999 resultados para Veia hepática
A formalina tem sido usada no controle de doenças parasitárias, porém existem poucas informações sobre o efeito secundário desse produto sobre os peixes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de concentrações terapêuticas de formalina na homeostase de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier 1818) por meio de índices fisiológicos. Os banhos terapêuticos foram realizados em tanques de 100 L, com soluções de formalina a 0, 100, 150, 200 e 250 mg/L, em tempos de exposição de 0, 30, 60 e 120 minutos; a recuperação dos animais em tanques, sem adição de formalina à água, foi avaliada após 24 horas. Foi realizada a coleta de sangue da veia caudal dos peixes para determinação de glicose, cloretos, sódio, potássio e cálcio. Os peixes não exibiram sinais de estresse na concentração de 100 mg/L de formalina em todos os tempos de exposição. Contudo, banhos de 200 e 250 mg/L causaram aumentos significativos nos níveis de glicose após 30 minutos de exposição. Os resultados sugerem que a formalina pode ser usada nas concentrações de 100 e 150 mg/L em banhos de 30, 60 e 120 minutos e nas concentrações de 200 e 250 mg/L em banhos de até 30 minutos sem comprometer a homeostase do tambaqui.
Background and aims: Anandamide is an endocannabinoid that evokes hypotension by interaction with peripheral cannabinoid CB1 receptors and with the perivascular transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 protein (TRPV1). As anandamide has been implicated in the vasodilated state in advanced cirrhosis, the study investigated whether the mesenteric bed from cirrhotic rats has an altered and selective vasodilator response to anandamide. Methods: We assessed vascular sensitivity to anandamide, mRNA and protein expression of cannabinoid CB1 receptor and TRPV1 receptor, and the topographical distribution of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in resistance mesenteric arteries of cirrhotic and control rats. Results: Mesenteric vessels of cirrhotic animals displayed greater sensitivity to anandamide than control vessels. This vasodilator response was reverted by CB1 or TRPV1 receptor blockade, but not after endothelium denudation or nitric oxide inhibition. Anandamide had no effect on distal femoral arteries. CB1 and TRPV1 receptor protein was higher in cirrhotic than in control vessels. Neither CB1 mRNA nor protein was detected in femoral arteries. Immunochemistry showed that CB1 receptors were mainly in the adventitia and in the endothelial monolayer, with higher expression observed in vessels of cirrhotic rats than in controls. Conclusions: These results indicate that anandamide is a selective splanchnic vasodilator in cirrhosis which predominantly acts via interaction with two different types of receptors, CB1 and TRPV1 receptors, which are mainly located in perivascular sensory nerve terminals of the mesenteric resistance arteries of these animals.
Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a serious complication of end-stage liver disease, occurring mainly in patients with advanced cirrhosis and ascites, who have marked circulatory dysfunction,1 as well as in patients with acute liver failure.2 In spite of its functional nature, HRS is associated with a poor prognosis,3 4 and the only effective treatment is liver transplantation. During the 56th Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the International Ascites Club held a Focused Study Group (FSG) on HRS for the purpose of reporting the results of an international workshop and to reach a consensus on a new definition, criteria for diagnosis and recommendations on HRS treatment. A similar workshop was held in Chicago in 1994 in which standardised nomenclature and diagnostic criteria for refractory ascites and HRS were established.5 The introduction of innovative treatments and improvements in our understanding of the pathogenesis of HRS during the previous decade led to an increasing need to undertake a new consensus meeting. This paper reports the scientific rationale behind the new definitions and recommendations. The international workshop included four issues debated by four panels of experts (see Acknowledgements). The issues were: (1) evidence-based HRS pathogenesis; (2) treatment of HRS using vasoconstrictors; (3) other HRS treatments using transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt (TIPS) and extracorporeal albumin dialysis (ECAD); and (4) new definitions and diagnostic criteria for HRS and recommendations for its treatment.
