987 resultados para automation roadmap


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Aquest projecte fi de carrera es centra en un restaurant fictici i genèric anomenat "El Restaurant al Punt". Es tractarà d' una empresa que s' inicia en el sector hostaler amb tot un seguit de coneixements previs per part dels propietaris. L' objectiu principal que es preten assolir en aquest projecte és: desenvolupar l' anàlisi, dissenyar i implementar una aplicació informàtica que permeti gestionar el funcionament d' un restaurant


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El projecte tracte d' implementar una solució de Business Intelligence sota la plataforma Microsoft.Aquest projecte va destinat al Departament de Comptabilitat de l' Ajuntament de Cambrils, i està relacionat amb la funció del control de les despeses i els ingressos


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Nucleic acid amplification techniques are commonly used currently to diagnose viral diseases and manage patients with this kind of illnesses. These techniques have had a rapid but unconventional route of development during the last 30 years, with the discovery and introduction of several assays in clinical diagnosis. The increase in the number of commercially available methods has facilitated the use of this technology in the majority of laboratories worldwide. This technology has reduced the use of some other techniques such as viral culture based methods and serological assays in the clinical virology laboratory. Moreover, nucleic acid amplification techniques are now the methods of reference and also the most useful assays for the diagnosis in several diseases. The introduction of these techniques and their automation provides new opportunities for the clinical laboratory to affect patient care. The main objectives in performing nucleic acid tests in this field are to provide timely results useful for high-quality patient care at a reasonable cost, because rapid results are associated with improvements in patients care. The use of amplification techniques such as polymerase chain reaction, real-time polymerase chain reaction or nucleic acid sequence-based amplification for virus detection, genotyping and quantification have some advantages like high sensitivity and reproducibility, as well as a broad dynamic range. This review is an up-to-date of the main nucleic acid techniques and their clinical applications, and special challenges and opportunities that these techniques currently provide for the clinical virology laboratory.


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Mitjançant el presentprojecte es pretén donar solució a la monitorització,control i automatitzaciód'unamàquina de colat.S'englobadins de la brancad'automàtica i control de processos.En ell a partir d'una estructura de la màquinaja definida i un cicle detreballrequeritpelclient es trienelselements per complirambaquest cicle,incorporant les mesures de seguretatnecessàries per minimitzarels riscos.Per a l'automatització del procés, s'hamuntat un PLC marca Telemecaniqueen un armari de control, acompanyat per les cartesd'entrades isortidesrequerides per a poder controlar totes les variables del procés.Per al monitoratge i control del procés, per part de l'operari, s'hainstal.laten l'armari de control un panell HMI "human machine Interface"acompanyatd'unpanell de comandament.En la pròpiamemòria es dónaexplicació al funcionament del programa delPLC i les pantalles de la consola HMI.En elsannexos es detalla tot elconnexionatrealitzatdelsdiferentselementsesmentats, el programa dissenyatper al PLC i el pressuposteconòmic.


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During the last decade the interest on space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) for remote sensing applications has grown as testified by the number of recent and forthcoming missions as TerraSAR-X, RADARSAT-2, COSMO-kyMed, TanDEM-X and the Spanish SEOSAR/PAZ. In this sense, this thesis proposes to study and analyze the performance of the state-of-the-Art space-borne SAR systems, with modes able to provide Moving Target Indication capabilities (MTI), i.e. moving object detection and estimation. The research will focus on the MTI processing techniques as well as the architecture and/ or configuration of the SAR instrument, setting the limitations of the current systems with MTI capabilities, and proposing efficient solutions for the future missions. Two European projects, to which the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya provides support, are an excellent framework for the research activities suggested in this thesis. NEWA project proposes a potential European space-borne radar system with MTI capabilities in order to fulfill the upcoming European security policies. This thesis will critically review the state-of-the-Art MTI processing techniques as well as the readiness and maturity level of the developed capabilities. For each one of the techniques a performance analysis will be carried out based on the available technologies, deriving a roadmap and identifying the different technological gaps. In line with this study a simulator tool will be developed in order to validate and evaluate different MTI techniques in the basis of a flexible space-borne radar configuration. The calibration of a SAR system is mandatory for the accurate formation of the SAR images and turns to be critical in the advanced operation modes as MTI. In this sense, the SEOSAR/PAZ project proposes the study and estimation of the radiometric budget. This thesis will also focus on an exhaustive analysis of the radiometric budget considering the current calibration concepts and their possible limitations. In the framework of this project a key point will be the study of the Dual Receive Antenna (DRA) mode, which provides MTI capabilities to the mission. An additional aspect under study is the applicability of the Digital Beamforming on multichannel and/or multistatic radar platforms, which conform potential solutions for the NEWA project with the aim to fully exploit its capability jointly with MTI techniques.


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Este documento forma parte del proyecto Fomento de las TIC para mejorar el aprendizaje a través de simulación en centros de salud (SIMBASE). Roadmap for the implementation and dissemination of simulation-based learning for health and education directors and public officer holders (Versión en inglés disponible en http://www.simbase.co/results/)


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TinyDomus es un proyecto desarrollado para el TFC Sistemas Empotrados. Utiliza la plataforma TinyOS para gestionar una red inalámbrica de sensores (motas COU), que nos permitirán monitorizar ciertos aspectos físicos (picos magnéticos), y ambientales (temperatura y luminosidad). La funcionalidad de TinyDomus es la de simular un hogar domótico. Para ello dispone de una aplicación de escritorio con la que podemos visualizar la información de los sensores de las motas, controlar el funcionamiento del sistema y solicitar información a la red de sensores.


