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The flammability zone boundaries are very important properties to prevent explosions in the process industries. Within the boundaries, a flame or explosion can occur so it is important to understand these boundaries to prevent fires and explosions. Very little work has been reported in the literature to model the flammability zone boundaries. Two boundaries are defined and studied: the upper flammability zone boundary and the lower flammability zone boundary. Three methods are presented to predict the upper and lower flammability zone boundaries: The linear model The extended linear model, and An empirical model The linear model is a thermodynamic model that uses the upper flammability limit (UFL) and lower flammability limit (LFL) to calculate two adiabatic flame temperatures. When the proper assumptions are applied, the linear model can be reduced to the well-known equation yLOC = zyLFL for estimation of the limiting oxygen concentration. The extended linear model attempts to account for the changes in the reactions along the UFL boundary. Finally, the empirical method fits the boundaries with linear equations between the UFL or LFL and the intercept with the oxygen axis. xx Comparison of the models to experimental data of the flammability zone shows that the best model for estimating the flammability zone boundaries is the empirical method. It is shown that is fits the limiting oxygen concentration (LOC), upper oxygen limit (UOL), and the lower oxygen limit (LOL) quite well. The regression coefficient values for the fits to the LOC, UOL, and LOL are 0.672, 0.968, and 0.959, respectively. This is better than the fit of the "zyLFL" method for the LOC in which the regression coefficient’s value is 0.416.
Although current concepts of anterior femoroacetabular impingement predict damage in the labrum and the cartilage, the actual joint damage has not been verified by computer simulation. We retrospectively compared the intraoperative locations of labral and cartilage damage of 40 hips during surgical dislocation for cam or pincer type femoroacetabular impingement (Group I) with the locations of femoroacetabular impingement in 15 additional hips using computer simulation (Group II). We found no difference between the mean locations of the chondrolabral damage of Group I and the computed impingement zone of Group II. The standard deviation was larger for measures of articular damage from Group I in comparison to the computed values of Group II. The most severe hip damage occurred at the zone of highest probability of femoroacetabular impact, typically in the anterosuperior quadrant of the acetabulum for both cam and pincer type femoroacetabular impingements. However, the extent of joint damage along the acetabular rim was larger intraoperatively than that observed on the images of the 3-D joint simulations. We concluded femoroacetabular impingement mechanism contributes to early osteoarthritis including labral lesions. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level II, diagnostic study. See the Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Riparian zones are dynamic, transitional ecosystems between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems with well defined vegetation and soil characteristics. Development of an all-encompassing definition for riparian ecotones, because of their high variability, is challenging. However, there are two primary factors that all riparian ecotones are dependent on: the watercourse and its associated floodplain. Previous approaches to riparian boundary delineation have utilized fixed width buffers, but this methodology has proven to be inadequate as it only takes the watercourse into consideration and ignores critical geomorphology, associated vegetation and soil characteristics. Our approach offers advantages over other previously used methods by utilizing: the geospatial modeling capabilities of ArcMap GIS; a better sampling technique along the water course that can distinguish the 50-year flood plain, which is the optimal hydrologic descriptor of riparian ecotones; the Soil Survey Database (SSURGO) and National Wetland Inventory (NWI) databases to distinguish contiguous areas beyond the 50-year plain; and land use/cover characteristics associated with the delineated riparian zones. The model utilizes spatial data readily available from Federal and State agencies and geospatial clearinghouses. An accuracy assessment was performed to assess the impact of varying the 50-year flood height, changing the DEM spatial resolution (1, 3, 5 and 10m), and positional inaccuracies with the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) streams layer on the boundary placement of the delineated variable width riparian ecotones area. The result of this study is a robust and automated GIS based model attached to ESRI ArcMap software to delineate and classify variable-width riparian ecotones.
Understanding the geometry and kinematics of the major structures of an orogen is important to elucidate its style of deformation, as well as its tectonic evolution. We describe the temporal and spatial changes in the state of stress of the trans-orogen area of the Calama-Olacapato-El Toro (COT) Fault Zone in the Central Andes, at about 24°S within the northern portion of the Puna Plateau between the Argentina-Chile border. The importance of the COT derives principally from the Quaternary-Holocene activity recognized on some segments, which may shed new light on its possible control on Quaternary volcanism and on the seismic hazard evaluation of the area. Field geological surveys along with kinematic analysis and numerical inversion of ∼140 new fault-slip measurements have revealed that this portion of the COT zone, previously considered a continuous, long-lived lineament, in reality has been subjected to three different kinematic regimes: 1) a Miocene transpressional phase with the maximum principal stress (σ1) chiefly trending NNE-SSW; 2) an extensional phase that started by 9 Ma, with a horizontal NW-SE-striking minimum principal stress (σ3) – permutations between σ2 and σ3 axes have been recognized at two sites – and 3) a left-lateral strike-slip phase with a horizontal ∼E-W &sigma1 and ∼N-S σ3 dating to the Late Pliocene-Quaternary. Spatially, in the Quaternary, the left-lateral component decreases toward the westernmost tip of the COT, where it transitions to extension; this produced to a N-S horst and graben structure. Hence, even if transcurrence is still active in the eastern portion of the COT, as focal mechanisms of crustal earthquakes indicate, our study demonstrates that extension is becoming the predominant structural style of deformation, at least in the western region. These major temporal and spatial changes in the tectonic regimes are attributed in part to changes in the magnitude of the boundary forces due to subduction processes. The overall orogen-perpendicular extension might be the result of vertical stress larger than both the horizontal stresses induced by gravitational effect of a thickened crust.
