590 resultados para ambrosia gall
L’informazione in campo ambientale assume un’importanza fondamentale in relazione all’obiettivo di accrescere il livello di consapevolezza e di sensibilità in relazione al concetto di ambiente, sia al fine di promuovere comportamenti coerenti con il principio di sviluppo sostenibile, sia per contribuire allo sviluppo di una responsabilità individuale e collettiva. Le tecnologie mobili nascono e si evolvono a partire dalla necessità dell’uomo di espandere i propri limiti e dall’esigenza di avere la possibilità di comunicare e accedere alle informazioni in maniera diretta e immediata. L'utilizzo di dispositivi mobili, quali smartphone e tablet, è in netta crescita in tutte le categorie di utenza e nei differenti contesti sociali. Possedere un dispositivo mobile dotato di accesso alla rete internet permette di avere il sapere a portata di mano e di comunicare con utenti in tutto il modo senza barriere fisiche e temporali. Inoltre, possono essere strumenti di grande aiuto, sia nel campo lavorativo che nel tempo libero, grazie all’utilizzo di innumerevoli applicazioni create ad hoc per l'acquisizione di informazioni e la loro fruizione. L’aspirazione del progetto, inserito nel Sistema di Comunicazione, Informazione e Diffusione dell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità della Sicilia, è la realizzazione di una applicazione che permetta ai visitatori di approfondire e consolidare i luoghi e forme della conoscenza offerti, durante la visita dell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità Regione Sicilia, dal personale qualificato rivestito dalle figure di ricercatori e tecnologi dell’IAMC CNR della sede di Capo Granitola. Gli scopi principali sono la comunicazione, l’informazione e l’educazione per lo sviluppo di conoscenze e sensibilità sul tema della Biodiversità per spronare gli utenti alla salvaguardia del territorio, rendendo facilmente accessibile l’approfondimento dei concetti riguardanti numerose specie e habitat del nostro territorio, attraverso una dimensione scientifica di stampo ludico.
Il progetto all’interno del quale si è inserita l' attività "Sperimentare in acquacoltura il novellame di Sardina pilchardus" è il Progetto Ritmare (La Ricerca Italiana per il Mare). Il progetto Ritmare è un progetto strategico per la ricerca sul mare in Italia, che vuole coniugare le risorse ambientali del mare con l’uso connesso alle attività produttive e allo sfruttamento energetico delle sue risorse, sviluppando tecnologie ed innovazione e, al tempo stesso, promuovendone la sua conoscenza e il rispetto. In tale contesto il progetto mira a sperimentare in acquacoltura il novellame di sardina, prodotto agroalimentare tradizionalmente consumato e molto richiesto nei paesi rivieraschi del Mediterraneo. ll novellame per anni è stato pescato in modo puntuale ma per la bassissima sostenibilità e per l’impatto sugli stock adulti, la comunità europea ne ha deciso la sospensione. Il progetto vuole tentare di reintegrare il prodotto sul mercato attraverso una produzione sostenibile, evitando la perdita culturale. Saranno indagate le caratteristiche organolettiche del prodotto per promuoverne il consumo e verificate le ricadute industriali attraverso la realizzazione di un Business plan.
