949 resultados para Tocqueville, Alexis de


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We investigated the potential of soil moisture and nutrient amendments to enhance the biodegradation of oil in the soils from an ecologically unique semi-arid island. This was achieved using a series of controlled laboratory incubations where moisture or nutrient levels were experimentally manipulated. Respired CO2 increased sharply with moisture amendment reflecting the severe moisture limitation of these porous and semi-arid soils. The greatest levels of CO2 respiration were generally obtained with a soil pore water saturation of 50–70%. Biodegradation in these nutrient poor soils was also promoted by the moderate addition of a nitrogen fertiliser. Increased biodegradation was greater at the lowest amendment rate (100 mg N kg−1 soil) than the higher levels (500 or 1,000 mg N kg−1 soil), suggesting the higher application rates may introduce N toxicity. Addition of phosphorous alone had little effect, but a combined 500 mg N and 200 mg P kg−1 soil amendment led to a synergistic increase in CO2 respiration (3.0×), suggesting P can limit the biodegradation of hydrocarbons following exogenous N amendment.


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Evidence shows that nutritional and environmental stress stimuli during postnatal period influence brain development and interactions between gut and brain. In this study we show that in rats, prevention of weaning from maternal milk results in depressive-like behavior, which is accompanied by changes in the gut bacteria and host metabolism. Depressive-like behavior was studied using the forced-swim test on postnatal day (PND) 25 in rats either weaned on PND 21, or left with their mother until PND 25 (non-weaned). Non-weaned rats showed an increased immobility time consistent with a depressive phenotype. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed non-weaned rats to harbor significantly lowered Clostridium histolyticum bacterial groups but exhibit marked stress-induced increases. Metabonomic analysis of urine from these animals revealed significant differences in the metabolic profiles, with biochemical phenotypes indicative of depression in the non-weaned animals. In addition, non-weaned rats showed resistance to stress-induced modulation of oxytocin receptors in amygdala nuclei, which is indicative of passive stress-coping mechanism. We conclude that delaying weaning results in alterations to the gut microbiota and global metabolic profiles which may contribute to a depressive phenotype and raise the issue that mood disorders at early developmental ages may reflect interplay between mammalian host and resident bacteria.


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Group Exhibition curated by Cedar Lewisohn. Contributors: Caroline Achaintre, Edwin Burdis, Slawomir Czajkowski (Zbiok), Shaun Doyle and Mally Mallinson, Ruth Ewan, Andrew Gilbert, Joel Gray, Tod Hanson, Geoffrey Ireland, kennardphillipps, Cedar Lewisohn (curator), Kieron Livingstone and Ian Allison, Alexis Milne, Laura Oldfield Ford, Max Reeves, Clunie Reid, John Russell, Francis Thorburn, Vicky Wright.


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Two new species of Gracilariopsis from the Indian Ocean are proposed-Gracilariopsis (Gp.) mclachlanii Buriyo, Bellorin et M. C. Oliveira sp. nov. from Tanzania and Gracilariopsis persica Bellorin, Sohrabipour et E. C. Oliveira sp. nov. from Iran-based on morphology and DNA sequence data (rbcL gene and SSU rDNA). Both species fit the typical features of Gracilariopsis: axes cylindrical throughout, freely and loosely ramified up to four orders, with an abrupt transition in cell size from medulla to cortex, cystocarps lacking tubular nutritive cells and superficial spermatangia. Nucleotide sequence comparisons of rbcL and SSU rDNA placed both species into the Gracilariopsis clade as distinct species from all the accepted species for this genus, forming a deeply divergent lineage together with some species from the Pacific. The new species are very difficult to distinguish on morphological grounds from other species of Gracilariopsis, stressing the importance of homologous molecular marker comparisons for the species recognition in this character-poor genus.


