956 resultados para Tank destroyers
Pela pesquisa de anticorpos contra o vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVD), utilizando o teste de ELISA indireto, foi estudada a correlação existente entre a proporção de vacas lactantes e a presença de anticorpos no leite de conjunto do tanque de expansão. Para isso foram analisadas amostras de soro sangüíneo e de leite individual de 376 vacas lactantes não vacinadas, provenientes de 10 propriedades localizadas nas regiões Sul do Estado de Minas Gerais e Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, assim como uma amostra do leite do tanque de expansão de cada rebanho. em todas as propriedades foram encontradas vacas reagentes no soro sangüíneo, cuja freqüência variou de 12,28 a 100,00%. Já a análise do leite individual não revelou animais reagentes em duas propriedades, e nas demais a freqüência variou de 5,26 a 70,83%. Foram detectados anticorpos no leite do tanque de expansão das propriedades cuja proporção de soros sangüíneos reagentes foi igual a ou maior que 82,86%, e cuja proporção de leites individuais reagentes foi igual a ou maior que 32,14%.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de dois tipos de bebedouros nipple e taça, utilizados na dessedentação de aves de postura e o incremento da demanda de cloro na água oferecida pelos dois tipos de bebedouros estudados. Foram realizadas as contagens de coliformes totais, coliformes fecais, Escherichia coli, estreptococos fecais e microrganismos mesófilos. Os resultados obtidos figuraram que as amostras de água dos reservatórios, de ambos os bebedouros, apresentaram-se contaminadas microbiologicamente antes de passarem pelos bebedouros. A contaminação por bactérias de poluição fecal foi maior nas amostras colhidas nos bebedouros tipo taça, assim como eles foram responsáveis por um maior acúmulo de matéria orgânica, tendo então uma elevada demanda de cloro e uma maior influência na depreciação da qualidade da água fornecida às aves. Dos dois tipos de bebedouros estudados, o tipo nipple mostrou ser o menos deletério no que concerne à qualidade da água entretanto, independente do tipo de bebedouro utilizado na dessedentação das aves, a desinfecção da água é um ato imprescindível à manutenção de sua qualidade e à eliminação de futuros patógenos.
O presente estudo avaliou a digestibilidade aparente da proteína e da energia de ingredientes (farelo de soja, farinha de peixe, farelo de trigo e milho) por juvenis de apaiari (Astronotus ocellatus) usando dois diferentes intervalos de coleta (30 min. e 12h). Os 160 juvenis de apaiari utilizados (22,37 ± 3,06 g de peso corporal) foram divididos em quatro tanques rede plásticos e cilíndricos, cada um colocado em um tanque de alimentação de 1.000 L. O experimento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 (2 intervalos de coleta de fezes e 4 ingredientes foram) com quatro repetições. Os testes estatísticos não detectaram efeito da interação entre o intervalo de coleta e tipo de ingrediente nos coeficientes de digestibilidade. O intervalo de coleta não afetou a digestibilidade da proteína e da energia. As características físicas das fezes dos juvenis de apaiari aparentemente as tornam menos sensíveis à perda de nutrientes por lixiviação, permitindo intervalos de coleta maiores. A digestibilidade da proteína dos ingredientes avaliados foi semelhante, mostrando que a digestibilidade aparente de ingredientes animais e vegetais por juvenis de apaiari é eficiente. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da energia foram maiores para a farinha de peixe e o farelo de soja comparado a farelo de trigo e milho. Ingredientes ricos em carboidratos (farelo de trigo e milho) apresentaram os piores coeficientes de digestibilidade da energia e, portanto, não são usados eficientemente pelos juvenis de apaiari.
