984 resultados para WiGig, Beamforming, mm-wave, 5G, Ray Tracing, smart antenna.


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The structures of mixed Langmuir (floating) monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of a phenanthroline-porphyrin with cadmium arachidate (PhenPor + CdAr) have been investigated by synchrotron X-ray grazing incidence diffraction (GIXD) and specular X-ray reflectivity (SXR). GIXD measurements of the floating monolayers showed only one peak, arising from the CdAr domains in the films, at a scattering angle of 21.5 degrees. This is consistent with a hexagonal structure (alpha = 4.77 Angstrom). The correlation length in these domains is 250 Angstrom. GMD measurements of the LB films, however, show two sets of diffraction features: one arises from CdAr domains with a rectangular in-plane structure (alpha = 7.44 Angstrom and b = 4.90 Angstrom) and a correlation length of 85 Angstrom; the other is from porphyrin domains with an oblique in-plane structure (alpha (p) 15.2 Angstrom, b(p) = 8.86 Angstrom, and gamma (p) = 80 degrees) and a correlation length of 105 Angstrom. These dimensions are consistent with the surface pressure-area isotherm measurements and indicate that the two components are immiscible. The thickness of the bilayer is 57 Angstrom, and there is no correlation between the bilayers. Introduction of a trigger compound does not alter the structure of the films but slightly increases the bilayer thickness. The SXR measurements of the floating monolayers also support the suggested immiscibility of the two components in the films.


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We show that stochastic electrodynamics and quantum mechanics give quantitatively different predictions for the quantum nondemolition (QND) correlations in travelling wave second harmonic generation. Using phase space methods and stochastic integration, we calculate correlations in both the positive-P and truncated Wigner representations, the latter being equivalent to the semi-classical theory of stochastic electrodynamics. We show that the semiclassical results are different in the regions where the system performs best in relation to the QND criteria, and that they significantly overestimate the performance in these regions. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Calcium precipitation can have a number of effects on the performance of high-rate anaerobic performance including cementing of the sludge bed, limiting diffusion, and diluting the active biomass. The aim of this study was to observe the influence of precipitation in a stable full-scale system fed with high-calcium paper factory wastewater. Granules were examined from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (volume 1,805 m(3)) at a recycled paper mill with a loading rate of 5.7-6.6 kgCOD.m(-3).d(-1) and influent calcium concentration of 400-700 gCa(.)m(-3). The granules were relatively small (1 mm), with a 200-400 mum core of calcium precipitate as observed with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Compared to other granules, Methanomicrobiales not Methanobacteriales were the dominant hydrogen or formate utilisers, and putative acidogens were filamentous. The strength of the paper mill fed granules was very high when compared to granules from other full-scale reactors, and a partial linear correlation between granule strength and calcium concentration was identified.


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Background: Using the fastest dental X-ray film available is an easy way of reducing exposure to ionizing radiation. However, the diagnostic ability of fast films for the detection of proximal surface caries must be demonstrated before these films will become universally accepted. Methods: Extracted premolar and molar teeth were arranged to simulate a bitewing examination and radiographed using Ultraspeed and Ektaspeed Plus dental X-ray films. Three different exposure times were used for each film type. Six general dentists were used to determine the presence and depth of the decay in the proximal surfaces of the teeth radiographed. The actual extent of the decay in the teeth was determined by sectioning the teeth and examining them under a microscope. Results: There was no significant difference between the two films for the mean correct diagnosis. However, there was a significant difference between the means for the three exposure times used for Ultraspeed film. The practitioners used were not consistent in their ability to make a correct diagnosis, or for the film for which they got the highest correct diagnosis. Conclusions: Ektaspeed Plus dental X-ray film is just as reliable as Ultraspeed dental X-ray film for the detection of proximal surface decay. The effect of underexposure was significant for Ultraspeed, but not for Ektaspeed Plus. Patient exposure can be reduced significantly with no loss of diagnostic ability by changing from Ultraspeed X-ray film to Ektaspeed Plus X-ray film.


