938 resultados para aryl-ether linkages (beta-O-4 linkages)


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This work focused on the development and validation of an RP-HPLC-UV method for quantification of beta-lactam antibiotics in three pharmaceutical samples. Active principles analyzed were amoxicillin and ampicillin, in 3 veterinary drugs. Mobile phase comprised 5 mmol L-1 phosphoric acid solution at pH 2.00, acetonitrile with gradient elution mode and detection wavelength at 220 nm. The method was validated according to the Brazilian National Health Surveillance regulation, where linear range and linearity, selectivity, precision, accuracy and ruggedness were evaluated. Inter day precision and accuracy for pharmaceutical samples 1, 2 and 3 were: 1.43 and 1.43%; 4.71 and 3.74%; 2.72 and 1.72%, respectively, while regression coefficients for analytical curves exceeded 0.99. The method had acceptable merit figure values, indicating reliable quantification. Analyzed samples had active principle concentrations varying from -12 to +21% compared to manufacturer label claims, rendering the medicine unsafe for administration to animals.


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Multicomponent reactions between phenols, β-diesters and benzaldehydes for the synthesis of 4-aryl-3,4-dihydrocoumarin derivatives were carried out under mild conditions (room temperature) and presented moderate yields (38-88%) and reasonable reaction times (2-4 days), using niobium pentachloride as a catalyst.


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Both primary and secondary amines react with 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene to give derivatives of 1-alkylamino-2,4-dinitrobenzene. These compounds are important intermediates for the synthesis of a diverse range of products. The methodology reported in the present study involves either the room temperature reaction or heating at 70 °C in ethanol in the presence of triethylamine. This transformation occurs via a nucleophilic substitution reaction. The 1-alkylamino-2,4-dinitrobenzene derivatives were obtained in greater than 90% purified yield. The selective reduction of dinitro compounds is an important synthetic strategy for the synthesis of intermediates for dyes, pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. The use of SnCl2 as a suspension in EtOAc is a promising method for the regio- and chemo-selective reduction of 1-alkylamino-2,4-dinitrobenzenes to 1-alkylamino-2-amino-4-nitrobenzenes. These products are useful intermediates in organic synthesis.


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Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Beta-amyloid Pathology -Applicability of Positron Emission Tomography with the Amyloid Radioligand 11C-PIB Accumulation of beta amyloid (Abeta) in the brain is characteristic for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Carbon-11 labeled 2-(4’-methylaminophenyl)-6-hydroxybenzothiazole (11C-PIB) is a novel positron emission tomography (PET) amyloid imaging agent that appears to be applicable for in vivo Abeta plaque detection and quantitation. The biodistribution and radiation dosimetry of 11C-PIB were investigated in 16 healthy subjects. The reproducibility of a simplified 11C-PIB quantitation method was evaluated with a test-retest study on 6 AD patients and 4 healthy control subjects. Brain 11C-PIB uptake and its possible association with brain atrophy rates were studied over a two-year follow-up in 14 AD patients and 13 healthy controls. Nine monozygotic and 8 dizygotic twin pairs discordant for cognitive impairment and 9 unrelated controls were examined to determine whether brain Abeta accumulation could be detected with 11C-PIB PET in cognitively intact persons who are at increased genetic risk for AD. The highest absorbed radiation dose was received by the gallbladder wall (41.5 mjuGy/MBq). About 20 % of the injected radioactivity was excreted into urine, and the effective whole-body radiation dose was 4.7 mjuSv/MBq. Such a dose allows repeated scans of individual subjects. The reproducibility of the simplified 11C-PIB quantitation was good or excellent both at the regional level (VAR 0.9-5.5 %) and at the voxel level (VAR 4.2-6.4 %). 11C-PIB uptake did not increase during 24 months’ follow-up of subjects with mild or moderate AD, even though brain atrophy and cognitive decline progressed. Baseline neocortical 11C-PIB uptake predicted subsequent volumetric brain changes in healthy control subjects (r = 0.725, p = 0.005). Cognitively intact monozygotic co-twins – but not dizygotic co-twins – of memory-impaired subjects exhibited increased 11C-PIB uptake (117-121 % of control mean) in their temporal and parietal cortices and the posterior cingulate (p<0.05), when compared with unrelated controls. This increased uptake may be representative of an early AD process, and genetic factors seem to play an important role in the development of AD-like Abeta plaque pathology. 11C-PIB PET may be a useful method for patient selection and follow-up for early-phase intervention trials of novel therapeutic agents. AD might be detectable in high-risk individuals in its presymptomatic stage with 11C-PIB PET, which would have important consequences both for future diagnostics and for research on disease-modifying treatments.


