973 resultados para Sun Xrays
Summary Background The dose-response between ultraviolet (UV) exposure patterns and skin cancer occurrence is not fully understood. Sun-protection messages often focus on acute exposure, implicitly assuming that direct UV radiation is the key contributor to the overall UV exposure. However, little is known about the relative contribution of the direct, diffuse and reflected radiation components. Objective To investigate solar UV exposure patterns at different body sites with respect to the relative contribution of the direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. Methods A three-dimensional numerical model was used to assess exposure doses for various body parts and exposure scenarios of a standing individual (static and dynamic postures). The model was fed with erythemally weighted ground irradiance data for the year 2009 in Payerne, Switzerland. A year-round daily exposure (08:00-17:00 h) without protection was assumed. Results For most anatomical sites, mean daily doses were high (typically 6·2-14·6 standard erythemal doses) and exceeded the recommended exposure values. Direct exposure was important during specific periods (e.g. midday during summer), but contributed moderately to the annual dose, ranging from 15% to 24% for vertical and horizontal body parts, respectively. Diffuse irradiation explained about 80% of the cumulative annual exposure dose. Acute diffuse exposures were also observed during cloudy summer days. Conclusions The importance of diffuse UV radiation should not be underestimated when advocating preventive measures. Messages focused on avoiding acute direct exposures may be of limited efficiency to prevent skin cancers associated with chronic exposure.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on kehittää prosessi yrityksen strategisten investointien hal-lintaan siten, että yrityksen strateginen arkkitehtuuri mukailee dynaamisten mark-kinoiden jatkuvasti muuttuvia kriittisiä menestystekijöitä. Tutkielma tarjoaa ratkai-sun strategisten investointien kohtaamaan epävarmuuteen, kompleksisuuteen ja si-säisiin konflikteihin luomalla dynaamisiin kyvykkyyksiin perustuvan prosessin, joka toteutetaan ryhmäpäätöksenteon tukisysteemien avulla asiantuntijatietoa hyö-dyntäen. Yrityksen strateginen arkkitehtuuri on mahdollista mallintaa skenaariopohjaisen strategiakartan eli kyvykkyyskartan avulla. Kyvykkyyskarttaan sisällytetyt QFD- ja AHP-mallit mahdollistavat strategisten investointien arvottamisen markkinoiden kriittisten menestystekijöiden suhteen. Dynaamisiin kyvykkyyksiin perustuvat lead user- ja skenaariosuunnitteluvaiheet mahdollistavat puolestaan joustavan investoin-tistrategian luonnin. Tutkielma osoittaa dynaamisia kyvykkyyksiä ja ryhmäpäätök-senteon tukisysteemejä hyödyntävän strategisten investointien hallintaprosessin tarjoavan ratkaisun strategisien investointipäätösten kohtaamiin haasteisiin.Ky-vykkyyskarttaan pohjautuvan strategisen arkkitehtuurin optimointimallin katsottiin olevan realistinen ja uskottava ja korostavan investointien strategisia vaikutuksia.
This paper presents the evaluation results of the methods submitted to Challenge US: Biometric Measurements from Fetal Ultrasound Images, a segmentation challenge held at the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2012. The challenge was set to compare and evaluate current fetal ultrasound image segmentation methods. It consisted of automatically segmenting fetal anatomical structures to measure standard obstetric biometric parameters, from 2D fetal ultrasound images taken on fetuses at different gestational ages (21 weeks, 28 weeks, and 33 weeks) and with varying image quality to reflect data encountered in real clinical environments. Four independent sub-challenges were proposed, according to the objects of interest measured in clinical practice: abdomen, head, femur, and whole fetus. Five teams participated in the head sub-challenge and two teams in the femur sub-challenge, including one team who tackled both. Nobody attempted the abdomen and whole fetus sub-challenges. The challenge goals were two-fold and the participants were asked to submit the segmentation results as well as the measurements derived from the segmented objects. Extensive quantitative (region-based, distance-based, and Bland-Altman measurements) and qualitative evaluation was performed to compare the results from a representative selection of current methods submitted to the challenge. Several experts (three for the head sub-challenge and two for the femur sub-challenge), with different degrees of expertise, manually delineated the objects of interest to define the ground truth used within the evaluation framework. For the head sub-challenge, several groups produced results that could be potentially used in clinical settings, with comparable performance to manual delineations. The femur sub-challenge had inferior performance to the head sub-challenge due to the fact that it is a harder segmentation problem and that the techniques presented relied more on the femur's appearance.
