998 resultados para cancer anemia
NanoPT 2014 International Conference, in Portugal, on February 12-14. Poster presentation based on topic Nanobio/Nanomedicine
Anemia Megaloblástica Aguda por Inalação de Óxido Nitroso em Doente com Patologia Autoimune Múltipla
As anemias megaloblásticas são habitualmente vistas como doenças crónicas de aparecimento insidioso. No entanto, um estado megaloblástico pode aparecer em apenas alguns dias devido à deficiência aguda de ácido fólico ou vitamina B12. Uma das causas mais comuns, embora pouco relatada, é acção tissular do óxido nitroso (NO2), substancia volátil utilizada comummente em anestesia. Efectivamente, o N02 inactiva a metilcobalamina, levando ao rápido desenvolvimento de uma hematopoiese megaloblástica. Este fenómeno pode ocorrer mesmo em doentes sem défice prévio de vitamina B12, sendo no entanto frequente e mais grave quando há um estado carencial de base. Apresentamos o caso clínico de uma doente com fractura do colo do fémur, que desenvolveu anemia aguda no pós-operatório cuja investigação permitiu identificar uma anemia pemiciosa latente e patologia tiroideia autoimune em doente com vitiligo desde longa data.
Fungi have been considered a potential source of natural anticancer drugs. However, studies on these organisms have mainly focused on compounds present in the sporocarp and mycelium. The aim of this study was to assess the anticancer potential of fungal spores using a bioassay-guided fractionation with cancer and normal cell lines. Crude extracts from spores of the basidiomycetous fungus Pisolithus tinctorius were prepared using five solvents/solvent mixtures in order to select the most effective crude extraction procedure. A dichloromethane/methanol (DCM/MeOH) mixture was found to produce the highest extraction yield, and this extract was fractionated into 11 fractions. Crude extracts and fractions were assayed for cytotoxicity in the human osteocarcinoma cell line MG63, the human breast carcinoma cell line T47D, the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line RKO, and the normal human brain capillary endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay. The results showed a reduction in cancer cell viability of approximately 95% with 4 of 11 fractions without a significant reduction in viability of hCMEC/D3 cells. Data demonstrated that spores of P. tinctorius might serve as an interesting source of compounds with potential anticancer properties.
BACKGROUND: A few and partial data are available on psychosocial morbidity among cancer patients in Mediterranean countries. As a part of a more general investigation (Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study-SEPOS), the rate of psychosocial morbidity and its correlation with clinical and cultural variables were examined in cancer patients in Italy, Portugal and Spain. METHODS: A convenience sample of cancer outpatients with good performance status and no cognitive impairment were approached. The Hospital Anxiety-Depression scale (HAD-S), the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer scale (Mini-MAC), and the Cancer Worries Inventory (CWI) were used to measure psychological morbidity, coping strategies and concerns about illness. RESULTS: Of 277 patients, 34% had pathological scores ("borderline cases" plus "true cases") on HAD-S Anxiety and 24.9% on HAD-S Depression. Total psychiatric "caseness" was 28.5% and 16.6%, according to different HAD cut-offs (14 and 19, respectively). Significant relationships of HAD-S Anxiety, HAD-S Depression, HAD-S Total score, with Mini-MAC Hopeless and Anxious Preoccupation, and CWI score were found. No differences emerged between countries on psychosocial morbidity, while some differences emerged between the countries on coping mechanisms. Furthermore, Fatalism, Avoidance and marginally Hopeless were higher compared to studies carried out in English-speaking countries. LIMITATIONS: The relatively small sample size and the good performance status prevent us to generalize data on patients with different cancer sites and advanced phase of illness. CONCLUSIONS: One-third of the patients presented anxiety and depressive morbidity, with significant differences in characteristics of coping in Mediterranean countries in comparison with English-speaking countries.
GOALS OF WORK: Recent literature has indicated the need for rapid evaluation of psychosocial issues secondary to cancer. Because of the problems of routine use of psychometric instruments, short instruments such as visual analogue scales or one-item 0-10 scales have been developed as valid assessment alternatives. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A study was conducted to examine the role of two 0-10 scales in measuring emotional stress (distress thermometer, DT) and depressed mood (mood thermometer, MT), respectively, in a multicenter study carried out in southern European countries (Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland). A convenience sample of 312 cancer outpatients completed the DT and MT and the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS). MAIN RESULTS: DT was more significantly associated HADS anxiety than HADS depression while MT was related both to HADS anxiety and depression. The correlation of MT with HADS was higher than DT. A cutoff point >4 on the DT maximized sensitivity (65%) and specificity (79%) for general psychosocial morbidity while a cutoff >5 identified more severe "caseness" (sensitivity=70%; specificity=73%). On the MT, sensitivity and specificity for general psychosocial morbidity were 85% and 72% by using the cutoff score >3. A score >4 on the MT was associated with a sensitivity of 78% and a specificity of 77% in detecting more severe caseness. CONCLUSIONS: Two simple instruments, the DT and the MT, were found to have acceptable levels of sensitivity and specificity in detecting psychosocial morbidity. Compared to the HADS, however, the mood MT performed better than the DT.
