998 resultados para Tarefa Arquivo Único
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F04826
Fil: Toynbee, Arnold.
El pensamiento médico y el ejercicio de la medicina plantean un cúmulo de problemas filosóficos que no pueden reducirse a la parcela de lo ético. La medicina está atravesada por cuestiones filosóficas que la definen y la constituyen como ciencia. Se trata de cuestiones sobre las cuales gira y se desarrolla el entero ejercicio médico y la medicina teórica. La filosofía y la medicina no deben ser entendidas como dos cuerpos de conocimiento autónomo e independiente, sino que en orden a alcanzar una ciencia más madura y humana, ambas deben embarcarse en un proyecto común. Paul Karl Feyerabend nos ofrece una primera aproximación a esta tesis.
Presentación en la Segunda Conferencia Subregional del Cono Sur del Consorcio Latinoamericano contra el Aborto Inseguro (CLACAI. Buenos Aires, 4 y 5 de noviembre de 2013.
The article discusses the memories and the history stored in the family archive of Francis Mouro, migrant in Rio de Janeiro, in the first half of the twentieth century. The Mouro family, since the nineteenth century, decided to adopt Brazil as preferred destination. However, like so many Galician families also choose other destinations, moving to Portugal, Uruguay and Argentina. Through letters and personal documents preserved by the immigrant family is possible to reconstruct the migratory chains formed over more than half a century, the solidarity networks and migration of a city of intense immigration to Rio de Janeiro, as the galego city Santa Comba
The article discusses the memories and the history stored in the family archive of Francis Mouro, migrant in Rio de Janeiro, in the first half of the twentieth century. The Mouro family, since the nineteenth century, decided to adopt Brazil as preferred destination. However, like so many Galician families also choose other destinations, moving to Portugal, Uruguay and Argentina. Through letters and personal documents preserved by the immigrant family is possible to reconstruct the migratory chains formed over more than half a century, the solidarity networks and migration of a city of intense immigration to Rio de Janeiro, as the galego city Santa Comba
The article discusses the memories and the history stored in the family archive of Francis Mouro, migrant in Rio de Janeiro, in the first half of the twentieth century. The Mouro family, since the nineteenth century, decided to adopt Brazil as preferred destination. However, like so many Galician families also choose other destinations, moving to Portugal, Uruguay and Argentina. Through letters and personal documents preserved by the immigrant family is possible to reconstruct the migratory chains formed over more than half a century, the solidarity networks and migration of a city of intense immigration to Rio de Janeiro, as the galego city Santa Comba