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Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia with thinning of corpus callosum (ARHSP-TCC) is a complex form of HSP initially described in Japan but subsequently reported to have a worldwide distribution with a particular high frequency in multiple families from the Mediterranean basin. We recently showed that ARHSP-TCC is commonly associated with mutations in SPG11/KIAA1840 on chromosome 15q. We have now screened a collection of new patients mainly originating from Italy and Brazil, in order to further ascertain the spectrum of mutations in SPG11, enlarge the ethnic origin of SPG11 patients, determine the relative frequency at the level of single Countries (i.e., Italy), and establish whether there is one or more common mutation. In 25 index cases we identified 32 mutations; 22 are novel, including 9 nonsense, 3 small deletions, 4 insertions, 1 in/del, 1 small duplication, 1 missense, 2 splice-site, and for the first time a large genomic rearrangement. This brings the total number of SPG11 mutated patients in the SPATAX collection to 111 cases in 44 families and in 17 isolated cases, from 16 Countries, all assessed using homogeneous clinical criteria. While expanding the spectrum of mutations in SPG11, this larger series also corroborated the notion that even within apparently homogeneous population a molecular diagnosis cannot be achieved without full gene sequencing. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This work presents a Bayesian semiparametric approach for dealing with regression models where the covariate is measured with error. Given that (1) the error normality assumption is very restrictive, and (2) assuming a specific elliptical distribution for errors (Student-t for example), may be somewhat presumptuous; there is need for more flexible methods, in terms of assuming only symmetry of errors (admitting unknown kurtosis). In this sense, the main advantage of this extended Bayesian approach is the possibility of considering generalizations of the elliptical family of models by using Dirichlet process priors in dependent and independent situations. Conditional posterior distributions are implemented, allowing the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), to generate the posterior distributions. An interesting result shown is that the Dirichlet process prior is not updated in the case of the dependent elliptical model. Furthermore, an analysis of a real data set is reported to illustrate the usefulness of our approach, in dealing with outliers. Finally, semiparametric proposed models and parametric normal model are compared, graphically with the posterior distribution density of the coefficients. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Uttaget av skogsbränsle har ökat kraftigt i Sverige under senare år och tillkomsten av nya entreprenörer i denna nisch inom skogsbranschen ökar. Syftet med denna rapport är att öka kunskapen om förhållanden inom skogsenergiområdet avseende arbetsmiljö, ergonomi och arbetens attraktivitet. Detta har gjorts genom litteraturstudier, fallstudier och djupintervjuer. Litteraturstudien visar att kunskapen om risker i skogsenerginischen specifikt är begränsad. Det gäller såväl yrkeshygieniska, ergonomiska, psykosociala risker såväl som olycksfallsrisker. Specifikt har damm av olika typer, vibrationer, buller och exponering för kemikalier uppmärksammats. I denna studie har arbetsmiljöanalyser i form av fallstudier genomförts för processer kopplade till de olika sortimenten GROT(grenar och toppar), stubbar och klenskog innehållanden arbetsmoment för skördning, transport, sönderdelning och kvalitetskontroll. Många av arbetsmiljöproblemen som finns i skogsbranschen, t ex monotona arbetsställningar, vibrationer, stötar/slag, hand/armrörelser, finns också vid uttag av flis. Många arbetar ensamma, saknar rutiner för regelbundna kontakter och rastkoja. Ensamarbete sker delvis också i mörker och med långa avstånd till bebyggelse. Det finns ett antal specifika risker i arbetsmiljön vid hantering av flis, t ex flygande föremål och damm. Stubbrytning och sönderdelning, liksom längre tids lagring av råvaran är nya moment. Denna studie har t ex visat på trånga hytter med avsaknad av vibrationsdämpning, dålig ljudisolering och bristande hyttklimat. Kartläggning av arbetets attraktivitet visar att merparten av de intervjuade i denna studie tycker att arbetet är attraktivt. Det som främst bidrar till detta är friheten att styra sitt arbete under eget ansvar, att vara i skog och natur, få arbeta med maskiner samt upplevelsen av att ha en bra arbetsgivare som arbetar för att både verksamhet och de anställda ska få utvecklas. De fallstudier som genomförts är slumpmässigt utvalda inom ett begränsat geografiskt område. Denna studie ska ses som en översiktlig kartläggning av arbetsmiljöförhållanden inom skogsenerginischen där de framkomna resultaten ger indikationer på områden för fördjupade studier. Utifrån studiens resultat kan följande slutsatser dras: • Det finns brister avseende arbetsmiljön, varav några är generella för skogsbranschen och andra unika för skogsenerginischen. • Speciellt allvarliga risker är olycksfallsrisker; helkroppsvibrationer, stötar och slag; buller; ensamarbete; samt monotont och ensidigt arbete. • Det finns brister i kommunikationen mellan utförare av olika delprocesser. • Genom att införa fungerande systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete kan säkerhetskulturen förbättras. • Det finns lokal kunskap om bra tekniska och organisatoriska lösningar, men den är inte spridd. • Merparten av de intervjuade i nischen tycker att arbetet är attraktivt, det som främst bidrar är friheten att styra sitt eget arbete och att vara utomhus, eget ansvar samt nuvarande arbetsgivare. • Hälften av intervjupersonerna, både de med VD-roll och anställda, uttrycker en oro kring att i framtiden kunna rekrytera kompetent personal. Förslag på fortsatt utvecklingsarbete är bland annat att studera arbetsmiljöförhållanden under andra årstider än hösten, fördjupade studier av vibrationer, slag och stötar samt hyttklimat. Det är också angeläget att utveckla ett fungerande systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete och hitta former för skogsenerginischens speciella förutsättningar. En vidgad studie kring arbetenas attraktivitet bland presumtiv arbetskraft är ett annat angeläget område.


