980 resultados para cost-plus pricing


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The introduction of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) into everyday clinical practice has greatly improved the care of patients with chronic kidney disease. ESAs have reduced the need for blood transfusions, improved survival, decreased cardiovascular complications and enhanced patient quality of life. The longer acting ESA, darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp(R)), which can be administered less frequently than traditional ESAs, provides further benefits to both patients and healthcare professionals relative to the epoetins. Clinical studies have shown that darbepoetin alfa administered once every 2 weeks or once every month allows enhanced convenience and cost savings with no compromise in efficacy, while maintaining patients within target haemoglobin ranges.


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Background: CMR has recently emerged as a robust and reliable technique to assess coronary artery disease (CAD). A negative perfusion CMR test predicts low event rates of 0.3-0.5%/year. Invasive coronary angiography (CA) remains the "gold standard" for the evaluation of CAD in many countries.Objective: Assessing the costs of the two strategies in the European CMR registry for the work-up of known or suspected CAD from a health care payer perspective. Strategy 1) a CA to all patients or 2) a CA only to patients who are diagnosed positive for ischemia in a prior CMR.Method and results: Using data of the European CMR registry (20 hospitals, 11'040 consecutive patients) we calculated the proportion of patients who were diagnosed positive (20.6%), uncertain (6.5%), and negative (72.9%) after the CMR test in patients with known or suspected CAD (n=2'717). No other medical test was performed to patients who were negative for ischemia. Positive diagnosed patients had a coronary angiography. Those with uncertain diagnosis had additional tests (84.7%: stress echocardiography, 13.1%: CCT, 2.3% SPECT), these costs were added to the CMR strategy costs. Information from costs for tests in Germany and Switzerland were used. A sensibility analysis was performed for inpatient CA. For costs see figure. Results - costs.Discussion: The CMR strategy costs less than the CA strategy for the health insurance systems both, in Germany and Switzerland. While lower in costs, the CMR strategy is a non-invasive one, does not expose to radiation, and yields additional information on cardiac function, viability, valves, and great vessels. Developing the use of CMR instead of CA might imply some reduction in costs together with superior patient safety and comfort, and a better utilization of resources at the hospital level. Document introduit le : 01.12.2011


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We investigate the role of earnings quality in determining the levels of segment disclosure, and whether and how better quality earnings and segment disclosure influences cost of capital. Using a large US sample for the period 2001-2006, we find a positive relation between earnings quality and levels of segment disclosures. We also find that firms providing better quality segment information, contingent upon good earnings quality, enjoy lower cost of capital. We base our empirical tests on a self created index of segment disclosure. Our results contribute to a better understanding of (1) the incentives for providing segment disclosures, and (2) how accounting quality (quality of segment information and earnings quality) is related to the cost of capital.


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In this paper, we investigate whether evidence of discriminatory treatment against immigrants in the Spanish mortgage market exists. More specifically, we test whether, ceteris paribus, immigrant borrowers tend to be charged with higher interest rates on their mortgages than their Spanish born counterparts. To do so, we use a unique dataset on granted mortgages that contains information not only regarding the conditions of the loan but also the socio-economic characteristics of the mortgagors. We observe that immigrants are systematically charged with higher interest rates. We apply the well known Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition to measure the extent to which this disparate treatment of lenders in mortgage pricing against immigrants is due to discrimination. Our results indicate that approximately two thirds of the gap in the interest rate between Spanish born and immigrant borrowers can be attributed to discriminatory treatment. Key words: Immigration, discrimination, mortgage pricing, housing market. JEL codes: R21, G21, J14


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We use a difference-in-difference estimator to examine the effects of a merger involving three airlines. The novelty lies in the examination of this operation in two distinct scenarios: (1) on routes where two low-cost carriers and (2) on routes where a network and one of the low-cost airlines had previously been competing. We report a reduction in frequencies but no substantial effect on prices in the first scenario, while in the second we report an increase in prices but no substantial effect on frequencies. These results may be attributed to the differences in passenger types flying on these routes.


