986 resultados para Swigart, Jane


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Vaccines to efficiently block or limit sexual transmission of both HIV and human papilloma virus (HPV) are urgently needed. Chimeric virus-like-particle (VLP) vaccines consisting of both multimerized HPV L1 proteins and fragments of SIV gag p27, HIV-1 tat, and HIV-1 rev proteins (HPV-SHIV VLPs) were constructed and administered to macaques both systemically and mucosally. An additional group of macaques first received a priming vaccination with DNA vaccines expressing the same SIV and HIV-1 antigens prior to chimeric HPV-SHIV VLP boosting vaccinations. Although HPV L1 antibodies were induced in all immunized macaques, weak antibody or T cell responses to the chimeric SHIV antigens were detected only in animals receiving the DNA prime/HPV-SHIV VLP boost vaccine regimen. Significant but partial protection from a virulent mucosal SHIV challenge was also detected only in the prime/boosted macaques and not in animals receiving the HPV-SHIV VLP vaccines alone, with three of five prime/boosted animals retaining some CD4+ T cells following challenge. Thus, although some immunogenicity and partial protection was observed in non-human primates receiving both DNA and chimeric HPV-SHIV VLP vaccines, significant improvements in vaccine design are required before we can confidently proceed with this approach to clinical trials. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Allozyme analysis was used to address the question of the source of the Australian populations of the monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus (L.). The study had three major aims: (1) To compare the levels of diversity of Australian and Hawaiian populations with potential source populations. (2) To determine whether eastern and western North American populations were sufficiently divergent for the Australian populations to be aligned to a source population. (3) To compare the differentiation among regions in Australia and North America to test the prediction of greater genetic structure in Australia, as a consequence of reduced migratory behaviour. The reverse was found, with F-ST values an order of magnitude lower in Australia than in North America. Predictably, Australian and Hawaiian populations had lower allelic diversity, but unexpected higher heterozygosity values than North American populations. It was not possible to assign the Australian populations to a definitive source, although the high levels of similarity of Australian populations to each other suggest a single colonization event. The possibility that the Australian populations have not been here long enough to reach equilibrium is discussed. (C) 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 75, 437-452.


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The aim of this pilot study was to determine whether residential respite care is used because of disruptive behaviour displayed by older people. The specific objectives were to 1) characterise older people being admitted for residential respite care, 2) obtain a preliminary estimate of the proportion of older people in residential respite care because of disruptive behaviour, and, 3) examine the relationship between residential respite care and disruptive behaviour. A quantitative approach using a cross-sectional survey was employed. The respite recipients were 35 older people with a mean age of 81.5 years (range 67-96 years). The respite recipients had been admitted for residential respite care to aged care hostels and nursing homes in a provincial city and its surrounding rural area. Nurses rated disruptive behaviour using the Dementia Behavior Disturbance Scale (DBDS). Additional reliability data for the DBDS are provided. The study found that the largest specific group of residential respite care users were widows (31.4%) who lived alone in their own home. The reason for over half (51.4%) of the residential respite admissions was to give a carer a 'break' from the older person. Although a large proportion (80%) of respite recipients were rated as having disruptive behaviour, the proportion of admissions because of disruptive behaviour was much less (28.6%). People with dementia (37.1%) scored significantly higher than people without dementia on the DBDS [F (1,33)=15.57, p


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Objective: To review the literature regarding the effectiveness of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HT) and L-tryptophan in the treatment of unipolar depression. Methods: A systematic review of the literature from 1966 to 2000 using the search terms 'tryptophan', 5-hydroxytryptophan', '5-HTP', '5-HT' and 'depression'. We extracted and grouped data for meta-analysis by pooling odds ratios (OR) and relative risks where possible. Results: One hundred and eight studies were located of which only two studies, one of 5-HT and one of L-tryptophan, with a total of 64 patients met sufficient quality criteria to be included. These studies suggest 5-HT and L-tryptophan are better than placebo at alleviating depression (Peto OR = 4.1, 95% CI = 1.3-13.2). However, the small size of the studies, and the large number of inadmissible, poorly executed studies, casts doubt on the result from potential publication bias, and suggests that they are insufficiently evaluated to assess their effectiveness. Conclusions: A large body of evidence was subjected to very basic criteria for assessing reliability and validity, and was found to largely be of insufficient quality to inform clinical practice. More well-designed studies are urgently required to enable an assessment of what may be an effective class of agents.