A change in paradigm is needed in the prevention of toxic effects on the nervous system, moving from its present reliance solely on data from animal testing to a prediction model mostly based on in vitro toxicity testing and in silico modeling. According to the report published by the National Research Council (NRC) of the US National Academies of Science, high-throughput in vitro tests will provide evidence for alterations in"toxicity pathways" as the best possible method of large scale toxicity prediction. The challenges to implement this proposal are enormous, and provide much room for debate. While many efforts address the technical aspects of implementing the vision, many questions around it need also to be addressed. Is the overall strategy the only one to be pursued? How can we move from current to future paradigms? Will we ever be able to reliably model for chronic and developmental neurotoxicity in vitro? This paper summarizes four presentations from a symposium held at the International Neurotoxicology Conference held in Xi"an, China, in June 2011. A. Li reviewed the current guidelines for neurotoxicity and developmental neurotoxicity testing, and discussed the major challenges existing to realize the NCR vision for toxicity testing. J. Llorens reviewed the biology of mammalian toxic avoidance in view of present knowledge on the physiology and molecular biology of the chemical senses, taste and smell. This background information supports the hypothesis that relating in vivo toxicity to chemical epitope descriptors that mimic the chemical encoding performed by the olfactory system may provide a way to the long term future of complete in silico toxicity prediction. S. Ceccatelli reviewed the implementation of rodent and human neural stem cells (NSCs) as models for in vitro toxicity testing that measures parameters such as cell proliferation, differentiation and migration. These appear to be sensitive endpoints that can identify substances with developmental neurotoxic potential. C. Sun ol reviewed the use of primary neuronal cultures in testing for neurotoxicity of environmental pollutants, including the study of the effects of persistent exposures and/or in differentiating cells, which allow recording of effects that can be extrapolated to human developmental neurotoxicity.
Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia tehonsiirron ratkaisuja, jotka mahdollistavat jatkuvanopeus ja -momentinsäädön. Työ on rajattu käsittämään kahta eri planeettavaihdetuotetta. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat valittujen vaihdetuotteiden planeettapyörästöjen eri kytkentämahdollisuudet ja niiden vaikutus toisiinsa. Vaihteiden teknistä toteutusta ja toimivuutta tarkastellaan fyysisten testien, simuloinnin sekä analyyttisen laskennan avulla. Apuna työssä on käytetty Dymola simulointiohjelmaa, jossa kinemaattisten kuvakeliitäntöjen avulla on rakennettu virtuaalimalli tarkastellusta tuotteesta ja sen toiminnasta. Tietokoneen avulla luotua dynaamista simulointimallia on muokattu tutkimuksen edistyessä differentiaalisesti jatkuvasäätöisen momentinmuuntimen aikaan saamiseksi. Tuotteissa on käytetty aurinkopyörällisiä ja aurinkopyörättömiä planeettapyörästöjä. Ensimmäisessä tutkittavassa tuotteessa on kolme planeettapyörästöä ja toisessa kaksi. Teholähteeksi käy polttomoottori tai sähkömoottori. Välitys- ja pyörimissuhteiden muuntoon vaikuttaa planeettavaihteistoon kytketty sähkömoottori, jonka toimintaa voidaan ohjata erikseen. Työssä on selvitetty, millaisia kulmanopeuksia ja momentteja eri ajanhetkellä ja eri pisteissä simulointimallia esiintyy.Lisäksi selvitetään vaihteistojen portaattoman välityssuhteen muuntomahdollisuudet. Tarkoituksena on saada realistista informaatiota tutkittavien laitteiden toiminnasta. Johtavana ajatuksena on modernien menetelmien käyttäminen uusien innovaatioiden toimivuuden ja äärikohtien tutkimiseksi.
AIMS: To study weight, length, body composition, sleeping energy expenditure (SEE), and respiratory quotient (RQ) at birth and at 5 mo of age in both adequate-for-gestational-age (AGA) and large-for-gestational-age (LGA) subjects; to compare the changes in body weight and body composition adjusting for gender, age, SEE, RQ and several maternal factors; to investigate the contribution of initial SEE and RQ to changes in body weight and body composition. METHODS: Sixty-nine neonates were recruited among term infants in the University Hospital of Verona, Italy. Forty-nine subjects participated until follow-up. At birth and follow-up, weight and length were measured and arm-fat area and arm-muscle area were calculated from triceps and subscapular skinfolds. SEE and RQ were measured by indirect calorimetry. RESULTS: At birth, weight, length, arm-muscle and arm-fat areas were significantly higher in LGA subjects than in AGA subjects. Weight status, SEE and RQ at birth did not explain the relative weight change after adjusting for gestational weight, placental weight, age at follow-up and gender. Arm-fat area and weight/length ratio at birth were negatively associated with relative changes in body weight after adjusting for the above variables (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Early growth from birth to 5 mo of life is significantly affected by body size and adiposity at birth. Fatter newborns had a slower growth rate than thinner newborns.
O presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar espécies e variedades de Citrus do grupo das microtangerinas de valor potencial como porta-enxertos, de modo a propiciar maior conhecimento desse grupo de plantas e oferecer subsídios para futuras pesquisas. Um total de 14 variedades/clones foram descritas, incluindo as seguintes espécies: C. reshni Hort. ex Tan., C. sunki Hort. ex Tan, C. pectinifera Tan., C. crenatifolia Lush., C. amblycarpa Och., C. tachibana Tan., C. lycopersicaeformis Hort. ex Tan., C. keraji Hort. ex Tan. e C. reticulata Blanco. A pesquisa foi conduzida no Departamento de Horticultura da FCA-Unesp, Botucatu-SP e os frutos foram obtidos dos BAGs de Citros da FCA-Unesp-SP, e do CCSM-IAC, Cordeirópolis-SP. Descritores físicos e morfológicos de frutos indicaram diferenças entre espécies/variedades. As microtangerinas apresentaram características semelhantes quanto ao pequeno tamanho dos frutos, forma oblata e coloração laranja dos frutos. C. amblycarpa, C. sunki e C. tachibana produziram os frutos de menor tamanho e espessura de casca. Elevado número de sementes por fruto foi encontado nas tangerinas 'Cleópatra', 'Sun Chu Sha Kat', 'Suen Kat' e 'Heennaran', enquanto 'Sunki' apresentou elevado número de sementes abortadas. Parece discutível a posição botânica de 'Suen Kat', ao que se propõe considerar a mesma como uma variedade de C. sunki.
Swiss clinical practice guidelines for skin cancer in organ transplant recipients Transplant patients have increased over the last decades. As a consequence of long-term immunosuppression, skin cancer, in particular squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), has become an important problem. Screening and education of potential organ transplant recipients (OTRs) regarding prevention of sun damage and early recognition of skin cancer are important before transplantation. Once transplanted, OTRs should be seen yearly by a dermatologist to ensure compliance with sun avoidance as well as for treatment of precancerosis and SCC. Early removal is the best treatment for SCC. Reduction of immunosuppression, switch to mTOR inhibitors and chemoprevention with acitretin may reduce the incidence of SCC. The dermatological follow-up of OTRs should be integrated into a comprehensive post-transplant management strategy.
Copy number variants (CNVs) are major contributors to genetic disorders. We have dissected a region of the 16p11.2 chromosome--which encompasses 29 genes--that confers susceptibility to neurocognitive defects when deleted or duplicated. Overexpression of each human transcript in zebrafish embryos identified KCTD13 as the sole message capable of inducing the microcephaly phenotype associated with the 16p11.2 duplication, whereas suppression of the same locus yielded the macrocephalic phenotype associated with the 16p11.2 deletion, capturing the mirror phenotypes of humans. Analyses of zebrafish and mouse embryos suggest that microcephaly is caused by decreased proliferation of neuronal progenitors with concomitant increase in apoptosis in the developing brain, whereas macrocephaly arises by increased proliferation and no changes in apoptosis. A role for KCTD13 dosage changes is consistent with autism in both a recently reported family with a reduced 16p11.2 deletion and a subject reported here with a complex 16p11.2 rearrangement involving de novo structural alteration of KCTD13. Our data suggest that KCTD13 is a major driver for the neurodevelopmental phenotypes associated with the 16p11.2 CNV, reinforce the idea that one or a small number of transcripts within a CNV can underpin clinical phenotypes, and offer an efficient route to identifying dosage-sensitive loci.
