897 resultados para academically qualified
This study aimed to describe how to evaluate and quantify the ergonomic satisfaction level of dental clinics rooms. Requirements for design, production and selection of dental equipment as described in ISO/TC-106/SC-6-N-411, support more comprehensive studies for an ergonomic evaluation and ergo design of the dental workstations. It was created a checklist of ergonomics requirements which is supported by Standards ISO/FDI and acquired by mean of a literature review. According to information exposed at the document of the Ergonomics Society of Dental Ergonomics - ESDE we can consider that the elaboration of an ergonomic evaluation protocol regard to the dental workstation is an important demand for the ergonomics, particularly in relation to the performance of the ergonomic design which presents qualified to assist to dental equipment manufactures. By this means, the identification of the evaluation factors pointed in ISO/TC 106/SC 6 N 411 offers the basic information to the process of elaboration of this protocol addressed by the described general guidelines.
A análise do quadro geral da inserção profissional dos egressos é uma forma inequívoca para avaliação de Programas de Pós-Graduação no que tange à qualidade de sua formação e preparo de profissionais gabaritados para o mercado de trabalho. Este artigo relata a experiência pioneira do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia- UNESP/ Rio Claro (SP) na construção de instrumentos de avaliação a partir da procedência, formação acadêmica e destino profissional dos egressos, nos níveis de Mestrado e Doutorado, no período de 1980-2008. Os resultados foram resumidos em gráficos e mapas e são elementos importantes para mostrar o desenvolvimento e a disseminação da ciência geográfica no Brasil e no exterior. A metodologia utilizada revelou-se extremamente eficaz, podendo ser utilizada por qualquer Programa, com as devidas adaptações, para avaliar tanto sua realidade quando sua extensão.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A neuropsicologia investiga a expressão comportamental das disfunções cerebrais, isto é, a interação entre estruturas cerebrais preservadas e prejudicadas e as funções cognitivas, tais como linguagem, memória, atenção e outras. A neuropsicologia pediátrica possui especificidades: maturação, estratégias cognitivas, ensino formal e cultura, e características intrínsecas à reorganização cerebral. O objetivo da reabilitação neuropsicológica é estabelecer estratégias para adaptação de funções cognitivas afetadas em relação às demandas do ambiente da criança. A reabilitação cognitiva pediátrica auxilia crianças com deficiência mental, epilepsia, traumatismo craniencefálico, síndromes autísticas, tumores cerebrais, paralisia cerebral, etc. Programas de reabilitação neuropsicológica podem ser voltados para dificuldades acadêmicas ou para funções cognitivas. A investigação da efetividade de programas de reabilitação depende de diversos fatores. O neuropsicólogo deve contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de reabilitação cognitiva, ser qualificado para o uso das mesmas e partilhar, com a equipe interdisciplinar, as técnicas e experiências efetivas.
Evaluating the technical impacts associated with connecting distributed generation to distribution networks is a complex activity requiring a wide range of network operational and security effects to be qualified and quantified. One means of dealing with such complexity is through the use of indices that indicate the benefit or otherwise of connections at a given location and which could be used to shape the nature of the contract between the utility and distributed generator. This paper presents a multiobjective performance index for distribution networks with distributed generation which considers a wide range of technical issues. Distributed generation is extensively located and sized within the IEEE-34 test feeder, wherein the multiobjective performance index is computed for each configuration. The results are presented and discussed.
In the last decade, distributed generation, with its various technologies, has increased its presence in the energy mix presenting distribution networks with challenges in terms of evaluating the technical impacts that require a wide range of network operational effects to be qualified and quantified. The inherent time-varying behavior of demand and distributed generation (particularly when renewable sources are used), need to be taken into account since considering critical scenarios of loading and generation may mask the impacts. One means of dealing with such complexity is through the use of indices that indicate the benefit or otherwise of connections at a given location and for a given horizon. This paper presents a multiobjective performance index for distribution networks with time-varying distributed generation which consider a number of technical issues. The approach has been applied to a medium voltage distribution network considering hourly demand and wind speeds. Results show that this proposal has a better response to the natural behavior of loads and generation than solely considering a single operation scenario.
The objective of this study was to characterize the fish farms located in the lowland micro region in Cuiaba, MT, through interviews with 26 selected farmers which represent the universe of fish farms that are active. Qualitative data were subjected to statistical Chi-square test to diagnose the existence of correlation between them with 95% confidence. These results support the conclusion that the species that compose the group of round fish are present in 100% of fish farms, accounting 88.2% of production. The difference is that production exclusively in nurseries and the largest area of shallow water, with production in higher scale than elsewhere in the country, with prospects of growth in area and productivity. Some actions should be implemented: legislation objectively and with sufficient qualified personnel to inspect the enterprises, applied research in food management and feed production with better price and quality, technical and administrative management, use of juveniles with proven genetics and monitoring of water quality. Fish farming is the main source of income funding for 67.5% of farmers interviewed. The size of the fish farms did not affect the variables related to implementation, conduct and management of the activity. The demand and price of feed are the variables that most directs the decision making of farmers. The main marketing channel used by medium and large farmers is exclusively, the slaughterhouses. The main part of fish is sold processed.
