930 resultados para Theta Tau
In 1990 JET operated with a number of technical improvements which led to advances in performance and permitted the carrying out of experiments specifically aimed at improving physics understanding of selected topics relevant to the "NEXT STEP". The new facilities include beryllium antenna screens, a prototype lower hybrid current drive system, and modification of the NI system to enable the injection of He-3 and He-4. Continued investigation of the hot-ion H-mode produced a value of n(D)(0)tau-E(T)(i)(0) = 9 x 10(20)m-3s keV, which is near conditions required for Q(DT) = 1, while a new peaked density profile H-mode was developed with only slightly lower performance. Progress towards steady state operation has been made by achieving ELMy H-modes under certain operating conditions, while maintaining good tau-E values. Experimental simulation of He ash transport indicates effective removal of alpha-particles from the plasma core for both L and H mode plasmas. Detailed analyses of particle and energy transport have helped establish a firmer link between particle and energy transport, and have suggested a connection between reduced energy transport and reversed shear. Numerical and analytic studies of divertor physics carried out for the pumped divertor phase of JET have helped clarify the key parameters governing impurity retention, and an intensive model validation effort has begun. Experimental simulation of alpha-particle effects with beta-fast up to 8% have shown that the slowing down processes are classical, and have given no evidence of deleterious collective effects.
During its 1990 operation, 2 large RF systems were available on JET. The Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) system was equipped with new beryllium screens and with feedback matching systems. Specific impurities generated by ICRH were reduced to negligible levels even in the most stringent H-mode conditions. A maximum power of 22 MW was coupled to L-mode plasmas. High quality H-modes (tau-E greater-than-or-equal-to 2.5 tau-EG) were achieved using dipole phasing. A new high confinement mode was discovered. It combines the properties of the H-mode regime to the low central diffusivities obtained by pellet injection. A value of n(d) tau-E T(i) = 7.8 x 10(20) m-3 s keV was obtained in this mode with T(e) approximately T(i) approximately 11 keV. In the L-mode regime, a regime, a record (140 kW) D-He-3 fusion power was generated with 10 - 14 MW of ICRH at the He-3 cyclotron frequency. Experiments were performed with the prototype launcher of the Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) systems with coupled power up to 1.6 MW with current drive efficiencies up to < n(e) > R I(CD)/P = 0.4 x 10(20) m-2 A/W. Fast electrons are driven by LHCD to tail temperatures of 100 keV with a hollow radial profile. Paradoxically, LHCD induces central heating particularly in combination with ICRH. Finally we present the first observations of the synergistic acceleration of fast electrons by Transit Time Magnetic Pumping (TTMP) (from ICRH) and Electron Landau Damping (ELD) (from LHCD). The synergism generates TTMP current drive even without phasing the ICRH antennae.
El objeto del presente artículo consiste en proporcionar a los interesados en el mundo de las opciones financieras la posibilidad de entender, de forma sistematizada, tanto la lógica implícita como el desarrollo matemático de la expresión que muestra el valor de los factores de sensibilidad generalmente utilizados en el análisis e inversión con opciones: deltha, gamma, theta, vega y rho. Consideramos de gran interés este trabajo por la posibilidad que brinda a los investigadores, docentes y gestores de disponer en un único documento de la construcción teórico-matemática de todos los factores de sensibilidad.
Based on the three-dimensional elastic inclusion model proposed by Dobrovolskii, we developed a rheological inclusion model to study earthquake preparation processes. By using the Corresponding Principle in the theory of rheologic mechanics, we derived the analytic expressions of viscoelastic displacement U(r, t) , V(r, t) and W(r, t), normal strains epsilon(xx) (r, t), epsilon(yy) (r, t) and epsilon(zz) (r, t) and the bulk strain theta (r, t) at an arbitrary point (x, y, z) in three directions of X axis, Y axis and Z axis produced by a three-dimensional inclusion in the semi-infinite rheologic medium defined by the standard linear rheologic model. Subsequent to the spatial-temporal variation of bulk strain being computed on the ground produced by such a spherical rheologic inclusion, interesting results are obtained, suggesting that the bulk strain produced by a hard inclusion change with time according to three stages (alpha, beta, gamma) with different characteristics, similar to that of geodetic deformation observations, but different with the results of a soft inclusion. These theoretical results can be used to explain the characteristics of spatial-temporal evolution, patterns, quadrant-distribution of earthquake precursors, the changeability, spontaneity and complexity of short-term and imminent-term precursors. It offers a theoretical base to build physical models for earthquake precursors and to predict the earthquakes.