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Neste trabalho foram sintetizados 12 derivados azalactônicos pela metodologia clássica de Plöchl-Erlenmeyer. Destes, um foi avaliado quanto a fotoestabilidade em solução por meio de experimentos de fotodegradação utilizando agentes encapsulantes e diferentes solventes. Para a irradiação das amostras foi empregada uma lâmpada de mercúrio de 80W. Os resultados mostram que a fotodegradação do corante ocorre muito mais rapidamente em solventes polares e que o agente encapsulante é fundamental na sua fotoestabilidade.


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No presente trabalho, foi investigado o comportamento do extrato aquoso e alcoólico da beterraba (Beta vulgaris) como um indicador ácido-base, tendo como objetivo principal despertar o interesse pelo uso dos indicadores naturais, como alternativa didática para transmissão dos conceitos de titulação, equilíbrio químico e a lei de Lambert-Beer. Para a realização dos experimentos foram utilizadas soluções padrão de ácido clorídrico (HCl), ácido acético e hidróxido de sódio (NaOH). Inicialmente foram feitos testes para avaliar a reversibilidade do sistema, e observou-se que a coloração passa de vermelho para amarela com adição de base e retorna para vermelho com adição do ácido, sendo possível sua utilização para explicação do equilíbrio químico. As análises de espectroscopia UV-vis mostraram que os espectros de absorção molecular na região do visível, apresentam diferentes característica, dando indícios que ocorreu modificação na estrutura do indicador em meio ácido e básico. Após as análises volumétricas constatou-se que os pontos de equivalência determinados com o indicador natural tiveram concordância com os obtidos pelo método potenciométrico. Além disso, os extratos aquosos e alcoólicos da beterraba apresentam potencial didático para a explicação da lei de Lambert-Beer, sendo que no meio ácido houve uma melhor correlação comparado com o meio básico.


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Relatamos um caso de triploidia fetal não-molar detectada na 20ª semana gestacional por cordocentese realizada em razão de estudo ultra-sonográfico que revelou retardo do crescimento intra-uterino e grave oligoidrâmnio. Na 19ª semana foram verificados acentuada diminuição da subunidade beta livre da gonadotrofina coriônica humana e do estriol não-conjugado e níveis de alfa-fetoproteína normais, apontando para um risco aumentado de síndrome de Edwards. Houve morte fetal um dia após a cordocentese e a resolução do caso foi por parto vaginal induzido com misoprostol e ocitocina, sob analgesia peridural. Estudo cromossômico das células sangüíneas fetais revelou o cariótipo 69,XXX. O grave retardo do crescimento intra-uterino, a macrocefalia, constatada no estudo anatomopatológico do feto, e os níveis muito baixos de hCG e de estriol não-conjugado sugerem um caso de triploidia por diginia, fertilização de um óvulo diplóide por um espermatozóide haplóide.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a relação entre os níveis séricos do hormônio gonadotrópico coriônico (beta-hCG) e a medida da espessura endometrial, em pacientes submetidas ao tratamento de gravidez ectópica com metotrexate. MÉTODOS: estudo clínico prospectivo, no qual foram avaliados os títulos do beta-hCG e a maior medida da espessura endometrial no eixo longitudinal uterino por meio da ultra-sonografia transvaginal, em 38 pacientes com gravidez ectópica íntegra, com diâmetro < 3,5 cm, com estabilidade hemodinâmica e aumento dos níveis do beta-hCG num intervalo de 24-48 horas. Todas receberam terapia com dose única de metotrexate (50 mg/m² intra muscular). Foram comparadas as médias dos valores do beta-hCG e da espessura endometrial, das mulheres que evoluíram com sucesso do tratamento e com aquelas que apresentaram insucesso terapêutico. Posteriormente, foi avaliada a diferença entre as médias dos valores séricos do beta-hCG segundo a espessura endometrial (<10,0 mm e >10,0 mm), independente da resposta terapêutica. Para análise estatística foi utilizado o teste t de Student. RESULTADOS: as médias dos valores iniciais do beta-hCG das 28 mulheres que apresentaram resposta terapêutica medicamentosa foi de 1936,2 mUI/ml, significativamente menor do que a média das 10 mulheres sem resposta, 6831,3 mUI/ml (<0,04). Da mesma forma a média da espessura do endométrio foi significativamente menor nas mulheres com resposta d que naquelas sem resposta, 6,4 mm e 11,7mm respectivamente (p<0,01). A média dos valores do beta-hCG das mulheres com espessura endometrial <10,0 mm foi 2008,7 mUI/ml, significativamente menor que daquelas com endométrio >10,0 mm, cuja média foi de 6925,9 mUI/ml. CONCLUSÕES: a medida da espessura endometrial avaliada pela ultra-sonografia sofre influência dos níveis séricos do beta-hCG, se mostrando valiosa como fator orientador adicional na indicação do tratamento medicamentoso com metotrexate na gravidez ectópica íntegra.