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The synthesis, characterization and copper(II) coordination chemistry of three new cyclic peptide ligands, PatJ(1) (cyclo-(Ile -Thr- (Gly)Thz-lle-Thr(Gly)Thz)), PatJ(2) (cyclo-(Ile-Thr(Gly)Thz-(D)-Ile-Thr-(Gly)Thz)), and PatL (cyclo-(Ile-Ser-(Gly)Thz-Ile-Ser(Gly)Thz)) are reported. All of these cyclic peptides and PatN (cyclo-(Ile-Ser(Gly)Thz-Ile-Thr-(Gly)Thz)) are derivatives of patellamide A and have a [24]azacrown-8 macrocyclic structure. All four synthetic cyclic peptides have two thiazole rings but, in contrast to patellamide A, no oxazoline rings. The molecular structure of PatJ1, determined by X-ray crystallography, has a saddle conformation with two close-to-co-parallel thiazole rings, very similar to the geometry of patellamide D. The two coordination sites of PatJ1 with thiazole-N and amide-N donors are each well preorganized for transition metal ion binding. The coordination of copper(II) was monitored by UV/Vis spectroscopy, and this reveals various (meta)stable mono- and dinuclear copper(II) complexes whose stoichiometry was confirmed by mass spectra. Two types of dinuclear copper(II) complexes, [Cu-2(H4L)(OH2)(n)](2+) (n = 6, 8) and [Cu-2(H4L)(OH2)(n)] (n=4, 6; L=PatN, PatL, PatJ1, PatJ2) have been identified and analyzed structurally by EPR spectroscopy and a combination of spectra simulations and molecular mechanics calculations (MM-EPR). The four structures are similar to each other and have a saddle conformation, that is, derived from the crystal structure of PatJ(1) by a twist of the two thiozole rings. The small but significant structural differences are characterized by the EPR simulations.


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The technique of permanently attaching interdigital transducers (IDT) to either flat or curved structural surfaces to excite single Lamb wave mode has demonstrated great potential for quantitative non-destructive evaluation and smart materials design, In this paper, the acoustic wave field in a composite laminated plate excited by an IDT is investigated. On the basis of discrete layer theory and a multiple integral transform method, an analytical-numerical approach is developed to evaluate the surface velocity response of the plate due to the IDTs excitation. In this approach, the frequency spectrum and wave number spectrum of the output of IDT are obtained directly. The corresponding time domain results are calculated by applying a standard inverse fast Fourier transformation technique. Numerical examples are presented to validate the developed method and show the ability of mode selection and isolation. A new effective way of transfer function estimation and interpretation is presented by considering the input wave number spectrum in addition to the commonly used input frequency spectrum. The new approach enables the simple physical evaluation of the influences of IDT geometrical features such as electrode finger widths and overall dimension and excitation signal properties on the input-output characteristics of IDT. Finally, considering the convenience of Mindlin plate wave theory in numerical computations as well as theoretical analysis, the validity is examined of using this approximate theory to design IDT for the excitation of the first and second anti-symmetric Lamb modes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A simple method is provided for calculating transport rates of not too fine (d(50) greater than or equal to 0.20 mm) sand under sheet flow conditions. The method consists of a Meyer-Peter-type transport formula operating on a time-varying Shields parameter, which accounts for both acceleration-asymmetry and boundary layer streaming. While velocity moment formulae, e.g.., = Constant x calibrated against U-tube measurements, fail spectacularly under some real waves (Ribberink, J.S., Dohmen-Janssen, C.M., Hanes, D.M., McLean, S.R., Vincent, C., 2000. Near-bed sand transport mechanisms under waves. Proc. 27th Int. Conf. Coastal Engineering, Sydney, ASCE, New York, pp. 3263-3276, Fig. 12), the new method predicts the real wave observations equally well. The reason that the velocity moment formulae fail under these waves is partly the presence of boundary layer streaming and partly the saw-tooth asymmetry, i.e., the front of the waves being steeper than the back. Waves with saw-tooth asymmetry may generate a net landward sediment transport even if = 0, because of the more abrupt acceleration under the steep front. More abrupt accelerations are associated with thinner boundary layers and greater pressure gradients for a given velocity magnitude. The two real wave effects are incorporated in a model of the form Q(s)(t) = Q(s)[theta(t)] rather than Q(S)(t) = Q(S)[u(infinity)(t)], i.e., by expressing the transport rate in terms of an instantaneous Shields parameter rather than in terms of the free stream velocity, and accounting for both streaming and accelerations in the 0(t) calculations. The instantaneous friction velocities u(*)(t) and subsequently theta(t) are calculated as follows. Firstly, a linear filter incorporating the grain roughness friction factor f(2.5) and a phase angle phi(tau) is applied to u(infinity)(t). This delivers u(*)(t) which is used to calculate an instantaneous grain roughness Shields parameter theta(2.5)(t). Secondly, a constant bed shear stress is added which corresponds to the streaming related bed shear stress -rho ($) over bar((u) over tilde(w) over tilde)(infinity) . The method can be applied to any u(infinity)(t) time series, but further experimental validation is recommended before application to conditions that differ strongly from the ones considered below. The method is not recommended for rippled beds or for sheet flow with typical prototype wave periods and d(50) < 0.20 turn. In such scenarios, time lags related to vertical sediment movement become important, and these are not considered by the present model. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An efficient Lanczos subspace method has been devised for calculating state-to-state reaction probabilities. The method recasts the time-independent wave packet Lippmann-Schwinger equation [Kouri , Chem. Phys. Lett. 203, 166 (1993)] inside a tridiagonal (Lanczos) representation in which action of the causal Green's operator is affected easily with a QR algorithm. The method is designed to yield all state-to-state reaction probabilities from a given reactant-channel wave packet using a single Lanczos subspace; the spectral properties of the tridiagonal Hamiltonian allow calculations to be undertaken at arbitrary energies within the spectral range of the initial wave packet. The method is applied to a H+O-2 system (J=0), and the results indicate the approach is accurate and stable. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper. we present the results of quantum dynamical simulations of the S (D-1) + H-2 insertion reaction on a newly developed potential energy surface (J. Chem. Phys. 2001, 114, 320). State-to-state reaction probabilities. product state distributions, and initial-state resolved cumulative reaction probabilities from a given incoming reactant channel are obtained from a time-independent wave packet analysis, performed within a single Lanczos subspace. Integral reaction cross sections are then estimated by J-shifting method and compared with the results from molecular beam experiment and QCT calculations.


