778 resultados para Ventilação Não Invasiva
Um equino macho, raça Manga Larga, de 20 dias de idade, pesando 55 kg foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário “Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira” com histórico de queda no dia anterior, apresentando impotência funcional e desvio do eixo ósseo do membro pélvico esquerdo (MPE). Ao exame radiográfico, constatou-se uma fratura classificada como Salter- Harris tipo II, na região distal da tíbia esquerda, com indicação para osteossíntese. Ao exame físico geral, observou-se frequência cardíaca (FC) de 82 batimentos.min-1, frequência respiratória (f) de 60 movimentos.min-1, mucosas róseas, tempo de preenchimento capilar de dois segundos, temperatura retal (ToC) de 38,5oC e hidratação adequada. Como medicação pré-anestésica, administrou-se xilazina (0,5 mg.kg-1) IV. A indução foi realizada por meio da administração de midazolam (0,1mg.kg-1) e cetamina (2mg.kg-1) IV. Seguiu-se a intubação orotraqueal com sonda n o 12 conectando-se a um circuito anestésico com reinalação parcial de gases, e a manutenção foi realizada com isofluorano em fluxo diluente de oxigênio a 100%, sob ventilação espontânea. Realizou-se a técnica de anestesia peridural com o paciente em decúbito lateral direito, introduzindo uma agulha 30x8 percutaneamente até atingir o espaço peridural entre as vértebras L6 e S1, onde se administrou lidocaína a 2% (2,2mg.kg-1) com vasoconstritor, perfazendo um volume de 6 mLs. Adicionalmente foi realizado o bloqueio perineural dos nervos tibial e fibular do membro acometido, com administração de 5 mLs de lidocaína a 2% com vasoconstritor em cada ponto. A administração de anestésicos locais pela via peridural na região L6 – S1 não é rotineiramente usada em equinos, uma vez que provoca ataxia ou perda do tônus muscular, aumentando os riscos relacionados à intervenção anestésica. No entanto, a recuperação do potro nesse relato de caso foi rápida e isenta de complicações, provalvelmente proporcionando anestesia multimodal e consequentemente menor depressão cardiovascular. A associação da anestesia peridural e bloqueio dos nervos tibial e fibular à anestesia geral, pode ser uma alternativa para intervenções cirúrgicas em membros pélvicos de potros, uma vez que demonstrou ser efetiva e de fácil execução.
Atualmente a implantação de qualquer planta industrial que possa gerar impacto ambiental, ou até mesmo adequação de equipamentos já instalados para a não geração de poluentes ou geração dentro de limites adequados, passa cada vez mais por fiscalização rigorosa dos órgãos ambientais. A ventilação industrial tem sido e continua sendo a principal medida de controle efetiva para ambientes de trabalho que contenham dispersão de efluentes gasosos e material particulado de natureza prejudiciais, e baseado neste fato de relevância inegável é que se fundamenta este estudo. Um sistema de tratamento de gases com enfoque em ventilação local exaustora engloba vários equipamentos, e dentre eles o filtro de mangas é considerado um dos principais, pois sua função é a de efetuar a filtração dos gases proporcionando emissões dentro das tolerâncias dos órgãos ambientais, refletindo desta forma o objeto principal deste estudo de caso, a eficiência do equipamento. Especificamente neste estudo apresentam-se dados de eficiência do filtro de mangas em questão, componente de um sistema de desempoeiramento de uma caldeira de queima de resíduos sólidos. Foram utilizados dados coletados em campo em dois pontos do circuito do sistema, entrada do filtro de mangas e descarga de gases limpos, além de análise do elemento filtrante. As coletas e análises foram realizadas de acordo com as normas para a correta aferição dos dados gerados. Os resultados permitiram observar patamares de eficiência de filtração para os resíduos gerados na queima, demonstrando os cuidados a serem tomados no dimensionamento do equipamento para esta aplicação.
