956 resultados para Wagner, Christian, 1835-1918.
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka hur Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente drabbades av spanska sjukan under 1918-1920. Det har även jämförts hur detta regemente drabba¬des i jämförelse med Dalarnas och Västmanlands regementen under 1918. Frågeställning¬arna som besvarats handlar om hur många som insjuknade och dog, hur regementets ansva¬riga agerade samt vilka åtgärder som vidtogs när epidemin hade nått regementet. Det huvudsakliga materialet jag har använt mig av är förste provinsialläkarens årsberättelser och regementets inkomna och utgående skrivelser. Studiens resultat visar att Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente med sina cirka 500 sjuk¬domsfall och fyra dödsfall under epidemins första period, 1918 drabbades i hög grad i jämfö¬relse med Dalregementet, men i liten grad i jämförelse med Västmanlands rege¬mente. Anledningen till att regementet på Gotland klarade sig relativt lindrigt från spanska sjukan kan bero på att en fungerande sjukvård snabbt kunde sättas in samt att man vidtog andra åt¬gärder såsom inskränkningar på permissioner, striktare personlig hygien och renlighet i loka¬lerna samt skyddsympning.
This Master’s Thesis examines transnational conflicts and Christian-Muslim relations in Nigeria between the years 2001 and 2006. It focuses on two major transnational conflicts: The September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States and the Danish cartoon controversy of 2005/2006. It discusses the impact of these transnational conflicts on Christian-Muslim relations in Nigeria in the light of the implementation of the Sharia Law in some northern Nigerian states and the improved access to the broadcast media and mobile telephone communication in Nigeria. By underscoring the relationship between transnational conflicts and the local context, this study provides a new perspective for understanding Christian-Muslim relations in Nigeria
Spanska sjukan var en världsomfattande epidemi, en pandemi, som drog över världen i flera influensavågor mellan 1918-1920. Syftet har varit att ta reda på hur Säters hospital drabbades av och hanterade influensautbrottet 1918. Med hjälp av överläkarens årsberättelse för 1918 har jag lyckats få fram att 40,7 % av alla patienter blev smittade av spanska sjukan varav 15,3 % av dem avled till följd av sjukdomen. 529 personer smittades av spanska sjukan på Säters sjukhusområde varav 57 personer avled, vilket motsvarar 10,8 %. Av de 529 smittade männen och kvinnorna avled 12,6 % kvinnor (34 stycken) och 8,9 % män (23 stycken) till följd av in-fluensan. Överläkaren beskrev i årsberättelsen att Säters hospital klarade sig förhållandevis bra, tack var det paviljongsystemet som möjliggjorde att influensan kunde isoleras.
My research aims to understand how and why fundamentalists justify violence against people who do not fit their profile of "righteous" or "saved" persons, such as abortion doctors and clinic workers, gays and lesbians, and Jews. The first section of this paper travels through the history of fundamentalism since its origins in the British and American apocalipticism, or belief in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. However, my history of Protestant Fundamentalism in the United States will focus on the ways in which Fundamentalism developed in response to many changes in American social structure. I interpret Fundamentalism as an anti-modern movement seeking to reassert "traditional" Christian values.
It is important to assert that this study is not a work to inflict guilt on the Catholics or Catholicism for their silence and indifference during the Holocaust. Instead, this study is about the process of moving on from the Catholic Church's past to where the Jewish community's theological existence was finally recognized and the Jewish people were no longer seen as the Others who killed Christ. This was, achieved through a church declaration titled Nostra Aetate (In Our Time). This study records the journey traversed by this declaration, the insurmountable odds it faced in its creation until its promulgation and the impact it has on the Jewish-Christian relationship.
In this paper I have attempted to present a summary of my exposition of the theology of Rauschenbusch and Niebuhr, and of my own understanding of the issues of Christian Social Action. I have tried to reproduce in this short space the thought of these men, in a manner which should make it comprehensible and which should relate it to the larger questions of social action. This year’s work as a Senior Scholar has proved invaluable because of the discipline of self-directed study which the work taught, and because of myriad possibilities of future investigation which it has suggested. I hope that someday this present manuscript may be expanded into something more substantial. The personal value of such a project, in my opinion, must be measured by the contribution which the project makes to the individual’s general experience, and not merely by the written work which is produced. Therefore, although this manuscript is rather brief, it represents a great deal of value which I feel that I can measure only by my own experience.
The Winthrop yearbook was published from 1898 to 2002. It has been known as the Tatler since its inception except for 1904 (Lang Syne) and 1918 (Tatler a la Guerre). No yearbook was published in 1900, 1902, 1903, 1905,1906.
The indetermination of senior (or the indetermination of Wagner) and Schmoller as a Social Economist
The propositions of pure economics, whatever be their generality and their truth, do not authorize normative concluaions, but cannot be ignored. The latter, namely what ought not to be done, is derivable from socio-economics. The derivation is to be qualified by the specificities of the case. I have called this the Indetermination of Senior; Wagner and Marshall were quite aware of it. The habit of ignoring it is the Ricardian Vice; Schmoller's fight may have been a reaction against the latter. The Methodenstreit was the first great paradigmatic conflict between pure and social economists.
Nos lagos artificiais dos parques de Porto Alegre, pode-se observar um número muito grande de tartarugas, tanto a nativa Trachemys dorbigni quanto a norte-americana Trachemys scripta elegans estando abundantemente presentes nos mesmos. Este trabalho realizou-se nos lagos do Parque Moinhos de Vento e Jardim Botânico com o objetivo de se obter dados a respeito do comportamento de assoalhamento, interações agressivas realizadas durante esta atividade e biologia termal desses quelônios. Nessas coletas, os exemplares foram marcados, suas temperaturas cloacais registradas e dados morfométricos foram medidos. Realizou-se amostragens no período de setembro de 2003 a outubro de 2004, com coletas de dados para comportamento de assoalhamento e biologia termal ocorrendo quinzenalmente em ambos lagos. As amostragens a respeito das interações agressivas ocorreram durante quatro dias por estação do ano somente no Parque Moinhos de Vento. O padrão de comportamento de assoalhamento encontrado para ambas as espécies foi basicamente do tipo unimodal simétrico para os dois locais de coleta, sendo T. scripta elegans a espécie que ocupou previamente os locais disponíveis para esta atividade. As temperaturas corpóreas de ambas espécies coletadas dentro d’água, foram altamente relacionadas com a temperatura da água, enquanto indivíduos coletados em assoalhamento, apresentaram temperaturas cloacais mais relacionadas com as temperaturas do substrato que estava sendo utilizado, do que com as temperaturas do ar. Foi obtida uma taxa de 2,3 interações agressivas por hora observada, considerando-se esta atividade como bastante freqüente entre as espécies observadas. T. scripta elegans demonstrou-se mais agressiva que T. dorbigni causando, assim, uma interferência no comportamento de assoalhamento da mesma, e apresentando um perfil muito semelhante às características termorregulatórias que possui em seu hábitat natural.
Resumo não disponível.