The use of capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) with indirect absorbance detection for the analysis of ethyl sulfate (EtS) in serum and urine was investigated. EtS is a direct metabolite of ethanol employed as marker for recent alcohol consumption. Fused-silica capillaries of 60 cm total length were either coated with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB, 50 microm I.D. capillary) or poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMAC, 100 microm I.D. capillary) to allow CZE analyses to be performed with reversed polarity. At pH 2.2 with a maleic acid/phthalic acid background electrolyte, both approaches provided reliable EtS serum levels down to 0.2 mg L(-1) (1.6 microM) for the analysis of solid-phase extracts that were prepared after chloride precipitation. Analysis of urines diluted to a conductivity of 5 S m(-1) and analyzed in the two capillary formats resulted in limits of quantification (LOQs) of 2 and 1 mg L(-1), respectively. With urines adjusted to 10 S m(-1) via dilution or condensation, an LOQ of 0.6 mg L(-1) (4.8 microM) was obtained in the CTAB coated capillary whereas in the PDADMAC-coated capillary of equal length not all matrix components were resolved from EtS. The developed assays are robust and suitable to monitor EtS in samples of individuals who consumed as little as one standard drink of an alcoholic beverage containing about 14 g of ethanol.
Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) in fused-silica capillaries is an effective analytical approach for the separation and determination of the transferrin (Tf) isoforms and thus carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in human serum. Sera of patients with progressed liver cirrhosis are prone to interferences in the beta region which prevent the proper determination of CDT by CZE without additional sample preparation. Efforts to identify, reduce or even eliminate these interferences have been undertaken. Data obtained by ultrafiltration, affinity subtraction procedures using protein A, protein L and antibodies against immunoglobulins or Tf, and immunopurification of Tf suggest that the interferences in the patient sera are caused by increased levels of IgA and IgM and are best eliminated by immunopurification. Avian IgY antibody spin column immunocapture of serum Tf followed by CZE analysis of the stripped and concentrated fraction is shown to provide an attractive approach for CDT monitoring in sera with beta region interferences.
Data obtained with two CZE assays for determining carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in human serum under routine conditions, the CAPILLARYS CDT and the high-resolution CEofix (HR-CEofix) CDT methods, are in agreement with patient sera that do not exhibit interferences, high trisialo-transferrin (Tf) levels or genetic variants. HR-CEofix CDT levels are somewhat higher compared to those obtained with the CAPILLARYS method and this bias corresponds to the difference of the upper reference values of the two assays. The lower resolution between disialo-Tf and trisialo-Tf observed in the CAPILLARYS system (mean: 1.24) compared to HR-CEofix (mean: 1.74) is believed to be the key for this difference. For critical sera with high trisialo-Tf levels, genetic variants, or certain interferences in the beta-region, the HR-CEofix approach is demonstrated to perform better than CAPILLARYS. However, the determination of CDT with the HR-CEofix method can also be hampered with interferences. Results with disialo-Tf values larger than 3% in the absence of asialo-Tf should be evaluated with immunosubtraction of Tf and possibly also confirmed with another CZE method or by HPLC. Furthermore, data gathered with the N Latex CDT direct immunonephelometric assay suggest that this assay can be used for screening purposes. To reduce the number of false negative results, CDT data above 2.0% should be confirmed using a separation method.
An overview of geologic constraints on the age and extent of the Great Falls tectonic zone, a northeast-trending set of faults identified in west-central Montana.
