoicing for the more granular visibility information generated using the IOT. Thus, it has the potential to enable recovery of the necessary investments in IOT infrastructure and accelerate adoption of the IOT, especially for projects that are only viable when multiple benefits throughout the supply chain need to be accumulated in order to achieve a Return on Investment (ROI). In a long-term perspective, it may enable IT-departments to become profit centres instead of cost centres. © 2010 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
Trainers from the region contributed theory and practical training to trainees from government departments, universities and NGOs relevant to conservation of seagrasses and monitoring methods.
Labeo victorianus Boulenger, the "ningu", is commercially the most important migratory fish of Lake Victoria, as well as being one of the most abundant of all species landed. Annual catch records of the Fisheries Departments of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania show that a high yielding seasonal, floating gill net fishery is based on the concentration of sexually mature fish at the river mouths at the time of migration during the bi-annual floods. Migrating fish used also to be caught in high numbers at "kek" barrier traps across the river, as at Hainga on the Nzoia river. Since the heavy exploitation at the river mouth which occurred with the introduction of nylon gill nets in 1956.
The purpose of this report is to describe very briefly the new program of catch assessment surveys in Lake Victoria. The CAS program, less than a year old is a joint venture of EAFFRO and the Fisheries Departments of the partner states, with assistance from FAO Statistician. The program arose out of the need to establish uniform statistically sound system of data collection in Victoria fisheries, has a topic of discussion at past meetings of the Fisheries Technical Committee.