848 resultados para conversations walks


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Esta tese origina-se da pesquisa de doutoramento realizada por meio do projeto de extensão Conversas entre professores: a prática como ponto de encontro, outra forma de pensar a formação e os currículos praticados no município de Queimados/RJ com professoras da rede municipal. Seu objetivo é pensar uma Epistemologia de Formação Contínua fundamentada no trabalho em sala de aula, na troca de experiências, nas histórias de vida e nos saberes experienciais enredados na vida cotidiana apontando/desinvisibilizando a complexidade que faz parte da vida e do processo de formação que é contínuo assim como os usos e a importância das narrativas nesse processo. Desenvolve-se a partir de uma metodologiapolítica que envolve os cotidianos das salas de aula, as rodas de conversa com narrativas de experiências e de histórias de vida. Defende que a formação se dá continuamente, ou seja, é um processo que começa com o nascimento e se tece por toda a vida dos sujeitos. Para isso, discute tanto a importância das memórias de vida como dispositivo de autoformação, pensando por que o exercício de autoconhecimento é tão importante nessa trajetória quanto a importância que o compartilhamento de experiências, por meio das narrativas, tem na formação contínua. Considera a ideia de que as políticas oficiais de educação se tecem a partir dos embates cotidianos entre diferentes grupos, ou seja, não há uma política separada da prática, há políticaspráticas, o que significa que todas as ações desenvolvidas pelos praticantes das escolas são também fruto de decisões e convicções políticas e expressam valores e objetivos também políticos. Traz ainda discussão acerca do que vem sendo dito em textos oficiais de políticas públicas para a formação continuada no Brasil e de que forma esses textos vêm sendo lidos e usados no município de Queimados. Pretende se apresentar como uma políticaprática contra-hegemônica, que desinvisibliza os cotidianos escolares mostrando que o que parece posto como política de formação contínua é um processo de embates que se tece coletivamente e cotidianamente. Pratica um exercício da suspeita que tem mostrado que há outras maneiras de produzir políticaspráticas de formação que estão enredadas às histórias de vidas das professoras


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Esta dissertação analisa marcadores sociais produtores de hierarquia, desigualdade e discriminação entre sujeitos LGBT na cidade de Maputo. A análise das intersecções de gênero, raça, classe social, idade e sexualidade demonstra que os sujeitos LGBT em contextos de sociabilidades, e mesmo nas relações sociais, constroem hierarquias e formas de discriminação, que por sua vez geram sentimentos tais como a humilhação e o desprezo. O estudo discute também de que maneira esses marcadores posicionam determinados sujeitos LGBT na dinâmica de sociabilidade e preferências sexuais no pólo de valorizados, relegando outros ao pólo de desvalorizados. O humor, a jocosidade, e a informalidade observados reforçam os marcadores sociais das diferenças entre os sujeitos LGBT, e ainda informam moralidades por meio de um discurso irônico. A pesquisa é de carácter etnográfico e baseou-se nos métodos e técnicas tradicionais da antropologia: observação-participante e conversas informais com sujeitos LGBT; e incluiu ainda análise de documentos. Um objectivo secundário desta dissertação é contribuir para a construção da história do movimento LGBT moçambicano, que ainda está por ser realizada e o desenho de tal história faz parte do levantamento realizado.


