805 resultados para Tensions


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O fim da Guerra Fria um caso indito de mudana pacfica da estrutura internacional, em que os Estados Unidos e a Unio Sovitica transcendem a diviso bipolar para decidir os termos da paz no quadro das instituies que definem o modelo de ordenamento multilateral, consolidando a sua legitimidade. Nesse contexto, ao contrrio dos casos precedentes de reconstruo internacional no fim de uma guerra hegemnica, o novo sistema do post-Guerra Fria, caracterizado pela unipolaridade, pela regionalizao e pela homogeneizao, forma-se num quadro de continuidade institucional. A ordem poltica do post-Guerra Fria um sistema misto em que as tenses entre a hierarquia unipolar e a anarquia multipolar, a integrao global e a fragmentao regional e a homogeneidade e a heterogeneidade poltica, ideolgica e cultural condicionam as estratgias das potncias. As crises internacionais vo pr prova a estabilidade da nova ordem e a sua capacidade para garantir mudanas pacficas. A primeira dcada do post-Guerra Fria mostra a preponderncia dos Estados Unidos e a sua confiana crescente, patente nas Guerras do Golfo Prsico e dos Balcs, bem como na crise dos Estreitos da Formosa. A reaco aos atentados do "11 de Setembro" revela uma tentao imperial da potncia unipolar, nomeadamente com a invaso do Iraque, que provoca uma crise profunda da comunidade de segurana ocidental. A vulnerabilidade do centro da ordem internacional confirmada pela crise constitucional europeia e pela crise financeira global. Essas crises no alteram a estrutura de poder mas aceleram a eroso da ordem multilateral e criam um novo quadro de possibilidades para a evoluo internacional, que inclui uma escalada dos conflitos num quadro de multipolaridade regional, uma nova polarizao entre as potncias democrticas conservadoras e uma coligao revisionista autoritria, bem como a restaurao de um concerto entre as principais potncias internacionais.


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In seeking to advance the possibility of justice, gender and postcolonial studies have argued for the importance of the study of masculinities, through the acknowledgment that a richer understanding of such gendered formations may provide the basis for recognition of the Other and that, left uncriticised, such formations may be continuously delineated by the reproduction of systems of domination. The current study finds as its object the representations of masculinities in J. M. Coetzees Boyhood (1997), Youth (2002) and Summertime (2009). As works of transition in terms of Coetzees oeuvre - post-apartheid and post-Disgrace - the trilogy provides an account of the development of a man through several stages of life. While portraying the tensions of different geographical and cultural locations, such as apartheid South Africa and the London of the Sixties, the trilogy articulates the various norms that impact in the formation of gender, particularly of masculinities, through a complex system of power relations. The adherence to such norms is never linear, as the trilogy provides imaginative accounts of the contradictions that assist in the formulation of gender, depicting both the allure and the terror that constitute hegemonic masculinity. Located in the intersection of gender and postcolonial studies, the present study is based on the works by Raewyn Connell on masculinities. Animated by such a critical framework, the main research question of the present study is whether the trilogy advances a notion of masculinity that differs from the traditional rigid model, that is, whether there is resistance to hegemonic masculinity and what the spaces inhabited by the subaltern are. It is suggested that the trilogy presents the reader with instances of resistance to normative formulations of masculinity, by contrasting domination with the possibility of justice, and advancing an understanding of the often fatal consequences of gender norms to ones sense of being in the world.