This paper presents a new multi-model technique of dentification in ANFIS for nonlinear systems. In this technique, the structure used is of the fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno of which the consequences are local linear models that represent the system of different points of operation and the precursors are membership functions whose adjustments are realized by the learning phase of the neuro-fuzzy ANFIS technique. The models that represent the system at different points of the operation can be found with linearization techniques like, for example, the Least Squares method that is robust against sounds and of simple application. The fuzzy system is responsible for informing the proportion of each model that should be utilized, using the membership functions. The membership functions can be adjusted by ANFIS with the use of neural network algorithms, like the back propagation error type, in such a way that the models found for each area are correctly interpolated and define an action of each model for possible entries into the system. In multi-models, the definition of action of models is known as metrics and, since this paper is based on ANFIS, it shall be denominated in ANFIS metrics. This way, ANFIS metrics is utilized to interpolate various models, composing a system to be identified. Differing from the traditional ANFIS, the created technique necessarily represents the system in various well defined regions by unaltered models whose pondered activation as per the membership functions. The selection of regions for the application of the Least Squares method is realized manually from the graphic analysis of the system behavior or from the physical characteristics of the plant. This selection serves as a base to initiate the linear model defining technique and generating the initial configuration of the membership functions. The experiments are conducted in a teaching tank, with multiple sections, designed and created to show the characteristics of the technique. The results from this tank illustrate the performance reached by the technique in task of identifying, utilizing configurations of ANFIS, comparing the developed technique with various models of simple metrics and comparing with the NNARX technique, also adapted to identification
In last decades, neural networks have been established as a major tool for the identification of nonlinear systems. Among the various types of networks used in identification, one that can be highlighted is the wavelet neural network (WNN). This network combines the characteristics of wavelet multiresolution theory with learning ability and generalization of neural networks usually, providing more accurate models than those ones obtained by traditional networks. An extension of WNN networks is to combine the neuro-fuzzy ANFIS (Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System) structure with wavelets, leading to generate the Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network - FWNN structure. This network is very similar to ANFIS networks, with the difference that traditional polynomials present in consequent of this network are replaced by WNN networks. This paper proposes the identification of nonlinear dynamical systems from a network FWNN modified. In the proposed structure, functions only wavelets are used in the consequent. Thus, it is possible to obtain a simplification of the structure, reducing the number of adjustable parameters of the network. To evaluate the performance of network FWNN with this modification, an analysis of network performance is made, verifying advantages, disadvantages and cost effectiveness when compared to other existing FWNN structures in literature. The evaluations are carried out via the identification of two simulated systems traditionally found in the literature and a real nonlinear system, consisting of a nonlinear multi section tank. Finally, the network is used to infer values of temperature and humidity inside of a neonatal incubator. The execution of such analyzes is based on various criteria, like: mean squared error, number of training epochs, number of adjustable parameters, the variation of the mean square error, among others. The results found show the generalization ability of the modified structure, despite the simplification performed
During a petroleum well production process, It is common the slmultaneous oil and water production, in proportion that can vary from 0% up to values close to 100% of water. Moreover, the production flows can vary a lot, depending on the charaeteristies of eaeh reservoir. Thus being, the meters used in field for the flow and BSW (water in the oil) measurement must work well in wide bands of operation. For the evaluation of the operation of these meters, in the different operation conditions, a Laboratory will be built in UFRN, that has for objective to evaluate in an automatic way the processes of flow and BSW petroleum measurement, considering different operation conditions. The good acting of these meters is fundamental for the accuracy of the measures of the volumes of production liquid and rude of petroleum. For the measurement of this production, the petroleum companies use meters that should indicate the values with tha largast possible accuracy and to respect a series of conditions and minimum requirements, estabelished by the united Entrance ANP/INMETRO 19106/2000. The laboratory of Evafuation of the Processes of Measurement of Flow and BSW to be built will possess an oil tank basically, a tank of water, besides a mixer, a tank auditor, a tank for separation and a tank of residues for discard of fluids, fundamental for the evaluation of the flow metars and BSW. The whole process will be automated through the use of a Programmable Logicat Controller (CLP) and of a supervisory system.This laboratory besides allowing the evaluation of flow meters and BSW used by petroleum companies, it will make possible the development of researches related to the automation. Besides, it will be a collaborating element to the development of the Computer Engineering and Automation Department, that it will propitiate the evolution of the faculty and discente, qualifying them for a job market in continuous growth. The present work describes the project of automation of the laboratory that will be built at of UFRN. The system will be automated using a Programmable Logical Controller and a supervisory system. The programming of PLC and the screens of the supervisory system were developed in this work
Foi estudada a transferência de calor transiente na agitação linear e intermitente (ALI) de embalagens metálicas contendo simulantes de alimentos, objetivando-se sua aplicação em processos de pasteurização ou esterilização e conseqüentes tratamentos térmicos mais eficientes, homogêneos e com produto de melhor qualidade. Foram utilizados quatro meios fluidos simulantes de alimentos de diferentes viscosidades e massas específicas: três óleos e água. Foram combinados efeitos de cinco tratamentos, sendo: meio simulante (4 níveis), espaço livre (3 níveis), freqüência de agitação (4 níveis), amplitude de agitação (2 níveis) e posição das latas (4 níveis). Os ensaios de aquecimento e resfriamento foram feitos em tanque com água à temperatura de 98 °C e 17-20 °C, respectivamente. Com os dados de penetração de calor em cada experimento, foram calculados os parâmetros de penetração de calor fh, jh, fc e jc. Os resultados foram modelados utilizando-se grupos de números adimensionais e expressos em termos de Nusselt, Prandtl, Reynolds e funções trigonométricas (com medidas de amplitude e freqüência de agitação, espaço livre e dimensões da embalagem). Foram estabelecidas as duas Equações gerais para as fases de aquecimento e resfriamento: Nu = ReA 0,199.Pr 0,288.sen(xa/AM)0,406.cos(xf/FA) 1,039.cos((xf/FA).(EL/H).p) 4,556 Aquecimento Nu = 0,1295.ReA 0,047.Pr 0,193.sen(xa/AM)0,114.cos(xf/FA) 0,641.cos((xf/FA).(EL/H).p) 2,476 Resfriamento O processo de ALI pode ser aplicado em pasteurizadores ou autoclaves estáticas horizontais e verticais, com modificações simples. Concluiu-se que a ALI aumenta significativamente a taxa de transferência de calor, tanto no aquecimento como no resfriamento.