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Os terreiros de candomblé têm papel fundamental na manutenção e difusão de tradições ancestrais: idiomas, arte, a preparação dos alimentos, as vestimentas, cânticos, danças, batuques e toda sorte de símbolos materiais e imateriais, mantidos, repassados e transpassados pela tradição e memória de várias gerações. Para a observação e análise de parte deste complexo cultural, a presente dissertação analisará algumas ações culturais e educativas desenvolvidas no Ilé Omiojuaró, terreiro de Candomblé da Baixada Fluminense, região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, liderado por Mãe Beata de Iyémonjá, yalorixá, ativista e referência na luta pela liberdade religiosa e pelos direitos humanos na América Latina. Por ser uma temática extensa, pois se trata de um complexo cultural com um imenso e diverso volume de informações, saberes e fazeres, onde o terreiro terá sua própria dinâmica e especificidade, escolhi observar os processos educativos através de duas ações culturais desenvolvidas nos cotidianos do terreiro pesquisado: o projeto cultural OriRe e a participação do terreiro no projeto A Cor da Cultura, por intermédio de sua associação cultural sem fins lucrativos, o INDEC (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Cultural do Ilé Omiojuaró). Para tanto, utilizaremos entrevistas, relatórios de trabalhos, conversas, imagens fotográficas e imagens da web. A conclusão da pesquisa ocorre justamente no ano em que o terreiro pesquisado comemora seus 30 anos de existência


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A aposta desta pesquisa é problematizar o ensino de História sob a perspectiva da invenção. Para tanto, utiliza-se o método da cartografia (PASSOS; KASTRUP; ESCÓSSIA, 2009) e a pesquisa intervenção (AGUIAR; ROCHA, 2007; LOURAU, 1993; PAULON, 2005). A ideia é colocar em análise práticas que envolvem o ensino de História, utilizando-se mapas e linhas forjadas por meio de oito cenas criadas no exercício docente de um professor.Conta-se também com importantes intercessores na composição deste trabalho, Foucault (2010), Rancière (2014; 2004) e DIAS (2011, 2012), entre outros, corroboram para movimentar o pensar que envolve as naturalizações pertinentes ao plano mapeado nesta dissertação. Há questões que movem estas páginas: como uma escrita imanente pode enunciar práticas que envolvem um ensino de História? Em que sentido um ato de ensino pode estar inscrito em um apriorismo utilitarista e capacitador? Quais são os cruzamentos existentes entre o ensinar História e a formação inventiva? Quais são as conversas que as cenas estabelecem entre o texto o as concepções pautadas na invenção? O mestre ignorante é um mestre inventivo? A noção do real pode emergir de uma outra noção que não seja binária ou dicotômica? Em que sentido a complexidade de um plano, em suas forças e atravessamentos incontáveis, podem auxiliar na análise de práticas concernentes à abordagem histórica em sala de aula? A preocupação aqui não é responder objetivamente estas perguntas; trata-se de forçar o pensamento a pensar. Mas pensar o quê? Talvez um outro possível, uma vereda talvez não muito usual para as conjecturas que envolvem o ensino de História. Contudo, vale salientar que não se encontra aqui um manual referencial para ajudar professores, longe disto, mas sim a narrativa de experiências forjadas entre a escola e esta pesquisa. Algo que pode vir a explicitar um novo campo visual e experiencial do ensinar História.


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Esta tese origina-se da pesquisa de doutoramento na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UERJ - Proped e tem como objetivo compreender a formação do formador no contexto da cibercultura e como este vem estruturando sua atuação na docência universitária. Este trabalho faz parte do eixo 2 da Pesquisa Institucional A cibercultura na era das redes sociais e da mobilidade: novas potencialidades para a formação de professores. O campo da pesquisa foi a rede social Facebook. Constituíram-se praticantes da pesquisa seis professores-formadores do ProPEd e seus orientandos. A pertinência desta pesquisa inscreveu-se num amplo movimento da perspectiva epistemológica da multirreferencialidade com os cotidianos e pelo método atualizado da pesquisa-formação. A intenção primeira deste trabalho consistiu em mapear as experiências e itinerâncias do formador em suas práticas cotidianas nos espaçostempos da cibercultura. Tencionamos que a sistematização de ambiências formativas articulando o espaço da universidade e das redes sociais criou redes de docência e aprendizagem. Como dispositivos de pesquisa, lançamos mão de oficinas, interações nas redes sociais, conversas, participação nos grupos de pesquisa. A tese revela que a formação do formador na cibercultura forja outros espaçostempos de pesquisa acadêmica e de criação de dispositivos online. Revela também que os usos do digital em rede pelos praticantes da pesquisa fizeram emergir processos de orientação coletiva, de experiências formadoras e de articulação da interface cidadeuniversidade, estabelecendo outros sentidos para a prática pedagógica e para a pesquisa acadêmica


