1000 resultados para UDK:224
Glomalean fungi induce and colonize symbiotic tissue called arbuscular mycorrhiza on the roots of most land plants. Other fungi also colonize plants but cause disease not symbiosis. Whole-transcriptome analysis using a custom-designed Affymetrix Gene-Chip and confirmation with real-time RT-PCR revealed 224 genes affected during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. We compared these transcription profiles with those from rice roots that were colonized by pathogens (Magnaporthe grisea and Fusarium moniliforme). Over 40% of genes showed differential regulation caused by both the symbiotic and at least one of the pathogenic interactions. A set of genes was similarly expressed in all three associations, revealing a conserved response to fungal colonization. The responses that were shared between pathogen and symbiont infection may play a role in compatibility. Likewise, the responses that are different may cause disease. Some of the genes that respond to mycorrhizal colonization may be involved in the uptake of phosphate. Indeed, phosphate addition mimicked the effect of mycorrhiza on 8% of the tested genes. We found that 34% of the mycorrhiza-associated rice genes were also associated with mycorrhiza in dicots, revealing a conserved pattern of response between the two angiosperm classes.
Mechanical load-induced intracellular signaling events are important for subsequent skeletal muscle hypertrophy. We previously showed that load-induced activation of the cation channel TRPV1 caused an increase in intracellular calcium concentrations ([Ca ( 2+) ]i) and that this activated mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and promoted muscle hypertrophy. However, the link between mechanical load-induced intracellular signaling events, and the TRPV1-mediated increases in [Ca ( 2+) ]i are not fully understood. Here we show that administration of the TRPV1 agonist, capsaicin, induces phosphorylation of mTOR, p70S6K, S6, Erk1/2 and p38 MAPK, but not Akt, AMPK or GSK3β. Furthermore, the TRPV1-induced phosphorylation patterns resembled those induced by mechanical load. Our results continue to highlight the importance of TRPV1-mediated calcium signaling in load-induced intracellular signaling pathways.
Un premier article présentait la réalisation autonome des activités de la vie quotidienne (AVQ) dans la démence. Cette réalisation est constituée de deux phases : l'articulation du sujet avec l'objectif et le déroulement proprement dit. Dans ce second article, nous présentons une typologie des actions-dispersions, précisant la deuxième phase. Considérant le sujet autonome en lien intentionnel avec l'activité, nous définissons les dispersions comme un désengagement de l'activité. L'analyse des dispersions vise à comprendre plus exactement et de façon différenciée la réalisation des AVQ en cas de démence. Notre approche anthropologique, qui intègre les dimensions psychologiques et comportementales, se démarque des approches comportementaliste et neuropsychologique, en ce sens qu'elle permet d'intégrer les conduites dans leur ordre de réalité et au sein de la structure d'ensemble de l'activité. A partir d'observations visant l'intentionnalité du sujet, nous avons dégagé des types de dispersion, leurs origines - dans le sens de moment d'apparition - et leurs formes. Nous illustrons cette typologie par des exemples extraits d'une prise en soin. Les deux articles se complètent pour présenter un modèle fonctionnel définissant la réalisation des AVQ en cas de démence. Il s'agit d'un schème théorique permettant d'interpréter et d'anticiper le fonctionnement du sujet dément afin de le guider, tout en lui laissant une marge de maîtrise de son milieu quotidien.
A côté de la pratique psychothérapique, de la recherche en laboratoire et des travaux classificatoires, nous proposons une approche anthropologique de la démence. Cette approche combine et coordonne recherche, réhabilitation et transfert des résultats dans les soins. Les activités de la Lebenswelt nous servent de situation d'observation participante. Elles satisfont les conditions nécessaires pour comprendre le patient souffrant de démence comme sujet, agent de ses actions et animé d'une motivation qui lui est propre. C'est à partir du fonctionnement subjectif, constituant une unité Individu-Environnement, que nous pouvons à la fois évaluer l'autonomie, la respecter et la promouvoir. L'étude du cas présenté sert à illustrer cette approche fonctionnelle et à définir trois catégories ancrées dans la réalisation des activités de la vie quotidienne (AVQ) : articulation, lien intentionnel et transition critique. A partir d'extraits d'observations d'une patiente réalisant deux types d'AVQ (prise du repas et toilette-habillage), nous faisons une analyse qualitative des moments-clés correspondant à nos catégories, du point de vue des capacités de la patiente et du point de vue des aides offertes. L'ordre descriptif et catégoriel de notre travail permet de dégager une structure générale en deux phases de la réalisation autonome des AVQ dans la démence.