The purpose of this study was to develop a pilot plant which the main goal is to emulate a flow peak pressure in a separation vessel. Effect similar that is caused by the production in a slug flow in production wells equipped with the artificial lift method plunger lift. The motivation for its development was the need to test in a plant on a smaller scale, a new technique developed to estimate the gas flow in production wells equipped with plunger lift. To develop it, studies about multiphase flow effects, operation methods of artificial lift in plunger lift wells, industrial instrumentation elements, control valves, vessel sizing separators and measurement systems were done. The methodology used was the definition of process flowcharts, its parameters and how the effects needed would be generated for the success of the experiments. Therefore, control valves, the design and construction of vessels and the acquisition of other equipment used were defined. One of the vessels works as a tank of compressed air that is connected to the separation vessel and generates pulses of gas controlled by a on/off valve. With the emulator system ready, several control experiments were made, being the control of peak flow pressure generation and the flow meter the main experiments, this way, it was confirmed the efficiency of the plant usage in the problem that motivated it. It was concluded that the system is capable of generate effects of flow with peak pressure in a primary separation vessel. Studies such as the estimation of gas flow at the exit of the vessel and several academic studies can be done and tested on a smaller scale and then applied in real plants, avoiding waste of time and money.
In a real process, all used resources, whether physical or developed in software, are subject to interruptions or operational commitments. However, in situations in which operate critical systems, any kind of problem may bring big consequences. Knowing this, this paper aims to develop a system capable to detect the presence and indicate the types of failures that may occur in a process. For implementing and testing the proposed methodology, a coupled tank system was used as a study model case. The system should be developed to generate a set of signals that notify the process operator and that may be post-processed, enabling changes in control strategy or control parameters. Due to the damage risks involved with sensors, actuators and amplifiers of the real plant, the data set of the faults will be computationally generated and the results collected from numerical simulations of the process model. The system will be composed by structures with Artificial Neural Networks, trained in offline mode using Matlab®
This work proposes the design, the performance evaluation and a methodology for tuning the initial MFs parameters of output of a function based Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy-PI controller to neutralize the pH in a stirred-tank reactor. The controller is designed to perform pH neutralization of industrial plants, mainly in units found in oil refineries where it is strongly required to mitigate uncertainties and nonlinearities. In addition, it adjusts the changes in pH regulating process, avoiding or reducing the need for retuning to maintain the desired performance. Based on the Hammerstein model, the system emulates a real plant that fits the changes in pH neutralization process of avoiding or reducing the need to retune. The controller performance is evaluated by overshoots, stabilization times, indices Integral of the Absolute Error (IAE) and Integral of the Absolute Value of the Error-weighted Time (ITAE), and using a metric developed by that takes into account both the error information and the control signal. The Fuzzy-PI controller is compared with PI and gain schedule PI controllers previously used in the testing plant, whose results can be found in the literature.
