855 resultados para Technology in motion pictures
Who was the cowboy in Washington? What is the land of sushi? Most people would have answers to these questions readily available,yet, modern search engines, arguably the epitome of technology in finding answers to most questions, are completely unable to do so. It seems that people capture few information items to rapidly converge to a seemingly 'obvious' solution. We will study approaches for this problem, with two additional hard demands that constrain the space of possible theories: the sought model must be both psychologically and neuroscienti cally plausible. Building on top of the mathematical model of memory called Sparse Distributed Memory, we will see how some well-known methods in cryptography can point toward a promising, comprehensive, solution that preserves four crucial properties of human psychology.
The recent and widespread availability of affordable mobile phone technology in developing countries has paved the way for the development of a number of mobile money and electronic remittance services. One of the most successful of these services is Safaricom’s M-PESA program, launched in the East African nation of Kenya in March 2007. Since then, the program has successfully enrolled over 15.2 million users, transferred more than US$1.4 trillion in electronic funds, and contributed significantly to poverty alleviation and financial inclusion efforts in Kenya. M-Pesa is a mobile phone based money transfer system in Kenya which grew at a blistering pace following its inception in 2007. This case study will analyze the critical factors that make M-PESA such a unique success in Kenya specifically.
Losses in the mango commercialization process in Brazil has reduced its offer to the consumer. The present study aims at determining these losses in different purchase sites of the retail market, its causes and suggestions for reducing them. Twenty two retail points, including supermarkets, greengroceries and free fair were selected in Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The total amount commercialized was 114 ton/year. The following average losses were verified for each mango variety: 'Tommy Atkins'(11, 5%), Haden (12, 4%) and 12, 7% for other varieties. The total loss in retail market reached US$ 25.231,00 corresponding to 14 tons. The average loss percentage observed is compatible with previous studies running in other cities. The results suggest the need of better management, the exposure of the fruit to the consumer, technology in the transportation of the fruits and most appropriate storage for maintaining the quality and the reduction of losses. The results show the need of higher investment in technical personnel reskilling in fruit and vegetable sector.
The combinations of temperature and time which can cause chilling injuries in avocados 'Geada', 'Quintal' and 'Fortuna' were determined. The binomial 4 degrees C/ 28 days was selected to determine the activity of peroxidase (POD), polyphenoloxidase (PPO), polygalacturonase (PG) and methylesterase pectin (PME). The respiratory activity was also evaluated. The fruits were stored at this condition until being transferred to ambient conditions (22 degrees C and 77% RH) until maturity, when they were compared to fruits stored permanently at this environment, after being cleaned (control). In the second part of this work, different hydrothermal treatments were tested to prevent or minimize chilling injuries. Avocados 'Geada', 'Quintal' and 'Fortuna' were treated at 38 degrees C for 0, 30, 60 and 90 minutes before storage at 4 degrees C for 28 days. It was observed that the activity of enzymes associated to browning, POD and PPO, and to maturation, PG and PME, had become greater in fruits stored at 4 degrees C, or when they were transferred to environmental conditions. Fruits subjected to refrigeration, after transferred to environment, presented lower respiratory peak intensity and it occurred earlier than the others. Treatments using 38 degrees C for 60 and 90 min minimized the symptoms of chilling injury in avocados 'Geada' while for 'Quintal' the most efficient was 38 degrees C for 60 min. In 'Fortuna' these treatments did not minimize the damage by cold.
The progressing cavity pump artificial lift system, PCP, is a main lift system used in oil production industry. As this artificial lift application grows the knowledge of it s dynamics behavior, the application of automatic control and the developing of equipment selection design specialist systems are more useful. This work presents tools for dynamic analysis, control technics and a specialist system for selecting lift equipments for this artificial lift technology. The PCP artificial lift system consists of a progressing cavity pump installed downhole in the production tubing edge. The pump consists of two parts, a stator and a rotor, and is set in motion by the rotation of the rotor transmitted through a rod string installed in the tubing. The surface equipment generates and transmits the rotation to the rod string. First, is presented the developing of a complete mathematical dynamic model of PCP system. This model is simplified for use in several conditions, including steady state for sizing PCP equipments, like pump, rod string and drive head. This model is used to implement a computer simulator able to help in system analysis and to operates as a well with a controller and allows testing and developing of control algorithms. The next developing applies control technics to PCP system to optimize pumping velocity to achieve productivity and durability of downhole components. The mathematical model is linearized to apply conventional control technics including observability and controllability of the system and develop design rules for PI controller. Stability conditions are stated for operation point of the system. A fuzzy rule-based control system are developed from a PI controller using a inference machine based on Mandami operators. The fuzzy logic is applied to develop a specialist system that selects PCP equipments too. The developed technics to simulate and the linearized model was used in an actual well where a control system is installed. This control system consists of a pump intake pressure sensor, an industrial controller and a variable speed drive. The PI control was applied and fuzzy controller was applied to optimize simulated and actual well operation and the results was compared. The simulated and actual open loop response was compared to validate simulation. A case study was accomplished to validate equipment selection specialist system
In this paper is presented an implementation of winner-take-all circuit using CMOS technology. In the proposed configuration the inputs are current and the outputs voltage. The simulation results show that the circuit can be a winner if its input is larger than the other by 2 mu A. The simulation also shows that the response time is 100ns at a 0.2pF load capacitance. To demonstrate the functionality of the proposed circuit, a two-input winner take all circuit was built and tested by using discrete CMOS transistor array (CD40071).