BACKGROUND: The vitamin D-endocrine system is thought to play a role in physiologic processes that range from mineral metabolism to immune function. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] is the accepted biomarker for vitamin D status. Skin color is a key determinant of circulating 25(OH)D concentrations, and genes responsible for melanin content have been shown to be under strong evolutionary selection in populations living in temperate zones. Little is known about the effect of latitude on mean concentrations of 25(OH)D in dark-skinned populations. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to describe the distribution of 25(OH)D and its subcomponents in 5 population samples of African origin from the United States, Jamaica, Ghana, South Africa, and the Seychelles. DESIGN: Participants were drawn from the Modeling of the Epidemiologic Transition Study, a cross-sectional observational study in 2500 adults, ages 25-45 y, enrolled between January 2010 and December 2011. Five hundred participants, ∼50% of whom were female, were enrolled in each of 5 study sites: Chicago, IL (latitude: 41°N); Kingston, Jamaica (17°N); Kumasi, Ghana (6°N); Victoria, Seychelles (4°S); and Cape Town, South Africa (34°S). All participants had an ancestry primarily of African origin; participants from the Seychelles trace their history to East Africa. RESULTS: A negative correlation between 25(OH)D and distance from the equator was observed across population samples. The frequency distribution of 25(OH)D in Ghana was almost perfectly normal (Gaussian), with progressively lower means and increasing skewness observed at higher latitudes. CONCLUSIONS: It is widely assumed that lighter skin color in populations outside the tropics resulted from positive selection, driven in part by the relation between sun exposure, skin melanin content, and 25(OH)D production. Our findings show that robust compensatory mechanisms exist that create tolerance for wide variation in circulating concentrations of 25(OH)D across populations, suggesting a more complex evolutionary relation between skin color and the vitamin D pathway. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02111902.
Avaliou-se a influência de 16 porta-enxertos na produtividade, nas características físicas e químicas (sólidos solúveis totais-°Brix; acidez; ratio; porcentagem de suco; índice tecnológico e tamanho dos frutos) dos frutos da laranjeira 'Pêra' [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] e na incidência e severidade da clorose variegada dos citros (CVC). O plantio do experimento foi realizado em julho de 1993, com espaçamento de 6,0 m entre linhas e 3,5 m entre plantas (476 plantas/ha). O experimento foi conduzido sem irrigação. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, duas plantas por parcela, três repetições e 16 tratamentos, constituídos pelas seguintes cultivares porta-enxertos: tangerineira 'Sun Chu Sha Kat' (Citrus reticulata Blanco), tangerineira 'Pectinífera' (C. reticulata), 'Shekwasha' (C. depressa Hayata), tangerineira 'Pectinífera/Shekwasha' (C. depressa Hayata), tangerineira 'Batangas' (C. reticulata), tangerineira 'Oneco' (C. reticulata), citrangor [citrange (Poncirus trifoliata Raf. x C. sinensis) x C. sinensis], citrandarin [C.sunki hort. Ex Tanaka) x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. cv. English, tangerineira 'Sunki' (C. sunki), tangerineira 'Suen-Kat' (C. sunki), tangerineira 'Nasnaran' (C. amblycarpa Ochse), tangerineira 'Venezuela' (C. reticulata), tangerineira Heen Naran (C. lycopersicaeformis hort. ex Tan. ), limoeiro 'Cravo' (C. limonia Osbeck) x tangerineira 'Cleópatra' (C. reshni hort ex Tanaka), limoeiro 'Cravo' (C. limonia), tangerineira 'Cleópatra' (C. reshni). A intensidade da clorose variegada dos citros variou em função dos porta-enxertos e não se relacionou com a produção de frutos até a quarta safra. Os porta-enxertos estudados, com exceção da tangerineira Nasnaran, proporcionaram qualidade e produções iniciais de frutos similares aos do limoeiro 'Cravo'.
In the present work, the effect of twelve rootstocks on fruit quality of the nucellar clone IAC-5 of 'Tahiti' lime, (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) and the influence of fruit position on tree in fruit quality was evaluated in the Citrus Experimental Station of Bebedouro (EECB), located in the Bebedouro county, state of São Paulo, Brazil. A 8.0 x 5.0m planting frame was utilized. The evaluated rootstocks were: 'Carrizo' citrange (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.); the hybrids 'Rangpur' lime x 'Swingle' citrumello (C. limonia Osbeck x P. trifoliata Raf) and 'Changsha' x 'English Small'(C. sunki Hort. ex Tan. x P. trifoliata Raf.); the mandarins 'Sun Chu Sha Kat' (C. reticulata Blanco) and 'Sunki' (C. sunki Hort. ex Tanaka); the 'Rangpur' limes 'Cravo Limeira' and ' Cravo FCAV' (C. limonia Osbeck); the 'Swingle' citrumello (P. trifoliata Raf. x C. paradisi Macf.); the 'Orlando' tangelo (C. reticulata Blanco x C. paradisi Macf.) and the trifoliates cvs. 'Rubidoux', 'FCAV' and 'Flying Dragon' (P. trifoliata Raf.). The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, with twelve treatments, six replicates and one plant per plot. The rootstocks induced differences in fruit quality; however, all the evaluated quality characteristics were within the values considered as normal and acceptable for the variety, constituting good alternative rootstocks for the 'Rangpur' lime. Additionally, the fruit position in the plant (northeastern or southwestern) had a significant influence on the external fruit color regardless of the rootstock.
