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Forty-five children (31 boys and 14 girls), aged 6-11 years, were included in the study, 15 with a skeletal anterior open bite (SAOB), 15 with a dentoalveolar anterior open bite (DAOB), and 15 with a normal occlusion (CG), defined by clinical evaluation and lateral cephalograms. EMG recordings of the temporal and masseter muscles were performed under maximal voluntary clenching and during chewing. Analysis of variance was used for inter-group analysis, followed by the Tukey post hoc test. A Student`s t-test for paired data was used for intra-group analysis. There were statistically significant differences among the three groups (P < 0.05), with the mean EMG being highest in the CG and lowest in children with a SAOB. The percentage EMG activity during chewing in relation to that during maximal voluntary clenching was more than 100 per cent in the SAOB group. The CG and DAOB groups presented higher EMG activity during clenching compared with chewing (P < 0.001), as well as a greater difference between tasks. In the SAOB group, the neuromuscular system appeared to have a lower capacity to produce EMG activity according to the task, while that in the DAOB group suggests that their functional capacity during growth should also be carefully observed.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of 2 levels of raw milk somatic cell count (SCC) on the composition of Prato cheese and on the microbiological and sensory changes of Prato cheese throughout ripening. Two groups of dairy cows were selected to obtain low-SCC (<200,000 cells/mL) and high-SCC (>700,000 cells/mL) milks, which were used to manufacture 2 vats of cheese. The pasteurized milk was evaluated according to the pH, total solids, fat, total protein, lactose, standard plate count, coliforms at 45 degrees C, and Salmonella spp. The cheese composition was evaluated 2 d after manufacture. Lactic acid bacteria, psychrotrophic bacteria, and yeast and mold counts were carried out after 3, 9, 16, 32, and 51 d of storage. Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus counts were carried out after 3, 32, and 51 d of storage. A 2 x 5 factorial design with 4 replications was performed. Sensory evaluation of the cheeses from low- and high-SCC milks was carried out for overall acceptance by using a 9-point hedonic scale after 8, 22, 35, 50, and 63 d of storage. The somatic cell levels used did not affect the total protein and salt: moisture contents of the cheeses. The pH and moisture content were higher and the clotting time was longer for cheeses from high-SCC milk. Both cheeses presented the absence of Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes, and the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus count was below 1 x 10(2) cfu/g throughout the storage time. The lactic acid bacteria count decreased significantly during the storage time for the cheeses from both low- and high-SCC milks, but at a faster rate for the cheese from high-SCC milk. Cheeses from high-SCC milk presented lower psychrotrophic bacteria counts and higher yeast and mold counts than cheeses from low- SCC milk. Cheeses from low- SCC milk showed better overall acceptance by the consumers. The lower overall acceptance of the cheeses from high-SCC milk may be associated with texture and flavor defects, probably caused by the higher proteolysis of these cheeses.
Background: Newly formed biofilm after implant debridement may challenge the long-term stability of peri-implant therapy. This in vitro study aimed to assess the roughness and adherence of Streptococcus sanguinis after treatment of smooth and rough titanium surfaces with an erbium-doped: yttrium, aluminum, and garnet (Er:YAG) laser, metal and plastic curets, and an air-powder abrasive system. Methods: Forty titanium disks with smooth-machined surfaces and 40 with sand-blasted and acid-etched surfaces were divided into the following treatment groups: Er:YAG laser; plastic curet; metal curet, and air-powder abrasive system. The surface roughness (roughness average [Raj) before and after treatments was determined using a profilometer. S. sanguinis (American Type Culture Collection 10556) was grown on treated and untreated specimens, and the amounts of retained bacteria on the surfaces were measured by the culture method. Rough and smooth surfaces with and without a suspension of S. sanguinis were also analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: For smooth surfaces, the roughest surfaces were produced by metal curets (repeated - measures analysis of variance [ANOVA] and Tukey test; P<0.05). The rough-surface profile was not altered by any of the treatments (repeated-measures ANOVA; P>0.05). Rough surfaces treated with metal curets and air-powder abrasion showed the lowest level of bacteria] adhesion (two-way ANOVA and Tukey test; P<0.05). SEM analysis revealed distinct surface profiles produced by all devices. Conclusions: Metal curets are not recommended for smooth titanium surface debridement due to severe texture alteration. Rough surfaces treated with a metal curet and the air-powder abrasive system were less susceptible to bacterial adhesion, probably due to texture modification and the presence of abrasive deposits. J Periodontol 2009;80: 1824-1832.
