804 resultados para arduino risparmio energetico wireless sensor network
Wireless technology based pervasive healthcare has been proposed in many applications such as disease management and accident prevention for cost saving and promoting citizen’s wellbeing. However, the emphasis so far is on the artefacts with limited attentions to guiding the development of an effective and efficient solution for pervasive healthcare. Therefore, this paper aims to propose a framework of multi-agent systems design for pervasive healthcare by adopting the concept of pervasive informatics and using the methods of organisational semiotics. The proposed multi-agent system for pervasive healthcare utilises sensory information to support healthcare professionals for providing appropriate care. The key contributions contain theoretical aspect and practical aspect. In theory, this paper articulates the information interactions between the pervasive healthcare environment and stakeholders by using the methods of organisational semiotics; in practice, the proposed framework improves the healthcare quality by providing appropriate medical attentions when and as needed. In this paper, both systems and functional architecture of the multi-agent system are elaborated with the use of wireless technologies such as RFID and wireless sensor networks. The future study will focus on the implementation of the proposed framework.
Embedded computer systems equipped with wireless communication transceivers are nowadays used in a vast number of application scenarios. Energy consumption is important in many of these scenarios, as systems are battery operated and long maintenance-free operation is required. To achieve this goal, embedded systems employ low-power communication transceivers and protocols. However, currently used protocols cannot operate efficiently when communication channels are highly erroneous. In this study, we show how average diversity combining (ADC) can be used in state-of-the-art low-power communication protocols. This novel approach improves transmission reliability and in consequence energy consumption and transmission latency in the presence of erroneous channels. Using a testbed, we show that highly erroneous channels are indeed a common occurrence in situations, where low-power systems are used and we demonstrate that ADC improves low-power communication dramatically.
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the adoption of emerging ubiquitous sensor network (USN) technologies for instrumentation within a variety of sustainability systems. USN is emerging as a sensing paradigm that is being newly considered by the sustainability management field as an alternative to traditional tethered monitoring systems. Researchers have been discovering that USN is an exciting technology that should not be viewed simply as a substitute for traditional tethered monitoring systems. In this study, we investigate how a movement monitoring measurement system of a complex building is developed as a research environment for USN and related decision-supportive technologies. To address the apparent danger of building movement, agent-mediated communication concepts have been designed to autonomously manage large volumes of exchanged information. In this study, we additionally detail the design of the proposed system, including its principles, data processing algorithms, system architecture, and user interface specifics. Results of the test and case study demonstrate the effectiveness of the USN-based data acquisition system for real-time monitoring of movement operations.
Pervasive healthcare aims to deliver deinstitutionalised healthcare services to patients anytime and anywhere. Pervasive healthcare involves remote data collection through mobile devices and sensor network which the data is usually in large volume, varied formats and high frequency. The nature of big data such as volume, variety, velocity and veracity, together with its analytical capabilities com-plements the delivery of pervasive healthcare. However, there is limited research in intertwining these two domains. Most research focus mainly on the technical context of big data application in the healthcare sector. Little attention has been paid to a strategic role of big data which impacts the quality of healthcare services provision at the organisational level. Therefore, this paper delivers a conceptual view of big data architecture for pervasive healthcare via an intensive literature review to address the aforementioned research problems. This paper provides three major contributions: 1) identifies the research themes of big data and pervasive healthcare, 2) establishes the relationship between research themes, which later composes the big data architecture for pervasive healthcare, and 3) sheds a light on future research, such as semiosis and sense-making, and enables practitioners to implement big data in the pervasive healthcare through the proposed architecture.
Drinking water distribution networks risk exposure to malicious or accidental contamination. Several levels of responses are conceivable. One of them consists to install a sensor network to monitor the system on real time. Once a contamination has been detected, this is also important to take appropriate counter-measures. In the SMaRT-OnlineWDN project, this relies on modeling to predict both hydraulics and water quality. An online model use makes identification of the contaminant source and simulation of the contaminated area possible. The objective of this paper is to present SMaRT-OnlineWDN experience and research results for hydraulic state estimation with sampling frequency of few minutes. A least squares problem with bound constraints is formulated to adjust demand class coefficient to best fit the observed values at a given time. The criterion is a Huber function to limit the influence of outliers. A Tikhonov regularization is introduced for consideration of prior information on the parameter vector. Then the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is applied that use derivative information for limiting the number of iterations. Confidence intervals for the state prediction are also given. The results are presented and discussed on real networks in France and Germany.
