953 resultados para Waters resources management
ABSTRACT \ Employers know that to have a successful organization, they must have the right people in the right jobs. But how will they know whom to place where? The development of a model based upon an individual's personality traits and strengths, and how to best use them, is a good place to start. Employees working in positions in which their traits and strengths are maximized enjoy work more, are more efficient, and are less apt to be absent or to look for work elsewhere. It is a mutually beneficial process of selection for both employers and employees. This model illustrates the process in an automobile and property insurance claims operation through utilization of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators and the StrengthsFinder Profiles.
In the latter half of the twentieth century the workforce dynamic changed when the number of women entering the workforce increased by record amounts. In direct opposition to this change was the inability of organizations to meet the needs of employees with childcare concerns. Organizations and employees alike are best served when policies, procedures, and benefits are implemented to achieve a positive work/life balance. Companies that institute benefits that are supportive to families observe decreases in turnover and increased employee retention. Employees who are offered family friendly resources have been known to stay with companies even when offered a higher salary elsewhere. Demonstrating that retention of valued employees is linked to an organizations ability to offer support for family needs.
The selection process is arguably the most important part of the employee life cycle in an organization, but a process often underdeveloped in many organizations. Successful selection processes can put the right people into critical positions, whereas failure to focus on selection can result in poor performance, turnover, and loss of productivity critical to the continuing success of organizations. This paper creates a model for a hiring manager training that focuses on a strategic selection process to maximize chances for successful hires. Utilizing leadership and selection models, human resources can engage hiring managers in a strategic applicant selection process as well as give tools for screening, interviewing, and selecting the best candidates for employment throughout all levels of their organization.
Abstract \ The business importance of retaining and developing top performing employees is more crucial to business organizations that in the past, yet many organizations are not confident in their ability to staff leadership positions within the next five years. Many companies continue to run without a employee leadership development program. Organizations that shy away from development programs tend to do so because of fear the costs are too high. Organizations that support leadership programs acknowledge that the benefits far outweigh the costs. In this capstone study, the researcher illustrates that employee leadership development programs add value through improved business strategy and employee satisfaction, and as a result, represent a worthy investment.
The use of diversity as a strategic advantage contributes to the success of an organization. The organizations that employ a diverse workforce benefit from the varied perspectives and value that diverse employees offer. The organizations that leverage those employee perspectives can gain a competitive advantage. For many organizations, employee diversity is underutilized. The research of this capstone evaluates the various benefits of diversity strategies. It then compares those with results from a diversity survey and interviews with HR professionals. Ultimately, this capstone concludes that additional research at the employee level and additional quantitative measurement are needed to highlight the ways in which a diversity strategy can increase a company's bottom line and offer a strategic advantage.
‰Û÷Survivor syndrome' or negative consequences of a layoff on survivors is the key reason why layoffs fail. This Capstone Project draws on downsizing-related research and proposes a customizable plan to revitalize the surviving workforce after a downsizing initiative. The plan divides downsizing-related interventions into three phases: pre-downsizing, day of the announcement, and post-downsizing. Key elements of this plan include linking the plan to a revised vision, detailed planning of the process, open, two-way communication systems, employee involvement in all stages of the process, respectable treatment of departing employees, plans to support survivors, training frontline managers, and implementing a top talent retention strategy. The Capstone also addresses roles and responsibilities of leaders, HR professionals, and managers in the survivor management process.
Water availability in adequate quantities and qualities is a fundamental requirement for tourism. In the Mediterranean, one of the world’s leading tourist destinations, water availability is subject to modest and erratic precipitation figures which may decline with climate change. The tourist industry therefore may have to assure future supplies by either recurring to new technologies such as desalination or increasing efficiency in water use. A third and yet little explored alternative would be to seek for complementary of uses with irrigation, the traditional user in many coastal Mediterranean areas and holder of substantial amounts of water. In this paper we present the example of the Consorcio de Aguas de la Marina Baja to show how Benidorm, in Mediterranean Spain and one of the most important tourist centers of the Mediterranean, obtains part of its water through agreements with farmers by which these trade their water with Benidorm and other towns’ treated wastewater of enough quality to be used for irrigation, and obtain several compensations in return. The advantages and disadvantages of the water trade between farmers and tourist interests in the Benidorm area are discussed and we argue that solutions to the pending water crisis of many coastal Mediterranean tourist areas may not need to rely uniquely on expensive technologies to generate new resources but may attempt other alternatives.
Este trabalho é parte integrante do Projeto Grande Minas - União pelas Águas, que realizou o Zoneamento Ambiental das Sub-bacias Hidrográficas dos Afluentes Mineiros do Médio Rio Grande. Após a obtenção dos produtos finais do zoneamento, entra-se agora, na fase de “Implementação”, ou seja, de sua aplicação direta para contribuir no processo de gestão dos recursos hídricos das sub-bacias hidrográficas da área de estudo. Neste trabalho estuda-se, especificamente, a sub-bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Bocaina, considerada uma das 34 sub-bacias que envolvem a Bacia Hidrográfica dos Afluentes Mineiros do Médio Rio Grande e situa-se no município de Passos-MG, possuindo uma área de 457,9 km². O trabalho busca dar uma contribuição para a gestão dos recursos hídricos nesta sub-bacia, que vem sofrendo com a degradação do seu recurso hídrico. O objetivo é disponibilizar instrumentos cartográficos para subsidiar a gestão dos recursos hídricos e, com isto, contribuir com a sua preservação e uso sustentável. A sistemática metodológica envolve uma análise dos aspectos legais da área de estudo; a construção de um Banco de Dados Digital georreferenciado com informações sobre os meios físico, biótico e socioeconômico da sub-bacia e a produção de uma carta derivada, de cunho interpretativo e de fácil leitura, que possa ser utilizada diretamente pelo gestor público nas tomadas de decisões. A base digital produzida conta com uma série de mapas digitais, dentre eles: mapas climáticos, de solos, declividades, geomorfológico, geológico, de sistemas aquíferos, hidrográfico, uso e ocupação do solo. Com relação à carta derivada, destaca os terrenos que apresentam maior predisposição à alterações diretas nos recursos hídricos.
Este estudo visa apresentar os princípios gerais que regem a utilização dos recursos hídricos no Brasil e no Estado de São Paulo, destacando os instrumentos que regulamentam seu uso pelos múltiplos atores que dependem da água para a realização das mais variadas atividades, levando-se em consideração a legislação e demais normas e documentos elaborados e vigentes até o final do mês de maio de 2015. Será realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e os dados serão tratados através da análise qualitativa de conteúdo. Afinal, como é a gestão da água no Estado de São Paulo e no Brasil, enquanto recurso, visando atender as necessidades heterogêneas dos atores que dele dependem para inúmeros usos? Buscar-se-á despertar o leitor para a relevância do tema neste momento em que atravessamos um cenário de escassez decorrente de uma série de fatores, dentre os quais destacam-se os gerenciais.
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"May 1990."
Mode of access: Internet.
Description based on: Fiscal year 1984.
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