694 resultados para VALVES
Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação das propriedades dinâmicas da válvula borboleta eletrônica do sistema de admissão de ar de um motor a combustão interna. O objetivo é utilizar um modelo matemático da válvula borboleta com todos os seus parâmetros identificados para efetuar o controle da válvula e aplica-lo em ambiente real. Tendo o modelo e os parâmetros identificados, compara-se o comportamento real de uma válvula borboleta com o comportamento simulado, utilizando os mesmos sinais de entrada, de tal forma a validar o modelo desenvolvido. Utilizando o controle Proporcional Integral, foi possível mostrar a aplicabilidade da metodologia que pode ser estendida para projetos de controle mais complexos. Com o controle PI, o modelo matemático é validado e pode ser utilizado como base para projetos de controle mais complexos. O modelo aqui desenvolvido representa satisfatoriamente a dinâmica da válvula borboleta, sendo possível utilizá-lo em outros tipos de válvula borboleta.
Ensaios de distribuição de água de aspersores são convencionalmente realizados manualmente, requerendo tempo e mão de obra treinada. A automação desses ensaios proporciona redução da demanda por esses recursos e apresenta potencial para minimizar falhas e/ou desvios de procedimento. Atualmente, laboratórios de ensaio e calibração acreditados junto a organismos legais devem apresentar em seus relatórios a incerteza de medição de seus instrumentos e sistemas de medição. Além disso, normas de ensaio e calibração apresentam especificação de incerteza aceitável, como a norma de ensaios de distribuição de água por aspersores, ISO 15886-3 (2012), a qual exige uma incerteza expandida de até 3% em 80% dos coletores. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram desenvolver um sistema automatizado para os ensaios de aspersores em laboratório e realizar a análise de incerteza de medição, para sua quantificação nos resultados de ensaio e para dar suporte ao dimensionamento dos tubos de coleta. O sistema automático foi constituído por um subsistema de gerenciamento, por meio de um aplicativo supervisório, um de pressurização e um de coleta, por meio de módulos eletrônicos microprocessados desenvolvidos. De acordo com instruções do sistema de gerenciamento o sistema de pressurização ajustava a pressão no aspersor por meio do controle da rotação da motobomba, e o sistema de coleta realizava a medição da intensidade de precipitação de água ao longo do raio de alcance do aspersor. A água captada por cada coletor drenava para um tubo de coleta, que estava conectado a uma das válvulas solenoides de um conjunto, onde havia um transmissor de pressão. Cada válvula era acionada individualmente numa sequência para a medição do nível de água em cada tubo de coleta, por meio do transmissor. Por meio das análises realizadas, as menores incertezas foram obtidas para os menores diâmetros de tubo de coleta, sendo que se deve utilizar o menor diâmetro possível. Quanto ao tempo de coleta, houve redução da incerteza de medição ao se aumentar a duração, devendo haver um tempo mínimo para se atingir a incerteza-alvo. Apesar de cada intensidade requer um tempo mínimo para garantir a incerteza, a diferença mínima de nível a ser medida foi a mesma. Portanto, para os ensaios visando atender a incerteza, realizou-se o monitoramento da diferença de nível nos tubos, ou diferença de nível, facilitando a realização do ensaio. Outra condição de ensaio considerou um tempo de coleta para 30 voltas do aspersor, também exigido pela norma ISO 15886-3 (2012). A terceira condição considerou 1 h de coleta, como tradicionalmente realizado. As curvas de distribuição de água obtidas por meio do sistema desenvolvido foram semelhantes às obtidas em ensaios convencionais, para as três situações avaliadas. Para tempos de coleta de 1 h ou 30 voltas do aspersor o sistema automático requereu menos tempo total de ensaio que o ensaio convencional. Entretanto, o sistema desenvolvido demandou mais tempo para atingir a incerteza-alvo, o que é uma limitação, mesmo sendo automatizado. De qualquer forma, o sistema necessitava apenas que um técnico informasse os parâmetros de ensaio e o acionasse, possibilitando que o mesmo alocasse seu tempo em outras atividades.
The optimal integration between heat and work may significantly reduce the energy demand and consequently the process cost. This paper introduces a new mathematical model for the simultaneous synthesis of heat exchanger networks (HENs) in which the pressure levels of the process streams can be adjusted to enhance the heat integration. A superstructure is proposed for the HEN design with pressure recovery, developed via generalized disjunctive programming (GDP) and mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation. The process conditions (stream temperature and pressure) must be optimized. Furthermore, the approach allows for coupling of the turbines and compressors and selection of the turbines and valves to minimize the total annualized cost, which consists of the operational and capital expenses. The model is tested for its applicability in three case studies, including a cryogenic application. The results indicate that the energy integration reduces the quantity of utilities required, thus decreasing the overall cost.
