999 resultados para conceptual profile
The purpose of this ex post facto study is to analyze the personality profile of outpatients who met criteria for borderline personality disorder according to the Five-Factor Model of personality. All patients (N = 52) completed the International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE) Screening Questionnaire, the Big Five Questionnaire (BFQ), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). The results show a high comorbidity with other DSM-IV-TR Axis II disorders, in particular with those from Cluster C. The BFQ average score indicates that the outpatients who met borderline criteria score lower than controls on all five dimensions, and especially on emotional stability. Correlations were computed between the BFQ and the IPDE scales in our sample. These results suggest that specific personality profile are linked to different comorbidity patterns. More than a half of our sample has clinically significant scores on Beck's scales. Surprisingly, depression and hopelessness are neither correlated with the borderline scale, nor have an effect in the relationship between personality and personality disorders.
This report was compiled at the request of the Department of Corrections. The first section describes Iowa’s prison inmate population at mid-year. The first section also provides a comparison of the mid-year 1998 prison population with the population one year ago, and five years ago. Included is analysis of sex, race/ethnicity, age categories, life terms, mandatory minimum sentences, number of sentences per inmate, and offense type. Following the statewide section are Facility Profiles that examine each Department of Corrections institution. The facility profiles cover the same types of information as the statewide report for mid-year 1998, except that committing county and judicial district, Board of Parole risk scores and sex are excluded.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Patient-specific quality of life indices show great potential, but certain conceptual and methodological concerns have yet to be fully addressed. The present study reviewed nine patient-specific instruments used in musculoskeletal disorders: the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), Juvenile Arthritis Quality of life Questionnaire (JAQQ), McMaster-Toronto Arthritis questionnaire (MACTAR), Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile (MYMOP), Patient-Specific Index (PASI) for total hip arthroplasty, Problem Elicitation Technique (PET), Patient Generated Index (PGI) of quality of life, Patient-Specific Functional Scale (PSFS), and Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life (SEIQoL). STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Each tool was evaluated for purpose, content validity, face validity, feasibility, psychometric properties, and responsiveness. RESULTS: This critical appraisal revealed important differences in terms of the concept underlying these indices, the domains covered, the item-generation techniques and the scoring (response scale, methods) in each scale. The nine indices would generate different responses and likely scores for the same patient, despite the fact that they all include patient-generated items. CONCLUSION: Although the value of these indices in treatment planning and monitoring at an individual level is strong, more studies are needed to improve our understanding of how to interpret the numeric scores of patient-specific indices at both an individual and a group level.
En la actualidad, las organizaciones tienen que enfrentar los cambios en la tecnología, adecuarse a la nueva organización del trabajo y lograr ventajas en el mercado. Para ello, las competencias de los individuos juegan un papel vital, y su gestión se convierte en factor clave para la supervivencia de las mismas. Este enfoque de competencias laborales y/o profesionales, unido a la sociedad de hoy, llamada de la información hace imprescindible las competencias informacionales. Para poder llevar a cabo un estudio aplicado sobre éstas es preciso contar con un acervo teórico-conceptual. A partir de ello, este trabajo tiene como objetivos mostrar, tomando en cuenta primeramente el concepto de competencias, qué se entiende por competencias informacionales a nivel terminológico y conceptual; demostrar, mediante los diferentes escenarios, cómo las competencias informacionales se imponen; y mostrar mediante las distintas iniciativas cómo cada vez resulta más importante su gestión. El trabajo se basa en el análisis documental.
Recent years have witnessed the increasing interest in studies focused on information literacy, which is reflected mainly in the number of publications on the subject and goes beyond the fields of Librarianship and Information Science. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to offer an outlook, historical and conceptual, of international researches on information literacy, trying to show some of the different ramifications which the discussion on the subject has exhibited in past few years in countries where its process of legitimation is already well established, in order to illuminate possible areas of research and action for the librarian professional. This research indicates that if the initial studies on this topic tended to be devoted to conceptualize it, discussing its relevance and determine the skills and knowledge related to information literacy, in the last decade can be noticed a proliferation of researches aimed at describing initiatives or proposing models in areas beyond the usual field such as Medical Sciences, Law, Politics or Computers, among others. The first results of this research refer to a philosophical and educational perspective of information literacy, which suggests the need for deeper understanding and characterization of information literacy in four dimensions: technical, aesthetic, ethical and political, serving both to competence as to information.