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The objectives of the study were to evaluate the presence/production of beta-lactamases by both phenotypic and genotypic methods, verify whether results are dependent of bacteria type (Staphylococcus aureus versus coagulase-negative Staphylococcus - CNS) and verify the agreement between tests. A total of 200 bacteria samples from 21 different herds were enrolled, being 100 CNS and 100 S. aureus. Beta-lactamase presence/detection was performed by different tests (PCR, clover leaf test - CLT, Nitrocefin disk, and in vitro resistance to penicillin). Results of all tests were not dependent of bacteria type (CNS or S. aureus). Several S. aureus beta-lactamase producing isolates were from the same herd. Phenotypic tests excluding in vitro resistance to penicillin showed a strong association measured by the kappa coefficient for both bacteria species. Nitrocefin and CLT are more reliable tests for detecting beta-lactamase production in staphylococci.


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At present, permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) are of great interest. Since they do not have electrical excitation losses, the highly efficient, lightweight and compact PMSGs equipped with damper windings work perfectly when connected to a network. However, in island operation, the generator (or parallel generators) alone is responsible for the building up of the network and maintaining its voltage and reactive power level. Thus, in island operation, a PMSG faces very tight constraints, which are difficult to meet, because the flux produced by the permanent magnets (PMs) is constant and the voltage of the generator cannot be controlled. Traditional electrically excited synchronous generators (EESGs) can easily meet these constraints, because the field winding current is controllable. The main drawback of the conventional EESG is the relatively high excitation loss. This doctoral thesis presents a study of an alternative solution termed as a hybrid excitation synchronous generator (HESG). HESGs are a special class of electrical machines, where the total rotor current linkage is produced by the simultaneous action of two different excitation sources: the electrical and permanent magnet (PM) excitation. An overview of the existing HESGs is given. Several HESGs are introduced and compared with the conventional EESG from technical and economic points of view. In the study, the armature-reaction-compensated permanent magnet synchronous generator with alternated current linkages (ARC-PMSG with ACL) showed a better performance than the other options. Therefore, this machine type is studied in more detail. An electromagnetic design and a thermal analysis are presented. To verify the operation principle and the electromagnetic design, a down-sized prototype of 69 kVA apparent power was built. The experimental results are demonstrated and compared with the predicted ones. A prerequisite for an ARC-PMSG with ACL is an even number of pole pairs (p = 2, 4, 6, …) in the machine. Naturally, the HESG technology is not limited to even-pole-pair machines. However, the analysis of machines with p = 3, 5, 7, … becomes more complicated, especially if analytical tools are used, and is outside the scope of this thesis. The contribution of this study is to propose a solution where an ARC-PMSG replaces an EESG in electrical power generation while meeting all the requirements set for generators given for instance by ship classification societies, particularly as regards island operation. The maximum power level when applying the technology studied here is mainly limited by the economy of the machine. The larger the machine is, the smaller is the efficiency benefit. However, it seems that machines up to ten megawatts of power could benefit from the technology. However, in low-power applications, for instance in the 500 kW range, the efficiency increase can be significant.


