698 resultados para aptidão papeleira
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The oxidized cassava starch is widely used in various industrial sectors, the major textile, paper and more recently by the food industry due to its characteristics, such as expansion property to baking. This study aimed to develop a modification of cassava starch by reaction with hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid, with two different types of drying, in the sun and in oven dried, in order to develop the expansion with increase of carboxyl groups and to evaluate differences between the types of drying and compare them with Expandex® starch and pre-gelatinized. The results indicated an increase in the rate of expansion of the modified starch dry in the sun, however the results of the content carboxylic groups haven't indicated the relationship with their rate expansion.
This study did evaluate the handgrip strength capacity of bull riding practitioners and recreational practitioners in order to obtain parameters of the muscular fitness of subjects undertaken this sports practice. Twenty right-handed subjects were grouped into bull riding athletes (10 individuals at AMT: 174.5 ± 5.2 cm of height, 78.9 ± 12 kg of body weight, 24.7 ± 6.1 years, and 13,8 ± 2.4% for body fat) and non-athletes (10 subjects n-AMR: 178.5 ± 7.3 cm of height, 81.2 ± 8.8kg of body weight, 21.7 ± 2.3 years, and 13.8 ± 1.9% of body fat). They were underwent to protocols of handgrip strength evaluation by a standard and specific dynamometry (simulating a bull riding posture) of right (DPD e DED) e left (DEP e DEE) hands. The dynamic force values from one repetition to maximum test (1RM) were either obtained in conventional load-based system for upper limbs exercises. The values were compared by the test-t for independent data, assuming ρ ≤ 0.05. The relationship between the values of strength from handgrip and dynamic exercises were drawn by Pearson correlation. The results of the AMT to DPD (43.8 ± 6.8kgf), DPE (39.4 ± 7.7kgf), DED (44.9 ± 5.6kgf), and DEE (39.8 ± 8.3kgf). For the n-AMT in DPD (47.0 ± 3.0kgf), DPE (42.2 ± 6.1kgf), DED (49.2 ± 1.5kgf), and DEE (46.2 ± 4.1kgf). Significant difference was observed between DED and DEE. The strength tests of 1RM at bench press (73.2 ± 12.0kg and 82.0 ± 12.0kg), arm-curl (45.2 ± 8.9kg and 43.8 ± 8.9kg), triceps pulley (67.0 ± 6.3kg and 72.0 ± 6.3kg), and pulley (73.5 ± 8.5kg and 73.7 ± 7.5kg) for groups n-AMT and AMT did not showed differences. Correlations were showed between all handgrip tests and elbow flexor force for AMT, and between DPD and elbow extensor, abductor, adductor and extensor of shoulder for n-AMT. influences to the performance of the force dynamometry. It could be concluded that handgrip force and dynamic strength of upper limbs did not were putative responses for bull riding practice.
A força de preensão manual tem sido relatada como determinante no desempenho de empunhadura em modalidades como lutas e escalada. Este estudo teve por propósito avaliar a aptidão de força isotônica máxima e de preensão manual em praticantes e não praticantes de montaria em touros, a fim de obter parâmetros de referência desta população. Foram avaliados 20 sujeitos em dois grupos, sendo 10 classificados como atletas de montaria e 10 não-atletas. A avaliação da força de preensão manual foi realizada em dinamômetro em posição convencional (DP) e específica (DE), com ambas as mãos (D e E). A força isotônica máxima foi determinada pelo teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM) e também foram obtidas medidas de circunferência dos segmentos, bem como a composição corporal por protocolo de dobras cutâneas. Os valores das variáveis foram comparados pelo teste-t (ρ ≤ 0,05) para dados independentes. As relações entre os valores de força e características antropométricas foram traçadas pelo coeficiente de Pearson. Os resultados para AMT em DPD (43.8±6.8 kgf), DPE (39.4±7.7 kgf), DED (44.9±5.6 kgf) e DEE (39.8±8.3 kgf) comparados aos apresentados por n-AMT em DPD (47.0±3.0 kgf), DPE (42.2±6.1 kgf), DED (49.2±1.5 kgf) e DEE (46.2±4.1 kgf) apresentaram diferenças apenas para DED e DEE. A força nos testes de 1RM (supino reto: 73.2±12.0 kg e 82.0±12.0 kg; rosca direta: 45.2±8.9 kg e 43.8±8.9 kg; tríceps pulley: 67.0±6.3 kg e 72.0±6.3 kg; e puxada posterior: 73.5±8.5 kg e 73.7±7.5 kg) não mostram diferenças entre os grupos. A influência sobre a dinamometria apresenta-se diferente entre os grupos, sendo relevante a força de flexão do cotovelo em AMT e a antropometria e força isotônica para n-AMT. Conclui-se que as características morfo-funcionais de membros superiores não demandam especificidade à montaria em touros.