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Abstract The purpose of this study is to unravel the geodynamic evolution of Thailand and, from that, to extend the interpretation to the rest of Southeast Asia. The methodology was based in a first time on fieldwork in Northern Thailand and Southernmost Myanmar, using a multidisciplinary approach, and then on the compilation and re-interpretation, in a plate tectonics point of view, of existing data about the whole Southeast Asia. The main results concern the Nan-Uttaradit suture, the Chiang Mai Volcanic Belt and the proposition of a new location for the Palaeotethys suture. This led to the establishment of a new plate tectonic model for the geodynamic evolution of Southeast Asia, implying the existence new terranes (Orang Laut and the redefinition of Shan-Thai) and the role of the Palaeopacific Ocean in the tectonic development of the area. The model proposed here considers the Palaeotethys suture as located along the Tertiary Mae Yuam Fault, which represents the divide between the Cimmerian Sibumasu terrane and the Indochina-derived Shan-Thai block. The term Shan-Thai, previously used to define the Cimmerian area (when the Palaeotethys suture was thought to represented by the Nan-Uttaradit suture), was redefined here by keeping its geographical location within the Shan States of Myanmar and Central-Northern Thailand, but attributing it an East Asian Origin. Its detachment from Indochina was the result of the Early Permian opening of the Nan basin. The Nan basin closed during the Middle Triassic, before the deposition of Carnian-Norian molasse. The modalities of the closure of the basin imply a first phase of Middle Permian obduction, followed by final eastwards subduction. The Chiang Mai Volcanic Belt consists of scattered basaltic rocks erupted at least during the Visan in an extensional continental intraplate setting, on the Shan-Thai part of the Indochina block. The Visan age was established by the dating of limestone stratigraphically overlying the basalts. In several localities of the East Asian Continent, coeval extensional features occur, possibly implying one or more Early Carboniferous extensional events at a regional scale. These events occurred either due to the presence of a mantle plume or to the roll-back of the Palaeopacific Ocean, subducting beneath Indochina and South China, or both. The Palaeopacific Ocean is responsible, during the Early Permian, for the opening of the Song Ma and Poko back-arcs (Vietnam) with the consequent detachment of the Orang Laut Terranes (Eastern Vietnam, West Sumatra, Kalimantan, Palawan, Taiwan). The Late Triassic/Early Jurassic closure of the Eastern Palaeotethys is considered as having taken place by subduction beneath its southern margin (Gondwana), due to the absence of Late Palaeozoic arc magmatism on its northern (Indochinese) margin and the presence of volcanism on the Cimmerian blocks (Mergui, Lhasa). Rsum Le but de cette tude est d'claircir l'volution godynamique de la Thalande et, partir de cela, d'tendre l'interprtation au reste de l'Asie du Sud-Est. La mthodologie utilise est base dans un premier temps sur du travail de terrain en Thalande du nord et dans l'extrme sud du Myanmar, en se basant sur une approche pluridisciplinaire. Dans un deuxime temps, la compilation et la rinterprtation de donnes prexistantes sur l'Asie du Sud-est la t faite, dans une optique base sur la tectonique des plaques. Les principaux rsultats de ce travail concernent la suture de Nan-Uttaradit, la Chiang Mai Volcanic Belt et la proposition d'une nouvelle localit pour la suture de la Palotethys. Ceci a conduit l'tablissement d'un nouveau modle pour l'volution godynamique de l'Asie du Sud-est, impliquant l'existence de nouveaux terranes (Orang Laut et Shan-Thai redfini) et le rle jou par le Palopacifique dans le dveloppement tectonique de la rgion. Le modle prsent ici considre que la suture de la Palotethys est situe le long de la faille Tertiaire de Mae Yuam, qui reprsente la sparation entre le terrain Cimmrien de Sibumasu et le bloc de Shan-Thai, d'origine Indochinoise. Le terme Shan-Thai, anciennement utilise pour dfinir le bloc Cimmrien (quand la suture de la Palotethys tait considre tre reprsente par la suture de Nan-Uttaradit), a t redfini ici en maintenant sa localisation gographique dans les tats Shan du Myanmar et la Thalande nord-centrale, mais en lui attribuant une origine Est Asiatique. Son dtachement de l'Indochine est le rsultat de l'ouverture du basin de Nan au Permien Infrieur. Le basin de Nan s'est ferm pendant le Trias Moyen, avant le dpt de molasse Carnienne-Norienne. Les modalits de fermeture du basin invoquent une premire phase d'obduction au Permien Moyen, suivie par une subduction finale vers l'est. La "Chiang Mai Volcanic Belt" consiste en des basaltes parpills qui ont mis en place au moins pendant le Visen dans un contexte extensif intraplaque continental sur la partie de l'Indochine correspondant au bloc de Shan-Thai. L'ge Visen a t tabli sur la base de la datation de calcaires qui surmontent stratigraphiquement