992 resultados para animal feeding
La nutrició animal a la Unió Europea (UE) ha estat afectada per vàries crisis, com la de les vaques boges (encefalopatia bovina espongiforme) (BSE), les hormones a la carn, la contaminació per les dioxines, els Organismes Genèticament Modificats (GMO) i l’ús d’antibiòtics com a promotors de creixement (AMGP). Des dels anys 70, la producció animal a la UE ha estat encaminada a buscar regulacions legals per a millorar la seva seguretat i eficàcia. Si més no, durant els últims cinc anys, casos com la BSE i d’altres han col·locat al sector en primera línia de les notícies, la qual cosa ha trencat la confiança dels consumidors en el consum de carn. Aquesta presentació intentarà explicar per què i com la UE està tractant aquests temes i què és el que el sector està fent per recobrar la confiança dels consumidors. La intenció és respondre a algunes qüestions que preocupen al sector, com per exemple: La producció animal europea, és menys segura que les altres? Per què les regulacions legals són més exigents per a nutrició animal que per als humans? El sector s’està preguntant si aquesta crisi pot produir un nou model europeu de producció animal. Finalment, l’actual sistema de ramaderia s’haurà de discutir: quantitat o qualitat.
La distribución de alimentos líquidos al ganado porcino es un sistema alternativo en el cual el alimento se prepara y distribuye a través de un equipo totalmente informatizado y automatizado. Además de materias primas y piensos permite también el uso de co-productos líquidos de la industria agroalimentaria o productos fermentados. Su utilización evita el coste de su transformación o eliminación permitiendo rebajar el coste de producción del cerdo porque su precio es altamente competitivo. La aplicación de alimentos líquidos fermentados tiene efectos benéficos sobre el epitelio intestinal, la microflora digestiva y el estado sanitario de los lechones, reduciendo la morbilidad y aumentando los resultados de crecimiento. Este sistema de alimentación facilita igualmente la aplicación de programas multifase ajustando diariamente el aporte a las necesidades en nutrientes del cerdo reduciendo la excreción (N, P, metales pesados) y con ello, el riesgo de contaminación medioambiental. The distribution of liquid diets for swine is an alternative system where feed is prepared and distributed by an automatic computerized device. In addition to feedstuffs and complementary dry feed, this system allows the use of fresh or fermented agri-food liquid by-products. These products are cheaper and its use as feed avoids the cost of its transformation or elimination, reducing the environmental load and the cost per kg of pig meat. The fermented liquid feed protects the intestinal epithelium, helps to control digestive microflora and animal health improving piglet growth performance after weaning. This feeding device also helps implementation of multiphase feeding programs, adjusting nutrient supplies to requirements daily, and consequently reducing the nutrient excretion (N, P, heavy metals) and the risk of environmental pollution.
To determine in influence of feeding, lighting and time of day on the copulating behavior of Panstrongylus megistus, 480 insect pairs were divided into four groups of 120 each and tested in the following respective situations: without food deprivation (F.D.), with five days of F.D., with ten days of F.D., and with 20 days of F. D. The tests were performed between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., with light (700-1400 lux) and in the dark (1.4-2.8 lux) and behavior was recorded by the time sampling technique. Mating spped (MS) and duration of copulation (DC) were also calculated for each situation. The maximum frequency of copulation was observed after five days of F.D., at night, in the dark (n = 16), and the minimum was observed for recently-fed pairs, at night, with light (n = 4). Males approached females more often than females approached males. MS was lowest in pairs with twenty days of F.D., at night, with light (X = 23.0 ± 16.0 minutes), and highest in recently-fed pairs, during the day, with light (X = 2.9 ± 2.5 minutes). DC was shortest in recently-fed insects, during the day, in the dark (X = 23.5 ± 6.7 minutes), and longest in recently-fed animals, at night, in the dark (X = 38.3 ± 6.9 minutes).
Experimental techniques that we have found useful during our studies of insect blood-feeding behaviour are reviewed. Some of the principal findings resulting from these techniques are discussed. Where directly applicable, the work of others is included, but no complete review of the subject has been attempted.
This paper continues a discussion of approaches and methodologies we have used in our studies of feeding in haematophagous insects. Described are techniques for directly monitoring behaviour: electrical recording of feeding behaviour via resistance changes in the food canal, optical methods for monitoring mouthpart activity, and a computer technique for behavioural event recording. Also described is the use of "flow charts" or "decision diagrams" to model interrelated sequences of behaviours.
On hundred milk or colostrum samples from 78 mothers with chronic Chagas' disease were parasitologically studied for Trypanosoma cruzi infection by means of direct examination and inoculation of mice. The mice were submitted to direct bllod examination three times a week. At the end of 45 days, xenodiagnosis and indirect immunofluorescent test (IFAT) for T. cruzi antibodies were carried out in the animals. No parasitized sample was observed even though five mothers had parasitemia at milk collection. In addition, 97 breast-fed children of chronic chagasic mothers, born free of infection, were tested for IgG antibodies to T. cruzi using IFAT. No case of T. cruzi infection was detected. The authors conclude that breast-feeding should not be avoided for children for chronic chagasic women. However, as these mothers had intermittent parasitemia, they should avoid nursing when there is nipple bleeding.
