955 resultados para Zinc and wound healing


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Overweight and obesity are risk factors for post-menopausal breast cancer, and many women diagnosed with breast cancer, irrespective of menopausal status, gain weight after diagnosis. Weight management plays an important role in rehabilitation and recovery since obesity and/or weight gain may lead to poorer breast cancer prognosis, as well as prevalent co-morbid conditions (e.g. cardiovascular disease and diabetes), poorer surgical outcomes (e.g., increased operating and recovery times, higher infection rates, and poorer healing), lymphedema, fatigue, functional decline, and poorer health and overall quality of life. Health care professionals should encourage weight management at all phases of the cancer care continuum as a means to potentially avoid adverse sequelae and late effects, as well as to improve overall health and possibly survival. Comprehensive approaches that involve dietary and behavior modification, and increased aerobic and strength training exercise have shown promise in either preventing weight gain or promoting weight loss, reducing biomarkers associated with inflammation and co-morbidity, and improving lifestyle behaviors, functional status, and quality of life in this high-risk patient population.


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Velocity jump processes are discrete random walk models that have many applications including the study of biological and ecological collective motion. In particular, velocity jump models are often used to represent a type of persistent motion, known as a “run and tumble”, which is exhibited by some isolated bacteria cells. All previous velocity jump processes are non-interacting, which means that crowding effects and agent-to-agent interactions are neglected. By neglecting these agent-to-agent interactions, traditional velocity jump models are only applicable to very dilute systems. Our work is motivated by the fact that many applications in cell biology, such as wound healing, cancer invasion and development, often involve tissues that are densely packed with cells where cell-to-cell contact and crowding effects can be important. To describe these kinds of high cell density problems using a velocity jump process we introduce three different classes of crowding interactions into a one-dimensional model. Simulation data and averaging arguments lead to a suite of continuum descriptions of the interacting velocity jump processes. We show that the resulting systems of hyperbolic partial differential equations predict the mean behavior of the stochastic simulations very well.


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Hypertrophic scars arise when there is an overproduction of collagen during wound healing. These are often associated with poor regulation of the rate of programmed cell death(apoptosis) of the cells synthesizing the collagen or by an exuberant inflammatory response that prolongs collagen production and increases wound contraction. Severe contractures that occur, for example, after a deep burn can cause loss of function especially if the wound is over a joint such as the elbow or knee. Recently, we have developed a morphoelastic mathematical model for dermal repair that incorporates the chemical, cellular and mechanical aspects of dermal wound healing. Using this model, we examine pathological scarring in dermal repair by first assuming a smaller than usual apoptotic rate for myofibroblasts, and then considering a prolonged inflammatory response, in an attempt to determine a possible optimal intervention strategy to promote normal repair, or terminate the fibrotic scarring response. Our model predicts that in both cases it is best to apply the intervention strategy early in the wound healing response. Further, the earlier an intervention is made, the less aggressive the intervention required. Finally, if intervention is conducted at a late time during healing, a significant intervention is required; however, there is a threshold concentration of the drug or therapy applied, above which minimal further improvement to wound repair is obtained.


