983 resultados para arm


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Rhythmic and discrete arm movements occur ubiquitously in everyday life, and there is a debate as to whether these two classes of movements arise from the same or different underlying neural mechanisms. Here we examine interference in a motor-learning paradigm to test whether rhythmic and discrete movements employ at least partially separate neural representations. Subjects were required to make circular movements of their right hand while they were exposed to a velocity-dependent force field that perturbed the circularity of the movement path. The direction of the force-field perturbation reversed at the end of each block of 20 revolutions. When subjects made only rhythmic or only discrete circular movements, interference was observed when switching between the two opposing force fields. However, when subjects alternated between blocks of rhythmic and discrete movements, such that each was uniquely associated with one of the perturbation directions, interference was significantly reduced. Only in this case did subjects learn to corepresent the two opposing perturbations, suggesting that different neural resources were employed for the two movement types. Our results provide further evidence that rhythmic and discrete movements employ at least partially separate control mechanisms in the motor system.


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Although learning a motor skill, such as a tennis stroke, feels like a unitary experience, researchers who study motor control and learning break the processes involved into a number of interacting components. These components can be organized into four main groups. First, skilled performance requires the effective and efficient gathering of sensory information, such as deciding where and when to direct one's gaze around the court, and thus an important component of skill acquisition involves learning how best to extract task-relevant information. Second, the performer must learn key features of the task such as the geometry and mechanics of the tennis racket and ball, the properties of the court surface, and how the wind affects the ball's flight. Third, the player needs to set up different classes of control that include predictive and reactive control mechanisms that generate appropriate motor commands to achieve the task goals, as well as compliance control that specifies, for example, the stiffness with which the arm holds the racket. Finally, the successful performer can learn higher-level skills such as anticipating and countering the opponent's strategy and making effective decisions about shot selection. In this Primer we shall consider these components of motor learning using as an example how we learn to play tennis.


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On a daily basis, humans interact with a vast range of objects and tools. A class of tasks, which can pose a serious challenge to our motor skills, are those that involve manipulating objects with internal degrees of freedom, such as when folding laundry or using a lasso. Here, we use the framework of optimal feedback control to make predictions of how humans should interact with such objects. We confirm the predictions experimentally in a two-dimensional object manipulation task, in which subjects learned to control six different objects with complex dynamics. We show that the non-intuitive behavior observed when controlling objects with internal degrees of freedom can be accounted for by a simple cost function representing a trade-off between effort and accuracy. In addition to using a simple linear, point-mass optimal control model, we also used an optimal control model, which considers the non-linear dynamics of the human arm. We find that the more realistic optimal control model captures aspects of the data that cannot be accounted for by the linear model or other previous theories of motor control. The results suggest that our everyday interactions with objects can be understood by optimality principles and advocate the use of more realistic optimal control models for the study of human motor neuroscience.


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Human subjects easily adapt to single dynamic or visuomotor perturbations. In contrast, when two opposing dynamic or visuomotor perturbations are presented sequentially, interference is often observed. We examined the effect of bimanual movement context on interference between opposing perturbations using pairs of contexts, in which the relative direction of movement between the two arms was different across the pair. When each perturbation direction was associated with a different bimanual context, such as movement of the arms in the same direction versus movement in the opposite direction, interference was dramatically reduced. This occurred over a short period of training and was seen for both dynamic and visuomotor perturbations, suggesting a partitioning of motor learning for the different bimanual contexts. Further support for this was found in a series of transfer experiments. Having learned a single dynamic or visuomotor perturbation in one bimanual context, subjects showed incomplete transfer of this learning when the context changed, even though the perturbation remained the same. In addition, we examined a bimanual context in which one arm was moved passively and show that the reduction in interference requires active movement. The sensory consequences of movement are thus insufficient to allow opposing perturbations to be co-represented. Our results suggest different bimanual movement contexts engage at least partially separate representations of dynamics and kinematics in the motor system.


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Robotic manipulanda are extensively used in investigation of the motor control of human arm movements. They permit the application of translational forces to the arm based on its state and can be used to probe issues ranging from mechanisms of neural control to biomechanics. However, most current designs are optimized for studying either motor learning or stiffness. Even fewer include end-point torque control which is important for the simulation of objects and the study of tool use. Here we describe a modular, general purpose, two-dimensional planar manipulandum (vBOT) primarily optimized for dynamic learning paradigms. It employs a carbon fibre arm arranged as a parallelogram which is driven by motors via timing pulleys. The design minimizes the intrinsic dynamics of the manipulandum without active compensation. A novel variant of the design (WristBOT) can apply torques at the handle using an add-on cable drive mechanism. In a second variant (StiffBOT) a more rigid arm can be substituted and zero backlash belts can be used, making the StiffBOT more suitable for the study of stiffness. The three variants can be used with custom built display rigs, mounting, and air tables. We investigated the performance of the vBOT and its variants in terms of effective end-point mass, viscosity and stiffness. Finally we present an object manipulation task using the WristBOT. This demonstrates that subjects can perceive the orientation of the principal axis of an object based on haptic feedback arising from its rotational dynamics.