les basaltes. Dans plusieurs localits du continent Est Asiatique, des preuves d'extension plus ou moins contemporaines ont t retrouves, ce qui implique l'existence d'une ou plusieurs phases d'extension au Carbonifre Infrieur a une chelle rgionale. Ces vnements sont attribus soit la prsence d'un plume mantellique, ou au rollback du Palopacifique, qui subductait sous l'Indochine et la Chine Sud, soit les deux. Pendant le Permien infrieur, le Palopacifique est responsable pour l'ouverture des basins d'arrire arc de Song Ma et Poko (Vietnam), induisant le dtachement des Orang Laut Terranes (Est Vietnam, Ouest Sumatra, Kalimantan, Palawan, Taiwan). La fermeture de la Palotethys Orientale au Trias Suprieur/Jurassique Infrieur est considre avoir eu lieu par subduction sous sa marge mridionale (Gondwana), cause de l'absence de magmatisme d'arc sur sa marge nord (Indochinoise) et de la prsence de volcanisme sur les blocs Cimmriens de Lhassa et Sibumasu (Mergui). Rsum large public L'histoire gologique de l'Asie du Sud-est depuis environ 430 millions d'annes a t dtermine par les collisions successives de plusieurs continents les uns avec les autres. Il y a environ 430 millions d'annes, au Silurien, un grand continent appel Gondwana, a commenc se dchirer sous l'effet des contraintes tectoniques qui le tiraient. Cette extension a provoqu la rupture du continent et l'ouverture d'un grand ocan, appel Palotethys, loignant les deux parties dsormais spares. C'est ainsi que le continent Est Asiatique, compos d'une partie de la Chine actuelle, de la Thalande, du Myanmar, de Sumatra, du Vietnam et de Borno a t entran avec le bord (marge) nord de la Palotethys, qui s'ouvrait petit petit. Durant le Carbonifre Suprieur, il y a environ 300 millions d'annes, le sud du Gondwana subissait une glaciation, comme en tmoigne le dpt de sdiments glaciaires dans les couches de cet ge. Au mme moment le continent Est Asiatique se trouvait des latitudes tropicales ou quatoriales, ce qui permettait le dpt de calcaires contenant diffrents fossiles de foraminifres d'eau chaude et de coraux. Durant le Permien Infrieur, il y a environ 295 millions d'annes, la Palotethys Orientale, qui tait un relativement vieil ocan avec une crote froide et lourde, se refermait. La crote ocanique a commenc s'enfoncer, au sud, sous le Gondwana. C'est ce que l'on appelle la subduction. Ainsi, le Gondwana s'est retrouv en position de plaque suprieure, par rapport la Palotethys qui, elle, tait en plaque infrieure. La plaque infrieure en subductant a commenc reculer. Comme elle ne pouvait pas se dsolidariser de la plaque suprieure, en reculant elle l'a tire. C'est le phnomne du roll-back . Cette traction a eu pour effet de dchirer une nouvelle fois le Gondwana, ce qui a rsult en la cration d'un nouvel Ocan, la Neotethys. Cet Ocan en s'ouvrant a dplac une longue bande continentale que l'on appelle les blocs Cimmriens. La Palotethys tait donc en train de se fermer, la Neotethys de s'ouvrir, et entre deux les blocs Cimmriens se rapprochaient du Continent Est Asiatique. Pendant ce temps, le continent Est Asiatique tait aussi soumis des tensions tectoniques. L'Ocan Palopacifique, l'est de celui-ci, tait aussi en train de subducter. Cette subduction, par roll-back, a dchir le continent en dtachant une ligne de microcontinents appels ici Orang Laut Terranes , spars du continent par deux ocans d'arrire arc : Song Ma et Poko. Ceux-ci sont composs de Taiwan, Palawan, Borno ouest, Vietnam oriental, et la partie occidentale de Sumatra. Un autre Ocan s'est ouvert pratiquement au mme moment dans le continent Est Asiatique : l'Ocan de Nan qui, en s'ouvrant, a dtach un microcontinent appel Shan-Thai. La fermeture de l'Ocan de Nan, il y a environ 230 millions d'annes a resolidaris Shan-Thai et le continent Est Asiatique et la trace de cet vnement est aujourd'hui enregistre dans la suture (la cicatrice de l'Ocan) de Nan-Uttaradit. La cause de l'ouverture de l'Ocan de Nan peut soit tre due la subduction du Palopacifique, soit aux fait que la subduction de la Palotethys tirait le continent Est Asiatique par le phnomne du slab-pull , soit aux deux. La subduction du Palopacifique avait dj cre de l'extension dans le continent Est Asiatique durant le Carbonifre Infrieur (il y a environ 340-350 millions d'annes) en crant des bassins et du volcanisme, aujourd'hui enregistr en diffrents endroits du continent, dont la ceinture volcanique de Chiang Mai, tudie ici. A la fin du Trias, la Palotethys se refermait compltement, et le bloc Cimmrien de Sibumasu entrait en collision avec le continent Est Asiatique. Comme c'est souvent le cas avec les grands ocans, il n'y a pas de suture proprement dite, avec des fragments de crote ocanique, pour tmoigner de cet vnement. Celui-ci est visible grce la diffrence entre les sdiments du Carbonifre Suprieur et du Permie Infrieur de chaque domaine : dans le domaine Cimmrien ils sont de type glaciaire alors que dans le continent Est Asiatique ils tmoignent d'un climat tropical. Les ocans de Song Ma et Poko se sont aussi referms au Trias, mais eux ont laiss des sutures visibles