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This paper formalizes in a fully-rational model the popular idea that politicians perceive an electoral cost in adopting costly reforms with future benefits and reconciles it with the evidence that reformist governments are not punished by voters. To do so, it proposes a model of elections where political ability is ex-ante unknown and investment in reforms is unobservable. On the one hand, elections improve accountability and allow to keep well-performing incumbents. On the other, politicians make too little reforms in an attempt to signal high ability and increase their reappointment probability. Although in a rational expectation equilibrium voters cannot be fooled and hence reelection does not depend on reforms, the strategy of underinvesting in reforms is nonetheless sustained by out-of-equilibrium beliefs. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, uncertainty makes reforms more politically viable and may, under some conditions, increase social welfare. The model is then used to study how political rewards can be set so as to maximize social welfare and the desirability of imposing a one-term limit to governments. The predictions of this theory are consistent with a number of empirical regularities on the determinants of reforms and reelection. They are also consistent with a new stylized fact documented in this paper: economic uncertainty is associated to more reforms in a panel of 20 OECD countries.


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La remise en démocratie des sciences et développements technologiques, qui façon- nent l'avenir de nos sociétés, passe par une discussion approchée de ce qui se fabri- que dans les laboratoires et les entreprises et que cela suppose aussi de se pencher sur les conditions de la recherche et de l'innovation. Les produits scientifiques et technologiques reflètent en partie les conditions de leur invention et production.Aussi, convient-il de se pencher sur des questions comme les types de partenariats qui sont construits dans et autour de la recherche, les articulations entre discipli- nes, les organisations de recherche, les identités professionnelles des chercheurs.


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This paper computes and compares alternative quality-adjusted price indexes for new cars in Spain in the period 1990-2000. The proposed hedonic approach simultaneously controls for time-invariant unobserved product e¤ects and time-variant unobserved quality changes, that are assumed to be captured by model age effects. The results show that the non-adjusted price index largely overstates the increase in the cost of living induced by changes in car prices and that previous evidence for this market have not measured the real extent of that bias, probably due to the omission of controls for unobservables. It is also shown that omitting age effects can also lead to misleading conclusions. The estimated price indexes give also some insights on what could have been the determinants of price evolution in the Spanish car market.


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This paper reviews three different approaches to modelling the cost-effectiveness of schistosomiasis control. Although these approaches vary in their assessment of costs, the major focus of the paper is on the evaluation of effectiveness. The first model presented is a static economic model which assesses effectiveness in terms of the proportion of cases cured. This model is important in highlighting that the optimal choice of chemotherapy regime depends critically on the level of budget constraint, the unit costs of screening and treatment, the rates of compliance with screening and chemotherapy and the prevalence of infection. The limitations of this approach is that it models the cost-effectiveness of only one cycle of treatment, and effectiveness reflects only the immediate impact of treatment. The second model presented is a prevalence-based dynamic model which links prevalence rates from one year to the next, and assesses effectiveness as the proportion of cases prevented. This model was important as it introduced the concept of measuring the long-term impact of control by using a transmission model which can assess reduction in infection through time, but is limited to assessing the impact only on the prevalence of infection. The third approach presented is a theoretical framework which describes the dynamic relationships between infection and morbidity, and which assesses effectiveness in terms of case-years prevented of infection and morbidity. The use of this model in assessing the cost-effectiveness of age-targeted treatment in controlling Schistosoma mansoni is explored in detail, with respect to varying frequencies of treatment and the interaction between drug price and drug efficacy.