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Humans use their arms to engage in a wide variety of motor tasks during everyday life. However, little is known about the statistics of these natural arm movements. Studies of the sensory system have shown that the statistics of sensory inputs are key to determining sensory processing. We hypothesized that the statistics of natural everyday movements may, in a similar way, influence motor performance as measured in laboratory-based tasks. We developed a portable motion-tracking system that could be worn by subjects as they went about their daily routine outside of a laboratory setting. We found that the well-documented symmetry bias is reflected in the relative incidence of movements made during everyday tasks. Specifically, symmetric and antisymmetric movements are predominant at low frequencies, whereas only symmetric movements are predominant at high frequencies. Moreover, the statistics of natural movements, that is, their relative incidence, correlated with subjects' performance on a laboratory-based phase-tracking task. These results provide a link between natural movement statistics and motor performance and confirm that the symmetry bias documented in laboratory studies is a natural feature of human movement.


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Our ability to skillfully manipulate an object often involves the motor system learning to compensate for the dynamics of the object. When the two arms learn to manipulate a single object they can act cooperatively, whereas when they manipulate separate objects they control each object independently. We examined how learning transfers between these two bimanual contexts by applying force fields to the arms. In a coupled context, a single dynamic is shared between the arms, and in an uncoupled context separate dynamics are experienced independently by each arm. In a composition experiment, we found that when subjects had learned uncoupled force fields they were able to transfer to a coupled field that was the sum of the two fields. However, the contribution of each arm repartitioned over time so that, when they returned to the uncoupled fields, the error initially increased but rapidly reverted to the previous level. In a decomposition experiment, after subjects learned a coupled field, their error increased when exposed to uncoupled fields that were orthogonal components of the coupled field. However, when the coupled field was reintroduced, subjects rapidly readapted. These results suggest that the representations of dynamics for uncoupled and coupled contexts are partially independent. We found additional support for this hypothesis by showing significant learning of opposing curl fields when the context, coupled versus uncoupled, was alternated with the curl field direction. These results suggest that the motor system is able to use partially separate representations for dynamics of the two arms acting on a single object and two arms acting on separate objects.


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Seventeen morphometric characters of Sepia aculeata of Mumbai coast have been studied and the relationships of morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DML) were established. The characters compared showed a fair to high degree of correlation ('r' 0.63-0.99). Number of arm suckers and shell rings were related with DML. The shell rings also showed high degree of correlation with DML ('r' 0.79-0.95). However, the relationship between arm suckers and DML was not so good ('r' 0.1-0.4). The length-weight relationship is described as W=0.1821336 L sub(2.801102). Food and feeding analysis confirm the carnivorous feeding behaviour of the species. Mature females found in all months indicate that it has prolonged spawning season with two peaks, september and march-april. Absolute fecundity ranged from 214 to 4143 eggs.


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In virtual assembly verification or remote maintenance tasks, bimanual haptic interfaces play a crucial role in successful task completion. This paper proposes a method for objectively comparing how well a haptic interface covers the reachable workspace of human arms. Two system configurations are analyzed for a recently introduced haptic device that is based on two DLR-KUKA light weight robots: the standard configuration, where the device is opposite the human operator, and the ergonomic configuration, where the haptic device is mounted behind the human operator. The human operator directly controls the robotic arms using handles. The analysis is performed using a representation of the robot arm workspace. The merits of restricting the comparisons to the most significant regions of the human workspace are discussed. Using this method, a greater workspace correspondence for the ergonomic configuration was shown. ©2010 IEEE.


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A study of supplementary feeding was conducted on children with a protein food (edible fish powder in the form of 'chutney') for 35 days and the effect assessed periodically. The most noticeable effect was gain in weight and mid arm circumference in children. 35% children showed a weight gain of 1 kg, 27% 0.5 kg, 21% 1.5 kg and 2.5% 2.5 kg. 48% children registered an increase in their mid-arm circumference by 0.5 cm, 16% 1 cm and 2.5% 1.5 cm. 10% children did not gain weight. However, these children had intercurrent infections like measles, whooping cough and asthma.


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Fishing experiments with gill nets were carried out at different centres of Gobindsagar reservoir through the years 1964-70. The seasonal abundance of main species of fishes and their zone of distribution were studied. Labeo diplostoma, Labeo bata, Barbus tor and Mystus seenghala are the main fish species of the reservoir. The abundance of the above species were observed to be the highest towards the Lunkhar arm of the reservoir.


