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Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka hur muslimska kvinnor framställs i digitala dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och engelska The Guardian. För att kunna genomföra denna studie valde jag att använda mig av kvantitativ innehållsanalys där jag efter vissa kriterier valde ut 51 artiklar från The Guardian och 49 artiklar från Dagens Nyheter. Totalt undersöktes 100 artiklar från de utvalda tidningarna. Tidsperioden var 2011-2016. Frågeställningarna var; hur beskrivs muslimska kvinnor i de utvalda webbtidningarna? Vilka etniska grupper finns explicit nämda i de undersökta artiklarna? Om det finns, vilka könsroller kan urskiljas? Finns det en positiv eller negativ anda i själva artikeln gentemot muslimska kvinnor? De teorier som jag använde mig av i denna studie var feministiska och mångfaldsteorier. Resultatet visade att det vanligaste sammanhanget som den muslimska kvinnan förekommer i är att de beskrivs som offer. Ibland kunde hon framställas som både offer och förbrytare. En del av artiklarna var lite svåra att bedöma om de hade positiv eller negativ attityd. Detta beror på att det beskrevs som både positivt och negativt. Det kunde handla om den muslimska kvinnans situation som beskrevs positivt medan en del negativt kunde skrivas om islam, om t ex att det finns bakåtsträvande idéer och rörelser. Antingen framställdes den muslimska kvinnan som ett offer, förbrytare, både och, neutralt eller som en kämpe. Artiklarna som framställde kvinnan som en kämpe hade en positiv tendens då de försökte lyfta fram kvinnan och visa att hon är mer framgångsrik samt självständig, än förtryckt, vilket många anser en beslöjad kvinna är. Det fanns artiklar som hade en positiv tendens, men även artiklarna med en negativ tendens gentemot den muslimska kvinnan. Ytterst få artiklar i både DN och The Guardian nämnde etniska grupper, det lades inget stort fokus på etniciteter. Utöver detta benämndes kvinnorna i artiklarna som muslimska kvinnor. Inga könsroller kunde urskiljas.


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This study presents the issue of Children and Youth sexual violence from a critical eye in assessing the actions of the organs of defense and protection in cases of sexual abuse against children and adolescents in the city of Natal / RN. We aimed to perform this evaluation from the investigation of 05 cases of child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse that were answered by Precinct Specializing in Defense of Children and Adolescents (DCA), considering the service flow of cases, the articulation between the organs that make up System Warranty rights (SGD), the record of the complaint, as well as the elapsed time between the record of the complaint and the accountability of the offender. Thus, the present study consists in an analysis from the quantitative and qualitative theoretical-methodological approach assuming 'sexual violence in their social, historical, cultural, legal and economic dimensions. The route established between the knowledge about the object and the method of analysis involved: literature about the conceptual discussion on sexual violence, analyzing quantitative data provided by DCA, as well as semi-structured interviews with victims and those responsible for the professionals working in institutions of the defense agencies. Is apprehended in this study that the situations of violence against children is a multifaceted phenomenon that has expressions from ancient societies, assuming a peculiarity in contemporary society to consider the juvenile population as subjects of rights. Furthermore, it was possible to identify the lack of effectiveness, with respect to the actions of the organs of defense in intervention situations of sexual abuse now investigated as yet not actually configure a process of articulation between these bodies from the perspective of ensuring rights and break the cycle of violence.


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This study aims to diagnose and analyze the use of film in school space, more precisely, in the teaching of history, from the theoretical perspective of the German historian Jörn Rüsen and thus try to observe together with the assumptions of the Didactics of History elements such as public uses that are made for cinema history. In this sense, research propositions movies found in textbooks of history, paths to offer insights about the impacts caused by learning the historical film narrative, this being a learning also occurs in everyday life of students and not just in school space. For both, the textbooks present in Memorial do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), approved in the following editions PNLD/2005 and PNLD/2008 were used. To perform this diagnostic use, in addition to books, the Call Notices and Guides Textbook PNLD as a way to understand how to perform the theoretical and methodological discussions and recommendations about the potential of cinematic narrative for history lessons and these possible approaches to the theory of history.