Greenhouse with natural ventilation is widely used in tropical countries, and little knowledge is available about how this type of structure affects the spatial variability of agroclimatic variables. The aim of this study was to analyse the spatial variability of relative humidity inside a greenhouse with natural ventilation. The measurement of relative humidity was done at 114 points inside the greenhouse at 9, 12 and 16 hours and on heights of 0.3, 1.2 and 2.0 m. The acquired data were processed by the geostatistical software GS+ and maps were generated and displayed for each time and height using the Surfer 10.3.705 software. The results showed that there were variations in the spatial distribution of relative humidity inside the greenhouse.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Recent research seeking to elucidate the possible effects of different types of physical training on the morphological adaptations of skeletal muscle. Although it is relatively easy to study the effects of exercise training in humans, such research becomes limited due to the invasive nature of the biopsies and the risk inherent in the use of human subjects. Thus, the application of animal models of training has been considered an appropriate strategy for the study of muscular adaptations in response to exercise. Objective: This study used a rodent model to determine the possible effects of aerobic and strength training on the CSA of fibers of the plantaris muscle. Methods: 24 male Wistar rats (80 to 120 days, 250 to 400 g) were randomly divided into 3 groups: aerobic training (TA, n = 8), strength training (ST, n = 8) and control (CO, n = 8). The animals in groups TA and TF were subjected to 8 weeks of training, while the animals of group C remained without any stimulus from start to finish the training period. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrificed and right plantar muscles dissected and removed. For morphological and morphometric analysis of muscle fibers was performed staining was performed H.E. Results: There was no significant difference in initial body weight between experimental groups. After 8 weeks of training, the TA group showed a significant reduction in final body weight, compared to CO and TF groups. With respect to the CSA of fibers of the plantaris muscle, no significant difference between the groups CO and TA. On the other hand, the strength training promoted a significant increase in AST of the group TF in compared with the groups CO and TA. Conclusion: Strength training used in this study promoted an increase in CSA of fibers of the plantaris muscle. On the other hand, animals submitted to aerobic training showed no changes in the CSA of the fibers, however, there was reduction in PC animals. The data strongly suggest the use of animal model of strength training used in this study as an appropriate strategy for studying the hypertrophic response of skeletal muscle.
Crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst) seeds have high oil contents and its growth in Brazil aims to produce bio diesel. The crambe seeds production and commercialization began a few years ago. Research in technology production is essential and it is also important to use high quality seeds regardless of the technological level employed in the crop production. One of the factors that affect seed quality there is the drying process. Seed drying performed properly can reduce seed moisture content for storage without decrease in its qualitative characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immediate effect of natural and artificial drying methods (using heated and unheated air) on crambe seeds quality. The seeds were produced at Fazenda Lageado, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, UNESP, Botucatu/SP, on April 2009. Seeds were submitted to the following drying methods: a) seed drying in the shade with natural ventilation; b) artificial drying method using heated air; c) artificial drying method using unheated air; d) drying on ceramic patio; e) drying on the mother plant. The seeds were evaluated immediately after drying. The following tests were performed: seed moisture content; standard germination; first count of germination; seedling emergence; emergence speed index and electrical conductivity. The experimental design was randomized blocks and the data obtained was subjected to analysis of variance, worth means being compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. There was no significant difference among drying treatments in relation to: germination rate, first count of germination, electrical conductivity, seedling emergence and emergence speed index. The highest percentage of abnormal seedlings was obtained on treatment with heated air drying. The drying on the mother plant method showed the lower percentage of dead seeds. The drying methods studied did not cause an immediate effect on crambe seeds quality, which showed high percentage of dormant seeds post-harvest.
The objective of this work was to verify the rational use of energy in restaurants of the city Botucatu, that apply the Good Manufacturing of Production (GMP). Ten restaurants were appraised regarding the number of meals and energy consumption. A check list of the sanitary surveillance was also applied, regarding just the related items to electric installation, ventilation, and equipment maintenance, that are related to the energy consumption. It was asked and observed if there were some program or orientation for conscious consumption or reduction of the energy consumption. The energy consumption of the restaurants was positively related to the number of served meals and operation time of the establishment. In none of the visited establishments it was observed the control measures of the energy consumption, neither cooling equipments of low energy consumption.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Avaliação do gasto energético de repouso em pacientes com sepse associada ou não à lesão renal aguda
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)