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Cet article porte sur les tiraillements identitaires des cadres intermdiaires des hpitaux romands. Face des rformes hospitalires nombreuses et de grande ampleur, les cadres intermdiaires sont contraints d'endosser un rle managrial remettant en cause leur attachement leur groupe professionnel d'origine. De multiples tensions professionnelles les conduisent accepter une managrialisation de leur rle, d'une part, tout en continuant dfendre leur corporation professionnelle, d'autre part.


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This study aims to explore the relationships that can be established between identity tensions affecting a learner of French in an alloglotte context, its investment in the appropriation of the language and the contacts that can be established with the target language, the latter constituting a necessary mediation for a successful appropria tion. The empirical analysis is based on data concerning an Austrian living in French-speaking Switzerland and taking courses in an academic context.


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Football is a universal and an affordable game but we need to minimize the incidence of accidents among the increasing number of young football players. Our 11 year retrospective epidemiological study (1990-2000) of football injuries in children (N= 1000) was compared with those of adult players in the 2006 European Championship. This comparative study confirmed that the anatomical, biomechanical and biological conditions differ between adults and children and that they warrant particular attention to protect the latter vulnerable group against bone avulsions, overuse pathologies and fatigue-fractures. Injuries were shown to increase significantly with age up to 16 years (P=0.005). Children suffer mainly from contusions, fractures and sprain injuries. Head injuries were more common in boys (P=0.070), while girls were more prone to sprains. The types of injuries differ between adults and children (sprain versus fractures), the anatomical location of injuries is different (lower limbs in adults, lower and upper limbs in children), the circumstances of the injuries are different (contact in adults versus non-contact in children), and teenage girls have different types of injuries than teenage boys. An increased incidence of injuries is due to changes in the position of the center of gravity and in the morphotype during rapid growth. For these reasons it is mandatory to adapt the training to the age and sex of the players. It is unsafe to train children the same way as adults. The height, the weight and the speed of growth must be taken into account by the multidisciplinary team when organising the training programmes. -- Le football fait partie des sports les plus pratiqus au monde en raison de sa popularit et de son accessibilit conom ique. L'incidence des blessures lies cette pratique doit tre diminue surtout chez les jeunes joueurs en raison de la croissance exponentielle du nombre de joueurs fminins et masculins. Une tude pidmiologique rtrospective sur 11 ans (1990-2000) a t ralise chez les enfants victimes de blessures lies au football (N==1000), puis a t compare aux donnes recueillies de l'UEFA lors d'un Championnat Europen en 2006 sur les lsions des joueurs adultes. Cette tude comparative confirme que les structures anatomiques, biologiques et les tensions biomcaniques chez l'enfant diffrent de celles de l'adulte. Les enfants ont un risque plus lev de souffrir d'avulsion osseuse et de fractures de fatigue que les adultes. Les blessures augmentent significativement avec l'ge jusqu' 16 ans (P==0,005). Les traumatismes crniens sont plus frquents chez les garons tandis que les entorses sont plus risque chez les filles. Les adultes font plus souvent des entorses tandis que les enfants font plus de fractures. La localisation anatomique diffre galement entre ces deux groupes (les membres infrieurs chez l'adulte et les membres infrieurs et suprieurs chez l'enfant). La circonstance des blessures diffre galement (choc avec un autre joueur chez l'adulte et des blessures sans contact chez l'enfant). Chez les adolescents, les blessures des filles diffrent de celles des garons. L'augmentation chez les enfants de cette incidence est lie au dplacement lors de la croissance du centre de gravit, avec une maladresse accrue lors des phases de croissance. Pour toutes ces raisons, il est justifi d'adapter les entranements de football en fonction de l'ge, du sexe et du morphotype. L'entrainement des enfants doit tre diffrent de celui des adultes. Le poids, la taille et la vitesse de croissance doit tre prise en compte dans des structures multidisciplinaires afin de permettre une meilleure longvit sportive des jeunes joueurs de football.