O Laboratório de Neurossonologia do Hospital de S. José do CHLC, EPE propôs-se avaliar os registos velocimétricos obtidos na realização de Ecodoppler Transcraniano aos doentes em idade pediátrica portadores de Drepanocitose, durante o ano de 2010, verificando-se uma baixa incidência de estenose intracraniana.
Recent literature reports thrombotic episodes occurring in patients with HIV infection associated with other abnormalities including neoplasms and infections predisposing to a hypercoagulable state. We report a 47-year-old woman who developed pulmonary thromboembolism in association with HIV infection, pulmonary tuberculosis and breast cancer. She was treated with rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide; heparin, phenprocoumon, zidovudine, lamivudine and efavirenz. Acid fast bacilli were visualized in a sputum smear and three months after, Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from lymph node biopsy during a episode of immune reconstitution. The isolated mycobacteria showed sensitivity to all first-line drugs. HIV infection, breast cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis have several mechanisms that induce hypercoagulable state and can lead to thromboembolic complications. Pulmonary thromboembolism in this patient was a diagnostic challenge because of all the other severe diseases that she experienced at the same time.
Human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is a certainty, even to long banned pesticides like o,p′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (o,p′-DDT), and its metabolites p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE), and p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (p,p′-DDD). POPs are known to be particularly toxic and have been associated with endocrine-disrupting effects in several mammals, including humans even at very low doses. As environmental estrogens, they could play a critical role in carcinogenesis, such as in breast cancer. With the purpose of evaluating their effect on breast cancer biology, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, and p,p′-DDD (50–1000 nM) were tested on two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines: MCF-7 expressing estrogen receptor (ER) α and MDA-MB-231 negative for ERα, regarding cell proliferation and viability in addition to their invasive potential. Cell proliferation and viability were not equally affected by these compounds. In MCF-7 cells, the compounds were able to decrease cell proliferation and viability. On the other hand, no evident response was observed in treated MDA-MB-231 cells. Concerning the invasive potential, the less invasive cell line, MCF-7, had its invasion potential significantly induced, while the more invasive cell line MDA-MB-231, had its invasion potential dramatically reduced in the presence of the tested compounds. Altogether, the results showed that these compounds were able to modulate several cancer-related processes, namely in breast cancer cell lines, and underline the relevance of POP exposure to the risk of cancer development and progression, unraveling distinct pathways of action of these compounds on tumor cell biology.
Os autores apresentam três casos clínicos de parasitoses, diagnosticadas no contexto de anemia. A propósito destas situações é feita uma revisão teórica das infestações em causa - shistosomíase, ancilostomíase, giardíase, trichiuríase e ascaridíase.
Introdução: Nos doentes admitidos com síndrome coronária aguda (SCA), a presença de anemia é um fator predizente de prognóstico. Contudo, os diversos scores de risco após SCA não incluem este fator. Objetivos: Avaliar se a presença de anemia na admissão em doentes com SCA tem valor acrescido relativamente ao score GRACE na predição de mortalidade a curto e médio prazo. Métodos: Entre janeiro 2005 e dezembro 2008, avaliaram-se os doentes admitidos consecutivamente na nossa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos por SCA e incluídos no registo de SCA do centro. Em todos os doentes foram colhidos dados demográficos, antropométricos, fatores de risco para doença coronária, dados clínicos e laboratoriais da admissão, incluindo hemoglobina. Foram identificados os doentes com anemia (hemoglobina < 12 g/dL nas mulheres e < 13 g/dL nos homens). Os doentes foram divididos em risco baixo, intermédio e alto: < 126, 126-154 e > 154 para o score GRACE, respetivamente. Analisou-se a ocorrência de morte intra-hospitalar, aos 30 dias e ao primeiro ano de seguimento. Resultados: Incluíram-se 1423 doentes, com idade média de 64 ± 13 anos, 69% do sexo masculino,identificando-se a presenc¸a de anemia na admissão em 27,7% dos doentes. Estes doentes eram mais idosos, com predomínio do sexo feminino, mais hipertensos e diabéticos, maior número com história prévia de enfarte, com pior classe de Killip na admissão e score GRACE mais alto. Pelo contrário, eram menos fumadores, com menor apresentação como enfarte com supradesnivelamento ST e receberam