The optimal integration of work and its interaction with heat can represent large energy savings in industrial plants. This paper introduces a new optimization model for the simultaneous synthesis of work exchange networks (WENs), with heat integration for the optimal pressure recovery of process gaseous streams. The proposed approach for the WEN synthesis is analogous to the well-known problem of synthesis of heat exchanger networks (HENs). Thus, there is work exchange between high-pressure (HP) and low-pressure (LP) streams, achieved by pressure manipulation equipment running on common axes. The model allows the use of several units of single-shaft-turbine-compressor (SSTC), as well as stand-alone compressors, turbines and valves. Helper motors and generators are used to respond to any demand and excess of energy. Moreover, between the WEN stages the streams are sent to the HEN to promote thermal recovery, aiming to enhance the work integration. A multi-stage superstructure is proposed to represent the process. The WEN superstructure is optimized in a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation and solved with the GAMS software, with the goal of minimizing the total annualized cost. Three examples are conducted to verify the accuracy of the proposed method. In all case studies, the heat integration between WEN stages is essential to improve the pressure recovery, and to reduce the total costs involved in the process.
There are many models in the literature that have been proposed in the last decades aimed at assessing the reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) of safety equipment, many of them with a focus on their use to assess the risk level of a technological system or to search for appropriate design and/or surveillance and maintenance policies in order to assure that an optimum level of RAM of safety systems is kept during all the plant operational life. This paper proposes a new approach for RAM modelling that accounts for equipment ageing and maintenance and testing effectiveness of equipment consisting of multiple items in an integrated manner. This model is then used to perform the simultaneous optimization of testing and maintenance for ageing equipment consisting of multiple items. An example of application is provided, which considers a simplified High Pressure Injection System (HPIS) of a typical Power Water Reactor (PWR). Basically, this system consists of motor driven pumps (MDP) and motor operated valves (MOV), where both types of components consists of two items each. These components present different failure and cause modes and behaviours, and they also undertake complex test and maintenance activities depending on the item involved. The results of the example of application demonstrate that the optimization algorithm provide the best solutions when the optimization problem is formulated and solved considering full flexibility in the implementation of testing and maintenance activities taking part of such an integrated RAM model.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
The Kap Mackenzie area on the outer coast of northeast Greenland was glaciated during the last glacial stage, and pre-Holocene shell material was brought to the area. Dating of marine shells indicates that deglaciation occurred in the earliest Holocene, before 10 800 cal. a BP. The marine limit is around 53 m a.s.l. In the wake of the deglaciation, a glaciomarine fauna characterized the area, but after c. one millennium a more species-rich marine fauna took over. This fauna included Mytilus edulis and Mysella sovaliki, which do not live in the region at present; the latter is new to the Holocene fauna of northeast Greenland. The oldest M. edulis sample is dated to c. 9500 cal. a BP, which is the earliest date for the species from the region and indicates that the Holocene thermal maximum began earlier in the region than previously documented. This is supported by driftwood dated to c. 9650 cal. a BP, which is the earliest driftwood date so far from northeastern Greenland and implies that the coastal area was at least partly free of sea ice in summer. As indicated by former studies, the Storegga tsunami hit the Kap Mackenzie area at c. 8100 cal. a BP. Loon Lake, at 18 m a.s.l., was isolated from the sea at c. 6200 cal. a BP, which is distinctly later than expected from existing relative sea-level curves for the region.
The valve area of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, the most abundant diatom species in the Southern Ocean, strongly changes in size in response to varying conditions in the surface ocean. We examined the link, both in two iron fertilization experiments and in sediment samples covering several glacial Terminations, between size variability in this species and environmental conditions across the Antarctic Polar Front, including sea ice extent, sea surface temperature, and the input of eolian dust. The iron fertilization experiments show valve area to be positively correlated with iron concentrations in ambient waters, which suggests the possibility of a causal relation between valve size of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis and ambient surface water iron concentration. Larger valves are usually found during glacial times and thus seem to be related to lower sea surface temperature and wider sea ice coverage. Moreover, our results indicate that there usually is a strong correlation between larger valve size and increased input of eolian dust to the Southern Ocean. However, this correlation, obvious for the fertilization experiments and for glacial Terminations I, II, III, and V, does not seem to be valid for Termination VI, where size appears to be inversely correlated to dust input.
Within generally calcareous sediment sequences, layers of variable thickness of the giant diatom Ethmodiscus were found in five cores recovered in the Subtropical South Atlantic between 23° and 33°S from both sides of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Two types of oozes occur: (almost) monospecific layers of Ethmodiscus and layers dominated by Ethmodiscus, with several accompanying tropical/subtropical, oligotrophic-water diatoms. The two thickest Ethmodiscus layers occur in GeoB3801-6 around 29°S, and accumulated during late MIS 14 and MIS 12, respectively. Downcore concentrations of Ethmodiscus valves range between 3.4 10 4 and 2.3 10 7 valves g -1. We discuss the ooze formation in the context of migration of frontal systems and changes in the thermohaline circulation. The occurrence of Ethmodiscus oozes in sediments underlying the present-day pelagic, low-nutrient waters is associated with a terminal event of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition at around 530 ka, when the ocean circulation rearranged after a period of reduced NADW production.