In this paper the Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT) process of gaseous H-2-O-2 mixture and Mach reflection of gaseous detonation wave on a wedge have been conducted experimentally. The cellular pattern of DDT process and Mach reflection were obtained from experiments with wedge angle theta = 10(0) similar to 40(0) and initial pressure of gaseous mixture 16kPa similar to 26.7kPa. The 2-D numerical simulations of DDT process and Mach reflection of detonation wave were performed by using the simplified ZND model and improved space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) method. The numerical cellular structures were compared with the cellular patterns of soot track. Compared results were shown that it is satisfactory. The characteristic comparisons on Mach reflection of air shock wave and detonation wave were carried also out and their differences were given.
Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds). Texto original en inglés traducido por Raquel Merino. Texto disponible en http://www.tau.ac.il/~toury/works/fict.htm
197 p. (Bibliogr. 189-197)
探索和建立不同尺度理论之间的关联模式是科学研究的重要课题,本文基于跨尺度模型着重探讨了金属陶瓷界面的凝聚能和原子结构问题。本文遵循原始Peierls-Nabarro模型的基本思想,提出了一种处理一维界面失配位错组的新方法。在这个推广的Peierls-Nabarro模型中,本文得到了一个简单而且准确的解析解,此解反映了失配位错的核结构、能量与失配度、剪切模量之间的依赖关系。当界面剪切模量较强而失配度较小时,界面的结构可以用一组奇导师Volterra位错来描述,这与一些原子模拟结果一致。采用这一简单的模型,引入第一原理计算得到的数据,此模型可以估算金属陶瓷界面的凝聚能。一维界面失配位错组的Peierls-Nabarro模型还被解析推广描述一大类较宽的位错。在模型中我们引进了一个参数a,通过控制参数a,我们可以系统地改变失配位错芯的宽度、剪切应力的分布和弹性恢复力。随着a增加,位错宽度增加,同时弹性恢复力和失配位错应力的幅度减少。当界面剪切模量强和失配度小时,失配位错的宽度近似线性反比于弹性恢复力的幅度大小。同时当界面剪切模量和失配度固定时,失配能、弹性能和总的界面能随a的增加而减少。界面能和恢复力律形式密切相关,当界面剪切模量弱和失配度大时,这种依赖关系更强。考虑到界面常常是在晶格两个方向都有失配,本文还引进了描述界面周期失配位错的二维广义Peierls-Nabarro模型,使得我们能够定量地研究界面的结构和能量。文中定量分析了广义堆垛能γ面对界面失配位错的结构和能量的影响,分析了位错网中两种位错组的相互作用。当界面剪切模量τ_0变大和失配度f变小时,随着位错核区占整个界面的比重下降,γ面的形状对界面能量和结构影响减弱,结果两种位错组之间的相互作用也减弱。此外γ面的变化还有可能导致位错网结构的转变,也就是导致界面结构的转变。应用此模型,本文还研究了金属-陶瓷Ag/MgO(100)界面,给出了界面的能量和原子结构。文中得出结论:在Ag/MgO(100)界面将会形成{1/2<110>; <110>}类型的位错网。此外由于界面失配位错的形成,Ag/MgO(100)界面凝聚能的理论值900mJ/m~2将减少214mJ/m~2,最终成为686mJ/m~2。基于第一原理赝势平面波的总能计算,文中给出了金属陶瓷Al/MgO(100)界面弛豫和未弛豫时的广义堆垛能面。然后结合第三章发展的广义二维Peierls-Nabarro模型,详细研究了金属陶瓷Al/MgO(100)界面的原子结构和界面能。文中得出的“在Al/MgO(100)界面将会形成{1/2<110>; <110>}类型位错网”的推论,证实了Vellinga等的猜测;文中还预测了凝聚能的理论是在600mJ/m~2(未弛豫情形)和670mJ/m~2(弛豫情形)之间。这个应用表明此方法能够容易地建立连续介质理论和第一原理计算之间的联系,实现理论上的跨尺度。本文最后提出了一种得到界面原子有效对势的反演方法。通过反演金属-MgO陶瓷界面的第一原理计算的凝聚能曲线,我们得到了一些金属原子和陶瓷离子之间的对势,此对势反映了金属陶瓷键合的特性。本文的反演方法提供了通过第一原理计算数据来拟合界面原子对势的一种可行性途径。这种方法可归结为第一类尺度关联理论,即单向的跨尺度关联模式。
Adhesive contact model between an elastic cylinder and an elastic half space is studied in the present paper, in which an external pulling force is acted on the above cylinder with an arbitrary direction and the contact width is assumed to be asymmetric with respect to the structure. Solutions to the asymmetric model are obtained and the effect of the asymmetric contact width on the whole pulling process is mainly discussed. It is found that the smaller the absolute value of Dundurs' parameter beta or the larger the pulling angle theta, the more reasonable the symmetric model would be to approximate the asymmetric one.