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This study explores the tension that has emerged around the rise of home schooling in a faith-community strongly committed to establishing and maintaining day schools in the tradition of John Calvin. It aims to identify and understand factors that contributed to this tension and to find ways to bridge, diffuse, reduce, or eliminate it. In line with Calvin, personal convictions, and the nature of the community, the study takes a Christian epistemological and axiological stance. Its premise is that the integrity of the commvmity is more important than the manner in which its children are taught. The study reviews relevant literature and several interviews. It considers both secular and Christian literature to understand communities, community breakdown, and community restoration. It also examines literature about the significance of home, school, and community relationships; the attraction of Reformed day schools; and the appeal of home schooling. Interviews were conducted with 4 home schooling couples and 2 focus groups. One focus group included local school representatives, and the other home schoolers and school representatives from an area with reputedly less tension on the issue. Interviews were designed for participants to give their perspectives on reasons for home schooling, the existing tension, and ways to resolve the issues. The study identifies the rise of home schooling in this particular context as the initial issue and the community's deficiency to properly deal with it as the chief cause for the rising tensions. However, I argue that, within the norms the community firmly believes in, home schooling need not jeopardize its integrity. I call for personal, social, and spiritual renewal to restore the covenant community in gratitude to God.


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In this research study I examined how four principals of secondary schools interpreted authority and how these interpretations affected their practice. This study involved a presentation of the literature where the concept of qualitative methodology as well as general concepts of authority were reviewed. Four principals were interviewed and asked to reflect on their feelings and experiences as they related to the practice of authority. Five major themes emerged from their reflections and stories which were: Understandings of the Concept of Authority, Principals' Enactment of Authority, Thoughts and Experiences related to Challenges to Their Authority, A View of Principals' Challenge of Authority, and Changing Views on the Authority of Principals in Ontario. The stories of these four principals demonstrated that the practice of authority is complex, dynamic, and contains personal and social tensions. The sharing of these ideas and stories provided a window into the world of these secondary school educational leaders and their experiences with, and enactment of, authority. From this research four recommendations were made to improve educators' practice related to the issue of authority. The importance of this study is that it presents an understanding of the dynamic nature of the process and enactment of authority by these secondary school principals at a unique time in the history of education in Ontario.This qualitative research provides a snapshot of a particular group of educators at a particular time and place. Others need to add to these understandings and modify these ideas through further research. Understanding the experiences of educational leaders as they negotiate concepts of authority gives a window on this very complex, yet vital, component of education.


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Strategies designed to improve educational systems have created tensions in school personnel as they struggle to respond to competing demands of ongoing change within their daily realities. The purpose of this case study was to investigate how teachers and administrators in one elementary school made sense ofthese tensions and to explore the factors that constrained or shaped their responses. A constructive interpretative case study using a grounded theory approach was used. Qualitative data were collected through document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation. In-depth information about teachers' and administrators' experiences and a contextual understanding oftension was generated from inductive analysis of the data. The study found that tension was a phenomenon situated in the context in which it arose. A contextual understanding of tension revealed the interactions between the institutional, personal, and emotional domains that continually shaped individual and group behavioural responses. This contextual understanding of tension provided the means to reinterpret resistance to change. It also helped to show how teachers and administrators reconstructed identities and made sense in context.. Of particular note was the crucial nature of the conditions under which teachers and adlninistrators shaped meaning and understood change. This study sheds light on the contextual intricacies of tension that may help leaders with the complex design and implementation of educational change..