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Managers’ conceptions of the importance of human resources are essential for creating ‘attractive workplaces’. This paper examines an intervention method aimed at creating insight among managers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) concerning the potential of human resources. The intervention method is called Focus Group Attractive Work (FGAW) and was conducted at eight enterprises in Sweden. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the intervention method seems to be thought-provoking and to facilitate changes in managers’ conceptions of the importance of human resources, albeit to different degrees. 


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This paper focuses on analysis of and suggestions for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) orienta- tion during the closedown process.The article addresses CSR considerations that adjust business strategies, which in turn change the Human Resource Management (HRM) focus. Our study fo- cuses on four best practice cases in Sweden, which are compared with three reported cases in the literature.All four best practice cases had a long notice period and socially responsible coordination of management and employees, which created adjusted corporate strategies.Three cases had the CSR orientation in the earliest stage, while the fourth case had this coordination during a later stage of the closedown process. We develop a model where we show that the scope for action increases if the CSR orientation and coordination of actions come early in the closedown process, due to the increased ability to adjust the business strategy and create a plan for outreach HRM activities and local community activities. 


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Gary Newton ’72 manages global efforts to help vulnerable kids.


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O aumento da produção de carvão previsto para os próximos anos nas minas da CRM localizadas em Leão, Butiá, RS, originará uma considerável quantidade de finos beneficiados por ciclonagem autôgena. Estes finos caracterizam-se pelos seus altos teores de umidade e granulometria <1 mm o que onera e dificulta os processos de manuseio, estocagem e transporte. O presente estudo visa à análise comparativa dos processos de aglomeração, a briquetagem e a pelotização com o objetivo de obter um produto com melhores características de comercialização do que o atual. As principais variáveis estudadas na aglomeração por briquetagem foram: teor de umidade, tipo e concentração de agente ligante, relação massa/volume de carvão, tempo e pressão de moldagem. Os melhores resultados em termos de resistência à compressão, foram obtidos utilizando um resíduo de refinaria de petróleo - REVAC - como ligante numa concentração de 10% em peso, uma temperatura de cura de 120° C, um tempo de moldagem de 0,5 minutos e uma pressão de compactação entre 150 e 250 kgf/cm². A pelotização foi estudada utilizando um tambor e um disco de laboratório e as principais variáveis estudadas foram: umidade da alimentação, tipo e concentração de agente ligante, temperatura de cura e outras. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos utilizando como ligante MOGUL (amido de milho pré-gelatinizado em pó) numa concentração de 5% em peso, uma faixa de umidade ótima entre 30 e 40%, uma inclinação do disco entre 45 e 51° e uma temperatura de cura de 80 e 100°C. Os resultados obtidos para ambos os carvões (CE 5900 e CE 4700) são discutidos em termos dos diversos fenômenos que ocorrem na interface carvão-solução-ligante e algumas considerações econômicas são apresentadas.