As redes de comunicação sem fios são uma área de grande desenvolvimento. As tecnologias progridem e criam-se novas oportunidades de implementação de novos dispositivos nesta área. Neste tipo de redes, encontram-se as redes de sensores sem fios (WSN- Wireless Sensor Networks), que são constituídas por vários dispositivos (Nós Sensores) que colaboram entre si, para recolher e encaminhar informação sobre um determinado fenómeno físico até uma estação base. A um outro nível, a preservação das obras de arte é uma preocupação fundamental de todos os Museus. Existe a necessidade de conservar ao máximo as características genuínas de cada artefacto. Para tal, torna-se essencial uma monitorização e controlo de alguns factores ambientais, que podem danificar ou alterar as características dos materiais. Essa monitorização é realizada nos museus da Madeira, mas de uma forma manual e recorrendo a aparelhos que são dispendiosos e um pouco arcaicos. Assim sendo, tornou-se necessário encontrar uma solução, para a realização dessa tarefa de uma forma automática e contínua. As WSN oferecem uma resposta para estas necessidades, surgindo assim o projecto WISE-MUSE, que visa a monitorização ambiental para a conservação de obras de arte e artigos históricos, através de redes sem fios.Portanto, este projecto de Mestrado em Telecomunicações e Redes tem como área de acção a camada física da arquitectura do sistema WISE-MUSE. Neste sentido, desenvolveu-se um conjunto de dispositivos electrónicos, para monitorização e controlo de factores climáticos no Museu de arte contemporânea do Funchal. A ligação entre dispositivos e transmissão dos dados recolhidos foi assegurada através da implementação de uma rede sem fios. Ao nível dos nós sensores construídos, os desenvolvimentos mais importantes tiveram como meta a minimização de custos, consumo energético e dimensões dos mesmos. Além dos sensores, foram desenvolvidos outros componentes da rede, nomeadamente dispositivos routers e um dispositivo que permite o controlo automático da humidade.
A integração de sensores em estruturas, máquinas e ambientes, juntamente com uma eficiente recolha e envio de informação, trazem elevados benefícios para as sociedades actuais. Nesse sentido, com a crescente importância que as redes sem fios (WSN) assumem no contexto da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos, principalmente ao nível das comunicações, é fundamental procedermos à exploração das suas diversas potencialidades nos mais variados âmbitos. Deste modo, as WSN podem ser aplicadas em diversas áreas: saúde, monitorização ambiental, segurança de edifícios, indústria, monitorização de tráfego, monitorização de terramotos ou outras catástrofes naturais. Assim surge o projecto WISE-MUSE (Environmental Monitoring based on Wireless Sensor Networks for conservation of artwork and historical archives), que visa a implementação de um conjunto de soluções que permitem a monitorização contínua e automática de parâmetros ambientais (luminosidade, humidade, temperatura e CO2) através de WSN em museus. Este projecto de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática situa-se no âmbito deste projecto WISE-MUSE e tem como intuito: (i) a extensão da plataforma de monitorização de modo a recolher os dados das portas de emergência; (ii) a implementação de um sistema de notificações e alarmes via SMS e E-mail; e (iii) o desenvolvimento da plataforma Web WISE-MUSE, que permita a visualização remota dos dados dos sensores e das portas de uma forma integrada e em tempo real.
Ensuring the dependability requirements is essential for the industrial applications since faults may cause failures whose consequences result in economic losses, environmental damage or hurting people. Therefore, faced from the relevance of topic, this thesis proposes a methodology for the dependability evaluation of industrial wireless networks (WirelessHART, ISA100.11a, WIA-PA) on early design phase. However, the proposal can be easily adapted to maintenance and expansion stages of network. The proposal uses graph theory and fault tree formalism to create automatically an analytical model from a given wireless industrial network topology, where the dependability can be evaluated. The evaluation metrics supported are the reliability, availability, MTTF (mean time to failure), importance measures of devices, redundancy aspects and common cause failures. It must be emphasized that the proposal is independent of any tool to evaluate quantitatively the target metrics. However, due to validation issues it was used a tool widely accepted on academy for this purpose (SHARPE). In addition, an algorithm to generate the minimal cut sets, originally applied on graph theory, was adapted to fault tree formalism to guarantee the scalability of methodology in wireless industrial network environments (< 100 devices). Finally, the proposed methodology was validate from typical scenarios found in industrial environments, as star, line, cluster and mesh topologies. It was also evaluated scenarios with common cause failures and best practices to guide the design of an industrial wireless network. For guarantee scalability requirements, it was analyzed the performance of methodology in different scenarios where the results shown the applicability of proposal for networks typically found in industrial environments
Even living in the XXI century are still some difficulties in access to broadband Internet in several Brazilian cities, due to the purchasing power of people and lack of government investment. But even with these difficulties, we seek to encourage the use of wireless technology, which is based on the IEEE 802.11b protocol - also known as Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Wireless Fidelity Communications, having wide range of commercial applications in the world market, nationally and internationally. In Brazil, this technology is in full operation in major cities and has proved attractive in relation to the access point to multipoint and point-to-point. This paper is a comparative analysis of prediction field, using models based on the prediction of propagation loss. To validate the techniques used here, the Okumura-Hata models, modified Okumura-Hata, Walfisch-Ikegami model, were applied to a wireless computer network, located in the neighborhood of Cajupiranga in the city of Melbourn, in Rio Grande do Norte . They are used for networking wireless 802.11b, using the Mobile Radio to measure signal levels, beyond the heights of the antennas and distances from the transmitter. The performance data versus distance are added to the graphs generated and compared with results obtained through calculations of propagation models