Forty-three patients with cirrhosis and ascites, 21 with normal renal function, 10 with a progressive functional renal failure (FRF), and 12 with a steady FRF, were investigated for the presence of endotoxaemia by the Limulus lysate test. Endotoxaemia was found in nine patients with FRF and in none of the 21 with normal renal function (P less than 0-01). A positive Limulus test was almost exclusively associated with a progressive FRF (eight of 10 patients) and all but one of them died. Renal function improved as endotoxaemia disappeared in the survivor. Endotoxaemia was also associated with haemorrhage due to acute erosions of the gastric mucosa, being present in six of the seven patients who had this complication. Intravascular coagulation was not found in any patient. The Limulus test was positive in the ascitic fluid in 18 of 21 patients tested, although only two of them had peritonitis. These results suggest that endotoxaemia may play a critical role in the development of progressive renal failure and haemorrhagic gastritis in cirrhosis, and emphasise the potential risk of procedures involving reinfusion of ascitic fluid.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a atividade antioxidante do café, bebida mole, in vivo e in vitro, antes e após a torração. Para a análise da atividade antioxidante in vitro, foram utilizados os métodos de sequestro de radicais livres (DPPH) e de atividade quelante de íons Fe2+. Foram utilizados, para o ensaio in vivo, ratos Zucker diabéticos, portadores de síndrome metabólica, e ratos Zucker controle. Os animais receberam doses diárias das bebidas de café, por gavagem, por 30 dias. Após o tratamento, foi realizada a avaliação de peroxidação lipídica. As amostras torradas apresentaram a maior percentagem de sequestro de radicais livres. As concentrações nas amostras de café verde e torrado foram similares às do padrão Trolox. Das amostras torradas, a torração média se destacou com maior atividade quelante de íons Fe2+. Os cafés verdes mostraram maior poder quelante do que os torrados. Compostos presentes no extrato diminuíram a lipoperoxidação hepática e renal que é comum em casos de diabetes e síndrome metabólica. O café apresenta atividade antioxidante e protege o fígado e os rins dos animais contra a lipoperoxidação comumente presente em quadros de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e síndrome metabólica.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a inter-relação entre a suplementação alimentar com parede celular de Saccharomyces cerevisae e a vacinação contra Streptococcus agalactiae e seu efeito sobre o desempenho produtivo e as variáveis hematológicas de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Oitenta e quatro tilápias-do-nilo foram distribuídas em 12 caixas de fibra (n=7), em arranjo fatorial 2x2x3, correspondente a dois níveis de suplementação com parede celular de levedura, dois tipos de inoculação e três tempos de avaliação. Os peixes foram alimentados durante 77 dias. A vacinação dos peixes foi realizada 60 dias após o início da alimentação. Quinze dias após a vacinação, todos os peixes foram submetidos ao desafio com cepa viva de S. agalactiae, e 6, 24 e 48 horas após o desafio, o sangue foi colhido da veia caudal para avaliações. Peixes alimentados com ração suplementada apresentam maior ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento específico, e a interação entre os efeitos da dieta e da vacinação resulta em maiores taxas de hematócrito, hemoglobina e leucócitos.
Entre Catalunya i Polònia: Witold Gombrowicz i Gabriel Ferrater: correspondència inèdita (1965-1967)
En el present treball, he intentat respondre la pregunta sobre per què Gabriel Ferrater es va interessar tant per l’obra de Witold Gombrowicz. Segurament, havia conegut la seva literatura en una traducció francesa i més possible encara alemanya, ja que el traductor va estar treballant a Hamburg per l’editorial Rowohlt Verlag com a lector. Devia assabentar-se de l’èxit de les obres de Gombrowicz a França i Alemanya i potser va decidir que era l’hora d’introduir-lo al mercat espanyol. Com comenta Janet Rodney, en el correu electrònic adjunt als apèndixs del treball, potser Ferrater veia algunes semblances entre ell mateix i Gombrowicz. Tots dos tenien problemes per publicar la seva obra sencera als seus països d’origen i, tot i que Gombrowicz ja feia molt de temps que no vivia a Polònia, sempre havia conservat el desig de poder ser publicat, sense censura, al seu país natal. Potser també tots dos escriptors compartien el sentiment d’inferioritat de les seves cultures respecte les de l’Europa Occidental. Tots dos intentaven mostrar en la seva obra literària l’existència d’una realitat potser oculta però tan legítima com les altres, com la “realitat oficial” en la que havien de viure
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Liver stiffness is increasingly used in the non-invasive evaluation of chronic liver diseases. Liver stiffness correlates with hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) in patients with cirrhosis and holds prognostic value in this population. Hence, accuracy in its measurement is needed. Several factors independent of fibrosis influence liver stiffness, but there is insufficient information on whether meal ingestion modifies liver stiffness in cirrhosis. We investigated the changes in liver stiffness occurring after the ingestion of a liquid standard test meal in this population. METHODS: In 19 patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices (9 alcoholic, 9 HCV-related, 1 NASH; Child score 6.9±1.8), liver stiffness (transient elastography), portal blood flow (PBF) and hepatic artery blood flow (HABF) (Doppler-Ultrasound) were measured before and 30 minutes after receiving a standard mixed liquid meal. In 10 the HVPG changes were also measured. RESULTS: Post-prandial hyperemia was accompanied by a marked increase in liver stiffness (+27±33%; p<0.0001). Changes in liver stiffness did not correlate with PBF changes, but directly correlated with HABF changes (r = 0.658; p = 0.002). After the meal, those patients showing a decrease in HABF (n = 13) had a less marked increase of liver stiffness as compared to patients in whom HABF increased (n = 6; +12±21% vs. +62±29%,p<0.0001). As expected, post-prandial hyperemia was associated with an increase in HVPG (n = 10; +26±13%, p = 0.003), but changes in liver stiffness did not correlate with HVPG changes. CONCLUSIONS: Liver stiffness increases markedly after a liquid test meal in patients with cirrhosis, suggesting that its measurement should be performed in standardized fasting conditions. The hepatic artery buffer response appears an important factor modulating postprandial changes of liver stiffness. The post-prandial increase in HVPG cannot be predicted by changes in liver stiffness.