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In this paper we explore the relative performance of two recently developed wave packet methodologies for reactive scattering, namely the real wave packet Chebyshev domain propagation of Gray and Balint-Kurti [J. Chem. Phys. 108, 950 (1998)] and the Lanczos subspace wave packet approach of Smith [J. Chem. Phys. 116, 2354 (2002); Chem. Phys. Lett. 336, 149 (2001)]. In the former method, a modified Schrodinger equation is employed to propagate the real part of the wave packet via the well-known Chebyshev iteration. While the time-dependent wave packet from the modified Schrodinger equation is different from that obtained using the standard Schrodinger equation, time-to-energy Fourier transformation yields wave functions which differ only trivially by normalization. In the Lanczos subspace approach the linear system of equations defining the action of the Green operator may be solved via either time-dependent or time-independent methods, both of which are extremely efficient due to the simple tridiagonal structure of the Hamiltonian in the Lanczos representation. The two different wave packet methods are applied to three dimensional reactive scattering of H+O-2 (total J=0). State-to-state reaction probabilities, product state distributions, as well as initial-state-resolved cumulative reaction probabilities are examined. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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To establish a noncontagious control for the Ray thioglycollate test for the detection of Perkinsus in mollusks we evaluated nonviable stages of P. olseni for enlargement of hypnospores and blue/black iodine stain. Trophozoites made nonviable with formalin, irradiation or colchicine failed to swell in thioglycollate. They remained small and did not differentially stain in iodine. Trophozoites that had already developed into hypnospores in thioglycollate were rendered inactive by freezing, ethanol or formalin immersion. They retained their iodinophilic properties and thus could provide a partial control for the Ray Test.


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The technique of permanently attaching piezoelectric transducers to structural surfaces has demonstrated great potential for quantitative non-destructive evaluation and smart materials design. For thin structural members such as composite laminated plates, it has been well recognized that guided Lamb wave techniques can provide a very sensitive and effective means for large area interrogation. However, since in these applications multiple wave modes are generally generated and the individual modes are usually dispersive, the received signals are very complex and difficult to interpret. An attractive way to deal with this problem has recently been introduced by applying piezoceramic transducer arrays or interdigital transducer (IDT) technologies. In this paper, the acoustic wave field in composite laminated plates excited by piezoceramic transducer arrays or IDT is investigated. Based on dynamic piezoelectricity theory, a discrete layer theory and a multiple integral transform method, an analytical-numerical approach is developed to evaluate the input impedance characteristics of the transducer and the surface velocity response of the plate. The method enables the quantitative evaluation of the influence of the electrical characteristics of the excitation circuit, the geometric and piezoelectric properties of the transducer array, and the mechanical and geometrical features of the laminate. Numerical results are presented to validate the developed method and show the ability of single wave mode selection and isolation. The results show that the interaction between individual elements of the piezoelectric array has a significant influence on the performance of the IDT, and these effects can not be neglected even in the case of low frequency excitation. It is also demonstrated that adding backing materials to the transducer elements can be used to improve the excitability of specific wave modes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The eastern shovelnose ray, Aptychotrema rostrata (Rhinobatidae), is an endemic batoid common to the east coast of Australia. The reproductive cycle was studied in Moreton Bay, south-eastern Queensland, over a 14-month period. Aptychotrema rostrata is an aplacental yolksac viviparous species with an annual, seasonal reproductive cycle in Moreton Bay. Females mature at 54-66 cm total length, and males at 60-68 cm total length. Gravid females were observed during September-November and parturition occurred in November-December. Vitellogenesis does not proceed in parallel with gestation. Ovulation and copulation probably occur during July-September, resulting in a gestational period of 3-5 months. Uterine fecundity ranges from 4 to 18, with a significant positive relationship between uterine fecundity and maternal body length. In mature males, a peak in the proportion of mature spermatocysts in the testes was observed in July, whereas gonadosomatic index peaked in April.