Traditional irrigation projects do not locally determine the water availability in the soil. Then, irregular irrigation cycles may occur: some with insufficient amount that leads to water deficit, other with excessive watering that causes lack of oxygen in plants. Due to the nonlinear nature of this problem and the multivariable context of irrigation processes, fuzzy logic is suggested to replace commercial ON-OFF irrigation system with predefined timing. Other limitation of commercial solutions is that irrigation processes either consider the different watering needs throughout plant growth cycles or the climate changes. In order to fulfill location based agricultural needs, it is indicated to monitor environmental data using wireless sensors connected to an intelligent control system. This is more evident in applications as precision agriculture. This work presents the theoretical and experimental development of a fuzzy system to implement a spatially differentiated control of an irrigation system, based on soil moisture measurement with wireless sensor nodes. The control system architecture is modular: a fuzzy supervisor determines the soil moisture set point of each sensor node area (according to the soil-plant set) and another fuzzy system, embedded in the sensor node, does the local control and actuates in the irrigation system. The fuzzy control system was simulated with SIMULINK® programming tool and was experimentally built embedded in mobile device SunSPOTTM operating in ZigBee. Controller models were designed and evaluated in different combinations of input variables and inference rules base
A Wireless Mesh Network (WMN - Wireless Mesh Network) IEEE 802.11s standard to become operational it is necessary to configure the parameters that meet the demands of its users, as regards, for example, the frequency channels, the power antennas, IPs addresses, meshID, topology, among others. This configuration can be done via a CLI (Command - Line Interface) or a remote interface provided by the equipment manufacturer, both are not standardized and homogeneous, like black boxes for the developers, a factor that hinders its operation and standardization. The WMN, as a new standard, is still in the testing phase, and tests are necessary to evaluate the performance of Path Discovery Protocol, as in this case of HWMP (Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol), which still has many shortcomings. The configuration and test creation in a WMN are not trivial and require a large workload. For these reasons this work presents the AIGA, a Management Integrated Environment for WMN IEEE 802.11s, which aims to manage and perform testbeds for analyzes of new Path Discovery Protocols in a WMN
Purpose: This paper describes proposed health care services innovations, provided by a system called CAALYX (Complete Ambient Assisted Living eXperiment). CAALYX aimed to provide healthcare innovation by extending the state-of-the-art in tele-healthcare, by focusing on increasing the confidence of elderly people living autonomously, by building on the knowledge base of the most common disorders and respective characteristic vital sign changes for this age group. Methods: A review of the state-of-the-art on health care services was carried out. Then, extensive research was conducted on the particular needs of the elderly in relation to home health services that, if offered to them, could improve their day life by giving them greater confidence and autonomy. To achieve this, we addressed issues associated with the gathering of clinical data and interpretation of these data, as well as possibilities of automatically triggering appropriate clinical measures. Considering this initial work we started the identification of initiatives, ongoing works and technologies that could be used for the development of the system. After that, the implementation of CAALYX was done. Findings: The innovation in CAALYX system considers three main areas of contribution: (i) The Roaming Monitoring System that is used to collect information on the well-being of the elderly users; (ii) The Home Monitoring System that is aimed at helping the elders independently living at home being implemented by a device (a personal computer or a set top box) that supports the connection of sensors and video cameras that may be used for monitoring and for interaction with the elder; (iii) The Central Care Service and Monitoring System that is implemented by a Caretaker System where attention and care services are provided to elders, where actors as Caretakers, Doctors and Relatives are logically linked to elders. Innovations in each of these areas are presented here. Conclusions: The ageing European society is placing an added burden on future generations, as the 'elderly-to-working-age-people' ratio is set to steadily increase in the future. Nowadays, quality of life and fitness allows for most older persons to have an active life well into their eighties. Furthermore, many older persons prefer to live in their own house and choose their own lifestyle. The CAALYX system can have a clear impact in increasing older persons' autonomy, by ensuring that they do not need to leave their preferred environment in order to be properly monitored and taken care of. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a special kind of ad-hoc networks that is usually deployed in a monitoring field in order to detect some physical phenomenon. Due to the low dependability of individual nodes, small radio coverage and large areas to be monitored, the organization of nodes in small clusters is generally used. Moreover, a large number of WSN nodes is usually deployed in the monitoring area to increase WSN dependability. Therefore, the best cluster head positioning is a desirable characteristic in a WSN. In this paper, we propose a hybrid clustering algorithm based on community detection in complex networks and traditional K-means clustering technique: the QK-Means algorithm. Simulation results show that QK-Means detect communities and sub-communities thus lost message rate is decreased and WSN coverage is increased. © 2012 IEEE.