A força de preensão manual tem sido relatada como determinante no desempenho de empunhadura em modalidades como lutas e escalada. Este estudo teve por propósito avaliar a aptidão de força isotônica máxima e de preensão manual em praticantes e não praticantes de montaria em touros, a fim de obter parâmetros de referência desta população. Foram avaliados 20 sujeitos em dois grupos, sendo 10 classificados como atletas de montaria e 10 não-atletas. A avaliação da força de preensão manual foi realizada em dinamômetro em posição convencional (DP) e específica (DE), com ambas as mãos (D e E). A força isotônica máxima foi determinada pelo teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM) e também foram obtidas medidas de circunferência dos segmentos, bem como a composição corporal por protocolo de dobras cutâneas. Os valores das variáveis foram comparados pelo teste-t (ρ ≤ 0,05) para dados independentes. As relações entre os valores de força e características antropométricas foram traçadas pelo coeficiente de Pearson. Os resultados para AMT em DPD (43.8±6.8 kgf), DPE (39.4±7.7 kgf), DED (44.9±5.6 kgf) e DEE (39.8±8.3 kgf) comparados aos apresentados por n-AMT em DPD (47.0±3.0 kgf), DPE (42.2±6.1 kgf), DED (49.2±1.5 kgf) e DEE (46.2±4.1 kgf) apresentaram diferenças apenas para DED e DEE. A força nos testes de 1RM (supino reto: 73.2±12.0 kg e 82.0±12.0 kg; rosca direta: 45.2±8.9 kg e 43.8±8.9 kg; tríceps pulley: 67.0±6.3 kg e 72.0±6.3 kg; e puxada posterior: 73.5±8.5 kg e 73.7±7.5 kg) não mostram diferenças entre os grupos. A influência sobre a dinamometria apresenta-se diferente entre os grupos, sendo relevante a força de flexão do cotovelo em AMT e a antropometria e força isotônica para n-AMT. Conclui-se que as características morfo-funcionais de membros superiores não demandam especificidade à montaria em touros.
The world’s population is having more and more difficulties in performing their daily activities and leisure, becoming, this way, more sedentary. Sedentary lifestyle can be considered as a reduction or as a lack of physical activity, less than the minimum volume suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Physical activity changes the behavior and some environmental acts. This study aimed to identify the NAF of students in the area of Physical Education and Healt Nursing and compare it with identified students’ levels non-health areas, being Production Engineer and Pedagogy. Aimed to correlate the found volume of 15 participants, with the state of cardio respiratory fitness (VO2max). The study included 125 students of both sexes from a university located in São Paulo state country. We conducted a cross-sectional study from August to October of 2012. For the initial test of the volume of physical activity we used the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) long version. In order of assessing cardio respiratory fitness, the Katch and McArdle seat test (1981) was used. Data were analyzed according to Physical Activity Level (PAL) presented by the university students in sessions 1, 2, 3, 4 of the IPAQ, and 15 students’ results were correlated with VO2max test. From these results we can say that: IPAQ session 1 showed that students in the health area are statistically superior to the non-health students area to the high-active classification. In session 2 the results were significant and superior to the health area and very active in sedentary classification. The session 3 results were very similar to session 1, showing that the health area as high-active with statistics differences. In session 4 we can see very significant results for health area in high-active areas and irregular actives. A total of 4 sessions found significant results for very active and sedentary. When was the attempt of association between levels 15 participants found the IPAQ long version and test bank VO2max, the results showed no significant association. The results of this study show a need for policies to encourage physical activity in the University environment, emphasizing a greater need for students who do not work in healthcare.
Although the use of countertransference is a controversial topic and the debate on the participation of the analyst’s mind may go back to the old conception of aptness for the analytical task based on personality or psychological makeup, the fact is that the psychoanalyst’s education involves the elaboration of his unconscious conflicts, turning conscious the pathways of his desire and his symptoms through a process of personal analysis and a long theoretical and technical training in the field of psychoanalysis. This study is a literature review based on studies about the maternal function, which aims at showing the path of recovery of countertransference in psychoanalytic theory and technique and the implication of the analyst’s abilities in the analytical process. This development is tributary of the appreciation of maternal function as a model for interpersonal and therapeutic relationship in Psychoanalysis, due to the paradigm of object relations in the British psychoanalytic tradition, being Donald W. Winnicott and Wilfred R. Bion two of its main authors.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)