O andamento marcha característico de equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador foi analisado em 104 animais, por meio de filmes de vídeo cassete (sistema VHS / PAL SECAM a 50 quadros por segundo). Cada animal foi observado no filme em velocidade normal por dez segundos, seguindo-se a análise quadro a quadro, estes apresentando vista lateral em movimento. Nesta fase foram registrados os momentos de apoio (mono, bi ou tripedais) bem como os momentos de suspensão, compreendendo duas sequências de oito momentos de apoio para cada animal. Dos 104 animais analisados, 98 mostraram oito variações de andamento, agrupados portanto de A a H. Os seis cavalos restantes mostraram variar em dois andamentos distintos, pertencendo assim a dois destes grupos. No primeiro conjunto com 98 animais, 32 apresentaram marcha ideal com sequência de apoios semelhante ao passo (grupo A), 34 animais mostraram andamento marchado com apoios monopedais posteriores, bipedais diagonais e laterais e tripedais anteriores (grupo B), 18 animais (grupo C) apresentaram andamento com apoios monopedais posteriores, bipedais diagonais e tripedais anteriores. O único andamento assimétrico pertenceu a cinco animais (grupo D). Três equinos apresentaram andamento saltado, com momento de suspensão na sequência de apoios (grupo E). Outros três animais apresentaram andamento baseado em apoios monopedais anteriores e posteriores e bipedais diagonais e laterais (grupo F). Andamento com apoios bipedais diagonais e laterais além de tripedais anteriores foi apresentado por dois equinos (grupo G). Um equino mostrou andamento com apoios bipedais diagonais e tripedais anteriores e posteriores (grupo H). Os outros seis animais com dois andamentos diferentes foram: um animal com andamento dos grupos A e C, um dos grupos A e D, dois dos grupos B e D, um dos grupos B e G e um dos grupos C e F. Os equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador analisados neste trabalho mostraram-se possuidores de muitas variações de andamento em relação a marcha ideal, com alterações variando entre o trote e a andadura.
Organic agriculture is a sustainable cultivation ecologically, economically and socially. Several researches in organic agriculture have been made from technical perspectives, economic traits or related to ecological aspects. There are practically no investigations into the nature of the technology used in organic agriculture, especially from an ergonomic perspective. From the activity analysis, this study aimed to map the technology used in the production of organic vegetables. Properties producing organic vegetables were selected representing the State of São Paulo. It was applied an instrument (questionnaire and semi-structured interview) with their managers and it was made visual records to identify adaptations, innovations and technological demands that simultaneously minimize the workload and the difficulties in performing the tasks and increase work productivity. For some of the technological innovations a digital scanner was used to generate a virtual solid model to facilitate its redesign and virtual prototyping. The main results show that organic farmers have little technology in product form. The main innovations that enable competitive advantage or allow higher labor productivity occur in the form of processes, organization and marketing.
The advances in digital imaging technology in dentistry have provided an alternative to film-based radiography and have given new options to detect periodontal bone loss. The purpose of this study was to compare inverted and unprocessed digitized radiographic imaging in periodontal bone loss measurements. Thirty-five film-based periapical radiographs of patients suffering from moderate to advanced untreated periodontal bone loss associated to lower premolar and molars was selected from the department files, with 40 bone loss areas. The film-based radiographs were digitized with a flatbed scanner with a transparency and radiograph adapter used for transilluminating the radiograph imaging. Digitization was performed at 600 dpi and in gray scale. The images were digitized using Image Tool software by applying image inversion, that is, transformation of radiopaque structures into radiolucent structures and vice-versa. The digital data were saved as JPEG files. The images were displayed on a 15-inch and 24-bit video monitor under reduced room lighting. One calibrated examiner performed all radiographic measurements, three times, from the cementoenamel junction to the most apical extension of the bone loss, in both types of image (inverted and unprocessed). Brightness and contrast were adjusted according to the examiner's individual demand. Intraclass correlation coefficient was used to compare the measurements from both types of images. The means of radiographic measurements, in mm, for inverted and unprocessed digitized imaging were 6.4485 and 6.3790, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient was significant (0.99) The inverted and unprocessed digitized radiographic images were reliable and there was no difference in the diagnostic accuracy between these images regarding periodontal bone loss measurements.
The Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of GPS - RBMC, since its foundation in December of 1996, has been playing an essential role for the maintenance and user access of the fundamental geodetic frame in the country. It provides to users a direct link to the Brazilian Geodetic System. Its role has become more relevant with the increasing use of space navigation technology in the country. Recently, Brazil adopted a new geodetic frame, SIRGAS2000, in February 2005, fully compatible with GNSS technology. The paper provides an overview of the recent modernization phases the RBMC network has undergone highlighting its future steps. From its current post-mission mode, the RBMC will evolve into a real-time network, providing real-time data and real-time correction to users. The network enhanced with modern GPS receivers and the addition of atomic clocks will be used to compute WADGPS-type corrections to be transmitted, in real time, to users in Brazil and surrounding areas. It is estimated that users will be able to achieve a horizontal accuracy around 0.5 m (1 σ) in static and kinematic positioning and better for dual frequency users. The availability of the WADGPS service will allow users to tie to the new SIRGAS2000 frame in a more rapid and transparent way for positioning and navigation applications. It should be emphasized that support to post-mission static positioning, will continue to be provided to users interested in higher accuracy levels. In addition to this, a post-mission Precise Point Positioning (PPP) service will be provided based on the one currently provided by the Geodetic Survey Division of NRCan (CSRS-PPP). The modernization of the RBMC is under development based on a cooperation signed at the end of 2004 with the University of New Brunswick, supported by the Canadian International Development Agency and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency. The Geodetic Survey Division of NRCan is also participating in this modernization effort under the same project. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.
Includes bibliography
Modern agriculture demands investments in technology that allows the farmers to improve productivity and quality of their products, aiming to establish themselves in a competitive market. However, the high costs of acquiring and maintaining such technology may be an inhibiting factor to its spread and acceptance, mainly to a large number of small grain Brazilian farmers, who need low cost innovative technological solutions, suitable for their financial reality. Starting from this premise, this paper presents the development of a low cost prototype for monitoring the temperature and humidity of grains stored in silos, and the economic implications of cost/benefit ratio of innovative applications of low cost technology in the process of thermometry of grains. The prototype was made of two electronic units, one for acquisition and another one for data reception, as well as software, which offered the farmers more precise information for the control of aeration. The data communication between the electronic units and the software was reliable and both were developed using low cost electronic components and free software tools. The developed system was considered as potentially viable to small grain Brazilian farmers; it can be used in any type of small silos. It provided reduction of costs of installation and maintenance and also offered an easy expansion system; besides the low cost of development when compared to similar products available in the Brazilian market.
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Trying to reduce particle contamination in lubrication systems, industries of the whole world spend millions of dollars each year on the improvement of filtration technology. In this context, by controlling fluid cleanliness, some companies are able to reduce failures rates up to 85 percent. However, in some industries and environments, water is a contaminant more frequently encountered than solid particles, and it is often seen as the primary cause of component failure. Only one percent of water in oil is enough to reduce life expectancy of a journal bearing by 80 percent. For rolling bearing elements, the situation is worse because water destroys the oil film and, under the extreme temperatures and pressures generated in the load zone of a rolling bearing element, free and emulsified water can result in instantaneous flash-vaporization giving origin to erosive wear. This work studies the effect of water as lubricant contaminant in ball bearings, which simulates a situation that could actually occur in real systems. In a designed bench test, three basic lubricants of different viscosities were contaminated with different contents of water. The results regarding oil and vibration analysis are presented for different bearing speeds.
The business world has changed the way how people think and act on products and services. In this context, the most recent amendment of the scenarios of retail operations has been the use of technology in sales and distribution. The internet has revolutionized the way people communicate, and moreover as they purchase their goods and services. Thus, the e-commerce, specifically the relation business to customer, or simply B2C, has acted so convincingly in this change of paradigm, namely the purchases in the physical location for the virtual site. Quotes online, ease of payment, price, speed of delivery, have become real order winners of applications for companies that compete in this segment. With the focus on quality of services on e-commerce, the research examines the dimension related to the quality of services, and looks for what of these factors are winners of applications. © 2010 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.