BACKGROUND: Early implant placement is one of the treatment options in postextraction sites in the anterior maxilla. Implant placement is performed after a soft tissue healing period of 4 to 8 weeks. Implant placement is combined with a simultaneous guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedure to rebuild esthetic facial hard and soft tissue contours. METHODS: In this prospective case-series study, 20 consecutive patients treated with an implant-borne single crown were prospectively followed for 12 months. Clinical, radiologic, and esthetic parameters were recorded to assess treatment outcomes. RESULTS: At the 12-month examination, all 20 implants were successfully integrated, demonstrating ankylotic stability and healthy peri-implant soft tissues as documented by standard parameters. The esthetic outcomes assessed by a pink esthetic score (PES) and a white esthetic score (WES) demonstrated pleasing results overall. The WES values were slightly superior to the PES values. The periapical radiographs showed minimal crestal bone loss around the used bone level implants, with mean bone loss of 0.18 mm at 12 months. Only one implant showed >0.5 mm bone loss, combined with minor mucosal recession of 0.5 to 1.0 mm. CONCLUSIONS: This prospective case series study evaluating the concept of early implant placement demonstrated successful tissue integration for all 20 implants. The short-term follow-up of 12 months revealed pleasing esthetic outcomes overall, as assessed by objective parameters. The risk for mucosal recession was low; only one patient showed minor recession of the facial mucosa. These encouraging results need to be confirmed with 3- and 5-year follow-up examinations.
The present study evaluated gingival recession 1 year following apical surgery of 70 maxillary anterior teeth (central and lateral incisors, canines, and first premolars). A visual assessment of the mid-facial aspect of the gingival level and of papillary heights of treated teeth was carried out using photographs taken at pre-treatment and 1-year follow-up appointments. In addition, changes in the gingival margin (GM) and clinical attachment levels (CAL) were calculated with the use of clinical measurements, that is, pre-treatment and 1-year follow-up pocket probing depth and level of gingival margin. Changes in GM and CAL were then correlated with patient-, tooth-, and surgery-related parameters. The following parameters were found to significantly influence changes in GM and CAL over time: gingival biotype (P < 0.05), with thin biotype exhibiting more gingival recession than thick biotype; pre-treatment pocket probing depth (PPD) (P < 0.03), with cases of pre-treatment PPD < 2.5 mm demonstrating more attachment loss than cases of PPD > or = 2.5 mm; and type of incision (P < 0.01), with the submarginal incision showing considerably less gingival recession compared with the intrasulcular incision, papilla-base incision or papilla-saving incision. The visual assessment using pre-treatment and 1-year follow-up photographs did not demonstrate significant changes in gingival level or papillary height after apical surgery. In conclusion, gingival biotype, pre-treatment PPD, and type of incision may significantly influence changes in GM and CAL following apical surgery in maxillary anterior teeth.
Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a marker of recent alcohol consumption. For the optimization of the analysis of EtG by CZE with indirect absorbance detection, the use of capillaries with permanent and dynamic wall coatings, the composition of the BGE, and various sample preparation procedures, including dilution with water, ultrafiltration, protein precipitation, and SPE, were investigated. Two validated screening assays for the determination of EtG in human serum, a CZE-based approach and an enzyme immunoassay (EIA), are described. The CZE assay uses a coated capillary, 2,4-dimethylglutaric acid as an internal standard, and a pH 4.65 BGE comprising 9 mM nicotinic acid, epsilon-aminocaproic acid and 10% v/v ACN. Proteins are removed via precipitation with ACN prior to analysis and the LOQ is 0.50 mg/L. The EIA is based upon commercial reagents which are promoted for the determination of urinary EtG. Krebs-Ringer solution containing 5% BSA is used as a calibration matrix. All samples are ultrafiltered prior to analysis of the ultrafiltrate on a Mira Plus analyzer. Assay calibration ranged between 0 and 2 mg/L and the upper reference limit was determined to be 0.05 mg/L. Both assays proved to be suitable for the analysis of samples from different individuals. For EtG levels above 0.50 mg/L, good agreement was observed for the comparison of the results of the two methods.
Unique and shared cytogenetic abnormalities have been documented for marginal zone lymphomas (MZLs) arising at different sites. Recently, homozygous deletions of the chromosomal band 6q23, involving the tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 3 (TNFAIP3, A20) gene, a negative regulator of NF-kappaB, were described in ocular adnexal MZL, suggesting a role for A20 as a tumor suppressor in this disease. Here, we investigated inactivation of A20 by DNA mutations or deletions in a panel of extranodal MZL (EMZL), nodal MZL (NMZL), and splenic MZL (SMZL). Inactivating mutations encoding truncated A20 proteins were identified in 6 (19%) of 32 MZLs, including 2 (18%) of 11 EMZLs, 3 (33%) of 9 NMZLs, and 1 (8%) of 12 SMZLs. Two additional unmutated nonsplenic MZLs also showed monoallelic or biallelic A20 deletions by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and/or SNP-arrays. Thus, A20 inactivation by either somatic mutation and/or deletion represents a common genetic aberration across all MZL subtypes, which may contribute to lymphomagenesis by inducing constitutive NF-kappaB activation.