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This Handbook has been prepared to inform you of the National Ocean Service’s history, philosophy, policies, and expectations of you and the NOS. No volunteer handbook can answer every question, so we hope through regular conversations between you and your supervisor we can continue to add to the Handbook as conditions warrant. We hope this Handbook will help you feel comfortable with us. We depend on you in an ever shrinking workforce - your success is our success. Please do not hesitate to ask questions. Your direct supervisor or Volunteer Coordinator will gladly answer them. We ask that you read this Handbook carefully, and refer to it whenever questions arise. The NOS policies, benefits and rules, as explained herein, may be changed from time to time as business, volunteer legislation, and economic conditions dictate. If and when changes are made, you will be made aware of the changes.


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This report describes a surveillance strategy to detect deepwater invasive species in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. A need for this strategy was identified in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument Management Plan and the Monument’s Draft Natural Resources Science Plan. This strategy focuses on detecting two species of concern, the octocoral Carijoa riisei and the red alga Hypnea musciformis. Most research on invasive species in the Hawaiian archipelago has focused on shallow water habitats within the limits of conventional SCUBA (0-30 m). Deeper habitats such as mesophotic reefs are much more difficult to access and consequently little is known about the distribution of deepwater invasive species or their impacts. Recent deepwater (>30 m) sightings of H. musciformis and C. riisei, in and near NWHI, respectively, have prompted a call for further research and surveillance of invasive species in deepwater habitats. This report compiles the most up to date information about these two species of concern in deepwater habitats. A literature search and conversations with subject matter experts was used to identify their current distribution, preferred habitat types, optimal detection methods and ways to efficiently sample the vast extent of NWHI. The proposed sampling strategy prioritizes survey effort where C. riisei and H. musciformis are most likely to be found. At coarse spatial scales (tens to hundreds of kilometers), opportunistic observations and distance from the Main Hawaiian Islands, a principal propagule source, are used to identify high-risk islands and banks. At fine spatial scales (meters to tens of kilometers) a habitat suitability model was developed to identify high-risk habitats. The habitat suitability model focused on habitat preferences of C. riisei, since the species is well studied and adequate data exists to map habitats. There was insufficient information to identify suitable habitat for H. muscifomis. Habitat preferences for the algae are poorly understood and there is a lack of data at relevant spatial scales to map those preferences which are known. The principal habitats identified by the habitat suitability model were ledges and the edges of rugose coral reefs, where the shade loving octocoral would likely be found. Habitat suitability maps were developed for seven atolls and banks to aid in survey site selection. The protocol relied on technical divers to conduct visual surveys of benthic habitats. It was developed to increase the efficiency of surveys, maximize the probability of detection, identify important information relevant to future surveys and standardize results. The strategy, model and protocol were tested during a field mission in 2009 at several atolls and islands in NWHI. The field mission did not detect any invasive species among deepwater habitats and much was learned to improve future surveys. Data gaps and improvements are discussed.


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The catfish industry in the Philippines is budding and projected to expand in the coming years. This is evident from conversations with active catfish farmers who all hope to be able to expand production, whether backyard or commercial because their present production can hardly supply the demands of buyers. NIFTDC, a fisheries technology and development center in Dagupan City, Philippines, however, says that unless the government has a catfish program, expansion of the industry would be slow. Work on catfish research is only just starting and the culture methods remain to be on a gut feel basis. The farmers are left to survive on their own. Luckily for them, catfish is hardy, easy to grow, and has a growing market. Clearly, if catfish can provide cheap protein for more people, scientific support must be made available for the farmers.