Objective. To study the acquisition and cross-transmission of Staphylococcus aureus in different intensive care units (ICUs). Methods. We performed a multicenter cohort study. Six ICUs in 6 countries participated. During a 3-month period at each ICU, all patients had nasal and perineal swab specimens obtained at ICU admission and during their stay. All S. aureus isolates that were collected were genotyped by spa typing and multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis typing for cross-transmission analysis. A total of 629 patients were admitted to ICUs, and 224 of these patients were found to be colonized with S. aureus at least once during ICU stay (22% were found to be colonized with methicillin-resistant S. aureus [MRSA]). A total of 316 patients who had test results negative for S. aureus at ICU admission and had at least 1 follow-up swab sample obtained for culture were eligible for acquisition analysis. Results. A total of 45 patients acquired S. aureus during ICU stay (31 acquired methicillin-susceptible S. aureus [MSSA], and 14 acquired MRSA). Several factors that were believed to affect the rate of acquisition of S. aureus were analyzed in univariate and multivariate analyses, including the amount of hand disinfectant used, colonization pressure, number of beds per nurse, antibiotic use, length of stay, and ICU setting (private room versus open ICU treatment). Greater colonization pressure and a greater number of beds per nurse correlated with a higher rate of acquisition for both MSSA and MRSA. The type of ICU setting was related to MRSA acquisition only, and the amount of hand disinfectant used was related to MSSA acquisition only. In 18 (40%) of the cases of S. aureus acquisition, cross-transmission from another patient was possible. Conclusions. Colonization pressure, the number of beds per nurse, and the treatment of all patients in private rooms correlated with the number of S. aureus acquisitions on an ICU. The amount of hand disinfectant used was correlated with the number of cases of MSSA acquisition but not with the number of cases of MRSA acquisition. The number of cases of patient-to-patient cross-transmission was comparable for MSSA and MRSA.
BACKGROUND: The Multiple Sclerosis International Quality Of Life (MusiQoL) questionnaire, a 31-item, multidimensional, self-administrated questionnaire that is available in 14 languages including Spanish, has been validated using a large international sample. We investigated the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of MusiQoL in Spain. METHODS: Consecutive patients with different types and severities of multiple sclerosis (MS) were recruited from 22 centres across Spain. All patients completed the MusiQoL questionnaire, the 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) health survey, and a symptoms checklist at baseline and 21 days later. External validity, internal consistency, reliability and reproducibility were tested. RESULTS: A total of 224 Spanish patients were evaluated. Dimensions of MusiQoL generally demonstrated a high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.70-0.92 for all but two MusiQoL domain scores). External validity testing revealed that the MusiQoL index score correlated significantly with all SF-36 dimension scores (Pearson's correlation: 0.46-0.76), reproducibility was satisfactory (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.60-0.91), acceptability was high, and the time taken to complete the 31-item questionnaire was reasonable (mean [standard deviation]: 9.8 [11.8] minutes). CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish version of the MusiQoL questionnaire appears to be a valid and reliable instrument for measuring quality of life in patients with MS in Spain and constitutes a useful instrument to measure health-related quality of life in the clinical setting.
