980 resultados para Sweet passion fruit


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The juice extracted from a locally abundant cheap variety of citrus fruit namely, Citrus reticulata was utilized for pickling. The paper highlights the trials made to select the optimum concentrations of acetic acid and sodium chloride to be used along with the juice of C. reticulata so as to obtain the best, product. The product can be stored well at room temperature for six months.


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从山竺(Garcinia mangostana)果壳中分离得到6个化合物,通过MS,1D 1NMR以及与文献对照鉴定它们为4个(口山)酮类化合物:α-mangostin(1),β-mangostin(2),γ-mangostin(3),5,9-dihydroxy-8-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-7-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)-2H,6H-pyrano-[3,2-b]-xanthen-6-one(4),以及表儿茶素(epicatechin,5)和一个双苄类化合物egonol(6).其中化合物5和化合物6为首次从该植物中分离得到.对化合物1~5进行抗HIV-1 RT活性筛选结果表明,化合物2和化合物5在浓度200 μg/ml的条件下,其对HIV-1 RT抑制率分别为41.97%和47.72%;同一实验结果显示化合物1,3和4没有抑制HIV-1 RT作用.


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Bats (Chiroptera) are the second-most abundant mammalian order in the world, occupying a diverse range of habitats and exhibiting many different life history traits. In order to contribute to this highly underrepresented group we describe the sleep architecture of two species of frugivorous bat, the greater short-nosed fruit bat (Cynopterus sphinx) and the lesser dawn fruit bat (Eonycteris spelaea). Electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyogram (EMG) data were recorded from multiple individuals (>= 5) by telemetry over a 72-h period in a laboratory setting with light/dark cycles equivalent to those found in the wild. Our results show that over a 24-h period both species spent more time asleep than awake (mean 15 h), less than previous reported for Chiroptera (20 h). C sphinx spent significantly more of its non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM) quotas during the light phase, while E. spelaea divided its sleep-wake architecture equally between both light and dark phases. Comparing the sleep patterns of the two species found that C. sphinx had significantly fewer NREM and REM episodes than E. spelaea but each episode lasted for a significantly longer period of time. Potential hypotheses to explain the differences in the sleep architecture of C. sphinx with E. spelaea, including risk of predation and social interaction are discussed. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different doses of 100 MeV/u carbon ions on sweet sorghum seeds in order to improve crop yields and their sugar content. After irradiation, seeds were germinated and grown to 30 days, and others were sown in the field. At the end of harvesting season all planted seeds were picked separately and M2 generations obtained. The differences among the treatments were examined using the RAPID procedure. In the study done by using 38 primers; according to the amplification results, the differences among the various doses treatment were shown.


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为探讨甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor)在青海作为饲料作物种植的可能性,在青海高原上做了初步试验,结果显示:密度对茎秆高度、茎粗、产量有显著影响,对生育期、单株质量影响不显著,株行距为0.40 m×0.20m时,产量最高;浇水次数对甜高粱的生育期、茎秆高度、茎粗、单株质量、产量没有显著影响,表明甜高粱对水分依赖不高,具有很强的耐旱和抗旱性;地膜对甜高粱有极显著影响,使其生育期提前,茎秆高度增高,单株质量增加、产量提高;糖分含量在开花-收获期为15.93%~16.67%,比不盖地膜增加了29.19%~47.98%;大田示范密度0.50 m×0.20 m,开花-收获期666.7 m2产量达4 890.8 kg,投入产出比为1∶1.78,效益显著。研究表明,在青海高原东部农业区盖地膜种植饲用甜高粱,用作饲料是完全可行的。