Apparitions of empire and imperial ideologies were deeply embedded in the International Exhibition, a distinct exhibitionary paradigm that came to prominence in the mid-nineteenth century. Exhibitions were platforms for the display of objects, the movement of people, and the dissemination of ideas across and between regions of the British Empire, thereby facilitating contact between its different cultures and societies. This thesis aims to disrupt a dominant understanding of International Exhibitions, which forwards the notion that all exhibitions, irrespective of when or where they were staged, upheld a singular imperial discourse (i.e. Greenhalgh 1988, Rydell 1984). Rather, this thesis suggests International Exhibitions responded to and reflected the unique social, political and economic circumstances in which they took place, functioning as cultural environments in which pressing concerns of the day were worked through. Understood thus, the International Exhibition becomes a space for self-presentation, serving as a stage from which a multitude of interests and identities were constructed, performed and projected. This thesis looks to the visual and material culture of the International Exhibition in order to uncover this more nuanced history, and foregrounds an analysis of the intersections between practices of exhibition-making and identity-making. The primary focus is a set of exhibitions held in Glasgow in the late-1880s and early-1900s, which extends the geographic and temporal boundaries of the existing scholarship. What is more, it looks at representations of Canada at these events, another party whose involvement in the International Exhibition tradition has gone largely unnoticed. Consequently, this thesis is a thematic investigation of the links between a municipality routinely deemed the ‘Second City of the Empire’ and a Dominion settler colony, two types of geographic setting rarely brought into dialogue. It analyses three key elements of the exhibition-making process, exploring how iconographies of ‘quasi-nationhood’ were expressed through an exhibition’s planning and negotiation, its architecture and its displays. This original research framework deliberately cuts across strata that continue to define conceptions of the British Empire, and pushes beyond a conceptual model defined by metropole and colony. Through examining International Exhibitions held in Glasgow in the late-Victorian and Edwardian periods, and visions of Canada in evidence at these events, the goal is to offer a novel intervention into the existing literature concerning the cultural history of empire, one that emphasises fluidity rather than fixity and which muddles the boundaries between centre and periphery.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is known to involve the gastrointestinal tract, but gallbladder involvement is rare. The authors report the case of a 26-year-old postpartum female who presented with acute right upper quadrant abdominal pain and was diagnosed with acute acalculous cholecystitis (AAC). In the presence of concomitant features of nephritis, pericardial effusion, anaemia and positive ANA titre, the diagnosis of SLE was confirmed during hospitalisation. Histopathological analysis of the gall bladder revealed evidence of vasculitis. Although rare, AAC can be the first presentation of patients diagnosed with SLE. Prompt diagnosis and management results in a better patient outcome.
Over the past decade Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) techniques have been applied to the measurement of numerous analytes. In this article, an SPR biosensor system deployed from an oceanographic vessel was used to measure dissolved domoic acid (DA), a common and harmful phycotoxin produced by certain microalgae species belonging to the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. During the biosensor deployment, concentrations of Pseudo-nitzschia cells were very low over the study area and measured DA concentrations were below detection. However, the in situ operational detection limit of the system was established using calibrated seawater solutions spiked with DA. The system could detect the toxin at concentrations as low as 0.1 ng mL−1 and presented a linear dynamic range from 0.1 ng mL−1 to 2.0 ng mL−1. This sensor showed promise for in situ detection of DA.
Depuis 1992, la surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins du littoral français est assurée par le réseau de Pathologie des Mollusques (Repamo). Ses activités s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la Directive Européenne 2006/88/CE. Depuis son évaluation par la plateforme nationale d’épidémiosurveillance en santé animale en 2012, l’objectif de surveillance est la détection précoce des infections dues à des organismes pathogènes exotiques et émergents affectant les mollusques marins sauvages et d’élevage. L’année 2015 est la première année de transition pour laquelle un début d’évolution des modalités de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins animées par l’Ifremer a été amorcé. Un dispositif hybride de surveillance a été mis en place, s’appuyant sur l’existant et intégrant des débuts d’évolution. La surveillance événementielle a constitué l’activité principale du dispositif en 2015 et s’est appuyée sur des réseaux existants : (1) la surveillance des mortalités observées sur des animaux sentinelles déployés sur les sites ateliers des réseaux Ifremer RESCO 2 (12 sites) pour l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas et MYTILOBS 2 (8 sites) pour la moule bleue Mytilus edulis. Pour l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas, la mortalité cumulée moyenne était de 50,3% (écart-type 10,9%) pour le naissain standardisé Ifremer (NSI), de 11,0% (écart-type 9,1%) pour les huîtres de 18 mois et de 7,3% (écart-type 5,6%) pour les huîtres de 30 mois. Les mortalités ont été observées principalement entre le début du mois de mai et la mi-juillet. Lors de ces épisodes de mortalité, des prélèvements d’animaux ont été réalisés en vue d’analyses diagnostiques : 7 prélèvements pour le NSI, 2 pour les huîtres de 18 mois et 1 pour les huîtres de 30 mois. Aucun agent réglementé n’a été détecté dans les échantillons d’huîtres creuses prélevés et analysés. Le virus OsHV-1 a été détecté dans les 7 échantillons analysés de NSI, dans 2 échantillons analysés d’huîtres de 18 mois et dans 1 échantillon analysé d’huîtres de 30 mois. La bactérie Vibrio aestuarianus a été détectée dans 5 échantillons analysés de NSI, dans 1 échantillon d’huîtres de 18 mois et dans 1’échantillon d’huîtres de 30 mois. Pour la moule bleue Mytilus edulis, des mortalités cumulées variant de 9% sur le site du Vivier à 51% sur le site des filières du Pertuis Breton ont été estimées. Les mortalités ont été observées au printemps sur des moules âgées d’une année et en automne sur des moules plus jeunes. Lors de ces épisodes de mortalités, des prélèvements d’animaux ont été réalisés en vue d’analyses diagnostiques : 2 prélèvements pour les moules d’une année et 1 pour les jeunes moules. Ces prélèvements ont eu lieu dans le Pertuis Breton. Aucun agent réglementé n’a été détecté dans les échantillons de moules prélevés et analysés. Des bactéries du groupe Splendidus ont été détectées dans les 3 échantillons de moules analysés. (2) la surveillance s’appuyant sur les déclarations de mortalités de mollusques par les conchyliculteurs et pêcheurs à pied professionnels auprès des Directions départementales des territoires et de la mer (DDTM). Cette modalité s’applique aux huîtres creuses et aux moules bleues lorsqu’il n’existe pas de site atelier RESCO 2 ou MYTILOBS 2 dans la zone où des mortalités sont déclarées par les conchyliculteurs ou pêcheurs à pied. Le réseau REPAMO 2 a réalisé 22 interventions, dont 15 pour les moules Mytilus edulis, 4 pour les coques Cerastoderma edule, 2 pour les palourdes Ruditapes sp. et 1pour les coquilles saint Jacques Pecten maximus. La recherche d’agents infectieux dans ces espèces de mollusques prélevés lors de hausse de mortalité a permis de mettre en évidence les parasites réglementés Perkinsus olseni dans 1 lot de palourdes, et Marteilia refringens dans 4 lots de moules, ainsi que le virus OsHV-1 dans 1 lot de palourdes et 1 lot de coques, la bactérie Vibrio aestuarianus dans 3 lots de coques, et des bactéries du groupe Splendidus dans 3 lots de coques et dans 13 lots de moules. L’année 2015 a également permis la démonstration sur un site atelier d’un exercice de surveillance programmée, ciblée et fondée sur les risques d’introduction et d’installation d’un organisme pathogène exotique. Elle a concerné le parasite Mikrocytos mackini de l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas, sur un site atelier de la Charente-Maritime, suivi par le réseau RESCO 2. Le parasite Mikrocytos mackini n’a pas été détecté. En revanche, le parasite Marteilia refringens a été détecté dans ¾ des prélèvements d’huîtres réalisés. Dans le cadre du soutien scientifique et technique de l’évolution de la surveillance événementielle, l’année 2015 a également permis de poursuivre la démarche relative aux développements méthodologiques en lien avec la surveillance événementielle des mortalités de mollusques marins. Une étude de faisabilité de la recherche prospective de regroupements spatio-temporels d’événements de mortalités d’huîtres creuses a été préparée en collaboration avec tous les acteurs de la santé des mollusques marins en Normandie. Un outil de collecte et d’analyse des données de signalements des mortalités, automatisé, simple d’utilisation et flexible, a été élaboré.
The linked concepts of 'microbial loop' and 'protozoan trophic link' have been very well documented in filter-feeding microzooplankton such as copepods, but have not been applied to energy transfer to benthic suspension-feeding macrofauna, with the exception of the recent demonstration of heterotrophic flagellate assimilation by mussels. The oyster Crassostrea gigas obtains energy resources by filtering microalgae (similar to 5 to 100 mu m). However, in turbid estuaries, light-limited phytoplanktonic production cannot entirely account for oyster energy requirements. Conversely, picoplankters (<2 mu m), which are main effecters of coastal energy flow and matter cycling, are not efficiently retained by oyster filtration. Ciliate protozoal as both micro-sized cells (similar to 5 to 100 run) and bacteria grazers, may represent a major intermediary in trophic transfer between picoplankton and metazoa. The ciliate Uronema was intensely cultured and labelled, using the cyanobacteria Synechococcus as an auto-fluorescent biomarker. The labelled ciliates were offered as potential prey to oysters. We report here the first experimental evidence of a significant retention and ingestion of ciliates by oysters, supporting the role of protozoa as a realistic trophic link between picoplankters and filter-feeding bivalves and thus enhancing their potential importance in estuarine microbial food webs.