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This qualitative phenomenological investigation explored six female Master of Education students' critical understandings of their identity and role negotiations, and their perceptions of environmental conditions that facilitated or impeded their identity explorations and negotiations within the institution. The interweaving of Feminist and Women's Development theories enabled the data to be examined under different, yet complementary, lenses. The data collection strategies included: four to five in-depth semistructured interviews, three take-home activities (involving identity mapping, object and metaphor identification, and strategy development), and the compilation of extensive interview notes as well as researcher reflections. The combination of a constant comparative method and a voice-centered method were used in tandem to analyze the data. Together they uncovered five emergent themes: (a) intricate understandings of key terms; (b) life-long learning and transformative pathways; (c) gender issues; (d) challenges, tensions, and possibilities; as well as (e) personal, professional, and educational implications. The findings underscored the possibility for both a singular static identity and dynamic multifaceted identities to exist in tandem, and the emergence of natural or logical identity intersections, as well as disjointed or colliding identity intersections. Ultimately, it is the continuous negotiation of internal and external spheres that contributes to the complexity and multidimensionality of graduate students' identities.


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Mammalian heterotherms, such as hibemators, are known to be more tolerant of low oxygen tensions than their homeothermic counterparts. It has been suggested that this relative hypoxia tolerance is related to their ability to deal with dramatic changes in body temperature during entry to and arousal from torpor. However, hibemators demonstrate dramatic seasonality in both daily heterothermy and overall torpor expression. It was of interest to test if seasonal comparisons of normothermic individuals within a single species with the capacity to hibernate produce changes in the response to hypoxia that would reflect a seasonal change in tolerance to low oxygen. In particular, the species studied, the Eastern chipmunk {Tamias striatus), is known to enter into torpor exclusively in the winter. To test for seasonal differences in the metabolic and thermoregulatory responses to hypoxia, flow-through respirometry was used to compare metabolic rate, minimum thermal conductance, body temperature, and a thermal gradient used to assess selected ambient temperature in response to hypoxia in both summer and winter acclimated animals. Although the animals periodically expressed torpor throughout the winter, no differences between season in resting metabolic rate, body temperature or minimum thermal conductance were observed in normoxia. The metabolic trials indicated that chipmunks are less responsive to hypoxia in the winter than they are in the summer. Although body temperature dropped in response to hypoxia in both seasons, the decrease was less in the winter, and there was no corresponding decrease in metabolic rate. Providing the animals with a choice of ambient temperatures in hypoxia resulted in a blunting of the drop in body temperature in both seasons, suggesting that the reported fall in body temperature set point in hypoxia is not fully manifested in the behavioural pathways responsible for thermoregulation in chipmunks. Instead, body temperature in hypoxia appears to be highly dependent on ambient temperature and oxygen concentration. The results of this study suggest that the season in which the responses to hypoxia are measured is important, especially in a heterotherm where seasonality can affect the degree to 1 which the animal is tolerant of hypoxia. Winter-acclimated chipmunks appear more capable of defending metabolic heat production in hypoxia, a response consistent with the increased thermogenic capacity observed in animals that must periodically enter and arouse from torpor during hibernation.