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The formation of hypertrophic scars is a frequent outcome of wound repair and often requires further therapy with treatments such as silicone gel sheets (SGS; Perkins et al., 1983). Although widely used, knowledge regarding SGS and their mechanism of action on hypertrophic scars is limited. Furthermore, SGS require consistent application for at least twelve hours a day for up to twelve consecutive months, beginning as soon as wound reepithelialisation has occurred. Preliminary research at QUT has shown that some species of silicone present in SGS have the ability to permeate into collagen gel skin mimetics upon exposure. An analogue of these species, GP226, was found to decrease both collagen synthesis and the total amount of collagen present following exposure to cultures of cells derived from hypertrophic scars. This silicone of interest was a crude mixture of silicone species, which resolved into five fractions of different molecular weight. These five fractions were found to have differing effects on collagen synthesis and cell viability following exposure to fibroblasts derived from hypertrophic scars (HSF), keloid scars (KF) and normal skin (nHSF and nKF). The research performed herein continues to further assess the potential of GP226 and its fractions for scar remediation by determining in more detail its effects on HSF, KF, nHSF, nKF and human keratinocytes (HK) in terms of cell viability and proliferation at various time points. Through these studies it was revealed that Fraction IV was the most active fraction as it induced a reduction in cell viability and proliferation most similar to that observed with GP226. Cells undergoing apoptosis were also detected in HSF cultures exposed to GP226 and Fraction IV using the Tunel assay (Roche). These investigations were difficult to pursue further as the fractionation process used for GP226 was labour-intensive and time inefficient. Therefore a number of silicones with similar structure to Fraction IV were synthesised and screened for their effect following application to HSF and nHSF. PDMS7-g-PEG7, a silicone-PEG copolymer of low molecular weight and low hydrophilic-lipophilic balance factor, was found to be the most effective at reducing cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis in cultures of HSF, nHSF and HK. Further studies investigated gene expression through microarray and superarray techniques and demonstrated that many genes are differentially expressed in HSF following treatment with GP226, Fraction IV and PDMS7-g-PEG7. In brief, it was demonstrated that genes for TGFβ1 and TNF are not differentially regulated while genes for AIFM2, IL8, NSMAF, SMAD7, TRAF3 and IGF2R show increased expression (>1.8 fold change) following treatment with PDMS7-g-PEG7. In addition, genes for αSMA, TRAF2, COL1A1 and COL3A1 have decreased expression (>-1.8 fold change) following treatment with GP226, Fraction IV and PDMS7-g-PEG7. The data obtained suggest that many different pathways related to apoptosis and collagen synthesis are affected in HSF following exposure to PDMS7-g-PEG7. The significance is that silicone-PEG copolymers, such as GP226, Fraction IV and PDMS7-g-PEG7, could potentially be a non-invasive substitute to apoptosis-inducing chemical agents that are currently used as scar treatments. It is anticipated that these findings will ultimately contribute to the development of a novel scar therapy with faster action and improved outcomes for patients suffering from hypertrophic scars.


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Layered doubly hydroxides (LDHs) also known as hydrotalcites or anionic clays are a group of clay minerals that have shown promise for the removal of toxic anions from water through both anion exchange and a process known as the reformation effect. This project has involved the preparation and characterisation of LDH materials as well as the investigation of their ability to remove selected anions from aqueous solutions by the reformation effect. The LDH materials were successfully prepared from magnesium, aluminium, zinc and chromium chloride salts using the co-precipitation method. Samples were characterised using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG) to confirm the presence of LDHs. Powder XRD revealed a characteristic LDH structure for all LDH samples. Thermal Analysis showed decomposition usual occurred through a three or four step process as expected for LDHs. Preliminary investigations of the removal of sulfate, nitrate and fluoride by an Mg/Al LDH were carried out, and the products were characterised using XRD and TG which showed that an LDH material similar to the original hydrotalcite was formed after reformation. A Zn/Al LDH was investigated as a potential sorbent material for the removal of iodine and iodide from water. It was found that the LDH was a suitable adsorbent which is able to remove almost all of the iodine present in the test solutions. Again, the products were characterised by XRD, TG and evolved gas mass spectrometry (EGMS) in an attempt to better understand the iodine removal process. Powder XRD showed successful reformation of the LDH structure and TG/EGMS showed that only a small amount of iodine species were lost during thermal decomposition. Finally, the mineral stichtite a Mg/Cr LDH was successfully synthesised and investigated using XRD, TG and EGMS. Unfortunately, due to lack of time it was not possible to identify any new uses for the mineral stichtite in the current project.