The aspects related to the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical classification, clinical manifestations and treatment of Paracoccidioidomycosis, are presented. The disease is caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and is the most frequent and the most important systemic mycosis in the South America, specifically in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela. Because of the high frequency of cutaneous-mucosal lesions presented by the patients, the potential severity of the disease and the socio-economic consequences to the patient, it is very important for a drematologist to be qualified to precisely diagnose the disease and render proper care.
The human hemoglobins, with genetically defined inheritance patterns, have shown characteristic polymorphic variation within the Brazilian population, depending on the racial groups of each region. They have appeared under the form of hemoglobin variants or thalassemias, the variant types S and C and the alpha and beta thalassemias being more common, all of them in heterozygote form. During the year of 1999, blood samples from 506 individuals, with suspected anemia or that had already passed through hemoglobinopathies screening, were sent to the Hemoglobin Reference Center - UNESP for diagnostic confirmation and submitted to electrophoresis proceedings, biochemical and cytological analyses in order to characterize the type of abnormal hemoglobins. The goal of the present study was to verify which abnormal hemoglobin types show greater diagnostic difficulty. The samples came from 24 cities in twelve states. The results showed that 354 (69.96%) individuals presented abnormal hemoglobins, 30 (5.93%) being Hb AS, 5 (0.98%) being Hb AC, 76 (15.02%) suggestive of heterozygote alpha thalassemia, 134 (26.48%) suggestive of heterozygote beta thalassemia and 109 (21.54%) with other forms of abnormal hemoglobin, including rare variants and different forms of thalassemias and variant hemoglobin interactions. It has been concluded that, despite the improved techniques currently available and a constant influx of capacitated personnel, the heterozygote form of thalassemias (210 individuals -41.50%) is challenging to diagnose, followed in difficulty by rare variant characterization and interactive forms of hemoglobinopathies (109 individuals-21,54%), suggesting that the capacity for production of qualified professionals and information about these genetic changes in our population should be increased.
Several studies show a crescent association between sleep-disordered breathing, excessive sleepiness and automobile accidents. Many countries already discussed about specific regulations for drivers with these conditions, including questionnaire and/or investigation by a qualified specialist. In Brazil, these discussions have barely begun. In view of that, we suggest some items to be included in our traffic law.
The treatment of animals used in research or in education tests requires proper care, scientific judgment and qualified professionals to understand the needs of the animals and the special requirements of the research, tests, and educational programs. The established guidelines aim the development of knowledge necessary for the improvement of health and wellbeing of humans as well as animals to get precise and accurate results. The techniques should not be performed with inappropriate procedures that cause pain or suffering. Some principles should be considered to have an appropriate animal care and treatment.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevention of dental trauma in children aged 0 to 3 years, as it is studied in the literature. Since these traumatic injuries can cause damage and complications to the deciduous teeth, and even to the permanent teeth, the development of actions to reduce their occurrence is necessary because these injuries represent a considerable problem in dentistry. Although prevention is difficult in this age group, efforts should be directed at education, especially the development of educational programs involving qualified professional directly engaged in the routine of traumatic dental injuries. The actions to be adopted should be based on the understanding of etiological factors, on the different patterns of the mechanism of injury, and on the characteristics of each community. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
This work presents a methodological proposal for acquisition of biometric data through telemetry basing its development on a research-action and a case study. Nowadays, the qualified professionals of physical evaluation have to use specific devices to obtain biometric signals and data. These devices in the most of the time are high cost and difficult to use and handling. Therefore, the methodological proposal was elaborate in order to develop, conceptually, a bio telemetric device which could acquire the desirable biometric signals: oxymetry, biometrics, corporal temperature and pedometry which are essential for the area of physical evaluation. It was researched the existent biometrics sensors, the possible ways for the remote transmission of signals and the computer systems available so that the acquisition of data could be possible. This methodological proposal of remote acquisition of biometrical signals is structured in four modules: Acquisitor of biometrics data; Converser and transmitter of biometric signals; Receiver and Processor of biometrics signals and Generator of Interpretative Graphs. The modules aim the obtention of interpretative graphics of human biometric signals. In order to validate this proposal a functional prototype was developed and it is presented in the development of this work.