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The goal of this work was to investigate stability in relation to the magnitude and direction of forces applied by the hand. The endpoint stiffness and joint stiffness of the arm were measured during a postural task in which subjects exerted up to 30% maximum voluntary force in each of four directions while controlling the position of the hand. All four coefficients of the joint stiffness matrix were found to vary linearly with both elbow and shoulder torque. This contrasts with the results of a previous study, which employed a force control task and concluded that the joint stiffness coefficients varied linearly with either shoulder or elbow torque but not both. Joint stiffness was transformed into endpoint stiffness to compare the effect on stability as endpoint force increased. When the joint stiffness coefficients were modeled as varying with the net torque at only one joint, as in the previous study, we found that hand position became unstable if endpoint force exceeded about 22 N in a specific direction. This did not occur when the joint stiffness coefficients were modeled as varying with the net torque at both joints, as in the present study. Rather, hand position became increasingly more stable as endpoint force increased for all directions of applied force. Our analysis suggests that co-contraction of biarticular muscles was primarily responsible for the increased stability. This clearly demonstrates how the central nervous system can selectively adapt the impedance of the arm in a specific direction to stabilize hand position when the force applied by the hand has a destabilizing effect in that direction.


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Recently, we demonstrated that humans can learn to make accurate movements in an unstable environment by controlling magnitude, shape, and orientation of the endpoint impedance. Although previous studies of human motor learning suggest that the brain acquires an inverse dynamics model of the novel environment, it is not known whether this control mechanism is operative in unstable environments. We compared learning of multijoint arm movements in a "velocity-dependent force field" (VF), which interacted with the arm in a stable manner, and learning in a "divergent force field" (DF), where the interaction was unstable. The characteristics of error evolution were markedly different in the 2 fields. The direction of trajectory error in the DF alternated to the left and right during the early stage of learning; that is, signed error was inconsistent from movement to movement and could not have guided learning of an inverse dynamics model. This contrasted sharply with trajectory error in the VF, which was initially biased and decayed in a manner that was consistent with rapid feedback error learning. EMG recorded before and after learning in the DF and VF are also consistent with different learning and control mechanisms for adapting to stable and unstable dynamics, that is, inverse dynamics model formation and impedance control. We also investigated adaptation to a rotated DF to examine the interplay between inverse dynamics model formation and impedance control. Our results suggest that an inverse dynamics model can function in parallel with an impedance controller to compensate for consistent perturbing force in unstable environments.


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Humans are able to stabilize their movements in environments with unstable dynamics by selectively modifying arm impedance independently of force and torque. We further investigated adaptation to unstable dynamics to determine whether the CNS maintains a constant overall level of stability as the instability of the environmental dynamics is varied. Subjects performed reaching movements in unstable force fields of varying strength, generated by a robotic manipulator. Although the force fields disrupted the initial movements, subjects were able to adapt to the novel dynamics and learned to produce straight trajectories. After adaptation, the endpoint stiffness of the arm was measured at the midpoint of the movement. The stiffness had been selectively modified in the direction of the instability. The stiffness in the stable direction was relatively unchanged from that measured during movements in a null force field prior to exposure to the unstable force field. This impedance modification was achieved without changes in force and torque. The overall stiffness of the arm and environment in the direction of instability was adapted to the force field strength such that it remained equivalent to that of the null force field. This suggests that the CNS attempts both to maintain a minimum level of stability and minimize energy expenditure.


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This study investigated the neuromuscular mechanisms underlying the initial stage of adaptation to novel dynamics. A destabilizing velocity-dependent force field (VF) was introduced for sets of three consecutive trials. Between sets a random number of 4-8 null field trials were interposed, where the VF was inactivated. This prevented subjects from learning the novel dynamics, making it possible to repeatedly recreate the initial adaptive response. We were able to investigate detailed changes in neural control between the first, second and third VF trials. We identified two feedforward control mechanisms, which were initiated on the second VF trial and resulted in a 50% reduction in the hand path error. Responses to disturbances encountered on the first VF trial were feedback in nature, i.e. reflexes and voluntary correction of errors. However, on the second VF trial, muscle activation patterns were modified in anticipation of the effects of the force field. Feedforward cocontraction of all muscles was used to increase the viscoelastic impedance of the arm. While stiffening the arm, subjects also exerted a lateral force to counteract the perturbing effect of the force field. These anticipatory actions indicate that the central nervous system responds rapidly to counteract hitherto unfamiliar disturbances by a combination of increased viscoelastic impedance and formation of a crude internal dynamics model.