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Several schemes have been developed to help select the locations of marine reserves. All of them combine social, economic, and biological criteria, and few offer any guidance as to how to prioritize among the criteria identified. This can imply that the relative weights given to different criteria are unimportant. Where two sites are of equal value ecologically; then socioeconomic criteria should dominate the choice of which should be protected. However, in many cases, socioeconomic criteria are given equal or greater weight than ecological considerations in the choice of sites. This can lead to selection of reserves with little biological value that fail to meet many of the desired objectives. To avoid such a possibility, we develop a series of criteria that allow preliminary evaluation of candidate sites according to their relative biological values in advance of the application of socioeconomic criteria. We include criteria that,. while not strictly biological, have a strong influence on the species present or ecological processes. Out scheme enables sites to be assessed according to their biodiversity, the processes which underpin that diversity, and the processes that support fisheries and provide a spectrum of other services important to people. Criteria that capture biodiversity values include biogeographic representation, habitat representation and heterogeneity, and presence of species or populations of special interest (e.g., threatened species). Criteria that capture sustainability of biodiversity and fishery values include the size of reserves necessary to protect viable habitats, presence of exploitable species, vulnerable life stages, connectivity among reserves, links among ecosystems, and provision of ecosystem services to people. Criteria measuring human and natural threats enable candidate sites to be eliminated from consideration if risks are too great, but also help prioritize among sites where threats can be mitigated by protection. While our criteria can be applied to the design of reserve networks, they also enable choice of single reserves to be made in the context of the attributes of existing protected areas. The overall goal of our scheme is to promote the development of reserve networks that will maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functioning at large scales. The values of eco-system goods and services for people ultimately depend on meeting this objective.


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This paper examines the use of on-line discussion as a medium for learning in a pre-service teacher education program. As part of an Education Studies course student teachers engaged in a discussion of issues related to technology and equity in schools. The design of the task and the subsequent analysis of the on-line text were part of a research project investigating whether and how communications technology can be used to integrate and extend the learning of teacher education students. The main argument developed in the paper is that through the on-line activity distinctive sets of writing practices were created. These practices enabled students to make connections between the often disparate parts of teacher education programs-theory and practice, campus and school, research and experience. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses the development of a new Bachelor of Education (Middle Years of Schooling) at The University of Queensland. The middle years of schooling have increasingly been the focus of education reform initiatives in Australia, but this has not been accompanied by significant increases in the number of teacher education institutions offering specialised middle schooling-level teacher preparation programmes. Considering the rapidly changing social and economic context and the emergent state of middle schooling in Australia, the programme represented a conceptual and practical opportunity and challenge for The University of Queensland team. Working collaboratively, the team sought to design a teacher education preservice programme that was both responsive and generative: that is, responsive to local school contexts and to current educational research and reform at national and international levels; and generative of cutting-edge theories and practices associated with middle schooling, teachers' work, and teacher education. This paper focuses on one component of the Middle Years of Schooling Teacher Education programme at The University of Queensland; namely, the practicum. We first present the underlying principles of the practicum programme and then examine "dilemmas" that emerged early in the practicum. These issues and tensions were associated with the ideals of "middle years" philosophy and the pragmatics of school reform associated with that new approach. In this paper, and within this context, we explore what it means to be both responsive and generative, and describe how we as teacher educators negotiated between the extremes these terms implied.


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Over the past 20 years, the incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) has increased dramatically worldwide. A positive family history of the disease is among the most established risk factors for CMM; it is estimated that 10% of CMM cases result from an inherited predisposition. Although mutations in two genes, CDKN2A and CDK4, have been shown to confer an increased risk of CMM, they account for only 20%-25% of families with multiple cases of CMM. Therefore, to localize additional loci involved in melanoma susceptibility, we have performed a genomewide scan for linkage in 49 Australian pedigrees containing at least three CMM cases, in which CDKN2A and CDK4 involvement has been excluded. The highest two-point parametric LOD score (1.82; recombination fraction [theta] 0.2) was obtained at D1S2726, which maps to the short arm of chromosome 1 (1p22). A parametric LOD score of 4.65 (theta = 0) and a nonparametric LOD score of 4.19 were found at D1S2779 in nine families selected for early age at onset. Additional typing yielded seven adjacent markers with LOD scores 13 in this subset, with the highest parametric LOD score, 4.95 (theta = 0) ( nonparametric LOD score 5.37), at D1S2776. Analysis of 33 additional multiplex families with CMM from several continents provided further evidence for linkage to the 1p22 region, again strongest in families with the earliest mean age at diagnosis. A nonparametric ordered sequential analysis was used, based on the average age at diagnosis in each family. The highest LOD score, 6.43, was obtained at D1S2779 and occurred when the 15 families with the earliest ages at onset were included. These data provide significant evidence of a novel susceptibility gene for CMM located within chromosome band 1p22.


