619 resultados para Wirtschaft


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Briefwechsel zwischen Theodor W. Adono, Gretel Adorno und Max Horkheimer, 1955-1957; 1 Brief der Gesellschaft für soziale Betriebspraxis an Theodor W. Adorno und Max Horkheimer, 30.08.1955; 1 Brief der Gesellschaft für soziale Betriebspraxis mbH in Düsseldorf an das Rationalisierungs-Kuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft RG Mensch und Arbeit in Frankfurt; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Elisabeth Calvelli-Adorno, 19.08.1955; 5 Briefe zwischen Alice Maier und Theodor W. Adorno, 1955-1956; 2 Briefe von Theodor W. Adorno an Frederick Polock, 1955; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Herrn Ritter, Dekan der Philosphischen Fakultät der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 24.05.1955; 1 Brief von Marianne Regensburger an Theodor W. Adorno, 1955; 1 Brief von Marianne Regensburger an Walter Abendroth, Berlin-Schöneberg, 11.05.1955; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Herrn von Staa, 24.03.1955; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Herrn Kux, 08.03.1955; 1 Briefentwurf von Theodor W. Adorno an Gottfried Weber, Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 1956; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Renato Solmi, 04.09.1956; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an das Kuratorium der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, 27.03.1956;


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von Julius Berger


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in Verb. mit dem Arbeitsausschuß deutscher Verbände bearb. von Wilhelm Ziegler. [Beitr.: Bernh. Dernburg, Wilhelm v. Schoen...]


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Hans Hildebrandt, "Der Kunstunterricht an Hochschulen", Typoskript, 2 Blatt; "Das Wirtschaftsprinzip", Typoskript, 3 Blatt (GS 11, S. 13-16); "Betr. Scheler - Sombart", Manuskript, 2 Blatt; "Zur Psychologie des Denkens nach Benno Erdmann", Manuskript, 2 Blatt, davon 1 leer; "Zur Phänomenologie der Erkenntnis", Typoskript, 3 Blatt; "Zu Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft", Typoskript mir eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 5 Blatt (GS 11, S. 70-75); "Naturwissenschaftliche Methode und Erkenntnistheorie. Über Kant", Typoskript mit zahlreichen eigenhändigen Notizen, 2 Blatt; "Beantwortung der Frage: Was heißt vom Standpunkt des Transcendentalen Idealismus aus die Behauptung, daß die materielle Entwicklung der Entwicklung des Bewußtseins vorhergegangen ist?", Typoskript, 3 Blatt (GS 11, S. 17-21); "Sprache und Denken", Typoskript, 8 Seiten (GS 11, S. 119-132); "Psychologie und Erkenntnistheorie", Typoskript, 2 Blatt; "Zu David Hume", Typoskript, 3 Blatt; "Wie ist das Bewußtsein einer Mehrheit von Gegenständen möglich?", Typoskript, 6 Blatt; "Gegenstand der Psychologie nach Cornelius", Typoskript, 2 Blatt; "Psychologie und Philosophie bei Hume und Cornelius", Typoskript, 12 Blatt; "Das Wiedererkennen", Typoskript von 19.12.1919, 8 Blatt; Exzerpte über: Gustav Landauer, Arthur Wolfgang Cohn, Karl Vorländer, Friedrich Engels, Karl Kautsky, L. B. Boudin, Karl Marx, Arthur Schopenhauer, 1 Heft, Manuskript, 42 Blatt; Manuskript, 1 Heft, 13 Blatt, davon 1 leer;


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La enunciación de la tesis de que el fin común es la causa fundamental y primera del ser y del valor de los grupos sociales podría sugerir la idea de una incursión ociosa en un tema ya solucionado. A semejante objeción cabría enfrentarla con dos órdenes de argumentos. En primer lugar, para la sociología de Max Weber, tal vez la más influyente teoría social del s. XX, el constitutivo esencial del grupo social "(asociación, Verband)", reside en la estructura de las relaciones de mando y obediencia (Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, t. I, p. 26). De tal suerte, puede decirse que en Weber toda asociación es asociación de dominación. En segundo lugar, dentro de las escuelas que en principio aceptan el fin común como el primer principio del orden social no hay acuerdo –en especial hoy- respecto de la naturaleza y la función de ese fin; a punto tal que aparece incluso comprometida su propia especificidad de causa y de fin. Así pues, este tema esencial para la verdadera intelección de la realidad social y política dista de estar cerrado.