Résumé: Introduction : L'utilisation de méthodes endoscopiques peu invasives est en constante augmentation pour le traitement des lésions tumorales précoces de l'oesophage. Le but du traitement comprend l'éradication complète de tous les foyers de dysplasie ou de carcinome in situ, notamment dans les métaplasies intestinales de l'oesophage de Barrett, qui peuvent dégénérer en adénocarcinome. Plusieurs techniques d'ablation de la muqueuse oesophagienne (laser, argon plasma, electrocoagulation, photothérapie dynamique, résection endoscopique) ont été utilisées jusqu'à présent, mais aucune n'a vraiment donné entière satisfaction. Les techniques actuelles de résections endoscopiques par fibroscopie sont entre autres limitées par le grand nombre de séances nécessaires à l'éradication complète de la lésion et par la petite taille des fragments de muqueuse obtenus, ce qui rend l'analyse histologique difficile. Dans notre étude animale, nous avons évalué la faisabilité, l'efficacité et la sécurité d'une méthode de résection endoscopique à l'aide d'un nouvel oesophagoscope rigide. Matériel et méthode : Le résectoscope est formé d'un oesophagoscope rigide avec une fenêtre distale transparente à travers laquelle la muqueuse et une partie de la sous-muqueuse sont aspirées et ensuite réséquées avec une anse thermique. Les diverses fenêtres utilisées ont une taille comprise entre 2.2 et 4.4 cm. Le mouton a été choisi en raison de la ressemblance de son oesophage avec celui de l'humain en ce qui concerne l'épaisseur de son oesophage et sa structure histologique. Nous avons effectué 55 résections hémi-circonférentielles sur 21 animaux et 11 résections circonférentielles sur 11 autres. La Mitomycine-C, une substance qui inhibe la prolifération fibroblastique, a été utilisée dans 8 résections circonférentielles à différents intervalles de temps afin d'empêcher la survenue de sténoses oesophagiennes. Résultats : Toutes les résections hémi-circonférentielles ont permis d'obtenir des fragments compacts de tissu avec des bords nets, ce qui permet une excellente étude histologique. La surface du tissu prélevé était en corrélation avec la taille de la fenêtre du resectoscope. Nous avons ainsi pu obtenir des fragments avec des dimensions comprises entre 6 et 12 cm2. Pour les résections circonférentielles, les tissus étaient obtenus en 2 parties, en inversant de 180° la position de l'appareil. La profondeur de la résection a été optimale dans 58 cas sur 65 avec une découpe précise au niveau de la sous-muqueuse sans lésion de la couche musculaire sous- jacente. Il n'y a pas eu de complications après les résections hémi-circonférentielles. Les complications engendrées par les résections circonférentielles (sténose, perforation) n'ont plus été rencontrées après application locale de Mitomycine-C administrée à des intervalles de temps bien précis. Conclusion : Notre méthode de résection endoscopique de la muqueuse oesophagienne offre une nouvelle approche très prometteuse par rapport aux options déjà disponibles. Elle apparaît supérieure en ce qui concerne la taille de tissu prélevé, la précision et régularité de la profondeur de résection, ainsi que la facilité et sûreté du diagnostic histologique et des marges de sécurité. Les résections hémi-circonférentielles se sont révélées sûres chez le modèle animal. Cette nouvelle technique mérite de plus amples investigations pour les résections circonférentielles avant son utilisation chez l'humain. Abstract: Background and Study Aims: We undertook this retrospective study to evaluate the frequency and prognosis of endoscopic treatment of laterally spreading tumors (LSTs) in the rectum. The recurrence rate for lesions of the lower rectum was compared with that of the upper rectum. Patients and Methods: During the period from July 1989 to June 2002, a total of 1237 rectal tumors were detected. LSTs accounted for 6.9% (85/1237) of all rectal tumors. A total of 224 tumors of the lower rectum were detected among the 1237 rectal tumors. LSTs accounted for 16.1 % (36/224) of all the lower rectal tumors. From 85 LST lesions, 67 were evaluated for their prognosis after endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). Patients whose LSTs had been resected were followed up by endoscopy at the following frequencies: once 15 (22.4%); twice (more than 1 year), 20 (29.9%); three times (more than 3 years), 21(31.3%); and four times or more (more than 5 years), 11 (16.4%). Results: A total of 67 patients with endoscopically treated LSTs were followed up by endoscopy. We observed recurrences in two lesions of the upper rectum (2/38, 5.3%) and five lesions of the lower rectum (5/29, 17.2%) (P = 0.2364); all seven lesions were resected piecemeal. LSTs whose horizontal margin reached the pectinate line frequently recurred in the lower rectum, at a rate of 80% (4/5). However, all patients were completely cured by additional endoscopic resections, the greatest number of treatments being four. Conclusion: For early detection of recurrence and successful endoscopic cure, further colonoscopic examination within a few months after the first treatment is necessary.
Bone defects in revision knee arthroplasty are often located in load-bearing regions. The goal of this study was to determine whether a physiologic load could be used as an in situ osteogenic signal to the scaffolds filling the bone defects. In order to answer this question, we proposed a novel translation procedure having four steps: (1) determining the mechanical stimulus using finite element method, (2) designing an animal study to measure bone formation spatially and temporally using micro-CT imaging in the scaffold subjected to the estimated mechanical stimulus, (3) identifying bone formation parameters for the loaded and non-loaded cases appearing in a recently developed mathematical model for bone formation in the scaffold and (4) estimating the stiffness and the bone formation in the bone-scaffold construct. With this procedure, we estimated that after 3 years mechanical stimulation increases the bone volume fraction and the stiffness of scaffold by 1.5- and 2.7-fold, respectively, compared to a non-loaded situation.
An important point in paleoparasitology is the correct diagnosis of the origin of coprolites found in archaelogical sites. The identification of human and animal coprolites, through the study of the shape, size, charactheristics after rehydration, alimentary contents, and the presence of parasites, has proved to be accurate for human coprolites. For non-human ones we compared coprolites with recent faeces of animals collected near the archaeological sites, following the methodology above mentioned. In this paper anteaters coprolites (Tamandua tetradactyla; Mymecophaga tridactyla) with eggs of Gigantorhynchus echinodiscus (Archiancanthocephala; Gigantorynchidae) were identified.