The direct numerical simulation of boundary layer transition over a 5° half-cone-angle blunt cone is performed. The free-stream Mach number is 6 and the angle of attack is 1°. Random wall blow-and-suction perturbations are used to trigger the transition. Different from the authors’ previous work [Li et al., AIAA J. 46, 2899(2008)], the whole boundary layer flow over the cone is simulated (while in the author’s previous work, only two 45° regions around the leeward and the windward sections are simulated). The transition location on the cone surface is determined through the rapid increase in skin fraction coefficient (Cf). The transition line on the cone surface shows a nonmonotonic curve and the transition is delayed in the range of 0° ≤ θ ≤ 30° (θ = 0° is the leeward section). The mechanism of the delayed transition is studied by using joint frequency spectrum analysis and linear stability theory (LST). It is shown that the growth rates of unstable waves of the second mode are suppressed in the range of 20° ≤ θ ≤ 30°, which leads to the delayed transition location. Very low frequency waves VLFWs� are found in the time series recorded just before the transition location, and the periodic times of VLFWs are about one order larger than those of ordinary Mack second mode waves. Band-pass filter is used to analyze the low frequency waves, and they are deemed as the effect of large scale nonlinear perturbations triggered by LST waves when they are strong enough.The direct numerical simulation of boundary layer transition over a 5° half-cone-angle blunt cone is performed. The free-stream Mach number is 6 and the angle of attack is 1°. Random wall blow-and-suction perturbations are used to trigger the transition. Different from the authors’ previous work [ Li et al., AIAA J. 46, 2899 (2008) ], the whole boundary layer flow over the cone is simulated (while in the author’s previous work, only two 45° regions around the leeward and the windward sections are simulated). The transition location on the cone surface is determined through the rapid increase in skin fraction coefficient (Cf). The transition line on the cone surface shows a nonmonotonic curve and the transition is delayed in the range of 20° ≤ θ ≤ 30° (θ = 0° is the leeward section). The mechanism of the delayed transition is studied by using joint frequency spectrum analysis and linear stability theory (LST). It is shown that the growth rates of unstable waves of the second mode are suppressed in the range of 20° ≤ θ ≤ 30°, which leads to the delayed transition location. Very low frequency waves (VLFWs) are found in the time series recorded just before the transition location, and the periodic times of VLFWs are about one order larger than those of ordinary Mack second mode waves. Band-pass filter is used to analyze the low frequency waves, and they are deemed as the effect of large scale nonlinear perturbations triggered by LST waves when they are strong enough.
An experimental study on the angular distribution and conversion of multi-keV X-ray sources produced from 2 ns-duration 527nm laser irradiated thick-foil targets on Shenguang II laser facility (SG-II) is reported. The angular distributions measured in front of the targets can be fitted with the function of f(theta) = alpha+ (1- alpha)cos(beta) theta (theta is the viewing angle relative to the target normal), where alpha = 0.41 +/- 0.014, beta = 0.77 +/- 0.04 for Ti K-shell X-ray Sources (similar to 4.75 keV for Ti K-shell), and alpha = 0.085 +/- 0.06, beta = 0.59 +/- 0.07 for Ag/Pd/Mo L-shell X-ray Sources (2-2.8 keV for Mo L-shell, 2.8-3.5 keV for Pd L-shell, and 3-3.8 keV for Ag L-shell). The isotropy of the angular-distribution of L-shell emission is worse than that of the K-shell emission at larger viewing angle (>70 degrees), due to its larger optical depth (stronger self-absorption) in the cold plasma side lobe Surrounding the central emission region, and in the central hot plasma region (emission region). There is no observable difference in the angular distributions of the L-shell X-ray emission among Ag, Pd, and Mo. The conversion efficiency of Ag/Pd/Mo L-shell X-ray sources is higher than that of the Ti K-shell X-ray sources, but the gain relative to the K-shell emission is not as high as that by using short pulse lasers. The conversion efficiency of the L-shell X-ray sources decrease, with increasing atomic numbers (or X-ray photon energy), similar to the behavior of the K-shell X-ray Source.
We investigate the spectra of a femtosecond pulse train propagating in a resonant two-level atom (TLA) medium. it is found that higher spectral components can be produced even for a 2 pi femtosecond pulse train. Furthermore, the spectral effects depend crucially on both the relative shift phi and the delay time tau between the successive pulses of the femtosecond pulse train.
We have investigated the damage for ZrO2/SiO2 800 nm 45 degrees high-reflection mirror with femtosecond pulses. The damage morphologies and the evolution of ablation crater depths with laser fluences are dramatically different from that with pulse longer than a few tens of picoseconds. The ablation in multilayers occurs layer by layer, and not continuously as in the case of bulk single crystalline or amorphous materials. The weak point in damage is the interface between two layers. We also report its single-short damage thresholds for pulse durations ranging from 50 to 900 fs, which departs from the diffusion-dominated tau(1/2)(p) scaling. A developed avalanche model, including the production of conduction band electrons (CBE) and laser energy deposition, is applied to study the damage mechanisms. The theoretical results agree well with our measurements. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.