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A study of archival RXTE, Swift, and Suzaku pointed observations of the transient high-mass X-ray binary GRO J1008−57 is presented. A new orbital ephemeris based on pulse arrival-timing shows the times of maximum luminosities during outbursts of GRO J1008−57 to be close to periastron at orbital phase − 0.03. This makes the source one of a few for which outburst dates can be predicted with very high precision. Spectra of the source in 2005, 2007, and 2011 can be well described by a simple power law with high-energy cutoff and an additional black body at lower energies. The photon index of the power law and the black-body flux only depend on the 15–50 keV source flux. No apparent hysteresis effects are seen. These correlations allow us to predict the evolution of the pulsar’s X-ray spectral shape over all outbursts as a function of just one parameter, the source’s flux. If modified by an additional soft component, this prediction even holds during GRO J1008−57’s 2012 type II outburst.


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We report on an outburst of the high mass X-ray binary 4U 0115+634 with a pulse period of 3.6 s in 2008 March/April as observed with RXTE and INTEGRAL. During the outburst the neutron star’s luminosity varied by a factor of 10 in the 3–50 keV band. In agreement with earlier work we find evidence of five cyclotron resonance scattering features at ~10.7, 21.8, 35.5, 46.7, and 59.7 keV. Previous work had found an anticorrelation between the fundamental cyclotron line energy and the X-ray flux. We show that this apparent anticorrelation is probably due to the unphysical interplay of parameters of the cyclotron line with the continuum models used previously, e.g., the negative and positive exponent power law (NPEX). For this model, we show that cyclotron line modeling erroneously leads to describing part of the exponential cutoff and the continuum variability, and not the cyclotron lines. When the X-ray continuum is modeled with a simple exponentially cutoff power law modified by a Gaussian emission feature around 10 keV, the correlation between the line energy and the flux vanishes, and the line parameters remain virtually constant over the outburst. We therefore conclude that the previously reported anticorrelation is an artifact of the assumptions adopted in the modeling of the continuum.


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In a former publication, we have analyzed the transient neutron star X-ray binary GRO J1008–57 using all available RXTE-, Swift-, and Suzaku-data. As we have found, the source’s spectral components, i.e., a power-law with high exponential cutoff and a black-body, are strongly correlated with the hard X-ray flux (15–50 keV). We update the analytical description of these dependence, including a change in the photon index behaviour from a flat to a logarithmic function. The flux, where the change occurs, is consistent with the onset of the black-body emission. Thus, a change of the accretion state always occurs in GRO J1008–57 at a particular flux level.


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We present analysis of 100 ks contiguous XMM-Newton data of the prototypical wind accretor Vela X-1. The observation covered eclipse egress between orbital phases 0.134 and 0.265, during which a giant flare took place, enabling us to study the spectral properties both outside and during the flare. This giant flare with a peak luminosity of 3.92+0.42-0.09 × 1037 erg s-1 allows estimates of the physical parameters of the accreted structure with a mass of ~1021 g. We have been able to model several contributions to the observed spectrum with a phenomenological model formed by three absorbed power laws plus three emission lines. After analysing the variations with orbital phase of the column density of each component, as well as those in the Fe and Ni fluorescence lines, we provide a physical interpretation for each spectral component. Meanwhile, the first two components are two aspects of the principal accretion component from the surface of the neutron star, the third component seems to be the X-ray light echo formed in the stellar wind of the companion.


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In a previous work, we introduced a tool for analyzing multiple datasets simultaneously, which has been implemented into ISIS. This tool was used to fit many spectra of X-ray binaries. However, the large number of degrees of freedom and individual datasets raise an issue about a good measure for a simultaneous fit quality. We present three ways to check the goodness of these fits: we investigate the goodness of each fit in all datasets, we define a combined goodness exploiting the logical structure of a simultaneous fit, and we stack the fit residuals of all datasets to detect weak features. These tools are applied to all RXTE-spectra from GRO 1008−57, revealing calibration features that are not detected significantly in any single spectrum. Stacking the residuals from the best-fit model for the Vela X-1 and XTE J1859+083 data evidences fluorescent emission lines that would have gone undetected otherwise.