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Foliar analysis of biochemical parameters were carried out in order to investigate the influence of air pollutants on two tropical tree species (Licania tomentosa (Benth.) and Bauhinia forfícata (Link.)). Special attention was given to tropospheric ozone due to the fact that concentration levels in the region were found to be up to 140 µg m-3 for a 4 h average time, which is well above the value that can cause injuries to orchides and tobacco (59 µg m-3). Other pollutants such as nitrogen and sulphur oxides were measured and their ambient concentrations were also associated to biochemical alterations in the investigated species.


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Este trabalho apresenta e discute diferentes aspectos da realidade da Pós-Graduação brasileira, relevantes para a discussão de sua produção intelectual. Também são descritas e discutidas as estratégias adotadas para a avaliação dessa produção.


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O universo que circunda a Educação de Jovens e Adultos nos sensibiliza e nos provoca. Observar que estes alunos e alunas estão em busca de conquistas e sonhos que não puderam se concretizar quando foram gerados nos impulsiona a conduzir esta pesquisa com seriedade e esperança. Este estudo investigou que conhecimentos matemáticos utilizados por professores do Curso Técnico em Metalurgia Integrado ao Ensino Médio na modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Influenciam diálogos entre matemática e outras disciplinas do curso considerando a perspectiva da formação integral dos estudantes. Assim, nos propomos a analisar conhecimentos matemáticos que estão presentes em ações e materiais didáticos utilizados por professores em diferentes disciplinas do Curso Técnico em Metalurgia Integrado ao Ensino Médio na modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos. No intuito de responder a questão proposta e alcançar os objetivos expostos, este estudo torna-se mais relevante por estar diretamente envolvido no processo de consolidação do Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Profissional com a Educação Básica na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos – PROEJA do Curso de Metalurgia ofertado pelo IFES/Vitória, pautado na idealização de integração do seu currículo. Portanto, discutir o projeto de integração curricular que norteia o PROEJA tornou-se uma meta em movimento dessa investigação. Nesta direção, observamos o reflexo de como as práticas e materiais didáticos utilizados por professores, que atuam nesta modalidade, puderam contribuir para discussões que nos ajudaram na compreensão do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos educandos participantes, com vistas ao desenvolvimento no trabalho ou na formação profissional, como na constituição de conhecimentos científicos, escolares/tecnológicos e culturais. Optamos por direcionar a reflexão teórica deste capítulo em conceitos específicos. Assim, ao tratar da Educação de Jovens e Adultos seremos conduzidos pelos estudos e pesquisas de Paulo Freire (1996, 2000, 2005), Maria da Conceição Fonseca (2007) e Jane Paiva (2009); ao direcionarmos para a Teoria do Ensino Integrado e a Educação Profissional faremos uso dos estudos de Gaudêncio Frigotto (2010) e Marise Ramos (2010); quanto às discussões que refletem acerca da Educação Matemática Critica recorremos às ideias de Ole Skovsmose (2001, 2007).