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The concept of the cellular glycoprotein vitronectin acts as a biological ‘glue’ and key controller of mammalian tissue repair and remodelling activity is emerging from nearly 50 years of experimental in vitro and in vivo data. Unexpectedly, the vitronectin-knock-out mouse was found to be viable and to have largely normal phenotype. However, diligent observation revealed that the VN-KO animal exhibits delayed coagulation and poor wound healing. This is interpreted to indicate that vitronectin occupies a role in the earliest events of thrombogenesis and tissue repair. That role is as a foundation upon which the thrombus grows in an organised structure. In addition to closing the wound, the thrombus also serves to protect the underlying tissue from oxidation, is a reservoir of mitogens and tissue repair mediators and provides a provisional scaffold for the repairing tissue. In the absence of vitronectin (e.g. VN-KO animal) this cascade is disrupted before it begins. Our data demonstrates that a wide variety of biologically active species associate with VN. While initial studies were focused on mitogens, other classes of bioactives (e.g. glycosaminoglycans, metalloproteinases) are now also known to specifically interact with VN. Many of these interactions are long-lived, often resulting in multi-protein complexes, while others are stable for prolonged periods. Multiprotein complexes provide several advantages: prolonging molecular interaction; sustaining local concentrations, facilitating co-stimulation of cell surface receptors and thereby enhancing cellular / biological responses. We contend that these, or equivalent, multi-protein complexes mediate vitronectin functionality in vivo. It is also likely that many of the species demonstrated to associate with vitronectin in vitro, also associate with vitronectin in vivo in similar multi-protein complexes. Thus the predominant biological function of vitronectin is that of a master controller of the extracellular environment; informing, and possibly instructing cells ‘where’ to behave, ‘when’ to behave, and ‘how’ to behave (i.e. appropriately for the current circumstance).


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Intracellular Flightless I (Flii), a gelsolin family member, has been found to have roles modulating actin regulation, transcriptional regulation and inflammation. In vivo Flii can regulate wound healing responses. We have recently shown that a pool of Flii is secreted by fibroblasts and macrophages, cells typically found in wounds, and its secretion can be upregulated upon wounding. We show that secreted Flii can bind to the bacterial cell wall component lipopolysaccharide and has the potential to regulate inflammation. We now show that secreted Flii is present in both acute and chronic wound fluid.


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The actin microfilament plays a critical role in many cellular processes including embryonic development, wound healing, immune response, and tissue development. It is commonly organized in the form of networks whose mechanical properties change with changes in their architecture due to cell evolution processes. This paper presents a new nonlinear continuum mechanics model of single filamentous actin (F-actin) that is based on nanoscale molecular simulations. Following this continuum model of the single F-actin, mechanical properties of differently architected lamellipodia are studied. The results provide insight that can contribute to the understanding of the cell edge motions of living cells.


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Mycobacterium abscessus is a rapidly growing mycobacteria responsible for progressive pulmonary disease, soft tissue and wound infections, and can contaminate clinical specimens. Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are generally considered environmental organisms though M. abscessus has not featured frequently in environmental studies, particularly those examining potable water. In a study of Brisbane potable water, M. abscessus was isolate from ten different locations. The incidence of disease due to M. abscessus has been increasing in Queensland. Aim: To compare genotypically the M. abscessus isolates obtained from water to those obtained from human clinical specimens. Methods: From a study of Brisbane potable water between 2007 and 2009, ten isolates confirmed as M. abscessus were recovered. In addition, one strain was isolated from a rainwater tank of a patient with disease due to M. avium, and another from the swimming pool of a patient with M. intracellulare disease. A random sample of 74 clinical isolates referred to the QLD Mycobacterial reference laboratory during the same time period was available for comparison using repPCR strain typing (Diversilab). Results: The drinking water isolates formed two distinct strain patterns (A and B) that shared >90% similarity. The tankwater isolate (pattern C) shared >85% similarity with the potable water isolates, but the pool isolate (D) was distinctly different. Fifty-three clinical isolates clustered tightly (>95% similarity) with the Group A potable water isolates, 4 patients with Group B. Thirteen patient isolates clustered with the Rainwater tank isolate. One patient matched the pool isolate. There were a further 3 patient isolates that were unrelated to the water isolates. No differences were found between strain types in terms of geographic origin, gender, age, or site/type of infection. Conclusion: The high degree of similarity between strains of M. abscessus from potable water and strains causing infection in humans from the same area, strengthens the possibility that drinking water may be a source of infection in these patients.


