911 resultados para computational mechanics
Tooth transpositions present at a relatively low incidence in the world population and primarily affect maxillary canines and premolars. Treatment of this disturbance should take into account aspects such as facial pattern, age, malocclusion, tooth-size discrepancy, stage of eruption, and magnitude of the transposition. Mechanics for correction should be entirely individualized, reducing the risks and adverse effects. Practitioners often select simpler options, indicating extraction of permanent teeth, which is an irreversible procedure that may bring about damages to the patient. This study presents a case report and treatment of unilateral transposition of maxillary canine and premolar with repositioning of affected teeth to their respective normal positions. © 2006 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.
As far as external gravitational fields described by Newton's theory are concerned, theory shows that there is an unavoidable conflict between the universality of free fall (Galileo's equivalence principle) and quantum mechanics - a result confirmed by experiment. Is this conflict due perhaps to the use of Newton's gravity, instead of general relativity, in the analysis of the external gravitational field? The response is negative. To show this we compute the low corrections to the cross-section for the scattering of different quantum particles by an external gravitational field, treated as an external field, in the framework of Einstein's linearized gravity. To first order the cross-sections are spin-dependent; if the calculations are pushed to the next order they become dependent upon energy as well. Therefore, the Galileo's equivalence and, consequently, the classical equivalence principle, is violated in both cases. We address these issues here.
This work discusses a proposition for organizing the lexical items from the conceptual domain labeled THE EMBROIDERY INDUSTRY OF IBITINGA in terms of a natural ontology. It also aims to establish the alignment between this ontology and the bases WordNet.Pr and WordNet.Br. © 2009 IEEE.
Computational grids allow users to share resources of distributed machines, even if those machines belong to different corporations. The scheduling of applications must be performed aiming at performance goals, and focusing on choose which processes can have access to specif resources, and which resources. In this article we discuss aspects of scheduling of application in grid computing environment. We also present a tool for scheduling simulation along with test scenarios and results.
The reaction of 2,6-diformylpyridine-bis(benzoylhydrazone) [dfpbbh] and 2,6-diformylpyridine-bis(4-phenylsemicarbazone) [dfpbpsc] with lanthanides salts yielded the new chelates complexes [Eu(dfpbpsc-H +) 2]NO 3 (1), [Dy(fbhmp) 2][Dy(dfpbbh-2H +) 2]·2EtOH·2H 2O (fbhmp = 2-formylbenzoylhydrazone-6-methoxide-pyridine; Ph = phenyl; Py = pyridine; Et = ethyl) and [Er 2(dfpbbh-2H +) 2(μ-NO 3)(H 2O) 2(OH)]·H 2O. X-ray diffraction analysis was employed for the structural characterization of the three chelate complexes. In the case of complex 1, optical, synthetic and computational methods were also exploited for ground state structure determinations and triplet energy level of the ligand and HOMO-LUMO calculations, as well as for a detailed study of its luminescence properties. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper considers the importance of using a top-down methodology and suitable CAD tools in the development of electronic circuits. The paper presents an evaluation of the methodology used in a computational tool created to support the synthesis of digital to analog converter models by translating between different tools used in a wide variety of applications. This tool is named MS 2SV and works directly with the following two commercial tools: MATLAB/Simulink and SystemVision. Model translation of an electronic circuit is achieved by translating a mixed-signal block diagram developed in Simulink into a lower level of abstraction in VHDL-AMS and the simulation project support structure in SystemVision. The method validation was performed by analyzing the power spectral of the signal obtained by the discrete Fourier transform of a digital to analog converter simulation model. © 2011 IEEE.
The software industry has become more and more concerned with the appropriate application of activities that composes requirement engineering as a way to improve the quality of its products. In order to support these activities, several computational tools have been available in the market, although it is still possible to find a lack of resources related to some activities. In this context, this paper proposes the inclusion of a module to aid in the requirements specification to a tool called Requirements Elicitation Support Tool. This module allows to specify requirements in accordance with IEEE 830 standard, thus contributing to the documentation of the requirements established for a software system, besides supporting the learning of concepts related to the requirements specification, which improves the skills of users of the tool. © 2012 IEEE.
This paper is concerned with an overview of upwinding schemes, and further nonlinear applications of a recently introduced high resolution upwind differencing scheme, namely the ADBQUICKEST [V.G. Ferreira, F.A. Kurokawa, R.A.B. Queiroz, M.K. Kaibara, C.M. Oishi, J.A.Cuminato, A.F. Castelo, M.F. Tomé, S. McKee, assessment of a high-order finite difference upwind scheme for the simulation of convection-diffusion problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 60 (2009) 1-26]. The ADBQUICKEST scheme is a new TVD version of the QUICKEST [B.P. Leonard, A stable and accurate convective modeling procedure based on quadratic upstream interpolation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 19 (1979) 59-98] for solving nonlinear balance laws. The scheme is based on the concept of NV and TVD formalisms and satisfies a convective boundedness criterion. The accuracy of the scheme is compared with other popularly used convective upwinding schemes (see, for example, Roe (1985) [19], Van Leer (1974) [18] and Arora & Roe (1997) [17]) for solving nonlinear conservation laws (for example, Buckley-Leverett, shallow water and Euler equations). The ADBQUICKEST scheme is then used to solve six types of fluid flow problems of increasing complexity: namely, 2D aerosol filtration by fibrous filters; axisymmetric flow in a tubular membrane; 2D two-phase flow in a fluidized bed; 2D compressible Orszag-Tang MHD vortex; axisymmetric jet onto a flat surface at low Reynolds number and full 3D incompressible flows involving moving free surfaces. The numerical simulations indicate that this convective upwinding scheme is a good generic alternative for solving complex fluid dynamics problems. © 2012.
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication accompanied with repetitive behavioral patterns and unusual stereotyped interests. Autism is considered a highly heterogeneous disorder with diverse putative causes and associated factors giving rise to variable ranges of symptomatology. Incidence seems to be increasing with time, while the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain virtually uncharacterized (or unknown). By systematic review of the literature and a systems biology approach, our aims were to examine the multifactorial nature of autism with its broad range of severity, to ascertain the predominant biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions integral to the disorder, and finally, to elucidate the most central contributions (genetic and/or environmental) in silico. With this goal, we developed an integrative network model for gene-environment interactions (GENVI model) where calcium (Ca2+) was shown to be its most relevant node. Moreover, considering the present data from our systems biology approach together with the results from the differential gene expression analysis of cerebellar samples from autistic patients, we believe that RAC1, in particular, and the RHO family of GTPases, in general, could play a critical role in the neuropathological events associated with autism. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Modal analysis is widely approached in the classic theory of power systems modelling. This technique is also applied to model multiconductor transmission lines and their self and mutual electrical parameters. However, this methodology has some particularities and inaccuracies for specific applications, which are not clearly described in the technical literature. This study provides a brief review on modal decoupling applied in transmission line digital models and thereafter a novel and simplified computational routine is proposed to overcome the possible errors embedded by the modal decoupling in the simulation/ modelling computational algorithm. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.
In this paper, we show how to compute in O(n2) steps the Fourier coefficients associated with the Gelfand-Levitan approach for discrete Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle when the support of the discrete component involving derivatives is located outside the closed unit disk. As a consequence, we deduce the outer relative asymptotics of these polynomials in terms of those associated with the original orthogonality measure. Moreover, we show how to recover the discrete part of our Sobolev inner product. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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