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Dar a ver Sertão e Sevilha: matizes hispânicas na poética cabralina is a study on the lyric reading possibilities of Cabralian poetry, from the work of the poet from Pernambuco, that shows the intercultural dialogue and the Spanish poetical approach absorbed by João Cabral de Melo Neto during his Andalusian experience. Hispanic interfaces incorporated by the Cabralian poetry through literature or through the direct contact with the culture are registered on the 133 poems that have Spain as theme, in which we can see the matrix of Hispanic tradition, rich in its diversity, was the preponderant element for the poet João Cabral to discover the core of his lyric backwards. From Hispanic corpus, it will be explored the aesthetical assimilation of Spanish poetry in the work of João Cabral de Melo Neto, with the objective of demystifying the issues of lyrical dullness and anti musicality on Cabralian poetics in which, from the appropriation of Hispanic elements investigated as a signal of lyrics and musicality, originates a reading unattached from the constructivist signal, tessitura evidenced by the critic Antonio Candido since the origin of JCMN poetry with the poem Pedra do sono (1942). The mentioned aesthetics was adopted later on by the literary critics that named it as “brain poetry” for its hermetical configuration, tessitura of rigor, concreteness of language and stiff metrics. The results obtained from this study aim to induce a reading that favors the lyrical acoustic of the Cabralian poetry in the effort to ease the aspects of the arid construction.


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Una avalancha de testimonios individuales envuelve nuestra cotidianidad. En la actualidad, y gracias a las posibilidades que ofrecen los dispositivos móviles conectados a la red, pueden intercambiarse datos e informaciones de experiencias propias sin intermediarios. La transmisión de lo acontecido se da al tiempo que los hechos están teniendo lugar. La situación se define como un nudo formado por el acontecimiento, el relato del mismo y su proyección hacia el futuro. En el centro de dicho nudo se encuentra la matriz de estas investigaciones: el testigo. En este caso, el testigo de la guerra que, mediante su testimonio (en forma de elaboración artística), da a ver su propia experiencia. Como punto de partida, esta tesis comienza con un acercamiento a propuestas artísticas situadas temporalmente entre la aparición de la fotografía, en la década de los treinta del siglo XIX, y el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En ningún caso la selección de artistas y obras se presentan como casos paradigmáticos, sino que funcionan como una muestra acompañante y entrelazada con el desarrollo teórico llevado a cabo durante el trabajo indagador...


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To learn complex skills, like collaboration, learners need to acquire a concrete and consistent mental model of what it means to master this skill. If learners know their current mastery level and know their targeted mastery level, they can better determine their subsequent learning activities. Rubrics support learners in judging their skill performance as they provide textual descriptions of skills’ mastery levels with performance indicators for all constituent subskills. However, text-based rubrics have a limited capacity to support the formation of mental models with contextualized, time-related and observable behavioral aspects of a complex skill. This paper outlines the design of a study that intends to investigate the effect of rubrics with video modelling examples compared to text-based rubrics on skills acquisition and feedback provisioning. The hypothesis is that video-enhanced rubrics, compared to text based rubrics, will improve mental model formation of a complex skill and improve the feedback quality a learner receives (from e.g. teachers, peers) while practicing a skill, hence positively effecting final mastery of a skill.


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A violência constitui hoje a principal causa de morte em crianças de 5 a 19 anos, o que tem imposto aos profissionais de saúde um olhar mais atento a estas questões, bem como uma formação que busque compreender este fenômeno sobre os vários prismas que a circunscreve. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar a experiência vivenciada com alunos do curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte numa aula-vivência sobre esta temática. A aula foi baseada numa prática pedagógica de ação reflexiva. Desenvolveu-se a partir da integração dos conteúdos teóricos e práticos, articulando-os com temas sociais, políticos e econômicos. A aula foi dividida em três momentos: um momento de sensibilização; um segundo momento onde foi apresentado e discutido o arcabouço teórico, científico e legal que envolve o tema; e um terceiro, que visou estimular uma reflexão sobre a realidade vivenciada nos serviços de saúde por profissionais que atuam diante de situações de violência. Nos três momentos da aula pudemos proporcionar ao aluno a inquietação e a reflexão necessárias para pensarmos sobre a violência em toda a sua complexidade, pluricausalidade e com toda a carga de preconceito em que esta se encontra envolvida


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En VII Congreso Costarricense de Filología, Lingüística y Literatura Dr. Jack Wilson Kilburn.


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Ponencia presentada en el VIII Congreso de Filología, Lingûìstica y Literatura.