841 resultados para The Cambridge companion to horseracing
Rough copy of the balance sheet (3 pages, handwritten) to May 31, 1882.
Plan of levels of marsh land on the line of the proposed ditch from Lyons Creek Culvert on the Welland Canal to lot no. 32 in the 2nd concession of Wainfleet (1 page, hand drawn), n.d.
Printed blank of freight Notice for shipping from the Suspension Bridge to St. Catharines for tiles and collars, June 25, 1875.
Printed blank of freight Notice for shipping from the Suspension Bridge to St. Catharines for tiles, Aug.6, 1875.
Explanation of the Land Surrendered to the Crown by the Six Nations Indians for Mr. Dickson: 1 handwritten page explaining the Six Nations surrender of land to the Crown in order to allow the Crown to transfer the land to Mr. Dickson to compensate him for legal fees. [This is not an older document. It was possibly written by the Niagara Historical Society], n.d.
Broadside advertising the appearance of the Prince of Wales, Albert Edward, who was Queen Victoria’s eldest son. He was to become Edward VII. The visit took place on Tuesday, the 18th of September in 1860. The broadside measures 20 cm. x 17.5 cm. The Royal Coat of Arms is featured on the top. Different typefaces are used throughout the broadside. The Broadside reads: "The Prince's Visit to St. Catharines. His Royal Highness will be at St. Catharines on Tuesday, the 18th Sept. 1860. The Committee of Management express the earnest hope that the Inhabitants of the Counties of Lincoln & Welland Generally, will manifest their Loyalty by joining in an enthusiastic demonstration to the Prince. Come Early to get Seats! As the accommodation in the Amphitheatre will be limited. A Grand Procession Of Firemen and other Public Bodies will be formed, accompanied by Bands of Music. A Royal Salute Will be fired by the St. Catharines Volunteer Artillery Company; and British Cheers will be given by the assembled assembled thousands. A General Illumination in the Evening! God Save The Queen! C.P. Camp, Sec'y to Committee. St. Catharines, September 15, 1860."
This paper examines several families of population principles in the light of a set of axioms. In addition to the critical-level utilitarian, number-sensitive critical-level utilitarian and number-dampened families and their generalized counterparts, we consider the restricted number-dampened family (suggested by Hurka) and introduce two new families : the restricted critical-level and restricted number-dependent critical-level families. Subsets of the restricted families have nonnegative critical levels and avoid both the repugnant and sadistic conclusions but fail to satisfy an important independence condition. We defend the critical-level principles with positive critical levels.
The privileges arising from patent protection on pharmaceutical products often prevent the full realization of the right to health, especially in developing countries with scarce resources. This thesis first identifies the international agreements that have established the right to health in international law, obligations and violations associated with it, the problems encountered in the implementation of human rights on the field, compared with the implementation and sanctions associated with economic rights from the World Trade Organization regulatory framework. A comparative study of the legislative frameworks of both developed and developing countries will reveal to what extent Canada, the United States, the European Union, Brazil, India, and South Africa conformed with patent protection exceptions arising from international patent law to protect public health. Finally, the author identifies the crucial indicators that need to be considered in order to assess the conformity of a given approach with the right to health, before he underscores the temporary character of the relevant WTO measures, and the future stakes concerning an increased access to essential medicines.
Le trouble du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDA/H) est un des troubles comportementaux le plus commun chez les enfants. TDAH a une étiologie complexe et des traitements efficaces. Le médicament le plus prescrit est le méthylphénidate, un psychostimulant qui bloque le transporteur de la dopamine et augmente la disponibilité de la dopamine dans la fente synaptique. Des études précliniques et cliniques suggèrent que le cortisol peut potentialiser les effets de la dopamine. Un dysfonctionnement du système hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien (HHS) est associé avec plusieurs maladies psychiatriques comme la dépression, le trouble bipolaire, et l’anxiété. Nous avons fait l’hypothèse que le cortisol influence l’efficacité du traitement des symptômes du TDAH par le méthylphénidate. L’objectif de cette étude est de mesurer les niveaux de cortisol le matin au réveil et en réponse à une prise de sang dans un échantillon d’enfants diagnostiqué avec TDAH âgé de 8 ans. Le groupe était randomisé dans un protocole en chassé croisé et en double aveugle avec trois doses de méthylphénidate et un placebo pour une période de quatre semaines. Les enseignants et les parents ont répondu aux questionnaires SWAN et à une échelle d’évaluation des effets secondaires. Les résultats ont démontrés qu’un niveau de cortisol élevé au réveil prédit les sujets qui ne répondent pas au traitement du TDAH, si on se fie aux rapports des parents. En plus, la réactivité au stress élevé suggère un bénéfice additionnel d’une dose élevée de méthylphénidate selon les enseignants. Aussi, les parents rapportent une association entre la présence de troubles anxieux co-morbide avec le TDAH et une meilleure réponse à une dose élevée. Cette étude suggère qu’une forte réactivité de l’axe HHS améliore la réponse clinique à des doses élevées, mais qu’une élévation chronique du niveau de cortisol pourrait être un marqueur pour les non répondeurs. Les résultats de cette étude doivent être considérés comme préliminaires et nécessitent des tests plus approfondis des interactions possibles entre les médicaments utilisés pour traiter le TDAH et l’axe HHS.