El propòsit d’aquest treball és presentar i discutir les diferents teories sobre l’anomenat «imperialisme modern», delimitat cronològicament des de finals del segle XIX fins a l’inici de la Primera Guerra Mundial. A més a més, és també l’objectiu d’aquest article mostrar l’evolució de la discussió presentant aquestes teories en ordre cronològic i insistint en com els conceptes «imperialisme» i «colonialisme» han canviat de significat. Les teories marxistes i liberals de principis del segle XX consideraven l’imperialisme un procés fonamentalment econòmic mentre que la teoria sociològica de Schumpeter el veia com un atavisme. Algunes teories després de les guerres mundials han insistit en la importància de parar atenció en els territoris colonitzats i en com la seva relació amb Europa ha afectat la nova forma imperial. Les explicacions més recents n’han destacat aspectes molt diferents, des de la importància sobre com ha permès l’expansió del lliure-comerç fins a l’imperialisme com una perversió del nacionalisme.
with specific ANA, in particular of the IgG3 isotype, had significantly more severe biochemical and histological disease compared with those who were seronegative. None of the controls was positive.Conclusions: Disease specific ANA are present in the majority of patients with PBC when investigated at the level of immunoglobulin isotype. PBC specific ANA, in particular of the IgG3 isotype, are associated with a more severe disease course, possibly reflecting the peculiar ability of this isotype to engage mediators of damage.
Background & Aims: Patients with cirrhosis develop abnormal hematologic indices (HI) from multiple factors, including hypersplenism. We aimed to analyze the sequence of events and determine whether abnormal HI has prog-nostic significance. Methods: We analyzed a database of 213 subjects with compensated cirrhosis without esopha-geal varices. Subjects were followed for approximately 9 years until the development of varices or variceal bleeding or completion of the study; 84 subjects developed varices. Abnormal HI was defined as anemia at baseline (hemoglo-bin,<13.5 g/dL for men and 11.5 g/dL for women), leuko-penia (white blood cell counts,<4000/mm 3 ), or thrombo-cytopenia (platelet counts, < 150,000/mm 3 ). The primary end points were death or transplant surgery. Results: Most subjects had thrombocytopenia at baseline. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that leukopenia occurred by 30 months (95% confidence interval, 18.5-53.6), and anemia occurred by 39.6 months (95% confidence interval, 24.1-49.9). Baseline thrombocytopenia (P .0191) and leukope-nia (P.0383) were predictors of death or transplant, after adjusting for baseline hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), and Child-Pugh scores. After a median of 5 years,a significant difference in death or transplant, mortality,and clinical decompensation was observed in patients who had leukopenia combined with thrombocytopenia at base- line compared with patients with normal HI (P < .0001). HVPG correlated with hemoglobin and white blood cell count (hemoglobin, r 0.35, P < .0001; white blood cell count, r 0.31, P < .0001). Conclusions: Thrombocy-topenia is the most common and first abnormal HI to occurin patients with cirrhosis, followed by leukopenia and anemia. A combination of leukopenia and thrombocytopenia at baselin predicted increased morbidity and mortality.
Variceal hemorrhage is a lethal complication of cirrhosis, particularly in patients in whom clinical decompensation (i.e., ascites, encephalopathy, a previous episode of hemorrhage, or jaundice) has already developed. Practice guidelines for the management of varices and variceal hemorrhage1 in cirrhosis are mostly based on evidence in the literature that has been summarized and prioritized at consensus conferences...
Os autores relatam um caso de leiomiossarcoma de cólon ascendente acometendo um paciente do sexo masculino, de 49 anos de idade. O paciente iniciou o quadro com anemia e massa abdominal, e a evolução dos sintomas até o diagnóstico final foi de nove meses. Na radiografia simples do abdome havia presença de coleção aérea localizada no hipocôndrio direito, fora da topografia de alças; no clister opaco com duplo contraste foi demonstrado deslocamento inferior da flexura hepática e divertículos. A ultra-sonografia abdominal mostrou lesão expansiva heterogênea, com gás no seu interior, de localização sub-hepática. A tomografia computadorizada do abdome revelou massa escavada com nível líquido, sub-hepática, que não se impregnou pelo meio de contraste. Foi realizada hemicolectomia direita com ileocoloanastomose, e o diagnóstico histopatológico foi de leiomiossarcoma de cólon ascendente.