Addressing the risks of nanoparticles requires knowledge about release into the environment and occupational exposure. However, such information currently is not systematically collected; therefore, this risk assessment lacks quantitative data. The goal was to evaluate the current level of nanoparticle usage in Swiss industry as well as health, safety, and environmental measures, and the number of potentially exposed workers. A representative, stratified mail survey was conducted among 1626 clients of the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA), which insures 80,000 manufacturing firms, representing 84% of all Swiss manufacturing companies (947 companies answered the survey for a 58.3% response rate). The extrapolation to all Swiss manufacturing companies results in 1309 workers (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1073 to 1545) potentially exposed to nanoparticles in 586 companies (95% CI: 145 to 1027). This corresponds to 0.08% of workers (95% CI: 0.06% to 0.09%) and to 0.6% of companies (95% CI: 0.2% to 1.1%). The industrial chemistry sector showed the highest percentage of companies using nanoparticles (21.2%). Other important sectors also reported nanoparticles. Personal protection equipment was the predominant protection strategy. Only a few applied specific environmental protection measures. This is the first nationwide representative study on nanoparticle use in the manufacturing sector. The information gained can be used for quantitative risk assessment. It can also help policymakers design strategies to support companies developing a safer use of nanomaterial. Notingthe current low use of nanoparticles, there is still time to proactively introduce protective methods. If the predicted "nano-revolution" comes true, now is the time to take action. [Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Journal of occupational and Environmental Hygiene for the following free supplemental resource: a pdf file containing a detailed description of the approach to statistical analyses, English translation of the questionnaire, additional information for Figure 1, and additional information for the SUVA-code.] [Authors]
La créatine joue un rôle essentiel dans le métabolisme cellulaire par sa conversion, par la creatine kinase, en phosphocreatine permettant la régénération de l'ATP. La synthèse de créatine, chez les mammifères, s'effectue par une réaction en deux étapes impliquant Γ arginine: glycine amidinotransférase (AGAT) et la guanidinoacétate méthyltransférase (GAMT). L'entrée de créatine dans les cellules s'effectue par son transporteur, SLC6A8. Les déficiences en créatine, dues au déficit en GAMT, AGAT ou SLC6A8, sont fréquentes et caractérisées par une absence ou une forte baisse de créatine dans le système nerveux central. Alors qu'il est connu que AGAT, GAMT et SLC6A8 sont exprimés par le cerveau, les conséquences des déficiences en créatine sur les cellules nerveuses sont peu comprises. Le but de ce travail était de développer de nouveaux modèles expérimentaux des déficiences en Cr dans des cultures 3D de cellules nerveuses de rat en agrégats au moyen de l'interférence à l'ARN appliquée aux gènes GAMT et SLC6A8. Des séquences interférentes (shRNAs) pour les gènes GAMT et SLC6A8 ont été transduites par des vecteurs viraux AAV (virus adéno-associés), dans les cellules nerveuses en agrégats. Nous avons ainsi démontré une baisse de l'expression de GAMT au niveau protéique (mesuré par western blot), et ARN messager (mesuré par qPCR) ainsi qu'une variation caractérisitique de créatine et guanidinoacétate (mesuré par spectrométrie de masse). Après avoir validé nos modèles, nous avons montré que les knockdown de GAMT ou SLC6A8 affectent le développement des astrocytes et des neurones ou des oligodendrocytes et des astrocytes, respectivement, ainsi qu'une augmentation de la mort cellulaire et des modifications dans le pattern d'activation des voies de signalisation impliquant caspase 3 et p38 MAPK, ayant un rôle dans le processus d'apoptose. - Creatine plays essential roles in energy metabolism by the interconversion, by creatine kinase, to its phosphorylated analogue, phosphocreatine, allowing the regeneration of ATP. Creatine is synthesized in mammals by a two step mechanism involving arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT). Creatine is taken up by cells by a specific transporter, SLC6A8. Creatine deficiency syndromes, due to defects in GAMT, AGAT and SLC6A8, are among the most frequent inborn errors of metabolism, and are characterized by an absence or a severe decrease of creatine in central nervous system, which is the main tissue affected. While it is known that AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 are expressed in CNS, many questions remain on the specific effects of AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 deficiencies on brain cells. Our aim was to develop new experimental models of creatine deficiencies by knockdown of GAMT and SLC6A8 genes by RNAi in 3D organotypic rat brain cell cultures in aggregates. Specific shRNAs for the GAMT and SLC6A8 genes were transduced in brain cell aggregates by adeno-associated viruses (AAV). The AAV-transduced shRNAs were able to efficiently knockdown the expression of our genes of interest, as shown by a strong decrease of protein by western blotting, a decrease of mRNA by qPCR or characteristic variations of creatine and guanidinoacetate by tandem mass spectrometry. After having validated our experimental models, we have also shown that GAMT and SLC6A8 knockdown affected the development of astrocytes and neurons or oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, respectively. We also observed an increase of cell death and variations in activation pattern of caspase 3 and p38 MAPK pathways, involved in apoptosis, in our experimental model.