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O presente trabalho investigou o problema da modelagem da dispersão de compostos odorantes em presença de obstáculos (cúbicos e com forma complexa) sob condição de estabilidade atmosférica neutra. Foi empregada modelagem numérica baseada nas equações de transporte (CFD1) bem como em modelos algébricos baseados na pluma Gausseana (AERMOD2, CALPUFF3 e FPM4). Para a validação dos resultados dos modelos e a avaliação do seu desempenho foram empregados dados de experimentos em túnel de vento e em campo. A fim de incluir os efeitos da turbulência atmosférica na dispersão, dois diferentes modelos de sub-malha associados à Simulação das Grandes Escalas (LES5) foram investigados (Smagorinsky dinâmico e WALE6) e, para a inclusão dos efeitos de obstáculos na dispersão nos modelos Gausseanos, foi empregado o modelo PRIME7. O uso do PRIME também foi proposto para o FPM como uma inovação. De forma geral, os resultados indicam que o uso de CFD/LES é uma ferramenta útil para a investigação da dispersão e o impacto de compostos odorantes em presença de obstáculos e também para desenvolvimento dos modelos Gausseanos. Os resultados também indicam que o modelo FPM proposto, com a inclusão dos efeitos do obstáculo baseado no PRIME também é uma ferramenta muito útil em modelagem da dispersão de odores devido à sua simplicidade e fácil configuração quando comparado a modelos mais complexos como CFD e mesmo os modelos regulatórios AERMOD e CALPUFF. A grande vantagem do FPM é a possibilidade de estimar-se o fator de intermitência e a relação pico-média (P/M), parâmetros úteis para a avaliação do impacto de odores. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho indicam que a determinação dos parâmetros de dispersão para os segmentos de pluma, bem como os parâmetros de tempo longo nas proximidades da fonte e do obstáculo no modelo FPM pode ser melhorada e simulações CFD podem ser usadas como uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento para este propósito. Palavras chave: controle de odor, dispersão, fluidodinâmica computacional, modelagem matemática, modelagem gaussiana de pluma flutuante, simulação de grandes vórtices (LES).


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar a evolução diária da Camada Limite Atmosférica (CLA) na Região da Grande Vitória (RGV), Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil e na Região de Dunkerque (RD), Departamento Nord Pas-de-Calais, França, avaliando a acurácia de parametrizações usadas no modelo meteorológico Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) em detectar a formação e atributos da Camada Limite Interna (CLI) que é formada pelas brisas marítimas. A RGV tem relevo complexo, em uma região costeira de topografia acidentada e uma cadeia de montanhas paralela à costa. A RD tem relevo simples, em uma região costeira com pequenas ondulações que não chegam a ultrapassar 150 metros, ao longo do domínio de estudos. Para avaliar os resultados dos prognósticos feitos pelo modelo, foram utilizados os resultados de duas campanhas: uma realizada na cidade de Dunkerque, no norte da França, em Julho de 2009, utilizando um sistema light detection and ranging (LIDAR), um sonic detection and ranging (SODAR) e dados de uma estação meteorológica de superfície (EMS); outra realizada na cidade de Vitória – Espírito Santo, no mês de julho de 2012, também usando um LIDAR, um SODAR e dados de uma EMS. Foram realizadas simulações usando três esquemas de parametrizações para a CLA, dois de fechamento não local, Yonsei University (YSU) e Asymmetric Convective Model 2 (ACM2) e um de fechamento local, Mellor Yamada Janjic (MYJ) e dois esquemas de camada superficial do solo (CLS), Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) e Noah. Tanto para a RGV quanto para a RD, foram feitas simulações com as seis possíveis combinações das três parametrizações de CLA e as duas de CLS, para os períodos em que foram feitas as campanhas, usando quatro domínios aninhados, sendo os três maiores quadrados com dimensões laterais de 1863 km, 891 km e 297 km, grades de 27 km, 9 km e 3 km, respectivamente, e o domínio de estudo, com dimensões de 81 km na direção Norte-Sul e 63 km na Leste-Oeste, grade de 1 km, com 55 níveis verticais, até um máximo de, aproximadamente, 13.400 m, mais concentrados próximos ao solo. Os resultados deste trabalho mostraram que: a) dependendo da configuração adotada, o esforço computacional pode aumentar demasiadamente, sem que ocorra um grande aumento na acurácia dos resultados; b) para a RD, a simulação usando o conjunto de parametrizações MYJ para a CLA com a parametrização Noah produziu a melhor estimativa captando os fenômenos da CLI. As simulações usando as parametrizações ACM2 e YSU inferiram a entrada da brisa com atraso de até três horas; c) para a RGV, a simulação que usou as parametrizações YSU para a CLA em conjunto com a parametrização Noah para CLS foi a que conseguiu fazer melhores inferências sobre a CLI. Esses resultados sugerem a necessidade de avaliações prévias do esforço computacional necessário para determinadas configurações, e sobre a acurácia de conjuntos de parametrizações específicos para cada região pesquisada. As diferenças estão associadas com a capacidade das diferentes parametrizações em captar as informações superficiais provenientes das informações globais, essenciais para determinar a intensidade de mistura turbulenta vertical e temperatura superficial do solo, sugerindo que uma melhor representação do uso de solo é fundamental para melhorar as estimativas sobre a CLI e demais parâmetros usados por modelos de dispersão de poluentes atmosféricos.