This work shows a study about the Generalized Predictive Controllers with Restrictions and their implementation in physical plants. Three types of restrictions will be discussed: restrictions in the variation rate of the signal control, restrictions in the amplitude of the signal control and restrictions in the amplitude of the Out signal (plant response). At the predictive control, the control law is obtained by the minimization of an objective function. To consider the restrictions, this minimization of the objective function is done by the use of a method to solve optimizing problems with restrictions. The chosen method was the Rosen Algorithm (based on the Gradient-projection). The physical plants in this study are two didactical systems of water level control. The first order one (a simple tank) and another of second order, which is formed by two tanks connected in cascade. The codes are implemented in C++ language and the communication with the system to be done through using a data acquisition panel offered by the system producer
The sanitation companies from Brazil has a great challenge for the XXI century: seek to mitigate the rate of physical waste (water, chemicals and electricity) and financial waste caused by inefficient operating systems drinking water supply, considering that currently we already face, in some cases, the scarcity of water resources. The supply systems are increasingly complex as they seek to minimize waste and at the same time better serve the growing number of users. However, this technological change is to reduce the complexity of the challenges posed by the need to include users with higher quality and efficiency in services. A major challenge for companies of water supplies is to provide a good quality service contemplating reducing expenditure on electricity. In this situation we developed a research by a method that seeks to control the pressure of the distribution systems that do not have the tank in your setup and the water comes out of the well directly to the distribution system. The method of pressure control (intelligent control) uses fuzzy logic to eliminate the waste of electricity and the leaks from the production of pumps that inject directly into the distribution system, which causes waste of energy when the consumption of households is reduced causing the saturation of the distribution system. This study was conducted at Green Club II condominium, located in the city of Parnamirim, state of Rio Grande do Norte, in order to study the pressure behavior of the output of the pump that injects water directly into the distribution system. The study was only possible because of the need we had to find a solution to some leaks in the existing distribution system and the extensions of the respective condominium residences, which sparked interest in developing a job in order to carry out the experiments contained in this research
The considered work presents the procedure for evaluation of the uncertainty related to the calibration of flow measurers and to BS&W. It is about a new method of measurement purposed by the conceptual project of the laboratory LAMP, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, that intends to determine the conventional true value of the BS&W from the total height of the liquid column in the auditor tank, hydrostatic pressure exerted by the liquid column, local gravity, specific mass of the water and the specific mass of the oil, and, to determine the flow, from total height of liquid column and transfer time. The calibration uses a automatized system of monitoration and data acquisition of some necessary largnesses to determine of flow and BS&W, allowing a better trustworthiness of through measurements
Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da aplicação em jato dirigido com e sem proteção do bico de pulverização através de chapéu-de-napoleão para misturas de herbicidas de ação total na cultura da mamoneira de porte anão, na safra 2004/2005, um experimento foi conduzido no município de Garça-SP, utilizando-se o híbrido Lyra e espaçamento de 1,0 x 0,5 m. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com tratamentos em esquema fatorial 2 x 10, com quatro repetições, em que o primeiro fator representou a forma de aplicação de jato dirigido com e sem uso de chapéu-de-napoleão e o segundo os herbicidas: glyphosate (0,72 kg ha-1); glyphosate + 2,4-D (0,72 + 0,35 kg ha-1); glyphosate + flumioxazin (0,72 + 0,025 kg ha-1); glyphosate + carfentrazone-ethyl (0,72 + 0,016 kg ha-1); glyphosate + diuron (0,72 + 0,75 kg ha-1); MSMA + diuron (1,44+ 0,75 kg ha-1); paraquat + diuron (0,9 kg ha-1); paraquat + diquat (0,20 + 0,20 kg ha-1); paraquat + bentazon (0,40 + 0,48 kg ha-1); e testemunha capinada. A aplicação dos herbicidas foi feita em pós-emergência das plantas daninhas, nas entrelinhas da cultura, utilizando-se pulverizador costal pressurizado com CO2, com uma ponta XR 8002-VS para o uso de chapéu-de-napoleão e duas pontas XR 11002-VS, espaçadas de 50 cm, para condição sem proteção, ambas com consumo de calda equivalente a 200 L ha-1. O herbicida glyphosate e as misturas de paraquat + bentazon, glyphosate + 2,4-D e paraquat + diquat proporcionaram os maiores níveis de produtividade da mamoneira Lyra quando aplicados em jato dirigido e com auxílio de chapéu-de-napoleão. As misturas paraquat + bentazon (0,40 + 0,48 kg ha-1) e paraquat + diquat (0,20 + 0,20 kg ha-1) demonstraram ser as mais indicadas para aplicação em jato dirigido com proteção do bico de pulverização.
A solar alternative system for water heating is presented. It work on a thermosiphon, consisting of one or two alternative collectors and a water storage tank also alternative, whose main purpose is to socialize the use of energy mainly to be used by people of low income. The collectors were built from the use of pets bottles, cans of beer and soft drinks and tubes of PVC, ½ " and the thermal reservoirs from a drum of polyethylene used for storage of water and garbage placed inside cylinder of fiber glass and EPS ground between the two surfaces. Such collectors are formed by three elements: pet bottles, cans and tubes absorbers. The heating units, which form the collector contains inside the cans that can be closed, in original form or in the form of plate. The collectors have an absorber grid formed by eight absorbers PVC tube, connected through connections at T of the same material and diameter. It will be presented data of the thermal parameters which demonstrate the efficiency of the heating system proposed. Relative aspects will be boarded also the susceptibility the thermal degradation and for UV for the PVC tubes. It will be demonstrated that this alternative heating system, which has as its main feature low cost, presents thermal, economic and materials viabilities