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Várias espécies de hortaliças são de muita importância para a alimentação humana e tornam-se alvos da deriva de herbicidas, pois comumente são cultivadas nas proximidades de culturas como arroz, soja e milho, pulverizadas com esses produtos. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se verificar possíveis efeitos de doses reduzidas dos herbicidas glyphosate e clomazone sobre plantas de beterraba (Beta vulgaris) e de cenoura (Daucus carota), em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento. As doses avaliadas dos herbicidas foram de 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% da dose recomendada, equivalentes a 0, 63, 126, 189 e 252 g ha-1 de glyphosate e 0, 14,4, 28,8, 43,2 e 57,6 g ha-1 de clomazone, respectivamente, aplicadas aos 20, 30 e 40 dias após a emergência das culturas. Observou-se aumento no percentual de fitotoxicidade do glyphosate com o incremento na dose do herbicida, e a maior suscetibilidade ocorreu com a deriva nos estádios mais precoces, em ambas as espécies. As doses de clomazone não causaram qualquer sintoma detectável visualmente para as plantas de beterraba e de cenoura. Os resultados sugerem que o herbicida glyphosate causa injúrias às plantas de beterraba e cenoura, independentemente do estádio em que ocorre a interceptação do produto. No entanto, o herbicida clomazone não interfere no desenvolvimento inicial de plantas de beterraba e cenoura.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Two new sulfated oligobromophenols from the marine red algae Osmundaria obtusiloba, 4-(1'-potassium sulfate, 2,3-dibromo, 1',4,5-trihydroxybenzyl) - 4''-(1'''-potassium sulfate, 2'',3''-dibromo, 1''',4'',5''-trihydroxybenzyl) sulfate and 1'-(2, 3-dibromo, 4-potassium sulfate, 1', 4, 5-trihydroxybenzyl) - 4''-(1''' potassium sulfate, 2'', 3''-dibromo, 1''', 4'', 5'' trihydroxybenzyl) sulfate, are herein reported. Besides them it was obtained 2, 2', 3, 3'-tetrabromo-4, 4', 5, 5'-tetrahydroxydiphenylmethane, 2, 3-dibromo-p-hydroxybenzyl methyl ether (methyl lanosol), dipotassium 2,3-dibromo-5-hydroxybenzyl 1',4-disulfate, 24-methylenecolest-5-en-3-beta-ol and alpha-D-mannopyranosyl-(1->2')-glycerate (digeneaside). The structures were determined by analysis of the spectroscopic data (IR, NMR and MS) and comparison with the literature. The 13CNMR data for dipotassium 2,3-dibromo-5hydroxybenzyl-1',4-disulfate are described here for the first time. The present study also suggests a mild method to isolate and to purify sulfated compounds.