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This paper presents an automatic speaker recognition system for intelligence applications. The system has to provide functionalities for a speaker skimming application in which databases of recorded conversations belonging to an ongoing investigation can be annotated and quickly browsed by an operator. The paper discusses the criticalities introduced by the characteristics of the audio signals under consideration - in particular background noise and channel/coding distortions - as well as the requirements and functionalities of the system under development. It is shown that the performance of state-of-the-art approaches degrades significantly in presence of moderately high background noise. Finally, a novel speaker recognizer based on phonetic features and an ensemble classifier is presented. Results show that the proposed approach improves performance on clean audio, and suggest that it can be employed towards improved real-world robustness. © EURASIP, 2009.


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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming increasingly central to many people’s lives, making it possible to be connected in any place at any time, be unceasingly and instantly informed, and benefit from greater economic and educational opportunities. With all the benefits afforded by these new-found capabilities, however, come potential drawbacks. A plethora of new PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, Bluetooth, the internet, Wi-Fi (the list goes on) expect us to know or be able to guess, what, where and when to connect, click, double-click, tap, flick, scroll, in order to realise these benefits, and to have the physical and cognitive capability to do all these things. One of the groups most affected by this increase in high-demand technology is older people. They do not understand and use technology in the same way that younger generations do, because they grew up in the simpler electro-mechanical era and embedded that particular model of the world in their minds. Any consequential difficulty in familiarising themselves with modern ICT and effectively applying it to their needs can also be exacerbated by age-related changes in vision, motor control and cognitive functioning. Such challenges lead to digital exclusion. Much has been written about this topic over the years, usually by academics from the area of inclusive product design. The issue is complex and it is fair to say that no one researcher has the whole picture. It is difficult to understand and adequately address the issue of digital exclusion among the older generation without looking across disciplines and at industry’s and government’s understanding, motivation and efforts toward resolving this important problem. To do otherwise is to risk misunderstanding the true impact that ICT has and could have on people’s lives across all generations. In this European year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations and as the British government is moving forward with its Digital by Default initiative as part of a wider objective to make ICT accessible to as many people as possible by 2015, the Engineering Design Centre (EDC) at the University of Cambridge collaborated with BT to produce a book of thought pieces to address, and where appropriate redress, these important and long-standing issues. “Ageing, Adaption and Accessibility: Time for the Inclusive Revolution!” brings together opinions and insights from twenty one prominent thought leaders from government, industry and academia regarding the problems, opportunities and strategies for combating digital exclusion among senior citizens. The contributing experts were selected as individuals, rather than representatives of organisations, to provide the broadest possible range of perspectives. They are renowned in their respective fields and their opinions are formed not only from their own work, but also from the contributions of others in their area. Their views were elicited through conversations conducted by the editors of this book who then drafted the thought pieces to be edited and approved by the experts. We hope that this unique collection of thought pieces will give you a broader perspective on ageing, people’s adaption to the ever changing world of technology and insights into better ways of designing digital devices and services for the older population.


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Copyright 2014 by the author(s). We present a nonparametric prior over reversible Markov chains. We use completely random measures, specifically gamma processes, to construct a countably infinite graph with weighted edges. By enforcing symmetry to make the edges undirected we define a prior over random walks on graphs that results in a reversible Markov chain. The resulting prior over infinite transition matrices is closely related to the hierarchical Dirichlet process but enforces reversibility. A reinforcement scheme has recently been proposed with similar properties, but the de Finetti measure is not well characterised. We take the alternative approach of explicitly constructing the mixing measure, which allows more straightforward and efficient inference at the cost of no longer having a closed form predictive distribution. We use our process to construct a reversible infinite HMM which we apply to two real datasets, one from epigenomics and one ion channel recording.