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High energy bone fractures resulting from impact trauma are often accompanied by subcutaneous soft tissue injuries, even if the skin remains intact. There is evidence that such closed soft tissue injuries affect the healing of bone fractures, and vice versa. Despite this knowledge, most impact trauma studies in animals have focussed on bone fractures or soft tissue trauma in isolation. However, given the simultaneous impact on both tissues a better understanding of the interaction between these two injuries is necessary to optimise clinical treatment. The aim of this study was therefore to develop a new experimental model and characterise, for the first time, the healing of a complex fracture with concurrent closed soft tissue trauma in sheep. A pendulum impact device was designed to deliver a defined and standardised impact to the distal thigh of sheep, causing a reproducible contusion injury to the subcutaneous soft tissues. In a subsequent procedure, a reproducible femoral butterfly fracture (AO C3-type) was created at the sheep’s femur, which was initially stabilised for 5 days by an external fixator construct to allow for soft tissue swelling to recede, and ultimately in a bridging construct using locking plates. The combined injuries were applied to twelve sheep and the healing observed for four or eight weeks (six animals per group) until sacrifice. The pendulum impact led to a moderate to severe circumferential soft tissue injury with significant bruising, haematomas and partial muscle disruptions. Posttraumatic measurements showed elevated intra-compartmental pressure and circulatory tissue breakdown markers, with recovery to normal, pre-injury values within four days. Clinically, no neurovascular deficiencies were observed. Bi-weekly radiological analysis of the healing fractures showed progressive callus healing over time, with the average number of callus bridges increasing from 0.4 at two weeks to 4.2 at eight weeks. Biomechanical testing after sacrifice showed increasing torsional stiffness between four and eight weeks healing time from 10% to 100%, and increasing ultimate torsional strength from 10% to 64% (relative to the contralateral control limb). Our results demonstrate the robust healing of a complex femur fracture in the presence of a severe soft tissue contusion injury in sheep and demonstrate the establishment of a clinically relevant experimental model, for research aimed at improving the treatment of bone fractures accompanied by closed soft tissue injuries.


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Quantitative imaging methods to analyze cell migration assays are not standardized. Here we present a suite of two–dimensional barrier assays describing the collective spreading of an initially–confined population of 3T3 fibroblast cells. To quantify the motility rate we apply two different automatic image detection methods to locate the position of the leading edge of the spreading population after 24, 48 and 72 hours. These results are compared with a manual edge detection method where we systematically vary the detection threshold. Our results indicate that the observed spreading rates are very sensitive to the choice of image analysis tools and we show that a standard measure of cell migration can vary by as much as 25% for the same experimental images depending on the details of the image analysis tools. Our results imply that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to meaningfully compare previously published measures of cell migration since previous results have been obtained using different image analysis techniques and the details of these techniques are not always reported. Using a mathematical model, we provide a physical interpretation of our edge detection results. The physical interpretation is important since edge detection algorithms alone do not specify any physical measure, or physical definition, of the leading edge of the spreading population. Our modeling indicates that variations in the image threshold parameter correspond to a consistent variation in the local cell density. This means that varying the threshold parameter is equivalent to varying the location of the leading edge in the range of approximately 1–5% of the maximum cell density.


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Biological systems involving proliferation, migration and death are observed across all scales. For example, they govern cellular processes such as wound-healing, as well as the population dynamics of groups of organisms. In this paper, we provide a simplified method for correcting mean-field approximations of volume-excluding birth-death-movement processes on a regular lattice. An initially uniform distribution of agents on the lattice may give rise to spatial heterogeneity, depending on the relative rates of proliferation, migration and death. Many frameworks chosen to model these systems neglect spatial correlations, which can lead to inaccurate predictions of their behaviour. For example, the logistic model is frequently chosen, which is the mean-field approximation in this case. This mean-field description can be corrected by including a system of ordinary differential equations for pair-wise correlations between lattice site occupancies at various lattice distances. In this work we discuss difficulties with this method and provide a simplication, in the form of a partial differential equation description for the evolution of pair-wise spatial correlations over time. We test our simplified model against the more complex corrected mean-field model, finding excellent agreement. We show how our model successfully predicts system behaviour in regions where the mean-field approximation shows large discrepancies. Additionally, we investigate regions of parameter space where migration is reduced relative to proliferation, which has not been examined in detail before, and our method is successful at correcting the deviations observed in the mean-field model in these parameter regimes.