The present study aims to compare yield and quality of pequi pulp oil when applying two distinct processes: in the first, pulp drying in a tray dryer at 60ºC was combined with enzymatic treatment and pressing to oil extraction; in the second, a simple process was carried out by combining sun-drying pulp and pressing. In this study, raw pequi fruits were collected in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The fruits were autoclaved at 121ºC and stored under refrigeration. An enzymatic extract with pectinase and CMCase activities was used for hydrolysis of pequi pulp, prior to oil extraction. The oil extractions were carried out by hydraulic pressing, with or without enzymatic incubation. The oil content in the pequi pulp (45% w/w) and the physicochemical characteristic of the oil was determined according to standard analytical methods. Free fatty acids, peroxide values, iodine and saponification indices were respectively 1.46 mgKOH/g, 2.98 meq/kg, 49.13 and 189.40. The acidity and peroxide values were lower than the obtained values in commercial oil samples, respectively 2.48 mgKOH/g and 5.22 meq/kg. Aqueous extraction has presented lower efficiency and higher oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. On the other hand, pequi pulp pressing at room temperature has produced better quality oil. However its efficiency is still smaller than the combined enzymatic treatment and pressing process. This combined process promotes cellular wall hydrolysis and pulp viscosity reduction, contributing to at least 20% of oil yield increase by pressing.
El boccia és un esport internacional molt similar a la petanca. Hi participen personesamb cadira de rodes, amb greus afectacions per paràlisis cerebral i altres discapacitatsfísiques severes. A partir de la categoria BC3 (discapacitats en ambdós extremitats) labola es tira a través d’una rampa o canaleta ajustable en altura, inclinació i direcció. Ésun joc de precisió i estratègia.El joc consisteix en tirar una bola diana de color blanc, i acostar-s’hi el més possible. Eljugador o equip que s’hi acosta més suma punts, quan han passat un cert nombre derondes l’equip amb més punts és el guanyador.Degut a que els participants no poden moure ni els braços ni les cames, han de donarindicacions a un auxiliar perquè els hi reguli la rampa.Empreses i participants del col•lectiu del boccia ens ha demanat alguna solució perpoder prescindir de l’auxiliar a la hora d’ajustar la rampa. L’auxiliar haurà de seguircol•locant la bola de boccia i deixar-la anar des de la part superior de la rampa. Peròaixí el participant podrà regular ell mateix la posició de la rampa, millorant així la sevaexperiència en el joc.Es dissenyarà un mecanisme perquè un discapacitat pugui jugar a la boccia. Ha depermetre un control total del posicionament de la rampa, per part del discapacitat:Moviment de translació vertical, rotació en l’eix z per poder canviar la inclinació i unmoviment de rotació en l’eix y per poder ajustar la direcció. La intenció és automatitzarla rampa amb un mecanisme d’actuadors elèctrics, perquè el jugador, mitjançant un panell de control equipat amb joysticks pugui ajustar la rampa segons les sevesnecessitats
Tendo em vista que o conhecimento do comportamento de uma cultura, em determinada região, determina o sucesso da produção, a qualidade do produto final e a garantia de aceitação pelo mercado consumidor, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a produção e as características físicas e físico-químicas de frutos de cultivares de pessegueiro e nectarineira, cultivados ou não tradicionalmente em São Paulo, mas que possam vir a apresentar uma opção de diversificação aos fruticultores do município de Botucatu-SP, e regiões climáticas semelhantes. O experimento foi realizado durante três ciclos agrícolas: 2006/2007, 2007/2008 e 2008/2009, na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, UNESP, Botucatu-SP. O clima da região é do tipo mesotérmico, Cwa, ou seja, subtropical úmido com chuvas no verão e seca no inverno. As cultivares de pessegueiro avaliadas foram: Turmalina, Cascata 968, Cascata 848, Cascata 587, Conserva 693, Precocinho, Diamante Mejorado, Oro Azteca, CP-9553CYN e Tropic Beauty. A cultivar de nectarineira avaliada foi 'Sun Blaze'. Foram avaliadas características de produção e qualidade dos frutos. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a cultivar Turmalina foi a mais produtiva. As cultivares Cascata 968 e Diamante Mejorado apresentaram o maior teor de sólidos solúveis, e as cultivares Cascata 587 e CP 9553 CYN, a maior relação sólidos solúveis/acidez titulável.