menos bloqueadores beta, estatinas e angioplastia coronária. Tiveram também mais complicações hemorrágicas durante o internamento. A mortalidade intra-hospitalar (10 versus 4%), aos 30 dias (12 versus 5%) e ao primeiro ano (15 versus 6%) foram superiores no grupo com anemia (p < 0,001). Na análise bivariada, a presença de anemia é fator predizente de mortalidade intra-hospitalar (OR 2,46, IC 95% 1,57-3,85, p < 0,001), aos 30 dias (OR 2,47, IC 95% 1,65-3,69, p < 0,001) e ao primeiro ano (OR 2,66, IC 95% 1,83-3,86, p < 0,001), não se mantendo, contudo, esta associação após ajuste para outras variáveis. Associando a presença de anemia ao score GRACE, diferencia apenas para a mortalidade ao primeiro ano(com maior mortalidade) os grupos de risco intermédio e alto do score GRACE (6,7 versus 2,3%, p = 0,024; 23,4 versus 15,6%, p = 0,022, respetivamente), com uma tendência para diferenciar a mortalidade aos 30 dias no grupo de risco alto de score (19,6 versus 13,5%, p = 0,056). Conclusão: Os nossos dados confirmam que a anemia é um fator predizente importante de mortalidade a curto e médio prazo após SCA, contudo, não significativo quando ajustado ou incluído no score GRACE. Contudo, a sua combinação com o score GRACE pode melhorar a estratificação de risco, em particular no alto risco.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a genus in the family Herpesviridae that has been associated with gastrointestinal syndromes. In this work we looked for a possible association of CMV infection with colorectal cancer and ulcerative colitis (UC). Blood and enteric tissue samples of 14 patients with colorectal cancer and of 21 with UC were subjected to a nested-PCR that amplifies part of the gB gene of CMV and also to immunohistochemistry using a specific monoclonal antibody to IE 76kDa protein of CMV. CMV was detected by nested-PCR in the blood and/or the enteric tissue of nine (64.3%) colorectal cancer and 16 (76.2%) ulcerative colitis patients. In the immunohistochemistry it was observed that 12 (12/21, 57.1%) positive enteric tissue samples of patients with UC and none from patients with colorectal cancer (0/14) were positive to CMV. The positivity of CMV infections in the UC patient group (12/21, 57.1%) showed by both techniques, was significantly higher (p = 0.015) than that observed for colorectal cancer patients (2/14, 14.3%). These results suggest an association of ulcerative colitis with CMV infection of the enteric tissue.
A anemia hemolitica é uma entidade caracterizada por destruição dos glóbulos vermelhos mediada por auto-anticorpos. Os mecanismos fisiopatológicos ainda nao estão completamente compreendidos e a terapêutica é controversa.Os autores apresentam este caso pela sua particular evolução/resposta terapêutica.
Allied to an epidemiological study of population of the Senology Unit of Braga’s Hospital that have been diagnosed with malignant breast cancer, we describe the progression in time of repeated measurements of tumor marker Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Our main purpose is to describe the progression of this tumor marker as a function of possible risk factors and, hence, to understand how these risk factors influences that progression. The response variable, values of CEA, was analyzed making use of longitudinal models, testing for different correlation structures. The same covariates used in a previous survival analysis were considered in the longitudinal model. The reference time used was time from diagnose until death from breast cancer. For diagnostic of the models fitted we have used empirical and theoretical variograms. To evaluate the fixed term of the longitudinal model we have tested for a changing point on the effect of time on the tumor marker progression. A longitudinal model was also fitted only to the subset of patients that died from breast cancer, using the reference time as time from date of death until blood test.
Introdução: Na criança, a etiologia do acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é conhecida em 75% dos casos, sendo a anemia de células falciformes (ACF) a mais frequente na criança de raça negra. O interesse deste caso clínico reside na forma de apresentação pouco habitual e curso evitável. Caso clínico: Criança de raça negra com 27 meses de idade, sem antecedentes relevantes, admitida por sinais neurológicos focais de instalação súbita. A tomografia computorizada cranio-encefálica e ressonância magnética evidenciaram lesão isquémica aguda extensa e alterações compatíveis com AVC silencioso prévio. Analiticamente apresentava anemia normocítica, muitos drepanocitos de formação espontânea e 87% de hemoglobina S. Neste contexto, foi submetida a transfusão-permuta. Conclusão: O AVC como complicação da ACF pode acontecer em idades precoces e surgir como quadro inaugural. Pensamos que se justifica divulgar o rastreio pré-natal e realizar um estudo da relação custo-benefício para a implementação de um rastreio neonatal desta patologia em Portugal.