Resuspension of the top few sediment layers of tidal mud flats is known to enhance planktonic biomass of microbiota (benthic diatoms and bacteria). This process is mainly controlled by tidal shear stress and cohesiveness of mud, and is also influenced by bioturbation activities. Laboratory experiments in a race track flume were performed to test the interactive effects of these factors on both the critical entrainment and resuspension kinetics of microbiota from silt-clay sediments from the Marennes-Oleron Bay, France. The marine snail Hydrobia ulvae was used to mimic surface bioturbation activities. As expected, the kinetics of microbial resuspension versus shear stress were largely controlled by the cohesiveness of silt-clay sediments. However, our results indicate that the effect of surface tracking by H. ulvae on microbial resuspension was clearly dependent on the interaction between sediment cohesiveness and shear velocity. Evidence was also found that microphytobenthos and bacteria are not simultaneously resuspended from silt-clay bioturbated sediments. This supports the theory that diatoms within the easily eroded mucus matrix behave actively and bacteria adhering to fine silt particles eroded at higher critical shear velocities behave passively.
Bluefin tuna is particularly concerned in the project of tuna rearing in the Mediterranean sea. However there are no reasons to neglect the other tuna species of the Mediterranean sea which present an interesting material for the development of the research on tuna cultivation.
A nautical drone was designed for the monitoring of estuarine and coastal waters in the context of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) to : - go up to 500 m off the coastline in less than 5 minutes, - perform in situ measurements (temperature, salinity, turbidity), - collect water samples for later analysis in the laboratory (phytoplankton identification, chlorophyll, nutrients, ...).
Los peces cebra son utilizados como modelo biológico para screening primario de extractos de plantas con potencial bioactividad, aprovechando sus similitudes: genética, fisiológica y respuesta farmacológica con los mamíferos. En el estudio se empleó este modelo para valorar la actividad antiinflamatoria de 36 extractos metanólicos de plantas medicinales utilizadas en las provincias de Azuay y Loja (Ecuador). Parte del material vegetal fue recolectado con el aporte de una hierbatera de etnia Saraguro. Los extractos fueron preparados por percolación y su toxicidad fue evaluada en peces cebra en concentraciones variables de 400 a 3,125 μg/ml, determinándose la máxima concentración tolerada para cada uno de ´estos. La actividad antiinflamatoria se evaluó a través del ensayo de migración leucocitaria inducida por lipopolisacárido de Sallmonella typhi. Los extractos de: Cestrum aff. peruvianum, Galinsoga parviflora, Galium sp., Oenothera tetraptera, Peperomia aff. galioides , Passiflora ampullaceae y Ambrosia arborescens, correspondientes al 18,92% de los analizados, mostraron un potencial antiinflamatorio comparable con indometacina y dexametasona; siendo el extracto metanólico de Cestrum aff. peruvianum el más relevante a 50 g/ml. El análisis fitoquímico básico de los extractos se realizó por cromatografía de capa fina, evidenciándose la presencia de saponinas y terpenoidoes como compuestos principales en la mayoría de los extractos.
Plants belonging to Berberis are reported in several folklore medicinal pharmacopeias and are used in traditional medicines in Asia and European countries. The plants have been used in the preparation of various traditional and synthetic medicines since pre-historic times for wound healing, fever, eye disease, jaundice, vomiting during pregnancy, rheumatism, kidney and gall balder stones, and several other illnesses. Their healing properties are appear to be due to the presence of secondary metabolites and important alkaloids with different pharmacological activities. Their antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-diabetic, and anti-tumor activities as well as positive effects on the cardiovascular and body immune systems have been reported. Root extracts of some species of the plant genus contain quinine which acts as a powerful anti-malarial agent. The main chemical constituents of Berberis plants are alkaloids, steroids, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, terpenoids and reducing sugars. Of these alkaloids, berberine is the most important. The present review focuses on recent advances in phytopharmacological and ethnomedicinal uses of plants belonging to Berberis genus.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2016.