Background. Research has suggested that packable resin-based composites inserted with a placement technique similar to amalgam condensation can reduce the sensitivity associated with posterior restorations. The authors evaluated the clinical performance, including associated sensitivity, of two packable composites in a randomized five-year clinical trial. Methods. A single operator randomly placed two restorations in each of 33 patients: one restoration consisting of Alert (Jeneric/Pentron, Wallingford, Conn.) and the other consisting of SureFil (Dentsply/Caulk, Milford, Del.). There were 30 Class I and 36 Class II restorations. Two independent evaluators evaluated the restorations by using modified U.S.; Public Health Service criteria. The authors analyzed data by means of the Fisher, chi(2) and McNemar tests at P < .05. Results. Of 60 restorations evaluated at five years, two Class II restorations (one SureFil, one Alert) failed. All other restorations received the highest score possible for sensitivity and vitality. The only difference between the composites at the five-year recall was the significantly better surface texture of SureFil. The authors observed significantly different scores between the baseline and at five years for marginal discoloration (Alert and SureFil), surface texture (Alert and SureFil) and color (SureFil). Conclusions. Both packable resin-based composites showed excellent durability during the five-year follow-up. Clinical Implications. The investigated resin-based composites are suitable for posterior restorations.
Objective To explore whether abnormalities in growth hormone binding protein (GHBP) may underlie the growth restriction associated with fetal aneuploidy. Design A retrospective casecontrol study. Setting Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Victoria, Australia. Population Twenty-one trisomy 18, and 30 trisomy 21 pregnancies, and 170 chromosomally normal pregnancies at 15-18 weeks of gestation representing three to five controls per case matched for source, gestation and duration of storage. Methods GHBP was measured using a ligand immunofunctional assay. Results In the chromosomally normal pregnancies GHBP levels decreased slightly but significantly across the narrow gestational window studied. Compared with controls, levels of GHBP, expressed as median (95% CI) multiples of the median (MoM), in the trisomy 21 pregnancies were similar, 1.0 (0.92-1.39) MoM and 1.27 (1.04-1.50) MoM, respectively; P = 0.061 (Mann-Whitney CI test) but were significantly reduced in the trisomy 18 pregnancies, 0.68 (0.51-0.84) MoM; P = 0.0014 (Mann-Whitney U test). Conclusions These data suggest that decreased levels of maternal growth hormone binding protein, and by implication growth hormone receptor complement, may underlie the early severe growth restriction that is characteristic of trisomy 18.
The South African style SAG (RoM) mills operate in a window that is almost exclusive from the operation of the Australian and North American mills that have been used for the development of SAG mill models. Combining good quality, test data from the RoM mills is extending and improving these models, and assisting in a practical manner in improving our understanding of SAG/AG milling. Data from high mill loads, both in absolute filling and ball loading, have been used to extend and improve the JK SAG mill model. This improved understanding has been successfully applied to increasing the throughput of a mill by 8%. Data is presented on relationships between power and load for high mill loading. Slurry pooling is common in closed-circuit RoM mills, and the detrimental effect of this has been dramatically demonstrated at ALCOA with a mill throughput increase of over 20%. Techniques for calculating the effects of slurry pooling have been developed and a new pulp lifter system designed to give optimal slurry discharge. The influence of mill speed in shifting the product size distribution has also been measured. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The three Australian-endemic species comprising the genus Aresehougia have been examined to determine the structure of their nonfibrillar wall components. The polysaccharide extracted from the most widely distributed species, A. congesta (Turner) J. Agardh, was shown by compositional analyses, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, linkage analysis, and C-13-NMR spectroscopy to be a carrageenan composed predominantly of the repeating disaccharides 6'-O-methylcarrabiose 2,4'-disulfate, carrabiose 2,4-disulfate (the repeating unit of L-carrageenan), 4',6'-O-(1-carboxyethylidene)carrabiose 2-sulfate, and 6'-O-methylcarrabiose 2-sulfate. The carrageenan also contained small amounts of 4-linked Galp residues, some bearing methyl ether substitution at O-3 and some possibly bearing sulfate ester and/or glycosyl substitutions at O-3. The A. congesta carrageenan had unique rheological properties, its gels having some similarities to those of commercial iota -carrageenan but with the viscosity of commercial lambda -carrageenan. Polysaccharides from A. ligulata Harvey ex J. Agardh and A. stuartii Harvey were shown by constituent sugar and FTIR analyses to be sulfated galactans rich in mono-O-methylgalactose. The carrageenan structures of Areschougia spp. were consistent with those of the genera Rhabdonia, Erythroclonium, and Austroclonium, the other genera constituting the family Areschougiaceae.