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Context Patients with venous leg ulcers experience multiple symptoms, including pain, depression, and discomfort from lower leg inflammation and wound exudate. Some of these symptoms impair wound healing and decrease quality of life (QOL). The presence of co-occurring symptoms may have a negative effect on these outcomes. The identification of symptom clusters could potentially lead to improvements in symptom management and QOL. Objectives To identify the prevalence and severity of common symptoms and the occurrence of symptom clusters in patients with venous leg ulcers. Methods For this secondary analysis, data on sociodemographic characteristics, medical history, venous history, ulcer and lower limb clinical characteristics, symptoms, treatments, healing, and QOL were analyzed from a sample of 318 patients with venous leg ulcers who were recruited from hospital outpatient and community nursing clinics for leg ulcers. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify symptom clusters. Results Almost two-thirds (64%) of the patients experienced four or more concurrent symptoms. The most frequent symptoms were sleep disturbance (80%), pain (74%), and lower limb swelling (67%). Sixty percent of patients reported three or more symptoms at a moderate-to-severe level of intensity (e.g., 78% reported disturbed sleep frequently or always; the mean pain severity score was 49 of 100, SD 26.5). Exploratory factor analysis identified two symptom clusters: pain, depression, sleep disturbance, and fatigue; and swelling, inflammation, exudate, and fatigue. Conclusion Two symptom clusters were identified in this sample of patients with venous leg ulcers. Further research is needed to verify these symptom clusters and to evaluate their effect on patient outcomes.


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Skin is the largest, and arguably, the most important organ of the body. It is a complex and multi-dimensional tissue, thus making it essentially impossible to fully model in vitro in conventional 2-dimensional culture systems. In view of this, rodents or pigs are utilised to study wound healing therapeutics or to investigate the biological effects of treatments on skin. However, there are many differences between the wound healing processes in rodents compared to humans (contraction vs. re-epithelialisation) and there are also ethical issues associated with animal testing for scientific research. Therefore, the development of skin equivalent (HSE) models from surgical discard human skin has become an important area of research. The studies in this thesis compare, for the first time, native human skin and the epidermogenesis process in a HSE model. The HSE was reported to be a comparable model for human skin in terms of expression and localisation of key epidermal cell markers. This validated HSE model was utilised to study the potential wound healing therapeutic, hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy. There is a significant body of evidence suggesting that lack of cutaneous oxygen results in and potentiates the chronic, non-healing wound environment. Although the evidence is anecdotal, HBO therapy has displayed positive effects on re-oxygenation of chronic wounds and the clinical outcomes suggest that HBO treatment may be beneficial. Therefore, the HSE was subjected to a daily clinical HBO regime and assessed in terms of keratinocyte migration, proliferation, differentiation and epidermal thickening. HBO treatment was observed to increase epidermal thickness, in particular stratum corneum thickening, but it did not alter the expression or localisation of standard epidermal cell markers. In order to elucidate the mechanistic changes occurring in response to HBO treatment in the HSE model, gene microarrays were performed, followed by qRT-PCR of select genes which were differentially regulated in response to HBO treatment. The biological diversity of the HSEs created from individual skin donors, however, overrode the differences in gene expression between treatment groups. Network analysis of functional changes in the HSE model revealed general trends consistent with normal skin growth and maturation. As a more robust and longer term study of these molecular changes, protein localisation and expression was investigated in sections from the HSEs undergoing epidermogenesis in response to HBO treatment. These proteins were CDCP1, Metallothionein, Kallikrein (KLK) 1 and KLK7 and early growth response 1. While the protein expression within the HSE models exposed to HBO treatment were not consistent in all HSEs derived from all skin donors, this is the first study to detect and compare both KLK1 and CDCP1 protein expression in both a HSE model and native human skin. Furthermore, this is the first study to provide such an in depth analysis of the effect of HBO treatment on a HSE model. The data presented in this thesis, demonstrates high levels of variation between individuals and their response to HBO treatment, consistent with the clinical variation that is currently observed.