This study tested for the measurement equivalence of a four-factor measure of career indecision (Career Indecision Profile-65 [CIP-65]) between a U.S. sample and two international samples; one composed of French-speaking young adults from France and Switzerland and the other of Italian ado- lescents. Previous research had supported the four-factor structure of the CIP-65 in both the United States and Iceland but also showed that items on two of the four scales may be interpreted differently by young adults growing up in these two countries. This study extends previous research by testing whether the four CIP-65 factors are measured equivalently in two additional international samples. Results largely supported the configural and metric invariance of the CIP-65 in the United States and international samples, but several scales showed a lack of scalar invariance. Some explanations are offered for these findings along with suggestions for future research and implications for practice.
Proton NMR spectroscopy is emerging from translational and preclinical neuroscience research as an important tool for evidence based diagnosis and therapy monitoring. It provides biomarkers that offer fingerprints of neurological disorders even in cases where a lesion is not yet observed in MR images. The collection of molecules used as cerebral biomarkers that are detectable by (1)H NMR spectroscopy define the so-called "neurochemical profile". The non-invasive quality of this technique makes it suitable not only for diagnostic purposes but also for therapy monitoring paralleling an eventual neuroprotection. The application of (1)H NMR spectroscopy in basic and translational neuroscience research is discussed here.
There are many miles of portland cement concrete pavement in Iowa that due to normal wear, and in some cases accelerated wear from studded tires, the surface has become polished resulting in less than desirable friction values. Retexturing the surface may be an economical way to re-establish desirable friction values. Retexturing by grinding with diamond blades and transverse grooving with diamond blades are two methods of rehabilitating p.c.c. surfaces. MU Inc. of Lebanan, Tennessee proposed to provide without charge to the Iowa Department of Transportation, one 1500 ft x 12 ft section each of three methods of texturing. They are longitudinal grinding, transverse grooving and longitudinal grinding followed by transverse grooving. A section of 1500 feet is needed to properly evaluate a texturing method. It was decided by Iowa DOT personnel that due to possible differential friction it would be undesirable to texture only one lane. The decision was made to do test sections of 1500 ft x 24 ft with the cost of the additional texturing paid by the Iowa DOT. Iowa also has areas where the p.c.c. pavement has faulted at the joints and cracks which results in poor riding quality. Methods of correcting the faulting are to underseal the pavement where needed and/or grinding the surface to eliminate the faulted areas. It was decided to include in this research project a section for profiling by grinding.
This paper describes a low-cost microprocessed instrument for in situ evaluating soil temperature profile ranging from -20.0°C to 99.9°C, and recording soil temperature data at eight depths from 2 to 128 cm. Of great importance in agriculture, soil temperature affects plant growth directly, and nutrient uptake as well as indirectly in soil water and gas flow, soil structure and nutrient availability. The developed instrument has potential applications in the soil science, when temperature monitoring is required. Results show that the instrument with its individual sensors guarantees ±0.25°C accuracy and 0.1°C resolution, making possible localized management changes within decision support systems. The instrument, based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor devices as well as thermocouples, operates in either automatic or non-automatic mode.
En este trabajo se presenta una revisión bibliográfica actualizada sobre lesiones precancerosas y cáncer de la mucosa oral, presentando datos epidemiológicos correspondientes a España y Portugal. Por otro lado, se justifica el papel fundamental y la responsabilidad del odontólogo/estomatólogo en el diagnóstico precoz y la prevención de esta patología.
Dentro de la etiopatogenia de las maloclusiones y entre los hábitos orales, tenemos la succión digital, y el dedo pulgar con mayor frecuencia, como una de las formas más influyentes en la deformación maxilar y maloclusión subsiguiente. En este artículo se hace un repaso de las diferentes teorías que, a lo largo de la historia, han ido ilustrando las opiniones de los diferentes autores, tanto a favor como en contra del hábito de succión del pulgar.
The substantial recurrence rate of colorectal cancer following potentially curative resection has fuelled the search for effective adjuvant therapy. Previous trials using 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) as a single agent or in combination chemotherapy regimens have not demonstrated meaningful benefits, an impression reflected in the results of a meta-analysis encompassing large patient numbers. Newer developments utilizing intraportal chemotherapy and the combination of 5-FU and levamisole have resulted in lower recurrence rates and improved survival in patients with colon cancer. In advanced disease, the biochemical modulation of 5-FU by Leucovorin has been shown to prolong survival in some studies. Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy or chemotherapy alone have showed promising results in rectal cancer. These developments have now been incorporated into ongoing trials.