Hypovitaminosis D is a candidate risk-modifying factor for a diverse range of disorders apart from rickets and osteoporosis. Based on epidemiology, and on in vitro and animal experiment, vitamin D has been linked to multiple sclerosis, certain cancers (prostate, breast and colorectal), insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and schizophrenia. I hypothesise that low pre- and perinatal vitamin D levels imprint on the functional characteristics of various tissues throughout the body, leaving the affected individual at increased risk of developing a range of adult-onset disorders. The hypothesis draws from recent advances in our understanding of the early origin of adult disease and proposes a 'critical window' during which vitamin D levels may have a persisting impact on adult health outcomes. Methods to test the hypothesis are outlined. If correct, the hypothesis has important implications for public health. Careful attention to maternal vitamin D status could translate into diverse improvements in health outcomes for the following generation. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
The human nervous system constructs a Euclidean representation of near (personal) space by combining multiple sources of information (cues). We investigated the cues used for the representation of personal space in a patient with visual form agnosia (DF). Our results indicated that DF relies predominantly on binocular vergence information when determining the distance of a target despite the presence of other (retinal) cues. Notably, DF was able to construct an Euclidean representation of personal space from vergence alone. This finding supports previous assertions that vergence provides the nervous system with veridical information for the construction of personal space. The results from the current study, together with those of others, suggest that: (i) the ventral stream is responsible for extracting depth and distance information from monocular retinal cues (i.e. from shading, texture, perspective) and (ii) the dorsal stream has access to binocular information (from horizontal image disparities and vergence). These results also indicate that DF was not able to use size information to gauge target distance, suggesting that intact temporal cortex is necessary for learned size to influence distance processing. Our findings further suggest that in neurologically intact humans, object information extracted in the ventral pathway is combined with the products of dorsal stream processing for guiding prehension. Finally, we studied the size-distance paradox in visual form agnosia in order to explore the cognitive use of size information. The results of this experiment were consistent with a previous suggestion that the paradox is a cognitive phenomenon.
In this study we use region-level panel data on rice production in Vietnam to investigate total factor productivity (TFP) growth in the period since reunification in 1975. Two significant reforms were introduced during this period, one in 1981 allowing farmers to keep part of their produce, and another in 1987 providing improved land tenure. We measure TFP growth using two modified forms of the standard Malmquist data envelopment analysis (DEA) method, which we have named the Three-year-window (TYW) and the Full Cumulative (FC) methods. We have developed these methods to deal with degrees of freedom limitations. Our empirical results indicate strong average TFP growth of between 3.3 and 3.5 per cent per annum, with the fastest growth observed in the period following the first reform. Our results support the assertion that incentive related issues have played a large role in the decline and subsequent resurgence of Vietnamese agriculture.
The personal computer revolution has resulted in the widespread availability of low-cost image analysis hardware. At the same time, new graphic file formats have made it possible to handle and display images at resolutions beyond the capability of the human eye. Consequently, there has been a significant research effort in recent years aimed at making use of these hardware and software technologies for flotation plant monitoring. Computer-based vision technology is now moving out of the research laboratory and into the plant to become a useful means of monitoring and controlling flotation performance at the cell level. This paper discusses the metallurgical parameters that influence surface froth appearance and examines the progress that has been made in image analysis of flotation froths. The texture spectrum and pixel tracing techniques developed at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre are described in detail. The commercial implementation, JKFrothCam, is one of a number of froth image analysis systems now reaching maturity. In plants where it is installed, JKFrothCam has shown a number of performance benefits. Flotation runs more consistently, meeting product specifications while maintaining high recoveries. The system has also shown secondary benefits in that reagent costs have been significantly reduced as a result of improved flotation control. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
One hundred and twenty-five mineral grains from 45 visually pure K-bearing Mn oxide (hollandite group) samples collected from weathering profiles in the Mt Tabor region of central Queensland, Australia, were analysed by the Ar-40/Ar-39 laser probe technique. These K-Mn oxides precipitated mainly through a process of cavity filling (direct precipitation from weathering solution), with botryoidal texture formed by micrometric mineral bands. Well-defined and reproducible plateau ages have been obtained for most samples, ranging from 27.2 +/- 0.8 to 6.8 +/- 0.5 Ma (2 sigma). Statistical analysis of the geochronological results by mixture modelling suggests an episodic mineral precipitation history, with two major peaks at 20.2 +/- 0.22 Ma and 16.5 +/- 0.17 Ma. The geochronological results, when combined with information on paragenetic relationships and mineralogical textures obtained from petrographic, scanning electron microscopy, and electron microprobe investigations, indicate that warm and humid palaeoclimatic conditions favourable to intense chemical weathering prevailed in central Queensland from late Oligocene to middle Miocene, particularly in the early Miocene. These results, in conjunction with previous and ongoing investigations in NW and eastern Queensland, suggest that most of Queensland was dominated by humid climates during the Miocene. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.