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The allometric scaling relationship observed between metabolic rate (MR) and species body mass can be partially explained by differences in cellular MR (Porter & Brand, 1995). Here, I studied cultured cell lines derived from ten mammalian species to determine whether cells propagated in an identical environment exhibited MR scaling. Oxidative and anaerobic metabolic parameters did not scale significantly with donor body mass in cultured cells, indicating the absence of an intrinsic MR setpoint. The rate of oxygen delivery has been proposed to limit cellular metabolic rates in larger organisms (West et al., 2002). As such cells were cultured under a variety of physiologically relevant oxygen tensions to investigate the effect of oxygen on cellular metabolic rates. Exposure to higher medium oxygen tensions resulted in increased metabolic rates in all cells. Higher MRs have the potential to produce more reactive oxygen species (ROS) which could cause genomic instability and thus reduced lifespan. Longer-lived species are more resistant to oxidative stress (Kapahi et al, 1999), which may be due to greater antioxidant and/or DNA repair capacities. This hypothesis was addressed by culturing primary dermal fibroblasts from eight mammalian species ranging in maximum lifespan from 5 to 120 years. Only the antioxidant manganese superoxide dismutases (MnSOD) positively scaled with species lifespan (p<0.01). Oxidative damage to DNA is primarily repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. BER enzyme activities showed either no correlation or as in the case of polymerase p correlated, negatively with donor species (p<0.01 ). Typically, mammalian cells are cultured in a 20% O2 (atmospheric) environment, which is several-fold higher than cells experience in vivo. Therefore, the secondary aim of this study was to determine the effect of culturing mammalian cells at a more physiological oxygen tension (3%) on BER, and antioxidant, enzyme activities. Consistently, standard culture conditions induce higher antioxidant and DNA ba.se excision repair activities than are present under a more physiological oxygen concentration. Therefore, standard culture conditions are inappropriate for studies of oxidative stress-induced activities and species differences in fibroblast DNA BER repair capacities may represent differences in ability to respond to oxidative stress. An interesting outcome firom this study was that some inherent cellular properties are maintained in culture (i.e. stress responses) while others are not (i.e. MR).


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It is acknowledged that Canada's criminal justice system has some major flaws, particularly with respect to its application to various ethnic subgroups. Aboriginal Canadians are one subgroup particularly sensitive to the problems in the system as is reflected by their disproportionately high rates of criminality and incarceration. Over the past 50 years many programs have been developed and recommendations have been made to alleviate the tensions Aboriginals find within the system. However, the situation today is essentially the same. Aboriginals are still overrepresented within the system and solutions that have been brought forward have had little success in stemming their flow into the system. Blame for Aboriginal mistreatment in the system has been placed at all levels from line police officers to high-level officials and politicians and attempts to resolve problems continue as an on going process. However, many of the recommendations and reforms have revolved around culture conflict. Although this thesis recognizes the importance of culture conflict in the overrepresentation of Aboriginals within the Canadian criminal justice system, it has also recognized that culture conflict alone is not responsible for all the flaws within the system as it pertains to Aboriginals. This thesis is of the opinion that in order for reforms to the criminal justice system to be successful, the context in which the system is operating must also be considered. Variables such as geographic isolation, economic disparity and social/political stability are viewed as operating in conjunction with culture, ultimately influencing Aboriginal treatment within the system. The conclusions drawn from this study confirm that when these factors operate together, the overrepresentation of Aboriginals within the Canadian criminal justice system is inevitable. Thus all three variables, culture conflict (social/political stability being part), geographic isolation and economic disparity must be address within the system if any significant changes in the crime rates or incarceration rates of Aboriginals is to be expected. In addition, primary research indicated the influence of cooperation as a factor in moderating the effects of criminality; not just cooperation among Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals, but also cooperation among differing Aboriginal communities. It was argued that when all these issues are addressed, Aboriginal peoples in Canada will have the strength to repair their shattered futures.