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The Quality Plan aims to create an image of the health system as an intelligent system comprised of knowledge-generating organisations integrated into a much more comprehensive paradigm in line with knowledge societies; a health system which is part of an equally intelligent and innovative society that acknowledges the use of science and technology both as a source of welfare and as a means of solving many of its problems. The aim of this document is to collate the many activities which comprise three scenarios (citizens, professionals and shared space) and establish the roadmap for the quality policy strategies designed by the Ministry of Health of the Regional Government of Andalusia for the coming years and also to open the necessary channels of communication with society so that society itself, as well as being the beneficiary of the outcomes, also becomes the main protagonist.


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The accuracy of the MicroScan WalkAway, BD Phoenix, and Vitek-2 systems for susceptibility testing of quinolones and aminoglycosides against 68 enterobacteria containing qnrB, qnrS, and/or aac(6 ')-Ib-cr was evaluated using reference microdilution. Overall, one very major error (0.09%), 6 major errors (0.52%), and 45 minor errors (3.89%) were noted.


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Esta comunicación pretende analizar las necesidades informáticas de las oficinas de turismo en el caso concreto de Cataluña, presentándose la misma como una continuación del estudio realizado el año 98. En ella se evalúan los nuevos resultados obtenidos, intentando compararlos con los de la encuesta del 98 y determinar así la evolución que han seguido las OIT en Cataluña. Se introduce además en este nuevo estudio un análisis cualitativo, que incluye el análisis de sus páginas web y un estudio del nivel de respuesta a través de e-mail


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Using optimized voxel-based morphometry, we performed grey matter density analyses on 59 age-, sex- and intelligence-matched young adults with three distinct, progressive levels of musical training intensity or expertise. Structural brain adaptations in musicians have been repeatedly demonstrated in areas involved in auditory perception and motor skills. However, musical activities are not confined to auditory perception and motor performance, but are entangled with higher-order cognitive processes. In consequence, neuronal systems involved in such higher-order processing may also be shaped by experience-driven plasticity. We modelled expertise as a three-level regressor to study possible linear relationships of expertise with grey matter density. The key finding of this study resides in a functional dissimilarity between areas exhibiting increase versus decrease of grey matter as a function of musical expertise. Grey matter density increased with expertise in areas known for their involvement in higher-order cognitive processing: right fusiform gyrus (visual pattern recognition), right mid orbital gyrus (tonal sensitivity), left inferior frontal gyrus (syntactic processing, executive function, working memory), left intraparietal sulcus (visuo-motor coordination) and bilateral posterior cerebellar Crus II (executive function, working memory) and in auditory processing: left Heschl's gyrus. Conversely, grey matter density decreased with expertise in bilateral perirolandic and striatal areas that are related to sensorimotor function, possibly reflecting high automation of motor skills. Moreover, a multiple regression analysis evidenced that grey matter density in the right mid orbital area and the inferior frontal gyrus predicted accuracy in detecting fine-grained incongruities in tonal music.


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Sistema de control domòtic realitzat en ASP.NET i Ajax amb una aplicació per a Windows Phone 7.


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Disseny i implementació d’ una aplicació per incorporar noves funcionalitats a la gestió de propietats immobles. En els últims anys, el lloguer d’apartaments i cases ha augmentat el seu volum de reserves a través d’Internet, i és per això, que moltes empreses del sector han dedicat molts esforços en potenciar aquest canal i fer tots els tràmits a través de la xarxa. L’hivern del 2009 l’empresa a qui va dirigida aquest projecte, va decidir fer aquest salt i irrompre a Internet. En aquell moment es van plantejar diferents opcions per a la gestió d’immobles: fer una aplicació totalment nova i a mida, comprar una aplicació ja feta a empreses especialitzades o adaptar una aplicació gratuïta a les necessitats de l’empresa. Analitzats amb detall els tres casos, es va decidir implementar la tercera opció ja que satisfeia les necessitats de l’empresa i amb modificacions o adaptacions aconseguiria el resultat esperat. L’aplicació gratuïta és el “com-property” i la seva posada en marxa va ser en dos mesos


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La realització del projecte per a la gestió energètica d’un habitatge mitjançant KNX, téper objectiu principal l’ automatització i control de les instal•lacions per tal d’assolir elmàxim confort amb la mínima despesa energètica.La domòtica, ens permet integrar en un sol sistema de control el global de lesinstal•lacions de l’edifici, de forma que amb un sol protocol tenim el control total del’habitatge.La tecnologia domòtica KNX serà la utilitzada per tal d’assolir l’objectiu del projecte, jaque es tracta d’un sistema amb més de vint anys experiència en la gestió d’edificis i dela qual formen part més de dos-cents fabricants, fet que afavoreix trobar la soluciómés indicada segons les necessitats.El projecte constarà de les programacions necessàries per tal d’aconseguir el control imàxim rendiment de les instal•lacions de climatització, il•luminació, cortines, persianes,sistema de reg, ventilació i funcions de seguretat, totes elles mitjançant KNX