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PURPOSE: Temozolomide is a novel oral alkylating agent with demonstrated efficacy as second-line therapy for patients with recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). This phase II study was performed to determine the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of concomitant radiation plus temozolomide therapy followed by adjuvant temozolomide therapy in patients with newly diagnosed GBM. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty-four patients were enrolled onto this open-label, phase II trial. Temozolomide (75 mg/m(2)/d x 7 d/wk for 6 weeks) was administered orally concomitant with fractionated radiotherapy (60 Gy total dose: 2 Gy x 5 d/wk for 6 weeks) followed by temozolomide monotherapy (200 mg/m(2)/d x 5 days, every 28 days for six cycles). The primary end points were safety and tolerability, and the secondary end point was overall survival. RESULTS: Concomitant radiation plus temozolomide therapy was safe and well tolerated. Nonhematologic toxicities were rare and mild to moderate in severity. During the concomitant treatment phase, grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, or both were observed in 6% of patients, including two severe infections with Pneumocystis carinii. During adjuvant temozolomide, 2% and 6% of cycles were associated with grade 3 and 4 neutropenia or thrombocytopenia, respectively. Median survival was 16 months, and the 1- and 2-year survival rates were 58% and 31%, respectively. Patients younger than 50 years old and patients who underwent debulking surgery had the best survival outcome. CONCLUSION: Continuous daily temozolomide and concomitant radiation is safe. This regimen of concomitant chemoradiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy may prolong the survival of patients with glioblastoma. Further investigation is warranted, and a randomized trial is ongoing.


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RAPPORT DE SYNTHESEBUTLe but de cette étude est de suivre prospectivement les résultats d'une sclérectomie profonde (SP) modifiée en utilisant le tube Ex-PRJESS LR-50, associée à une phacoémulsification avec implantation d'une lentille intraoculaire (LIO), dans la chirurgie combinée du glaucome et de la cataracte.METHODENous avons inclus dans l'étude 24 yeux de 24 patients présentant un glaucome médicalement non contrôlé et une cataracte justifiant son ablation.Une phacoémulsification avec implantation d'une LIO est effectuée. Puis le tube Ex-PRESS LR-50 est inséré au niveau du canal de Schlemm, dans la chambre antérieure, sous un volet scléral. Une SP postérieure partielle est ensuite pratiquée afin de créer une bulle de filtration intrasclérale.Le taux de succès complet a été défini par une pression intraoculaire (PIO) <18 mmHg sans traitement et le taux de succès relatif par une PIO <18 mmHg avec ou sans traitement. En cas de fibrose ou de kyste de la bulle de filtration, une injection sous-conjonctivale d'une solution de Mitomycin C à 0.02% est réalisée, avec ou sans needling.RESULTATSLe suivi moyen était de 40.1±10.8 [moyenne±DS] mois. En préopératoire, la PIO se situait à 18.1 ±5.3 mmHg; la meilleure acuité visuelle corrigée (MAVC) était mesurée à 0.6±0.3 (échelle de Snellen) et le nombre de médicaments hypotenseurs oculaires était de 2.3±1.1. La PIO a diminué de 25.4% à 24 mois et de 27.0% à 48 mois. A 24 mois, 19 patients (86.3%) avaient une MAVC supérieure ou égal à 0.5, et à 48 mois la MAVC était mesurée à 0.7±0.3. Lors de la dernière visite, le nombre moyen de médicaments se situait à 0.6±0.8 (p<0.05). Des injections sous conjonctivales d'une solution de Mitomycin C à 0.02% ont été nécessaires dans 5 yeux. Aucune érosion conjonctivale n'a été constatée. Deux complications majeures ont été observées. Une endophtalmie, deux jours après l'intervention chirurgicale avec phtisis secondaire du globe oculaire. Une obstruction du tube Ex-PRESS LR-50 par de la fibrine, ayant justifié son ablation avec SP classique en un autre site.CONCLUSIONLe tube Ex-PRESS LR-50 inséré dans la chambre antérieure avec une SP modifiée réduit efficacement la PIO dans la chirurgie combinée du glaucome et prévient l'érosion conjonctivale, une complication importante lorsque l'implant n'est pas couvert par un volet scléral.