BACKGROUND: Recanalization in acute ischemic stroke with large-vessel occlusion is a potent indicator of good clinical outcome. OBJECTIVE: To identify easily available clinical and radiologic variables predicting recanalization at various occlusion sites. METHODS: All consecutive, acute stroke patients from the Acute STroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne (2003-2011) who had a large-vessel occlusion on computed tomographic angiography (CTA) (< 12 h) were included. Recanalization status was assessed at 24 h (range: 12-48 h) with CTA, magnetic resonance angiography, or ultrasonography. Complete and partial recanalization (corresponding to the modified Treatment in Cerebral Ischemia scale 2-3) were grouped together. Patients were categorized according to occlusion site and treatment modality. RESULTS: Among 439 patients, 51% (224) showed complete or partial recanalization. In multivariate analysis, recanalization of any occlusion site was most strongly associated with endovascular treatment, including bridging therapy (odds ratio [OR] 7.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.2-23.2), and less so with intravenous thrombolysis (OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.0-2.6) and recanalization treatments performed beyond guidelines (OR 2.6, 95% CI 1.2-5.7). Clot location (large vs. intermediate) and tandem pathology (the combination of intracranial occlusion and symptomatic extracranial stenosis) were other variables discriminating between recanalizers and non-recanalizers. For patients with intracranial occlusions, the variables significantly associated with recanalization after 24 h were: baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (OR 1.04, 95% CI 1.02-1.1), Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) on initial computed tomography (OR 1.2, 95% CI 1.1-1.3), and an altered level of consciousness (OR 0.2, 95% CI 0.1-0.5). CONCLUSIONS: Acute endovascular treatment is the single most important factor promoting recanalization in acute ischemic stroke. The presence of extracranial vessel stenosis or occlusion decreases recanalization rates. In patients with intracranial occlusions, higher NIHSS score and ASPECTS and normal vigilance facilitate recanalization. Clinical use of these predictors could influence recanalization strategies in individual patients.
INTRODUCTION Genetic variations may influence clinical outcomes in patients with sepsis. The present study was conducted to evaluate the impact on mortality of three polymorphisms after adjusting for confounding variables, and to assess the factors involved in progression of the inflammatory response in septic patients. METHOD The inception cohort study included all Caucasian adults admitted to the hospital with sepsis. Sepsis severity, microbiological information and clinical variables were recorded. Three polymorphisms were identified in all patients by PCR: the tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha 308 promoter polymorphism; the polymorphism in the first intron of the TNF-beta gene; and the IL-10-1082 promoter polymorphism. Patients included in the study were followed up for 90 days after hospital admission. RESULTS A group of 224 patients was enrolled in the present study. We did not find a significant association among any of the three polymorphisms and mortality or worsening inflammatory response. By multivariate logistic regression analysis, only two factors were independently associated with mortality, namely Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score and delayed initiation of adequate antibiotic therapy. In septic shock patients (n = 114), the delay in initiation of adequate antibiotic therapy was the only independent predictor of mortality. Risk factors for impairment in inflammatory response were APACHE II score, positive blood culture and delayed initiation of adequate antibiotic therapy. CONCLUSION This study emphasizes that prompt and adequate antibiotic therapy is the cornerstone of therapy in sepsis. The three polymorphisms evaluated in the present study appear not to influence the outcome of patients admitted to the hospital with sepsis.
PURPOSE: To report the clinical and genetic study of patients with autosomal dominant aniridia. METHODS: We studied ten patients with aniridia from three families of Egyptian origin. All patients underwent full ophthalmologic, general and neurological examination, and blood drawing. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging was performed in the index case of each family. Genomic DNA was prepared from venous leukocytes, and direct sequencing of all the exons and intron-exon junctions of the Paired Box gene 6 (PAX6) was performed after PCR amplification. Phenotype description, including ophthalmic and cerebral anomalies, mutation detection in PAX6 and phenotype-genotype correlation was acquired. RESULTS: Common features observed in the three families included absence of iris tissue, corneal pannus with different degrees of severity, and foveal hypoplasia with severely reduced visual acuity. In Families 2 and 3, additional findings, such as lens dislocation, lens opacities or polar cataract, and glaucoma, were observed. We identified two novel (c.170-174delTGGGC [p.L57fs17] and c.475delC [p.R159fs47]) and one known (c.718C>T [p.R240X]) PAX6 mutations in the affected members of the three families. Systemic and neurological examination was normal in all ten affected patients. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging showed absence of the pineal gland in all three index patients. Severe hypoplasia of the brain anterior commissure was associated with the p.L57fs17 mutation, absence of the posterior commissure with p.R159fs47, and optic chiasma atrophy and almost complete agenesis of the corpus callosum with p.R240X. CONCLUSIONS: We identified two novel PAX6 mutations in families with severe aniridia. In addition to common phenotype of aniridia and despite normal neurological examination, absence of the pineal gland and interhemispheric brain anomalies were observed in all three index patients. The heterogeneity of PAX6 mutations and brain anomalies are highlighted. This report emphasizes the association between aniridia and brain anomalies with or without functional impact, such as neurodevelopment delay or auditory dysfunction.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública, Inclusión y Calidad de Vida de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Socia