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Several inorganic substances (e.g., C , Mg , Ca , H ) are potent negative modulators of hemoglobin-oxygen affinity. To evaluate the possibility that potentially adaptive changes in the red cell ionic environment of hemoglobin may take place during acclimation of fishes to increased environmental temperature, hematological status (hemoglobin, hematocrit, red cell numbers, mean erythrocytic volume and hemoglobin content), plasma + + 2+ 2+ and packed red cell electrolyte levels (Na , K , Ca , Mg , C ) were evaluated in summer and winter populations of the stenothermal rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, following acclimation to 2, 10, 18C, and in a spring population of eurythermal carp, Cyprinus carpio, held at 2, 16 and 30C. From these data cell ion concentrations and ion:hemoglobin ratios were estimated. In view of the role of red cell carbonic anhydrase in the reductions of blood C02 tensions and the recruitment of Na and C~ lost by fishes, a preliminary investigation of thermoacclimatory changes in the activity of this system in rainbow trout erythrocytes was conducted. Few changes in hematological status were encountered following acclimation. There was, however, some evidence of weight-specific differential hematological response in carp. This lead to markedly greater increases in hemoglobin, hematocrit and red cell numbers in smaller rather than in larger specimens at higher temperatures; variations which were 2+ well correlated with changes in plasma Ca . Plasma composition in summer trout was not altered by acclimation. In winter trout plasma Na and K increased at higher temperatures. Carp were characterized by increases in plasma calcium, and reductions in sodium and magnesium under these conditions. Several significant seasonal differences in plasma ion levels were observed in the trout. (n) In trout, only erythrocytic K and K :Hb were altered by acclimation, rising at higher temperatures. In carp Na , Na :Hb, C~ and C~:Hb in- 2+ 2+ creased with temperature, while Mg and Mg :Hb declined. Changes in overall ionic composition in carp red cells were consistent with increases in H content. In both species significant reciprocal variations in C~ 2+ - + and Mg were found. In mammalian systems increases in C and H reduce hemoglobin-oxygen affinity by interaction with hemoglobin. Reduction in 2+ 2+ Mg maximizes organophosphate modulator availability by decreasing ATPMg complex formation. Thus, the changes observed may be of adaptive value in reducing hemoglobin-oxygen affinity, and facilitating oxygen release to cells at higher temperatures. Trout appear to maintain a high chloridelow magnesium state over the entire thermal tolerance zone. Carp, however, achieved this state only at higher temperatures. In both species mean erythrocytic volume was decreased at higher temperatures and this may facilitate branchial oxygen loading. Since mean erythrocytic volume was inversely related to red cell ion content, it is hypothesized that reductions in cell volume are achieved by export of some unidentified solute or solutes. Variations in the carbonic anhydrase activity that could be attributed to the thermoacclimatory process were quite modest. On the other hand, assays performed at the temperature of acclimation showed a large temperature effect where under in vivo conditions of temperature fish acclimated to higher temperatures might be expected to have higher activities. Furthermore, since hematocrit increased with temperature in these fish, while carbonic anhydrase is present only in the erythrocyte, the whole blood levels of this enzyme are expected to increase and further augment the temperature effect. This, in turn, could aid in the reduction of C02 (111) tension and increase the production of H and HC0~~ used in the active uptake of Na and C at higher temperatures.


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Abstract This research takes the lens of social reproduction as a starting point for an examination of the effects of recent social welfare reforms on the lives o.fsingle mothers. As the cumulative effects o.f diminishing state provided benefits take hold, tensions are heightened as single mothers internalize the insecurity of earning an income in 11 capitalist labour market, while trying to carry out all that is involved in social reproduction with inadequate means of survival. Through interviewing single mothers who are the recipients of mUltiple state provided benefits (social assistance, student loans, subsidized housing and subsidized childcare), this thesis illuminates the cOl1linued regulation of women in an effort to assure that social reproduction is occurring at the lowest cost possible. State provided benefits are set lip in such a way that it is near impossible for single mothers to make ends meet without entering the labour force or entering into co-residential relationships. This push towards the labour force and/or marriage via punitive welfare policies illuminates the devaluation of the labour that is done at home. Through interviewing 5 single mothers, I will demonstrate the extensive labour that goes into maintaining their households. In addition .J case managers are interviewed. The employees of social assistance, subsidized hOllsing, subsidized childcare and student loans, have much agency in deeming who is worthy of receiving benefits. The employees of these agencies have the ability to make these women's lives easier or more complicated by how the workers interpret the policy regulations. Social policies are of paramount importance in the quest for women's equality and thus have consequences for how women's daily lives are organized. The rules and regulations that govern the individual policies are complex and bureaucratic and have implications for the ways in which women must organize their lives in order to survive. The shifts in social policy have been guided by neo-liberal assumptions with a focus on individual responsibility and a market-modeled welfare state. The caring work that is involved in raising children to be productive in a capitalist society is ignored or devalued in current policies. The emphasis in each polic.:v is on getting women who receive benefits into the paid work force, with little facilitation or investment into the caring work these women do on a daily basis that in turn supports capitalism. Policies, such as social assistance, subsidized housing, subsidized childcare and student loans, are set up in such a way that ignores the reality of women's day-to-day lives and devalues the necessary work done at home. It takes an abundance of labour and strategizing for women to seek out necessary means of survival, labour that is amplified when a woman is dealing with mUltiple slate provided benefits.