The real-time monitoring of events in an industrial plant is vital, to monitor the actual conditions of operation of the machinery responsible for the manufacturing process. A predictive maintenance program includes condition monitoring of the rotating machinery, to anticipate possible conditions of failure. To increase the operational reliability it is thus necessary an efficient tool to analyze and monitor the equipments, in real-time, and enabling the detection of e.g. incipient faults in bearings. To fulfill these requirements some innovations have become frequent, namely the inclusion of vibration sensors or stator current sensors. These innovations enable the development of new design methodologies that take into account the ease of future modifications, upgrades, and replacement of the monitored machine, as well as expansion of the monitoring system. This paper presents the development, implementation and testing of an instrument for vibration monitoring, as a possible solution to embed in industrial environment. The digital control system is based on an FPGA, and its configuration with an open hardware design tool is described. Special focus is given to the area of fault detection in rolling bearings. © 2012 IEEE.
Uma das principais aplicações de ondas eletromagnéticas, na atualidade, na área de telecomunicações trata dos enlaces em sistemas móveis sem fio. Sejam estes terrestres (indoor/outdoor) ou via satélites, o projetista do sistema de telecomunicações tem que ser capaz de determinar os sistemas irradiantes, as potências envolvidas, a frequência de operação do sistema, a área de cobertura e os parâmetros de qualidade do serviço. O planejamento das novas redes de comunicações sem fio representa um grande desafio ao incluir serviços cada vez mais avançados com diferentes requisitos de qualidade, suporte a mobilidade, altas taxas de transmissão e capacidades elevadas de tráfego. Os diversos ambientes nos quais essas redes operam, os fenômenos associados produzem diversos efeitos no comportamento do sinal recebido e, consequentemente, uma variação no desempenho do enlace de comunicação entre os pontos de acesso, a rede e os usuários. Por conseguinte, esses efeitos devem ser avaliados corretamente, de tal forma que o dimensionamento da rede atenda aos requisitos de qualidade regulamentados. O presente trabalho objetiva estabelecer uma metodologia para o planejamento de redes de comunicação sem fio para ambientes indoor, considerando os parâmetros de qualidade de serviços e os efeitos da polarização das antenas. Foi proposto um modelo empírico para determinar a área de cobertura desse ambiente a partir de uma abordagem baseada em medições. Como resultado de campanhas de medições, foram identificados os principais parâmetros que interferem nas perdas no enlace de propagação, destacando-se os materiais envolvidos no ambiente bem como os efeitos da polarização das antenas transmissora, entre outros. Tais efeitos, avaliados corretamente, permitirão ao projetista da rede, de uma forma crítica e com base em dados obtidos em campo, definir a melhor configuração de parâmetros e critérios de projeto para a implantação de uma rede móvel de acesso sem fio. As medições para determinação dos parâmetros de cobertura e de qualidade de serviços foram realizadas no prédio do Laboratório de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação e no prédio de aulas do Instituto de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do Pará. Nas campanhas de medição foram utilizadas algumas frequências, escolhidas devido à importância dos serviços disponibilizados: 2,4 GHz - redes locais sem fio (WLAN’s); 3,5 GHz - Wimax licenciado; 5,85 GHz - Wimax livre e 10 GHz (a faixa de 9,8 a 10 GHz não está ainda regulamentada, de 10 - 10,15 GHz-radioamador (Resolução Anatel, Nº 452/2006 - D.O.U. de 20.12.2006) ou serviços de comunicações multimídias (SCM) para sistemas em banda larga). Os principais resultados obtidos com o modelo proposto foram avaliados e comparados com os principais modelos da literatura e mostraram que a metodologia adotada para o planejamento de redes de comunicação sem fio em ambientes indoor teve um bom desempenho.