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Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino and phyllospadix japonicus Makino have similar frunt morphology and anatomy.The rhomboid fruit of Japanese phyllospadix is dark brown in colour and is characterized by two arms bearing stiff inflected bristles which can act as an anchoring system. The fruit covering consists of a thin cuticular seed coat and pericarp remains mainly fibrous endocarp. In the groove region of the fruit.the cuticular seed coat and endocarp are replaced by nucellus cells with wall in growths and crushed pigment strands with lignified walls.these tissues appera to control the transfer of nutrients to developing seed.the seed is oval with a small embryo and a large hypocotyl. the embryo is straight and simple,with the plumule containing three leaf primordia and a pair of root primordia surrounded by a cotyledon.the hypocotyl has large vontral lobe containing central provascular tissue and two small dorsal lobes.the hypocotyl contains starch.lipid and protein.and acts as a nutrient store.the seed of P.iwatensis has a dormancy period of 2-6 weeks and germination eventually reaches-65%.but is not synchronized.during germination the leaves emerge first.and then after at least three young leaves have formed and abseised.the roots emerge,usually?6 months after the commencement of germination.Utilizaton of the nutrient reserves is initially from the perihpery of the hypocotyl and then progressively towards its centre.


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The membraneless biofuel cell (BFC) is facile prepared based on glucose oxidase and laccase as anodic and cathodic catalyst, respectively, by using 1,1'-dicarboxyferrocene as the mediators of both anode and cathode. The BFC can work by taking glucose as fuel in air-saturated solution, in which air serves as the oxidizer of the cathode. More interestingly, the fruit juice containing glucose, e.g. grape, banana or orange juice as the fuels substituting for glucose can make the BFC work. The BFC shows several advantages which have not been reported to our knowledge: (1) it is membraneless BFC which can work with same mediator on both anode and cathode; (2) fruit juice can act as fuels of BFCs substituting for usually used glucose; (3) especially, the orange juice can greatly enhance the power output rather than that of glucose, grape or banana juice. Besides, the facile and simple preparation procedure and easy accessibility of fruit juice as well as air being whenever and everywhere imply that our system has promising potential for the development and practical application of BFCs.


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Frutos do maracuja-doce de dez procedencias foram avaliados quanto a severidade da antracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.) e quanto a perda de materia fresca em dois ambientes de armazenamento: camara fria ( 5 ºC e UR de 90%) e em ambiente de sala ( 23 +-1 ºC e UR de 65+- 5%). Plantas provenientes de frutos colhidos em estado nativo ou adquiridos nos mercados da Central de Abastecimento de São Paulo - CEAGESP, procedencias A, B, e C; Vicosa-MG, procedencia D; Tome-Acu-PA, procedencia E, Itacoatiara-AM, procedencia F, Ouro Preto d'Oeste-RO, procedencia G; Domingos Martins-ES, procedencia H; Pontes e Lacerda-MT, procedencia I; e Rondonopolis-MT, procedencia J foram estabelecidas no Distrito Federal. Apos as primeiras colheitas, a melhor planta de cada procedencia, selecionada pela maior taxa de vingamento, coloracao de casca, tamanho do fruto e menor espessura da casca, foi multiplicada por estaquia. Frutos de tres plantas de cada procedencia, obtidos por polinizacao natural, forma colhidos de vez e mantidos em caixas-padrao de papelao. As avalacoes forma efetuadas no dia da colheita (tempo zero), aos 3, 6, 9 e 12 dias apos, determinado-se o percentual de perda de materia fresca e a severidade da antracnose ( % da superficie do fruto ocupada por lesoes) e incidencia (% de frutos atacados) de outras doencas, aos 12 dias de armazenamento. As procedencias com menores indices de antracnose foram a I e a G, seguidas pela D e J. Os frutos armazenados em camaras fria foram menos afetados pela doenca. As procedencias G e A foram as que, ao final dos doze dias de armazenamento, perderam menos materia fresca sendo as perdas respectivamente de 16,68% e 17,86% em ambiente de sala e de 7,71% e 6,61% em camara fria. Considerando-se a media de todas as procedencias aos 12 dias de armazenamento, a menor perda de materia fresca ( 9, 78%) ocorre em camara fria, contra 22, 06% em ambiente de sala. As procedencias A, E, F, G e J perde menos materia fresca em ambiente natural que as demais.


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Cashman, N. (2009). 'Politics, Passion, Prejudice: Alice Childress's Wedding Band: A Love/Hate Story in Black and White', Journal of American Studies, 43, 3, pp. 407?423 Sponsorship: APRS


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Sermon by William Fairfield Warren.