Four focus group discussions were held to determine the salient attributes of mandarins in the minds of Balinese consumers. Taste panel findings of 26 untrained panellists showed that imported mandarins were significantly preferred for taste, texture and overall quality. Domestic mandarin segments averaged higher than imported ones on appearance, but the difference was not significant. Gold skin colour was preferred.
Objective. This is an over-view of the cellular biology of upper nasal mucosal cells that have special characteristics that enable them to be used to diagnose and study congenital neurological diseases and to aid neural repair. Study Design: After mapping the distribution of neural cells in the upper nose, the authors' investigations moved to the use of olfactory neurones to diagnose neurological diseases of development, especially schizophrenia. Olfactory-ensheating glial cells (OEGs) from the cranial cavity promote axonal penetration of the central nervous system and aid spinal cord repair in rodents. The authors sought to isolate these cells from the more accessible upper nasal cavity in rats and in humans and prove they could likewise promote neural regeneration, making these cells suitable for human spinal repair investigations. Methods: The schizophrenia-diagnosis aspect of the study entailed the biopsy of the olfactory areas of 10 schizophrenic patients and 10 control subjects. The tissue samples were sliced and grown in culture medium. The ease of cell attachment to fibronectin (artificial epithelial basement membrane), as well as the mitotic and apoptotic indices, was studied in the presence and absence of dopamine in those cell cultures. The neural repair part of the study entailed a harvesting and insertion of first rat olfactory lamina propria rich in OEGs between cut ends of the spinal cords and then later the microinjection of an OEG-rich suspension into rat spinal cords previously transected by open laminectomy. Further studies were done in which OEG insertion was performed up to 1 month after rat cord transection and also in monkeys. Results: Schizophrenic patients' olfactory tissues do not easily attach to basement membrane compared with control subjects, adding evidence to the theory that cell wall anomalies are part of the schizophrenic lesion of neurones. Schizophrenic patient cell cultures had higher mitotic and apoptotic indices compared with control subjects. The addition of dopamine altered these indices enough to allow accurate differentiation of schizophrenics from control patients, leading to, possibly for the first time, an early objective diagnosis of schizophrenia and possible assessment of preventive strategies. OEGs from the nose were shown to be as effective as those from the olfactory bulb in promoting axonal growth across transected spinal cords even when added I month after injury in the rat. These otherwise paraplegic rats grew motor and proprioceptive and fine touch fibers with corresponding behavioral improvement. Conclusions. The tissues of the olfactory mucosa are readily available to the otolaryngologist. Being surface cells, they must regenerate (called neurogenesis). Biopsy of this area and amplification of cells in culture gives the scientist a window to the developing brain, including early diagnosis of schizophrenia. The Holy Grail of neurological disease is the cure of traumatic paraplegia and OEGs from the nose promote that repair. The otolaryngologist may become the necessary partner of the neurophysiologist and spinal surgeon to take the laboratory potential of paraplegic cure into the day-to-day realm of clinical reality.
The effect of number of samples and selection of data for analysis on the calculation of surface motor unit potential (SMUP) size in the statistical method of motor unit number estimates (MUNE) was determined in 10 normal subjects and 10 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We recorded 500 sequential compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) at three different stable stimulus intensities (10–50% of maximal CMAP). Estimated mean SMUP sizes were calculated using Poisson statistical assumptions from the variance of 500 sequential CMAP obtained at each stimulus intensity. The results with the 500 data points were compared with smaller subsets from the same data set. The results using a range of 50–80% of the 500 data points were compared with the full 500. The effect of restricting analysis to data between 5–20% of the CMAP and to standard deviation limits was also assessed. No differences in mean SMUP size were found with stimulus intensity or use of different ranges of data. Consistency was improved with a greater sample number. Data within 5% of CMAP size gave both increased consistency and reduced mean SMUP size in many subjects, but excluded valid responses present at that stimulus intensity. These changes were more prominent in ALS patients in whom the presence of isolated SMUP responses was a striking difference from normal subjects. Noise, spurious data, and large SMUP limited the Poisson assumptions. When these factors are considered, consistent statistical MUNE can be calculated from a continuous sequence of data points. A 2 to 2.5 SD or 10% window are reasonable methods of limiting data for analysis. Muscle Nerve 27: 320–331, 2003