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Methyl chloride is an important chemical intermediate with a variety of applications. It is produced today in large units and shipped to the endusers. Most of the derived products are harmless, as silicones, butyl rubber and methyl cellulose. However, methyl chloride is highly toxic and flammable. On-site production in the required quantities is desirable to reduce the risks involved in transportation and storage. Ethyl chloride is a smaller-scale chemical intermediate that is mainly used in the production of cellulose derivatives. Thus, the combination of onsite production of methyl and ethyl chloride is attractive for the cellulose processing industry, e.g. current and future biorefineries. Both alkyl chlorides can be produced by hydrochlorination of the corresponding alcohol, ethanol or methanol. Microreactors are attractive for the on-site production as the reactions are very fast and involve toxic chemicals. In microreactors, the diffusion limitations can be suppressed and the process safety can be improved. The modular setup of microreactors is flexible to adjust the production capacity as needed. Although methyl and ethyl chloride are important chemical intermediates, the literature available on potential catalysts and reaction kinetics is limited. Thus the thesis includes an extensive catalyst screening and characterization, along with kinetic studies and engineering the hydrochlorination process in microreactors. A range of zeolite and alumina based catalysts, neat and impregnated with ZnCl2, were screened for the methanol hydrochlorination. The influence of zinc loading, support, zinc precursor and pH was investigated. The catalysts were characterized with FTIR, TEM, XPS, nitrogen physisorption, XRD and EDX to identify the relationship between the catalyst characteristics and the activity and selectivity in the methyl chloride synthesis. The acidic properties of the catalyst were strongly influenced upon the ZnCl2 modification. In both cases, alumina and zeolite supports, zinc reacted to a certain amount with specific surface sites, which resulted in a decrease of strong and medium Brønsted and Lewis acid sites and the formation of zinc-based weak Lewis acid sites. The latter are highly active and selective in methanol hydrochlorination. Along with the molecular zinc sites, bulk zinc species are present on the support material. Zinc modified zeolite catalysts exhibited the highest activity also at low temperatures (ca 200 °C), however, showing deactivation with time-onstream. Zn/H-ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts had a higher stability than ZnCl2 modified H-Beta and they could be regenerated by burning the coke in air at 400 °C. Neat alumina and zinc modified alumina catalysts were active and selective at 300 °C and higher temperatures. However, zeolite catalysts can be suitable for methyl chloride synthesis at lower temperatures, i.e. 200 °C. Neat γ-alumina was found to be the most stable catalyst when coated in a microreactor channel and it was thus used as the catalyst for systematic kinetic studies in the microreactor. A binder-free and reproducible catalyst coating technique was developed. The uniformity, thickness and stability of the coatings were extensively characterized by SEM, confocal microscopy and EDX analysis. A stable coating could be obtained by thermally pretreating the microreactor platelets and ball milling the alumina to obtain a small particle size. Slurry aging and slow drying improved the coating uniformity. Methyl chloride synthesis from methanol and hydrochloric acid was performed in an alumina-coated microreactor. Conversions from 4% to 83% were achieved in the investigated temperature range of 280-340 °C. This demonstrated that the reaction is fast enough to be successfully performed in a microreactor system. The performance of the microreactor was compared with a tubular fixed bed reactor. The results obtained with both reactors were comparable, but the microreactor allows a rapid catalytic screening with low consumption of chemicals. As a complete conversion of methanol could not be reached in a single microreactor, a second microreactor was coupled in series. A maximum conversion of 97.6 % and a selectivity of 98.8 % were reached at 340°C, which is close to the calculated values at a thermodynamic equilibrium. A kinetic model based on kinetic experiments and thermodynamic calculations was developed. The model was based on a Langmuir Hinshelwood-type mechanism and a plug flow model for the microreactor. The influence of the reactant adsorption on the catalyst surface was investigated by performing transient experiments and comparing different kinetic models. The obtained activation energy for methyl chloride was ca. two fold higher than the previously published, indicating diffusion limitations in the previous studies. A detailed modeling of the diffusion in the porous catalyst layer revealed that severe diffusion limitations occur starting from catalyst coating thicknesses of 50 μm. At a catalyst coating thickness of ca 15 μm as in the microreactor, the conditions of intrinsic kinetics prevail. Ethanol hydrochlorination was performed successfully in the microreactor system. The reaction temperature was 240-340°C. An almost complete conversion of ethanol was achieved at 340°C. The product distribution was broader than for methanol hydrochlorination. Ethylene, diethyl ether and acetaldehyde were detected as by-products, ethylene being the most dominant by-product. A kinetic model including a thorough thermodynamic analysis was developed and the influence of adsorbed HCl on the reaction rate of ethanol dehydration reactions was demonstrated. The separation of methyl chloride using condensers was investigated. The proposed microreactor-condenser concept enables the production of methyl chloride with a high purity of 99%.