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Traditional approaches to upper body pose estimation using monocular vision rely on complex body models and a large variety of geometric constraints. We argue that this is not ideal and somewhat inelegant as it results in large processing burdens, and instead attempt to incorporate these constraints through priors obtained directly from training data. A prior distribution covering the probability of a human pose occurring is used to incorporate likely human poses. This distribution is obtained offline, by fitting a Gaussian mixture model to a large dataset of recorded human body poses, tracked using a Kinect sensor. We combine this prior information with a random walk transition model to obtain an upper body model, suitable for use within a recursive Bayesian filtering framework. Our model can be viewed as a mixture of discrete Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, in that states behave as random walks, but drift towards a set of typically observed poses. This model is combined with measurements of the human head and hand positions, using recursive Bayesian estimation to incorporate temporal information. Measurements are obtained using face detection and a simple skin colour hand detector, trained using the detected face. The suggested model is designed with analytical tractability in mind and we show that the pose tracking can be Rao-Blackwellised using the mixture Kalman filter, allowing for computational efficiency while still incorporating bio-mechanical properties of the upper body. In addition, the use of the proposed upper body model allows reliable three-dimensional pose estimates to be obtained indirectly for a number of joints that are often difficult to detect using traditional object recognition strategies. Comparisons with Kinect sensor results and the state of the art in 2D pose estimation highlight the efficacy of the proposed approach.


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Web services can be seen as a newly emerging research area for Service-oriented Computing and their implementation in Service-oriented Architectures. Web services are self-contained, self-describing modular applications or components providing services. Web services may be dynamically aggregated, composed, and enacted as Web services Workflows. This requires frameworks and interaction protocols for their co-ordination and transaction support. In a Service-oriented Computing setting, transactions are more complex, involve multiple parties (roles), span many organizations, and may be long-running, consisting of a highly decentralized service partner and performed by autonomous entities. A Service-oriented Transaction Model has to provide comprehensive support for long-running propositions including negotiations, conversations, commitments, contracts, tracking, payments, and exception handling. Current transaction models and mechanisms including their protocols and primitives do not sufficiently cater for quality-aware and long running transactions comprising loosely-coupled (federated) service partners and resources. Web services transactions require co-ordination behavior provided by a traditional transaction mechanism to control the operations and outcome of an application. Furthermore, Web services transactions require the capability to handle the co-ordination of processing outcomes or results from multiple services in a more flexible manner. This requires more relaxed forms of transactions—those that do not strictly have to abide by the ACID properties—such as loosely-coupled collaboration and workflows. Furthermore, there is a need to group Web services into applications that require some form of correlation, but do not necessarily require transactional behavior. The purpose of this paper is to provide a state-of-the-art review and overview of some proposed standards surrounding Web services composition, co-ordination, and transaction. In particular the Business Process Execution Language for Web services (BPEL4WS), its co-ordination, and transaction frameworks (WS-Co-ordination and WS-Transaction) are discussed.


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我国土壤侵蚀面积之大 ,已严重的影响和制约国民经济的发展和社会的安定。我们从土壤侵蚀与降雨 ,土壤侵蚀与坡长、坡度 ,土壤侵蚀与植被建设三个方面作了系统分析 ,研究土壤侵蚀的最为关键因子 ,并找出其对生态环境的危害性 ,提出最佳的综合防治对策 ,将土壤侵蚀的危害降低到最低程度。


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Semisupervised dimensionality reduction has been attracting much attention as it not only utilizes both labeled and unlabeled data simultaneously, but also works well in the situation of out-of-sample. This paper proposes an effective approach of semisupervised dimensionality reduction through label propagation and label regression. Different from previous efforts, the new approach propagates the label information from labeled to unlabeled data with a well-designed mechanism of random walks, in which outliers are effectively detected and the obtained virtual labels of unlabeled data can be well encoded in a weighted regression model. These virtual labels are thereafter regressed with a linear model to calculate the projection matrix for dimensionality reduction. By this means, when the manifold or the clustering assumption of data is satisfied, the labels of labeled data can be correctly propagated to the unlabeled data; and thus, the proposed approach utilizes the labeled and the unlabeled data more effectively than previous work. Experimental results are carried out upon several databases, and the advantage of the new approach is well demonstrated.